you may also be hypnotic in the way you walk or have a very relaxing way of speaking - there is something peaceful about you. vision. Is abundance on the horizon for you this March? Sappho was passionate, a poet of love, and while some link her to homosexuality, its really more just being true to yourself sexually, whatever that may be. When transit asteroid Cupido is making challenging aspects, this can be obsessive (and more of that annoying-ness!). We all crave love. I am not Moroccan myself but my stepfather is Moroccan and I enjoy the culture. you always have a defense for others and yourself - its always true and believable so people tend to back away. al.). oddly people are often thankful for your intervention. something about who you connect with others feels heavy and unbreakable until you are the one to break it. 1. There are seven love asteroids to get you started! aphrodite-chiron: you may have issues with how you look and self-image issues - you are your biggest critic. Whenever he was thirsty and tried to drink the water, it would evade him; when he felt hungry and reached for a piece of fruit, the branches would lift out of reach. Read the Medusa myth). This sexual you may go for a very grunge look - ripped jeans, flannel, etc. mark how others may respond with bias to ones sexuality or sexual But asteroids do have orbits, just like planetsmeaning that as they move, theyre aspecting varying locations in every single chart. 8h: we know that every relationship for you feels like you are flying and then by the end the whole town is burning to ash. Karma, like Achilles and Atropos, is one of my absolute go-to asteroids. you likely have pretty good self-esteem and are likely charming. you probably change your style pretty often - you may even like designer brands and lots of bracelets/rings! Why look at the asteroids in your chart? Sappho is not a and like a 2h aphrodite you may be a bit particular but this isnt product-based, its more so due to your analytic nature. you may just lowkey adore babies but when they are kids youre like :/ see me again when you are older, you know when we can have fun gossiping. you are a jealous person - i dont feel like i need to explain this one - just look what happened with adonis! negative aspects: men around you may be a bit pervy - oogling you even when you are with another man or in a situation where you lack the power to do something about it - these men may also feel as though you owe them something. you may have a very athletic or toned body, with intriguing scars and/or nice genitals (you are likely super fertile too). Wisdom, creative intelligence, healing, genius qualities, masculine energy, how you make difficult decisions, how you temper instincts with reason, strategy you use to navigate new environments, strategy in life, intellectual alertness, relationship with fathers, Ceres- Earth mother, food, cooking, nutrition, gardening, how you feel nurtured, how you nurture others, where you easily provide love and comfort, depth of love, natural world, rhythm of reasons, womanhood, fertility, parenting, reproduction, attachment in relationships, self-care, relationship with mothers, Vesta- Daughter of Saturn, association with Virgo and Leo, weaker in Libra or Pisces. Ceres is technically now a dwarf planet, but we still put this as an asteroid! When conjunct Uranus, this can occur unexpectedly or with someone completely different from usual, and with Pluto, obsession can ramp up. When conjunct Saturn, it may be very challenging to embrace love, and you may have love issues to work on. being with men sexually at all. The placement and aspects in your chart reveal your own dynamics. So here they are! you likely wear leather, satins, silks - really anything that makes you look seductive yet badass. Narcissus obviously talks about grandiose consideration for ones self, disapproval or disinterest in others, self-obsession and the anger that comes from being spoiled, or not getting what you want. Another important point about Eros in synastry, Eros is often looked at in conjunction with Psyche. 10h: you and the 6h aphrodites are girlbossing the shit out of the world - like does your back ever hurt from carrying around the weight of everyones adoring gazes, your incredible reputation, and your big bags of money? Soul, mind, inner self, where you have the ability to transform, blossoming into a person who can love and be loved, self actualization, raising consciousness, totality of self, integration. Where Venusia is and in the aspects it's activated by, there you could discover something new that you love about someone. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for both positive and negative experiences. Starting with asteroid Juno, this asteroid rules marriage and commitment. embody it. you may be prone to changing your relationship status quite often as well. this aphrodite placement has a lot of enemies though - its like everywhere you go, people are trying to start something from nothing. Im picking : you have very round features (face, butt, boobs, hips, etc. you likely receive a fair amount of complaints! 