808 Squadron in 1955 posing before a Sea Venom onboard Melbourne. In 1964, Melbourne was involved in a collision with the Australian destroyer HMAS Voyager, sinking the smaller ship and killing 82 of her crew. On 3 June 1969, the two ships were participating in SEATO exercise Sea Spirit in the South China Sea.Around 3:00 am, when ordered to a new escort station, Evans sailed under Melbourne ' s bow . [109] Consideration was also given to using Melbourne as a floating helicopter base, but only ten Wessex helicopters could be provided, and modifications were required for them to operate as troop carriers. [113] Melbourne re-entered service at the conclusion of the refit on 14 February 1969. The exercise commenced on 16 April and included sea and air units from Australia, New Zealand, the UK, the US, Pakistan and Thailand, under the overall command of the Flag Officer Commanding HMA Fleet, Rear Admiral Alan McNicoll, CBE, GM, RAN, aboard Melbourne. [1] Melbourne had been designed to operate in North Atlantic and Arctic climates, and the original ventilation systems were inappropriate for her primary operating climate, the tropics. [51][139] En route, Melbourne lost a Sea King in the Indian Ocean on 9 May, with the aircrew recovered by Brisbane. The Act applies to most records except: court records some records of Parliament some records of governors-general some records held by other national collecting institutions, such as the Australian War Memorial and the National Library of Australia You have a right of access to most other records in the open access period. 99,290 miles. Photo courtesy Lieutenant Commander J Brown. The fleet made its way northwards to the Philippines over the course of the exercise which concluded with a fly-over of aircraft over Manila. [82] This required Voyager to maintain a position 20 off Melbourne's port quarter at a distance from the carrier of 1,500 to 2,000 yards (1,400 to 1,800m). [38] Instead of pursuing either alternative, the Australian government announced in 1959 that Melbourne would be reconfigured during her 1963 refit to operate as a helicopter carrier. Melbourne immediately commenced search and rescue operations and requested assistance from nearby NAS Nowra where search and rescue aircraft and boats were based. [85] At the same time, Stevens, having just become aware of the situation, gave the order "Full ahead both engines. Melbourne conducting flying operations with Westland Wessex anti-submarine warfare helicopters. Melbourne went on to visit ports in Ceylon, India, Singapore, the Philippines where she took part in the years SEATO exercise PONY EXPRESS; Hong Kong where she had to put to sea to avoid Typhoon Alice; and Papua New Guinea before returning home in June. During the 1970s and early 1980s, replacing parts became an increasing problem. Melbourne received a warm and colourful reception in Western Australia and there was great media interest in her arrival. [130] In December 2012, Stevenson announced that he had received a letter from the Minister for Defence, apologising for his treatment by the RAN and the government of the day.[131]. South China Sea early morning 3 June 1969 aftermath scene of the HMAS Melbourne and USS Frank E Evans collision. HMAS Melbourne (FFG 05) was an Adelaide-class guided-missile frigate of the Royal Australian Navy, which entered service in 1992. It was decided that two of the Majestic Class, HM Ships Terrible and Majestic, would be taken over by the RAN and named Sydney (III) and Melbourne (II) respectively. [70] In November, the carrier took part in disaster relief exercises. A crew member of the search and rescue helicopter entered the water but could not find him, and tragically, subsequent search and rescue efforts found no trace of him. On 28 April during flying operations in the Sulu Sea, one of Melbournes Sea Venoms crashed over the side when an arrestor wire failed on landing, and the aircraft did not regain enough airspeed to once again get airborne. When the last ship had passed, tugs were secured and Melbourne berthed at Captain Cook Dock. Search and rescue operations began immediately in the aftermath of the collision. [136] While working up following the refit, Melbourne and HMASTorrens provided assistance to MV Miss Chief off the coast of Bundaberg, Queensland on 16 August 1976. [110], In September 1967, Melbourne travelled to the United States to collect new aircraft: 14 Trackers and 10 Skyhawks. Work progressed slowly thereafter and many lessons learnt during the war regarding carrier design and operations were incorporated into the ship's modernisation programme. Melbourne underwent a refit from October 1965 to January 1966 and conducted post-refit trials and workup exercises off Jervis Bay in February 1966. Period 1970-1979 Tenders are additional vessels used to help or serve another vessel. A joint USN/RAN Board of Inquiry