Ellen Read, deputy chief press secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, told Reuters via email: The Prime Minister did not make this statement.. The lack of traction gained by fringe or populist movements was due to the majority of New Zealanders long-term contentment with the direction the country was headed which had persisted for more than 20 years, through both centre-right and centre-left governments, and prevented populist sentiment from taking root, analysts said. The jury believed her and she was acquitted on all charges. Representatives of both companies said the decision had been made jointly so that investigations or impending legal proceedings were not compromised. Its all there in Vanity Fairs headline. Starting in the 1960s Mr Murdochs News Limited had invested in INL or Independent Newspapers Limited, a New Zealand media company founded in 1906. Jacinda Ardern won an historic victory on Saturday, while parties who embraced populism did failed to win seats in parliament. Aotearoa New Zealand does not regulate ownership of media organisations or ban individuals from operating a media business in the country., Mr Murdoch is not the director of any company currently registered in New Zealand, said a spokesperson for the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in an email to Check Your Fact. Rupert Murdoch's 24-hour Sky News Australia has been pulled off the air by independently-owned Sky New Zealand. Mr Murdoch's portfolio of Australian news media brands stretches from print, radio and pay television to online news, including: Print and Online: roughly 100 physical and digital newspaper mastheads in Australia (at the start of 2021), along with the news website news.com.au. The smaller company will allow him to focus on the parts of the business that he is passionate about and that he sees as unique. Thu, 03 Nov 2022. And its hard to imagine him being engaged, if hes even aware, of the Australian newspaper hiring a reporter or two in New Zealand. However, his son Lachlan Murdoch (aka not the one who denounced the family) owns . Its intention, Holyoake told parliament, was to protect homegrown journalism against the fickle or malign self-interest of foreign press barons. Donate. MRD WEB + Digital Marketing. Former prime minister Kevin Rudd's record-breaking petition. Murdoch-owned press In Australia - where news outlets owned by Rupert Murdoch have been decried for driving confrontational politics and elevating populist sentiment - "right direction" polls. He has huge amounts of political power. In 1953, when Murdoch was 22, Murdoch's father suddenly passed away, and he took over ownership of Adelaide's News and Sunday Mail publications. Rupert Murdoch, in full Keith Rupert Murdoch, (born March 11, 1931, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia), Australian-born American newspaper publisher and media entrepreneur who founded (1979) the global media holding company the News Corporation Ltd. often called News Corp. It is hard to argue with that. Following reports that Rupert Murdoch might be plotting a return to New Zealand, Toby Manhire looks at the global shadow he casts in media, business and politics across more than six decades including a heated 1965 parliamentary debate between Holyoake and Kirk. Murdoch and his sons much like the Roy family in Succession struggled with the digital world, from MySpace on. For a profile of Murdoch's life and work: Designscape 91 . All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Data analysis and monthly reporting. It had been a major player in the New Zealand media market up until 2003, when INL, a company which it controlled, sold its newspaper business, including The Dominion Post and The Press to Fairfax. Former prime minister Kevin Rudd's record-breaking petition calling for a royal commission into Australian media ownership has once again put this issue in the spotlight. To compete with the big digital players, a media company either needs massive scale or unique and defendable properties, Carey said. That would have been a different set of answers 10 years ago. Giant headlines, bloated puns, garish images; there is nothing quite like it. It was the summer of 2011 and the line outside the Wilson Room at Portcullis House began forming before 7am. Rupert Murdoch in 1968. New Zealand PM Jacinda Adern has frequently felt the wrath of the Murdoch press. Carey says that the media industry is in its fourth great revolution of the past century. What is Rupert Murdoch's net worth over time? It was the worst day of my life, intoned Logan. Those front pages, together with a Trump-critical mood in the Wall Street Journal and on Fox News, had commentators immediately divining confirmation that Murdoch was done with Trump and his Maga tribe. One of the statements in question went like this: Asked why New Zealand does not suffer from the rage of older white men like in other western Anglo countries, PM Jacinda Adern [sic] replied, Because weve never allowed Rupert Murdoch to set up a media outlet here. The guy has wreaked havoc on civil society in the US., Not true. The president of the New Zealand Journalists Association was similarly opposed. People were deeply satisfied with the government, during the peak of New Zealands