2 posts of you, 1 of something pretty): aesthetically pleasing books, the sunset, pictures from a day trip, etc. Next to any of the love asteroids (Amor, Eros, Psyche) this can make for disastrous or painful love affairs, and can even indicate death or loss of a partner. Do not send in asks without reading the FAQs! She believes astrology is an empowering tool that everyone can use to help themselves.She affectionately calls her followers her pixies, provides daily astro tidbits on, 5 Underrated & Powerful Divination Systems, Domicile & Detriment Dignities in Your Birth Chart, Asteroids & Astrology 101: Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta & Lilith, How Venus Placements Affect the Way We Love, Your Guide to Planetary Relationship Compatibility: Sex & Love. As a way of putting yourself into the market or to get as much attention as possible. Get updates and offers sent right to your inbox. where a lot of people like or adore or love you. something in your aura causes those around you flock just so they can hear what you think about the world or laugh at your jokes. While asteroid Hebe normally indicates service-oriented work, such as clerks, waiters or administrative assistants, Ive also known Hebe to show up in relationship readings where one of the partners was a slave to the other. you definitely arent someone to start drama with or gossip about - think of psyche and aphrodite: youve got all the time in the world and know the truth. Your natal asteroid Juno can show your own attitude toward commitment and loyalty. Lies, liars, lying. you seem like the person that others would follow anywhere. In synastry, when you have a Sappho connection with someone, you may inspire one another with your feelings, especially artistically. negative aspects: could indicate inappropriate attraction to young boys - needing to put space between them and you so that no one gets in trouble. Next, scroll down and fill in the following: for chart type, choose Natal Chart Wheel. Forchart drawing style, I use Astrodienst with asteroids (this will display the major asteroids)or pick what you like. MC (Aries) trine mars,pluto and chiron, and square eros To look them up in your birth chart, I recommend using Her poetry Said another way with great power comes great responsibility. Manipulation can be at play. ), etc. you are super charming to those around you one wink and youll have people swooning or plotting how to start a conversation with you or get your number. you probably are delicate looking, youthful, petite, and have a nearly perfect golden ratio. tip: the houses you find them in represent the areas in life where their influence is felt the most. you may be the person who struggles to gain a following unlike other placements though you are very caring. expression of sexuality in a time when and place where a womans Not taking requests! What about aphrodite in the first house retrograde? They would freely have sex with others, and for and ecstasy, Bacchus represents how we seek pleasure and how we In synastry, when you have an asteroid Amor connection with someone, this can show a very loving relationship and connection. you are probably an iconic dresser: everything you wear looks like its made for you! What seems to be of immediate crucial importance is maintaining the minute particulars of everyday existence, competently and conscientiously. and chemistry between two people, but it can also mark an unhealthy But this history, too, reveals how Nymphe When transit asteroid Amor is making beneficial aspects, you can find this easier to express; when Amor is making challenging aspects, this can be more difficult, and you may hold yourself back. It can be that you're shy, down to earth about or a little uncomfortable with this part of you. that is where Lilith often works within us. also like aphrodite, you may have an affinity for pretty things! Another, asteroid that's left up in the air. you may be very bony - you were likely awkward in your youth but when you grew into yourself. Asteroids are influences of feminine energy in the natal chart, with Pallas being the least feminine energy of the asteroids. Ceres Square Sun. 10. revealing the nature of this goddess, and thus the asteroid. ONLY looks, not your aura. **New to your birthchart? Idk if this considered a good aspects you have expensive tastes but its just not accessories, its your food too. Share your discoveries in the comments! The astrology of Kamala Harris: Destined for greatness? If you would like to choose one I will try to help, my Friend. you may also have an expressive face, be a slender person, be taller than average, and have graceful hands. In this sense, she is brave, and shows us how we can be I have Hebe,adonis,aphodite tightly conjuct my mc in 10th house and Eros conjuct sun in 10th house and juno,cupido,sappho,vertex,Alma,nymphe, lysis,innanen,Medusa in 7th house and Mars ,Uranus ,moon ,nepchun ,Zeus ,Hera,Lilith in 1 st house also sttellium in 1 st house can you please tell me what that means?? simply to reveal sexual chemistry. everything feels so intimate that others feel like they are intruding when they stumble upon you speaking with others even when its not romantic. This is where asteroid Damocles can come in. Asteroid Aphrodite is a super flirt and very seductive. Arachne was an incredibly talented weaver, and compared herself to the Gods (and actually, said she was better than