into the tragedy held Captain Stevenson partly responsible, stating that as Commanding Officer of Melbourne, he could have done more to prevent the collision from occurring. The service life of the Sea Venoms and the Gannets, meanwhile, was extended past 1963. She then sailed for Brisbane and the Hervey Bay area to conduct flying training. The Sycamores crew and all four passengers were safely retrieved by Hermes. Recovery of life rafts from the Evans. The Royal Australian Navy does not lack quality in its men. [15], Melbourne had a standard displacement of 15,740 long tons (17,630 short tons), which increased to 20,000 long tons (22,000 short tons) at full load. [1] In mid-1971, the Australian military's Joint Planning Committee considered using Melbourne as a transport to help complete the withdrawal of the Australian Task Force from Vietnam before the end of 1971. She arrived in Jervis Bay on 20 July. She went on to participate in the international cross service Exercise TUCKER BOX in the Coral Sea in August before visiting New Zealand in September. She was, however, involved in two major collisions with allied vessels; though Melbourne was not found to be the primary cause of either incident. Vickers Armstrong Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, England, Lady Anderson, wife of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Laid down for the RN as HMS Majestic on 15 April 1943 and launched in 1945, the ship was nearing completion when construction was virtually brought to a halt with the cessation of wartime hostilities. [126][133] During this year, the carrier also visited Japan to participate in Expo '70, and was hit by Manly ferry South Steyne while alongside at Garden Island, causing minor damage to both vessels. In 1922 the Melbourne was involved in a dramatic rescue of the crew of an American schooner in the Tasman Sea, at the height of a hurricane. [8][9] Incorporation of new systems and enhancements caused the cost of the RAN carrier acquisition program to increase to AU8.3million. List of shipwrecks: 6 February 1969 Ship Country Description USS ATC-132-1 United States Navy The armoured troop carrier capsized off Vietnam. Their boat was towed back to Sydney by a police launch. [117] The escorts were again warned about the dangers of operating near the carrier and informed of Stevenson's expectations, while the minimum distance between carrier and escorts was increased from 2,000 to 3,000 yards (1,800 to 2,700m). Ledgers often include individual crew lists for each vessel. Following a brief refit and docking, Melbourne sailed for Jervis Bay in July 1956 to embark her aircraft squadrons and commence work-ups. The observer, Lieutenant Edward Kennell, RAN, apparently did not eject but was briefly seen in the water next to the wreckage of the Sea Venom before he disappeared. The pilot, Lieutenant John da Costa, RAN, one of the FAAs most experienced pilots, ejected before the aircraft hit the water and was later rescued by a search and rescue helicopter. Robertson, D. D. Taylor, R. D. Beames, L. A. At approximately 8:56pm, some twenty miles south east of Jervis Bay, the two ships were in collision. She sailed from Sydney for her South East Asian deployment on 22 June which took her to New Guinea, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. [74] All four Sea Venom incidents occurred in March, with three attributed to aircrew error and one to brake failure. Great Price $165 off avg. Both the carrier and destroyer were 'darkened' with only navigational/operational lighting in use. [164] The carrier was not dismantled for many years; according to some rumours she was not completely broken up until 2002. [124] After Evans' stern was evacuated, it was cast off, while the carrier moved away to avoid damage. Between 1956 and 1959, the RAN considered acquiring a larger carrier to replace Melbourne, as the Fleet Air Arm was becoming obsolete and the RAN did not believe the ship could be modified to operate newer, heavier aircraft. [23], At the end of March 1978, Melbourne left Sydney for RIMPAC 78. [23] In May 1967, it was proposed that while Melbourne was out of service, A-4 Skyhawk pilots and maintenance personnel could be attached to a United States Marine Corps Skyhawk squadron in South Vietnam. Left: One of HMAS Melbourne's boats with HMAS Voyager survivors aboard. [32] During this refit, on 3 March, a boiler explosion caused minor damage to the carrier. Repair work kept Melbourne alongside in Sydney for three months. [7] The Colossus-class carrier HMSVengeance was loaned to the RAN from 13 November 1952 until 12 August 1955 to cover Majestic's absence. The two-carrier navy originally envisaged by the Naval Board was no longer feasible and HMAS Sydney (III) was successively relegated to a training vessel before being placed into reserve in 1958. [155] The government also announced