coronavirus response, said Mills (Ardern has won global accolades for her decisions during the crisis, with New Zealand recording one of the worlds lowest death tolls). False. He and his editors have staunchly opposed state censorship and repudiated libel laws even if. Rupert Murdoch was a disruptor long before that word became part of the Ted Talk lexicon. Succession draws on many monsters and media dynasties, but the Murdochs are the mother lode, a gruesome pantheon of siblings and spouses, of sycophants, regents and schemers. Fox News is available. The Companies Act of 1993 allows the New Zealand government to ban individuals who have been convicted of crimes from owning, directing or managing companies in the country. In 1975, Labour fulfilled its pledge and repealed the News Media Ownership Bill. shareholder was Independent News & Media, a media corporation. Its own humiliation was another parade of celebrities, except this time they were pointing the finger, and the villain was the rag and its hacks. 1995:AMERICAN-BASED Irish tycoon Tony O'Reilly made his second big investment in New Zealand within three years, agreeing to pay nearly $300 million for a 28 per cent stake in Auckland publisher Wilson and Horton. His titles are home to some of the worlds best journalists. [4] After his father 's death in 1952, Murdoch took over the running of The News, a small Adelaide newspaper owned by his father. Murdochs media groups currently have no significant holdings in the NZ media market, Dr Peter Thompson, an associate professor of media studies at Victoria University of Wellington Te Herenga Waka told AAP FactCheck. The roster of supercilious silver-haired shock jocks, such as Andrew Bolt and Rowan Dean, take an occasional interest in events across the Tasman, evincing a particular, swivel-eyed interest in te ao Mori and of course wokeism. Like another mythic media monster, Don Draper, he probably. For more information, please refer to our The return being plotted looks modest: a dedicated New Zealand section on the website of The Australian, the groups paywalled, right-leaning broadsheet. He dipped his toe again, with Murdoch companies at times holding stakes in both Sky TV and APN (forerunner to NZME), but these days he has no obvious direct ownership in New Zealand media companies. "The playing field is changing in Australia as far as media ownership is concerned, with moves to relax some restrictions. New Zealand Media Ownership Report 2011 (Journalism, Media and Democracy: Auckland University of Technology, 2011), 5. Only Murdoch can exact revenge, deliver schadenfreude. the small Australian news site Crikey for defamation over an article on the storming of the Capitol which included a characterisation of the Fox-owning Murdochs as unindicted co-conspirators. Only Murdoch can exact revenge, deliver schadenfreude. "With Rupert there is a constant, restless mulling and introspection," said Robert Thomson, CEO of News Corp., the Murdoch-controlled company that consists largely of newspapers and real estate websites, including the Wall Street Journal, the Times of London and the New York Post. That company will still have what Malone called the crown jewel of the company, Fox News. The Australian mogul has been a fascination here, as almost everywhere, since the 60s, when Keith Holyoake and Norman Kirk debated the meaning of Murdoch, with passion and at length, in the New Zealand parliament. The value of 21st Century Fox has risen by roughly US$40 billion, to US$91 billion, since CNBC first broke the story of Disney's interest. Rupert Murdoch has been banned from having a media platform in New Zealand. Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch is chairman and founder of News Corp, which owns titles such as the Wall Street Journal and New York Post. ", He added that Murdoch's strength is "to look both at where the world is today and what is the right path for the future. Little wonder, then, that a less violent local headline this month. The media mogul . Ellis said he understood the 20 per cent of APN stock that had been released by INM and Baycliffe and not acquired by News Corp was being marketed to institutional investors. On the contrary, the issue at this stage is do we want Murdoch to take over and eliminate our newspapers?. It was the worst day of my life, intoned Logan. Murdoch, Colin Albert. Its really rather a petty crime The reason why it became important isnt actually because of the crime within newsrooms, its because of what it then exposed about the Murdoch power network. Murdoch the man is softly spoken. But dont recline your seat. It paid off. Feared even by Trump, a man impervious to normal human emotion. By then, his older brother Lachlan was cemented as heir. This is the most humble day of my life, the 80-year-old press baron told MPs that morning. Left over after a deal will be what is provisionally named "new Fox." Thomson added that Murdoch is as vigorous in his pursuit of new projects as he has ever been. Bestriding the worlds of media, business and politics across the western world, Murdoch the press baron embodies the Machiavellian maxim that it is better to be feared than loved. By then, his older brother Lachlan was cemented as heir. *more than two-thirds of people aged 80+ in Hong Kong were still unvaccinated*, compared to a couple of percent in New Zealand and Singapore. But that company, under his leadership, also has survived a series of near disasters: the threat of bankruptcy in 1990; criminal investigations into its British papers hacking into people's voicemails; possible misuse of company funds to cover up sexual harassment allegations at Fox News; and antsy investors who worried that Murdoch was concerned more with empire-building than with their immediate financial gain. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern did not say this quote about Rupert Murdoch. "Time Magazine" chose Murdoch as one of the most important and influential people in the South Pacific in 1999. John Burn-Murdoch. But dont recline your seat. A marriage of convenience that paid huge political and financial dividends has ruptured in spectacular fashion, said the Financial Times. The audience numbers for stories about and from Aotearoa are encouraging; lets try to extract more reader revenue out of the place. Following reports that Rupert Murdoch might be 'plotting a return' to New Zealand, Toby Manhire looks at the global shadow he casts in media, business and politics across more than six. The move has been expected for many months, especially after April's disposal of all IN's . The box-office attraction: Rupert Murdoch, along with his son James, the boss of the familys UK operations, appearing before Westminsters culture, media and sport committee, to face questions over the phone hacking at the News of the World. Keep up-to-date with our latest press releases, reports and statistics, flick through image and video galleries, and connect with us socially. International newswires. By supporting AAP with your contribution you are backing a team of dedicated, objective journalists to continue this work. The exchange though not its climax, when Murdochs then wife, Wendi Deng, pursued a protester who clown-pied her husband was paid fictional homage eight years later on HBO, when Logan Roy and his son Kendall appeared before a senate subcommittee probing abuses in Waystar Roycos cruise division. Although Australian-born Murdoch formerly owned stakes in New Zealand subscriber TV operator Sky Network Television, he sold those shares in 2013. In the year 2019 he personally posted 657 tweets responding to Fox News or Fox Business. They are cynical, opportunistic narcissists and this is absolutely what they deserved, said Emma Wehipeihana, a political commentator for 1 News, in election night remarks that were widely applauded on social media. Before 1996:Michael Horton was managing director of Wilson & Horton when the family-controlled company owned the NZ Herald. Feel like the luckiest AND happiest man in world. If there was any real impact on his campaign, apart from slightly gaudier social media and a bit of sort of corny exaggerated combativeness in his online presence, then it certainly wasnt apparent to me, said Ben Thomas, a public relations consultant and former National government staffer. Based in the world-renowned Gimblett Gravels region of Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, William Murdoch's organic vineyard and winery produce wines that are beautifully elegant, yet powerful . That approach contrasts the public opposition Trump voiced to the AT&T purchase of Time Warner, which owns CNN. Business Desk did, however, note speculation that he might fancy an acquisition the NBR, perhaps. Phone hacking was not the point, he told me for a Listener feature. Those calling the legislation the Murdoch Protection Bill were quite wrong, he said. Reuters theorised the fabricated quote might have stemmed from commentator David Cormacks assessment that a huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and its never taken a foothold.. Murdoch - it seems - is intent on avoiding that fate. But Rupert Murdoch remains a giant steaming Australian turd on the banquet table of the modern left. And in a coup last month, Mr Murdoch forced tech giants to pay for linking to his content. Murdoch has always said he wanted one of his children to succeed him, and over the years, his three adult children from his second marriage have jockeyed for that position. Radio: Rupert Murdoch is a shareholder in some radio stations, including KIIS 106.5 - as per the ACMA records. This was a year after vaccines became available. And yet many media executives would later regret not following his early lead of, Murdoch has been a staunch, even romantic advocate of print newspapers, and kept alive a number of quality titles through long periods of loss-making. , they had grown to cover most of the country as Independent Newspapers Ltd. His titles stood ready to lift a sail and catch the popular wind. Joining a groaning shelf of Murdoch books, it details claims of fraternal fallings-out, and speculates about the possibility of his siblings conspiring to wrest control of the media business away from their brother after Ruperts death. As much as Murdoch liked positioning himself as the underdog and outsider, these new digital competitors were turning out to be too much. It was then that Murdoch began to realize that Fox could no longer compete without changing drastically. This is not a News Media Ownership Bill but a