them!). The asteroid Karma was discovered on October 13, 1953. the most important heavenly bodies when considering sexual attraction The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. View Disclaimer. Kallisto (204) Conjunct Venus/Desc/Neptune/Asc: Yes, good ol Kallisto. It also indicates how our sexuality unfolds or develops with time. with this placement you may be a romantic - your approach to life is probably to see beauty in the world around you. Power and danger kind of go hand in hand. Tyche was the Greek Goddess of Fortune, so when afflicted can show poor fortune or luck. Tantalus is closely related to our modern word, tantalize. your priorities are you first like aphrodite; which is fabulous but make sure you dont come across as too callous when saying so. Activate some serious girl power with your asteroid goddess sign, saysRebecca Farrar. Then youd better keep reading because two exciting transits are. aphrodite-saturn: i feel like this aspect in a person is often seen as mature or womanly or what have you from a very young age (this love goddess was born from the sea and rose from the water as an adult woman - she was never a child). Thanks! You also know really well how to react in a proper manner. He was the son of Saturn and a sea-nymph. She became overcome with grief, unable to sleep, and thereafter alternated between sucking the life out of young men, or murdering other peoples children. The retrograde is in Aries. If not, click Add a new person at the right and add your birth data, after which youll automatically return to the extended chart options. pursue romance and sex despite any conflict with society, or you probably got really nice skin and hair too (venus ruled signs have me jelly). you may attract potential long-term relationships very easily. This would take me hours. Click on My Astro and submit your birth information, then click on Extended Chart Selection, and in Additional Objects, type into the manual entry box these numbers: 3 (Juno), 433 (Eros), 16 (Psyche), 763 (Cupido), 1221 (Amor), 1388 (Aphrodite), 1 (Ceres), 80 (Sappho). If you saw Putin running a hot dog stand, would he be sexy. When conjunct Uranus, this may be shown in an unconventional way, and when conjunct Neptune, this may be shown through spiritual nurturing. sleep? attracted to mentally. Asteroids can also be used in synastry readings when you compare two natal charts to one another to gauge compatibility. you may have great hair, a lovely symmetrical face, or nice genitals (you are likely super fertile too). synastry, if it is more dominant than anything else, without any people come to you with their issues because you have near psychic wisdom that aids them with finding a solution. This asteroid reveals our In old school astrology, asteroids weren't given interpretations. All of this can also apply when the transit planets aspect your natal asteroid Amor. you are like a wealth of social activity and knowledge. When looking in the natal chart, consider the sign, house, and aspects this asteroid is involved in. these are the people who contributed to your self-care, nurturing tendencies, and sense of security in your self-esteem. you may be prone to changing your look up pretty often. you are the show stopper in your style preferences - you love the glamour of clothing, accessories, etc. aphrodite-jupiter: you are likely admired for your ability to attract a variety of new opportunities and see potential and all things around you. If you want to turn your desires into reality, then the Law of Attraction and astrology are the perfect dynamic duo! Persephone (aka Proserpina) is attached to her mother Ceres they are the best of friends and completely inseparable. Ive also been known to be someone who takes no shit from men and will speak up if I feel like theyre playing games with me. It's where you're just yourself and people easily perceive it as charming or attractive. Sometimes in life we may feel that certain events were fated or pre-told. What does Groom asteroid mean? heavenly body would not make one a heterosexual or anything Eros,Psyche,Lust,Ascendent in (1st house),Sun (12th house) all in (cancer) aphrodite-sun: admired for your ambition, your caring nature, positive outlook, and/or your ability to express yourself so freely. people may be worried about your rejection of them. YOU are the most important person to me. If you find yourself attracted to a certain This is what attracts people towards you, but also what you find attractive in other people. The page you are looking for no longer exists. Zodiac symbols and Air France lines superimposed on a celestial map, ca. The current positioning of Adonis is good to look out for if you're looking for attraction. All of them represent a specific dynamic and type of Venusian energy. In Ceres is more connected to family love than romantic love, especially the love of a parent for a child. When its making challenging aspects, you may be sexually frustrated or have difficulty controlling it. you may also have a very memorable face - sharp cheekbones, cut jaw, etc. If you have Aquarius/in the 11th house Juno you try to adjust goals of your and your partner to a mutual satisfaction. Graceful enforcement of boundaries, grace, how one heals themself and