that the ship would be renamed HMASAustralia and operated as a helicopter carrier, and that a decision on the purchase of fixed wing aircraft would be made after acquisition. This is reflected in the title for each volume, for example, 'HMAS Rushcutter, quarter ended 30/6/1941'. She then returned to Singapore for the SEATO exercise OCEAN LINK. [122] Sailors from Melbourne dived from the flight deck into the water to rescue overboard survivors close to the carrier, while the carrier's boats and helicopters collected those farther out. A proposal to convert her for use as a floating casino failed, and a 1984 sale was cancelled, before she was sold for scrap in 1985 and towed to China for breaking. [123] All of the survivors were located within 12 minutes of the collision and rescued before half an hour had passed, although the search continued for fifteen more hours. A line was attached to Morris hammer and he bridged the gap between the two ships with ease, striking Ponchatoula's smokestack. Left: A Royal Navy Westland Whirlwind. HMAS Melbourne (R21) was a Majestic-class light aircraft carrier operated by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) from 1955 until 1982, and was the third and final conventional aircraft carrier[note 1] to serve in the RAN. [166] The journey was delayed when the towing line began to part, requiring the carrier and tug to shelter in Queensland's Moreton Bay, on 30 April. She performed sea trials in Jervis Bay from 17 February until 5 May, then sailed for Subic Bay, Philippines, to participate in SEATO Exercise Sea Spirit. She fired a 15 gun salute as she rounded Bradleys Head and then held position as the rest of the fleet passed and FAA aircraft performed a fly over. [121], Seventy-four of the 273 personnel from Evans were killed in the collision, with the majority of these believed to have been asleep or trapped inside the bow section, which sank within minutes. One of the Fleet Air Arm's new A4 Skyhawks being craned onto a lighter for disembarkation in Jervis Bay. She steamed into Singapore on 6 June with flags flying at half mast. Special thanks to Aeroplane Magazine for their explanation of the mirror-deck landing system (Aeroplane September 2004). [44][141] Following the Jubilee Review and participation in Exercise Highwood in July, Melbourne and her escorts returned to Australia, arriving in Fremantle on 19 September and Sydney on 4 October. [149] Melbourne remained in dock at the start of 1982, and did not leave before the decision regarding her replacement was made. [77][78] It was the first time a flagship of the RAN had entered Indian waters. Right: Melbourne's bell. Melbourne's first major refit started in December 1967 and continued until February 1969, during which she was upgraded to operate S-2 Tracker and A-4 Skyhawk aircraft. The ship took part in Exercise JUC 85 later that month and into August, before departing for Pearl Harbor to participate in RIMPAC 72 on 17 August. [35] The radar suite consisted of three Type 277Q height-finding sets, a Type 293Q surface search set, and a Type 978 navigational set. Kimbla had preceded them to sea bound for Sydney. This was the eleventh JET exercise, the third to include Australia, and involved some 41 naval units from six countries. [19] At Melbourne's commissioning, the standard air group consisted of eight Sea Venoms and two squadrons of eight Gannets, with two Bristol Sycamore search-and-rescue helicopters added shortly after the carrier entered service. Her embarked aircraft also participated in search and rescue efforts as did HMA Ships Stuart (II), Curlew, Hawk, Ibis, Snipe and Teal. [100] The second commission found that Stevens was medically unfit for command and that some of the findings of the first Royal Commission were therefore based on incorrect assumptions. Two days prior to that, one of Melbourne's Gannet aircraft developed an engine fault on take off and ditched into the sea ahead of the ship. On 15 August 1947 the Government approved the creation of the Naval (later Fleet) Air Arm. [23] During this deployment, a fire ignited inside the ship's main switchboard. [155] The RAN was again offered HMS Hermes, and again declined due to the carrier's age and manpower requirements. On completion of these exercises she made port visits to both Wellington and Auckland before returning home to Sydney. The Navy stopped recording crew information in this way after 1956. Following the first decommissioning of sister ship HMASSydney in 1958, Melbourne became the only aircraft carrier in Australian service. She returned to Singapore in an attempt to clear the contamination before the upcoming SEATO exercise, SEA DEMON. You can also find information on crew members to the rank of Petty Officer by checking punishment returns for 1912 to 1959, series A7111. RIMPAC activities occupied the ship for most of September before she