National Government Protection Bill, said Kirk. News Corp sold a 7.5 per cent stake in rival trans-Tasman media firm Fairfax Media in 2007. Plenty has transpired since. On election day in 1992, with the British Labour Party leading in the polls, the Sun infamously ran a front page featuring the party leader Neil Kinnocks head in a lightbulb, with the words Will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights? Labour lost, prompting what was very much not one of Murdochs most humble days. Lachlan Murdoch, a board member of News Corp., from left, Rupert Murdoch, chair and chief executive officer of News Corp., and James Murdoch, deputy chief operating officer of News Corp., walk to . Lachlan and Rupert, who are both center-right politically, will oversee the news channel. Its really rather a petty crime The reason why it became important isnt actually because of the crime within newsrooms, its because of what it then exposed about the Murdoch power network. ), Manat Taonga Ministry for Culture & Heritage. Between propaganda, coercion, and deceit, Murdoch is one of the most destructive individuals on earth. Cormacks comments were for an October 2020 Guardian feature looking at Aotearoas relatively low level of populism, conspiracy theory and Covid-19 scepticism. ), No, Aotearoa New Zealand has not banned any media entities owned by Rupert Murdoch from operating in the country, Emily Fabling, deputy chief executive for policy and performance of the Manat Taonga Ministry for Culture & Heritage, told Check Your Fact in an email. * AAP FactCheck is an accredited member of the International Fact-Checking Network. Victoria University media studies lecturer Peter Thompson said it looked more like a corporate play by News Corp than an attempt to influence APN's editorial. "That endless reflection means that he has an understanding of the context of the moment." Trump was by numerous accounts glued to the channel in the White House. If we had told exactly the same story about a trade magazine that tells you about how to look after your pets at home, nobody would really have given a fuck, because it wouldnt have had all that connotation of power.. His move into what is presumably the last stage of his career mirrors a shift in the industry where he has made his mark. Two years later the Sun switched teams and endorsed Blair. She publicly clashed with her father and her brother James over their handling of the phone-hacking crisis in London - cementing her distance from the family business. 4,149. I made a flippant comment that then quite reasonably was construed as suggesting something that I didnt intend to convey, he told Radio New Zealand on Sunday. Two decades later, Fox News was launched. By then, thanks in large part to the. ITS THE SUN WOT WON IT went the headline. During the 1860s, his designs revolutionised the New Zealand Wars and were replicated in fortifications throughout the nation Originators Colin Murdoch Colin Murdoch designed and invented the disposable syringe, a device that has saved millions of human lives. In 2000, he received the New Zealand "Order of Merit". INL was created following the merger of The Dominion and the Evening Post in 1974. , sent a shiver down spines. APN's assets. And its about tens of millions of adults electing a government, and one Australian now an American being able to tell that government what to do. Murdoch has a direct line to Trump and close relationships with several Fox News personalities who act as unofficial advisers to the White House. How Rupert Murdoch's Empire of . And its hard to imagine him being engaged, if hes even aware, of the Australian newspaper hiring a reporter or two in New Zealand. theorised the fabricated quote might have stemmed from commentator David Cormacks assessment that a huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and its never taken a foothold., It is hard to argue with that. In fact Murdoch does have an outlet in Aotearoa already, if you count Sky News Australia, which broadcasts around the clock via the (unrelated) Sky TV platform. Critics said he hardly needed to. There has been no law or action to ban Murdoch or his companies in New Zealand. When the world was debating a possible war in Iraq in 2003, Murdochs newspapers, more than 150 around the globe, New Zealand included, endorsed a US-led invasion. Fairfax Media understands that News Corp acquired a 10 per cent stake through a block trade in APN shares executed by Credit Suisse at A88c a share, having previously built up a 4.9 per cent stake. He quit the News Corp board in 2020, citing disagreements over certain editorial content published by the companys news outlets. . During his time at No 10, Blair was made godfather to one of Murdochs daughters. Looking at Aotearoas relatively low level of populism, conspiracy theory and Covid-19 scepticism past century,! Civil society in the year 2019 he personally posted 657 tweets responding Fox! Ruptured in spectacular fashion, said the decision had been made jointly so that investigations impending... Legal proceedings were not compromised one of Murdochs most humble day of my life, Logan..., Don Draper, he told me for a Listener feature a different set of answers 10 years ago ). 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