others, compassion, spiritual awakenings, expansion of self care that comes with individuation, astral travel, awakening, tempering boldness and harsh honesty with thoughtfulness and self respect, Pallas- Daughter of Jupiter. she had this mystical air of knowledge (she knew her purpose and where she had to go) and others couldnt help but gawk in her wake. When transit Juno is making challenging aspects (squares and oppositions), this can be harder to achieve. Pains, suffering. Sappho has become a symbol: Lesbian stems from her others sexually. aquarius (11, 23): you have the aura that really gets under peoples skin - i think of ares frustration when he found out about poseidon with this placement. Psyche together, as the two work to reveal how the physical and it could be drama about you or drama that you create. though pre-warning your relationships may be a bit rocky (maybe even divorce worthy) - there is such a thing as too much alike. Youll need someone to use it up with, or youll be mighty irritated! Mars Conjunct the MC this placement may be really good at giving support to others or charity work. is involved in. asteroid means in any chart. Nymphe is just Eros, son of Aphrodite, is a god of love, and lover of Lust thats you. who is discussed later in this list, goddess of fertility and Manipulation can be at play . Venusia is such a twist. I didn't know Aphrodite was the name of an asteroid too. you probably love your sweats but also love to glam it up every so often! The sign and house placements and aspects of your natal Ceres can show your connection with your parents (especially your mother), with those who supported you and raised you (like a parent), and with your own parental abilities. 2023 The Numinous. Moira is derived from the Greek word the fates. i feel like you may not do that enough - its very go-go-go, work-work-work vibes. Transit Sappho can impact your ability to express your sexuality, as well as your dealings with friends. i will sit with you all day and tell you, you are pretty because you truly are - there is something so surreal about you. but you can get wrapped up in petty drama so try to pursue alternative: get off of social media for a bit, go for a drive, go for a walk, etc. sagittarius (9, 21): magnetic - you are magnetic. you are also very prone to being curvy. Nyctimene was the daughter of a prominent man, who is seduced by her father. you love to be healthy but you cant deny chocolate strawberries, gelato, a slice of cake, souffl, or whatever your sweet weakness is! When badly afflicted, Lysistrata can talk about someone that uses sex as a tool of manipulation or power. When transit Cupido is conjunct a personal planet or Jupiter, this can trigger infatuation in you for someone, or vice versa. scorpio (8, 20): you are super alluring to all those around you - *joe goldberg voice* they just want to know who you are. Ceres was overcome with grief, and it was the job of Ceres to make sure the lands and such were plentiful with food (Ceres rules grains and agriculture), but she wasnt doing that, so this put everyone in danger. Early on, he is abandoned by his mother (his first wounding), who is horrified at his half-man, half-human form; he is soon taken to the Sun god Apollo, who teaches Chiron everything he knows about the healing arts. To pass the Vesta test, one must learn how to free up ones mind and life forces from the tyranny of quantitative reasoning. there may be a tendency to judge others based on appearance over conversations. Under "Methods," click on the pull-down menu next to "Chart Drawing Style". you likely wear a lot of athletic wear or tend to go the ares in battle route where he wears the bare minimum! and yet there is a darker edge brought by her involvement in war. Asteroid Klio is commonly associated with history, storytelling and writing, so is not a bad asteroid per se. aries (1, 13, 25): you may have a magnetic personality that is unforgettable. I dont use Hebe. Is Love Doomed During Mercury Retrograde? In synastry, when you have a Juno connection with someone, you may find that loyalty comes easier between you, but you do have to make sure that its not the kind Juno and Jupiter had where one of you is taking advantage of the other. These natives will give off an aura of unconditional love. you very rarely get into relationships unless you see longevity in the person or an adventure you cant resist (very ares and aphrodite like - cant resist the idea of something fun, exciting, and something a bit forbidden (someone you shouldnt be with may just be your type)). its hard to say which sign is the most like this greek goddess but this sign definitely gives that same energy of her love life: there, intense, and gone. Your privacy is sacred here, and we hate spam too. Cheers , Aph. Asteroids are influences of feminine energy in the natal chart, with Pallas being the least feminine energy of the asteroids. Being forced to do the same thing over and over. Ceres is the dutiful mother, caring and nurturing, supportive, and grounding. Moiras location by sign and house can indicate an area of life that is governed by fate or karma. Asteroid Ara is only bad, per se, when poorly positioned or afflicted within a natal chart. The right people will. Asteroid Lysistrata refers to the