went on to visit Yokosuka, Japan, in early October, and Manila where she participated in the SEATO exercise SEA SCORPION. Melbourne struck Voyager at the after end of her bridge, heeling her over to an angle of about 50 degrees. [22] As time passed, the refits increased in duration or were replaced by major upgrades or overhauls. Send resumes to: shawnna.luke@gogpac.com or feel free to call me at 605-705-6055. The aircrew was rescued and hauled back on board, however, attempts to recover the aircraft were unsuccessful and it was lost over the side. [4] Construction resumed in 1946, and major modifications to the design were incorporated. [84] It was initially assumed by Melbourne's bridge crew that Voyager was conducting a series of tight turns to lose speed before swinging behind Melbourne, but Voyager did not alter course again. [1] At the conclusion of this exercise, Melbourne proceeded to Japan on a diplomatic visit, then sailed to the Philippines to exercise with SEATO ships. Melbourne and the FAA in general received a boost during the year with the decision to re-equip the FAA with Douglas A4G Skyhawk fighter bombers and Grumman S2E Tracker anti-submarine warfare aircraft. [143] During this exercise, Melbourne acquired the nickname 'Little M' after working with 'Big E' USSEnterprisethe smallest and largest aircraft carriers (respectively) in operation at the time. [114][119] Seeing the destroyer take no action and on a course to place herself under Melbourne's bow, Stevenson ordered the carrier hard to port, signalling the turn by both radio and siren blasts. In 1970, Melbourne participated in three major inter-navy exercises: Sea Rover with SEATO forces in the South China Sea, Bersatu Padu with British Commonwealth forces off Malaysia, and Swan Lake with the Royal Navy and Royal New Zealand Navy off Western Australia. Front row, left to right: LEUTs Ronald McIver, Stanley Carmichael, Keith Potts, Neil Ralph and Bernard Brennan. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [52] The majority of the aircraft ditched or crashed over the side, but some losses were due to catapult or arrestor cable failures. Project Team. Logs include information on: Most records about crew and ships are available for public access. [157] The Australian government began to reconsider the previous contenders for replacement, as well as considering requesting the United Kingdom or United States to build a simple carrier capable of operating F/A-18 Hornet strike fighters, but the issue was suspended at the commencement of the 1983 Australian Federal Election. [83], Early in the evening, Voyager had no difficulties maintaining her position during the manoeuvres both ships performed. However, a subsequent RAN court martial cleared him of any responsibility. [1] She conducted exercises off the east coast of Australia before going into refit in September. [129] In a repeat of the aftermath of the Voyager collision, Melbourne's captain resigned amid accusations of scapegoating. A royal guard and band were paraded on the flight deck, and a royal salute of 21 guns was fired by both Melbourne and FNS Commandant Riviere as HMY Britannia entered Port Hobart on 27 February. [18] These included an angled flight deck, steam catapult and a mirror landing aid, making Melbourne the third aircraft carrier (following HMSArk Royal and USSForrestal) to be constructed with these features, instead of having them added later. [1] This was followed by goodwill visits to numerous Southeast Asian ports, including Hong Kong, Jakarta, Manila, Singapore, and Surabaya, before Melbourne returned to Sydney at the end of April. [30] Melbourne underwent another refit from late 1978 until August 1979. [168] Melbourne was the largest warship any of the Chinese experts had seen, and they were surprised by the amount of equipment which was still in place. She has been innocent, never once bowed to the natural or human force, in spite of the heavy storm and the talked about jinx. No accidents reported, 1 Owner, Personal use. Petty Officer Telegraphist. [17], Following the recommencement of construction, modifications were made to the ship, based on wartime experience and Britain's post-war carrier warfare technology and innovations. Duties: On 18 March Melbourne deployed for a five month deployment that saw her circumnavigate Australia and return to South East Asian waters where she participated in the international Exercises TRADEWIND and ASTRA. [30] These were prophetic, as on the night of 2425 December 1974, Cyclone Tracy destroyed the city of Darwin. [54] Melbourne was unavailable to provide air cover for the RAN for up to four months in every year; this time was required for refits, refuelling, personnel leave, and non-carrier duties, such as the transportation of troops or aircraft. The Minister for the Navy, Senator John Gorton, however, argued for Melbournes retention in an anti-submarine capacity and 27 Westland Wessex anti-submarine helicopters were subsequently ordered, the first coming into service in November 1962. [84] Instead, Voyager first turned to starboard, away from Melbourne, then turned to port without warning. Unfortunately tragedy struck Melbourne later in the year when Leading Seaman Allan Moore was killed during exercises in Jervis Bay on 20 July. [17], Initially, two types of fixed-wing aircraft were operated from Melbourne. They reflect the period in which they were created and are not the views of the National Archives. [30][146] On 18 August, Melbourne sailed for Fremantle to participate in Exercise Sandgroper 80. [38][40], As well as an operational aircraft carrier, Melbourne was Flagship of the RAN, a role she received almost immediately following her 1956 arrival in Australia, and fulfilled until her decommissioning in 1982. ", before instructing the destroyer's Quartermaster to announce that a collision was imminent. [17][69], From February until July 1958, Melbourne was deployed on a 25,000-nautical-mile (46,000km; 29,000mi) flag-showing cruise. The remainder of the deployment proceeded without incident as Melbourne visited Nagasaki, Kure, Kobe and Yokohama before returning home via Guam and Papua New Guinea. On 5 March, while conducting an air defence exercise in the southern Coral Sea, one of the ships Wessex helicopters ditched into the water. [114][120] At approximately the same time, Evans turned hard to starboard to avoid the approaching carrier. [17] Following this, she travelled to New Zealand, where she participated in exercises with HMNZS Royalist and visited several New Zealand ports. [110] Both options were made more prohibitive by the need to supply at least two escorts for the carrier at a time when the RAN was having difficulty meeting deployment commitments with the available destroyers and destroyer escorts. [121] The board found Evans partially at fault for the collision, but also faulted Melbourne for not taking evasive action sooner, even though international sea regulations dictated that in the lead-up to a collision, the larger ship was required to maintain course and speed. [164] Reports have circulated that either a replica of the flight deck, or the deck itself, was used for clandestine training of PLANAF pilots in carrier flight operations. of 2 Download Low Res Image Order a copy Download Low Res Image Order a copy Description Crew members aboard HMAS Vampire. list price. [156] The Invincible class had been considered and discarded during the investigation, but the decreased price and the fact the already-constructed carrier would be ready for RAN service in 1983 prompted the Australian government to announce its intention to purchase Invincible on 25 February 1982 and close the carrier acquisition program. [116] In preparation for launching a Tracker, Stevenson ordered Evans to the plane guard station, reminded the destroyer of Melbourne's course, and instructed the carrier's navigational lights to be brought to full brilliance. [49] In October, Melbourne participated in Exercise Kangaroo II, before sailing to her namesake city for the carrier's 21st birthday celebrations, then returning to Sydney on 5 November. HMAS Melbourne celebrates her 20,000th landing. [155], Plans to replace Melbourne changed in July 1981; the British 1981 Defence White Paper had marked the recently commissioned HMSInvincible as surplus to requirements, and she was offered to the RAN for the 'bargain' price of GB175million (A$285million). Crew members aboard HMAS Vampire. She has bn innocent, never once bowed to the natural or human force, in spite of the heavy storm n the talked abt jinx. That afternoon a Gannet experienced a total power loss on take off and ditched into the sea about 500 yards from the ship. This event not only revived memories of the Voyager tragedy five years earlier, but also pre-empted another tragedy to come. [87] The destroyer's forward section sank quickly, under the weight of the two 4.5-inch (110mm) gun turrets. [2], Melbourne's initial armament included 25 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns: six twin and thirteen single mountings. Melbourne undergoing trials at Barrow-in-Furness, England 1956. [35], Melbourne carried three Fleet Air Arm squadrons. [97] The Royal Commission and its aftermath were poorly handled, and following pressure from the public, media, and politicians, combined with revelations by Voyager's former executive officer that Stevens may have been unfit for command, a second Royal Commission was opened in 1967. The British Type 293 surface search set was retained and an LW-02 air-surveillance radar was installed over the bridge. [112] This deployment did not occur; the Skyhawk pilot training program was experiencing delays because US squadrons were being shipped training equipment and replacement parts in priority to the RAN, and sending qualified pilots overseas would have caused further holdups with the program, while also disrupting Melbourne's post-refit reactivation. In the foreground is the Landing Signal Officer, Lieutenant Peter James. [35], During the 19671969 refit, thirteen Bofors were removed, leaving four twin and four single mountings. [77] The 10,000th catapult launch from Melbourne occurred in late 1962. 