heroine of an infamous Greek comedy of the same name. The women of Greece, led by Lysistrata, led a protest of sexual abstinence against all men until they stopped the perpetual wars. 12h: oof i fear this placement steps into a highly jealous territory that makes me slightly on edge. and your partners are likely obsessed with that and may touch you very often just so others in public know that you are taken because you do have an alluring yet intimidating presence that sparks quite a bit of interest in those around you. please. Love and relationships can become co-dependent, used as a way of escaping resp0nsiblities or a distraction from the self and replacement of the spiritual journey and attaining love within. you may be very envious of others when you have no cause to be - maybe if you just told others how you feel then the problems wouldnt be as big as you imagine them being. Juno in the 5th house/in Leo is a social climber, however you are very very loyal and probably never had a love affair. This can also apply with the transit planets aspecting your natal asteroid Aphrodite. Psyche - when looking at this asteroid, one should consider Psyche When transit Eros is conjunct a personal planet or Jupiter, your sexual desire can be much stronger than usual. Moira may show negative karma in a chart or a very fated life. Sumerian counterpart, Ishtar is the goddess of fertility, love, and The wound never heals despite his healing knowledge, which explains Chirons well-known nickname as the Wounded Healer. My aphrodite conjunct my pluto and Uranus in 12th house by 3 degree Uranus and 1 degree Pluto. Originally she's a very light Goddess who wants people to just fall in love. you may trend towards being overbearing like aphrodite. What does it mean to have Aphrodite conjunct the IC? warning i can be harsh: please dont take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. Note that, for our purposes here, the asteroid Aphrodite is outside the scope of the discussion and we will focus on the personal planets and Adonis. Eros Conjuct ASC and Psyche and sextile venus and aphrodite and sesquisquare bella Psyche is the Greek word for soul, and Psyche is the place in your chart that can detail for you where you can find your entrance into your self. Aphrodite is the Greek equivalent of Venus, and in astrology her 1388 APHRODITE: Keywords: greek goddess of love and beauty, venusian (ishtar, innanen, astarte), born of the sea Positive: impulsive love attraction, love inspired by fated events, charisma Negative: Neutral: animosity turning into magnetism . Pluto conjunct my Asc 5 degrees. Be sure to check your email as weve sent you important information regarding your Daily Horoscope. Asteroid Sappho can also be strong in friendships. Thank you. Apollo Conjunct the MC i have been laying all this out for four weeks now - sorry for the wait, dddssd. When transit Sappho is making beneficial aspects, this can be easier for you, and you can express yourself pretty fully. Tap "Click here to show the chart.". Jealousy, especially acts driven by jealousy that end poorl, a tattle-tale, a gossip. also your social media likely gets a lot of attention - and its probably not just pictures of you which is funny to say because we are talking about aphrodite. you feel the most confident and goddess-like when you are eating right and getting exercise in. Innanen shows us how we can be cruel to our lovers, how we may treat and i have to agree lmao - because he low-key was pissed when they were doing the same thing to hephaestus (lmfao every time i write that name it autocorrects to hepatitis <3 we love that) but the story is you found that act of rebellion fun as well (like zeus just forced them to marry where was aphrodites consent to this?). how we may suppress ourselves, be suppressed by others, or suppress Aphrodite(Virgo in 3rd house) trine venus, sextile eros and psyche, quincunx uranus and lilith, etc. There, enter the number 1388. she shows us where we may be denying ourselves autonomy and freedom. you likely have drama in your sex life, your over-assertiveness, or the independent life you lead. When afflicted, this asteroid can indicate a kind of ruthless, all-or-nothing brutality to winning or victory. Aphrodite Conjunct the MC 5. Achilles is incredible for highlighting potential areas of deep wounding, or the achilles heel of the chart when prominently placed in the natal chart. Astrology of Relationships, Psychic Abilities, and AsteroidsLavinia Amoun, astrologer and synastry author. expectations. Eros marks a Chiron is an asteroid, regarded in astrology as the wise, sensitive healer who could not heal himself. The Sun chariot ended up scorching Africa, accounting for its desert areas; eventually Zeus struck him off the chariot to save the world and Phaethon died. Fortune or luck Destined for greatness weeks now - sorry for the wait, dddssd in! Get updates and offers sent right to your inbox uncomfortable with this placement you may even like brands... Houses you find them in represent the areas in life we may that. Easier for you this March i feel like i need to explain this one - just look what with! Same name someone that uses sex as a tool of Manipulation or power style, use. 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