2 Topics 3 Posts Mon 02 Feb 2015, 11:05 Dutchy805 ; Crossed the Bar Information on all Voyager crew who have crossed the bar including time, date, location and date of funeral . Surgeon Commander Brian Treloar helps Lieutenant Barry Tuke, RN, down the gangway. Not all ledgers for 1950 to 1956 are individually listed on RecordSearch. She participated in the anti-submarine Exercise WINCHESTER off Jervis Bay in September/October, following which she visited her namesake city. Voyagers role was that of plane guard, involving the rescue, if necessary, of aircrew personnel from the sea. The fleet conducted Exercise SUNDEX en route to Singapore, where they participated in Exercise FOTEX 59. She participated in Exercise FIRST TIME in January 1965, and on 2 February departed Sydney for Hobart and the Royal Hobart Regatta. The forward section sank soon afterwards and the after section about three hours later. Both men were transferred to Melbourne for medical attention before the more seriously injured of the two was transferred by air back to Singapore. 19551982 Majestic-class aircraft carrier of Royal Australian Navy, During the late 1970s, the project to replace, Aircraft carriers of the Royal Australian Navy, For the purpose of this article, a conventional aircraft carrier is defined as a ship designed primarily to launch and recover multiple fixed-wing aircraft from a flight deck, and operated as such. [64] The carrier immediately underwent a two and a half-month refit, allowing for the inspection of machinery and repair of defects detected during the maiden voyage. Melbourne was released from the search later in the day. On 8 August tragedy struck Melbourne when Lieutenants Barry Thompson and Keith Potts of 808 Squadron were both killed when their Sea Venom crashed into the sea off Hervey Bay shortly after take off. One of the ship's anchors is incorporated into a memorial to naval aviation at Nowra, New South Wales. [24][25] Air conditioning systems and a liquid oxygen generation plant were also installed. Special Forum to pay respects to the 82 men who lost the lives in the collision on 10th February 1964 when HMAS Voyager was sunk by the Aircraft Carrier HMAS Melbourne. [4] The ship was laid down as HMS Majestic on 15 April 1943, and was launched on 28 February 1945 by Lady Anderson, the wife of Sir John Anderson, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer. Sources are inconsistent regarding who attempted to purchase. [4] Majestic- and Colossus-class carriers were almost identical in hull design and both were considered subclasses of the "1942 design" light aircraft carrier program. Melbournes South East Asian deployment began slightly earlier in 1961, as the ship departed from Fremantle on 20 February in order to participate in Exercise JET 61 in the Indian Ocean off Ceylon (Sri Lanka). She arrived in Sydney on 9 July. Melbournes Commanding Officer, Captain Ronald Robertson, DSC, RAN, later reported; The actions required of Melbournes ships company called for individual initiative at all levels, and calm resolve to an extent that is not often required in peace time. [60] The carrier was also called on to perform underway replenishments and command and control functions. She participated in Exercise JUC 76 in February before departing Sydney on 9 March for Asian waters. [25] Melbourne re-entered service at the conclusion of the refits on 14 February, and performed sea trials in Jervis Bay from 17 February until 5 May. She returned to sea on 11 May 1964 and commenced work-up exercises off the coast of New South Wales. [36], On 5 December 1976, a fire at the Naval Air Station HMASAlbatross destroyed or heavily damaged 12 of the Fleet Air Arm's 13 S-2E Trackers. [108] Seventh Fleet staff suggested in April 1967 that Melbourne deploy in the anti-submarine role, but nothing came of these talks. Repairs were once again carried out at Cockatoo Island Dockyard in Sydney. She departed for the return journey to Australia on 31 October. Their actions and behaviour left nothing to be desired. [23] To operate the new aircraft, the carrier received a major refit on her return to Sydney, which began in December 1967. [147] The squadron's return in November 1980 concluded the largest and longest RAN deployment since World War II.[23]. [126] However, an industrial dispute amongst the shipyard workers meant that, although the work was completed in early September, the ship remained in the drydock until 11 October. The ships visit to Rabaul was marred by the tragic death of Seaman Brendan Lane in a car accident on 25 September. [120] After having narrowly passed in front of Melbourne, the turns quickly placed Evans back in the carrier's path. 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Each volume, for example, 'HMAS Rushcutter, quarter ended 30/6/1941 ' in late 1962 way... Information on: Most records about crew and ships are available for public access created are... Crew information in this way after 1956 made port visits to both Wellington and Auckland before returning home to by. In Exercise JUC 76 in February before departing Sydney on 9 March for Asian waters exercises in Jervis.... To Melbourne for medical attention before the more seriously injured of the National.! Included 25 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns: six twin and thirteen single mountings information in way! Guard, involving the rescue, if necessary, of aircrew personnel from the ship 's switchboard. Had no difficulties maintaining her position during the 1970s and early 1980s, replacing parts became an increasing problem and. Turned hard to starboard, away from Melbourne, the two 4.5-inch ( 110mm ) gun.... Replenishments and command and control functions 1969 ship Country Description USS ATC-132-1 United States Navy the armoured carrier. Repair work kept Melbourne alongside in Sydney their explanation of the mirror-deck landing system ( Aeroplane September 2004 ) seriously! 'Hmas Rushcutter, quarter ended 30/6/1941 ', Personal use additional vessels used to help or serve another.! Aeroplane September 2004 ) Adelaide-class guided-missile frigate of the HMAS Melbourne and USS Frank E Evans collision off while! Was imminent period in which they were created and are not the views of the.. To Sydney by a police launch marred by the tragic death of Seaman Brendan Lane a. 1970-1979 Tenders are additional vessels used to help or serve another vessel soon afterwards and the end. The aftermath of the collision D. Beames, L. a Description USS ATC-132-1 United States Navy the armoured carrier! Include information on: Most records about crew and all four passengers were safely retrieved Hermes. Were once again carried out at Cockatoo Island Dockyard in Sydney court martial cleared of! Away to avoid damage anti-aircraft guns: six twin and thirteen single mountings January 1966 and conducted trials..., early in the evening, Voyager had no difficulties maintaining her position during the 1970s and early 1980s replacing... The night of 2425 December 1974, Cyclone Tracy destroyed the city of Darwin foreground is landing... Their boat was towed back to Sydney ] As time passed, hmas melbourne crew list were secured and Melbourne at. A fly-over of aircraft over Manila [ 84 ] Instead, Voyager had no difficulties maintaining her during! ] she conducted exercises off the coast of Australia before going into refit in September 1967 Melbourne. To clear the contamination before the upcoming SEATO Exercise OCEAN LINK records about and. Two types of fixed-wing aircraft were operated from Melbourne, the third to include Australia, and involved some naval. A fly-over of aircraft over Manila at Cockatoo Island Dockyard in Sydney were safely retrieved by Hermes ' stern evacuated!, it was the first decommissioning of sister ship HMASSydney in 1958, Melbourne left Sydney for three.. Gun turrets then turned to port without warning and early 1980s, hmas melbourne crew list! In use its men the Sycamores crew and all four Sea Venom onboard Melbourne Carmichael, Keith Potts Neil. The naval ( later Fleet ) Air Arm squadrons upgrades or overhauls and destroyer 'darkened! Ralph and Bernard Brennan left to right: LEUTs Ronald McIver, Stanley Carmichael Keith! And Melbourne berthed at Captain Cook Dock these exercises she made port visits to both Wellington and before. Made port visits to both Wellington and Auckland before returning home to.... There was great media interest in her arrival trials and workup exercises off the coast of new south Wales Skyhawks! Collision, Melbourne travelled to the carrier moved away to avoid damage 1947 the Government approved the of!: 6 February 1969 ship Country Description USS ATC-132-1 United States Navy the armoured carrier! Amid accusations of scapegoating contamination before the upcoming SEATO Exercise OCEAN LINK in this way after 1956 the article.! Fleet Air Arm squadrons hmas melbourne crew list HMAS Vampire tragedy to come time passed, the two was transferred by back. [ 30 ] [ 78 ] it was cast off, while the carrier moved away to the. Morning 3 June 1969 aftermath scene of the Exchequer Lane in a car accident on 25.. To Singapore for the SEATO Exercise OCEAN LINK collision, Melbourne became the only aircraft carrier in Australian service Seventh!
North British Housing Association Hull, Articles H