You will also start to make or save quite a lot of money from May 2023 until May 2024 as Jupiter goes through Taurus. Thank you. Hi Jessica, thank you again for an amazing article. We will see the worst phase of Covid worldwide begin in March, but the solution will also begin people power against employers and politicians. Three generations is children, parents, grandparents. From that point, the nodes change signs and that means you are free to get the full measure of a concept which you can now take forward, and alter or begin to see the potential of something very new. Jane Goodall, April 3rd Thanks Jessica. If life feels random, in 2022, as if you are swinging backwards and forwards, you can thank Jupiter and his unusual vanishing act. Boris Johnson - no-confidence vote. This also extends to unpaid work or study. You will be experimenting with the metaverse as some call it. Again, this is the end of fossil fuel dominance. Oh, Im sorry about that. Its really simple. Saturn out of Aquarius, into Pisces. How Astrology Predicted 2020. Businessmen and politicians are trying to avoid a recession so ignoring or covering up. Thank you Fran. Psychic John Cohan 's 35th year of predictions for me . Im wondering if Im picking up collective detours about my 2023 concerning covid or if there is a personal obstacle that I need to be aware of. There were so few working people that they could, and did, demand more money. It makes for an important 12 months, particularly if you are in a marriage, or a professional partnership. Aquarius is about all of us, sharing the planet (not a tiny handful of men at the top, controlling it). Less often, with more passion. This transit finishes in July 2023 and again, you will notice the end of a loop or circuit in your life, regarding who or what you consider to be foreign. I know you said to be prepared. The product actually monitors the air & alerts people to dangers. The Queens head on the notes and coins would no doubt be overturned. I wanted them to be in the same university unfortunately this did not happen and my daughters are now split up as one would have to live with their dad and the other with me in a new town which she reluctantly is doing. First things first; Mercury Retrograde is still with you in Capricorn, the sign ruling career, and it wont resume normal transmission until 7th February, so you are allowed to spin your wheels now. In this life you have been given the chance to use your power. Three generations have a lot of money to share this year. Worldwide or certain areas? In transit, Jupiter encourages you to take a lofty view of what is happening to you, on planet earth. My reading concerns me. Maybe he will again? Mercury 13 Scorpio and South Node 13 Scorpio. Wishing you a super lucky 2023! Best Regards, You have become so used to it, you may have forgotten what it was like to work, study or volunteer without it but a change is coming in March. Could this be the start of the class action lawsuits you have forecasted? The issue for you, Gemini, will be playing your part in making sure everyone can reach agreement. The Earth's orbit will change. Aquarius, you also have a rare combination of both Jupiter and Chiron in Aries in 2022, in your Third House of websites, books, scripts, courses, YouTube, academia, and so on. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. Are you a Premium Member? This is what you read three years before it happened . The housing market will begin moving in your favour as the new year gets under way. As the New York Post reported, Currency king loses $13 billion in a flash Crypto crash.. That way hell get free passage through life. Nobody has yet twigged that the answer to Covid is people power in a group, yet from March it becomes fashionable for schools in particular, and parents/teachers/children, to demand protection and create it, as one. Dont neglect or ignore any part of your portfolio or experience or what is in the bottom drawer. Until May 2024, but particularly in May, June, July 2023 you will see an upturn in opportunities and solutions. How brands will fight to regain control of the shopping experience and their souls. Hello Jessica, Choosing Your House System in Astrology There are over 30 filters, or ways of seeing your world, in astrology. Morrison may emigrate. 2020 was a year like no other, including for the royal family, and according to a psychic there will be plenty more 'unprecedented' moments for the royals in 2021 and beyond. The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. Another Hollywood celebrity will announce they are transgender and will begin their transition in the upcoming months. Because the South Node moves backwards. There has been other predictions about a huge crash in 2023 in the money sector. Several predictions for next year have already been made from an almanac, Baba Vanga, and Nostradamus.And now Nicolas Aujula has revealed what he sees happening in 2022. Youve predicted lots of stuff for some countries. The nature of the duet or duel itself, is less important than the bridge-building ahead. That ends in July, when the nodes change signs. What is in store for us in 2022? Still more influences around you, via the world of books, knowledge, websites or wisdom in 2022 will be Jupiter types they have an elevated, highly evolved view of life and keep their feet on the ground by using favourite books (bibles) as their foundation. What the world has needed all along is employer power; parent power; a united push back against politicians and businessmen who are putting profit before protection. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. If you want to move within your country, your chances are good until July when the South Node leaves Scorpio and your Fourth House of property, home and belonging. There is a sense that 2022 will bring something, or someone, from on high, to visit you. My new position is not in the same industry but is still somewhat tourism related, just not totally dependent on it. Please take time to read the Comment Policy of this website because it applies to you and contains important information about how commenting works on this website. I told The Daily Mail back in October 2020 there would be no vaccine. 2023 is decision time for couples and partners, new and old. Mercury Retrograde is with us. A great deal will depend on the scales between two people being balanced and even. There is no shortage of faith and belief. Will I ever find true love? The hive mind and the network/community/circle and the contrasting financial self-interest of just one or two people. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. Covid and March -23?. That will also help a lot. By Jackie Calmes Columnist. Note the reference to cures. What happens on Wall Street between December 10thand 25th is Christmas karma. Scorpio, with your powerful ruling planet Pluto on your side in 2022, there is no doubt that you will be taking on the map and seriously considering shipping your most promising concepts (and even yourself) into new areas. Predicting 2020, 2021 and 2022 With Astrology. You owe or are owed. I didnt know they had this product that alerted us to air quality. Donald never did have one, but perhaps Mr. Desantis does. In 1350 on the last Uranus and North Node in Taurus cycle, they called it The Little Ice Age. If i try to get more money that I normally get out at a time, they constantly ask me why i need my money out, that is so frustrating! Im afraid India is no different to China in terms of being vulnerable to new variants. Also having some issues with my children 10/10/04 and 31/01/06, the first has been struggling since COVID with anxiety and its affected his studies and drive, is there anything you can see as an end to that, also fit the second hes just come out to us as Trans, not an issue for his mother and I but I worry given the vitriol towards Male to Female transgender persons in particular. Jupiter and Chiron are both in the adventurous sign of Aries, so there is a tremendous need to explore your options elsewhere in 2022. Thats not enough, though. Its a good idea to see 2022 as part of a slow improvement. Women and girls (not only in Scotland, but worldwide) will win the war on them. You are obviously living with travel restrictions in 2022, but thorough research, preferably timed as close to departure as you can get it, will help you. Im a Cancer Sun, Gem Moon, Sag. In other words, appreciating 1) who you are, 2) what you dream of doing in the world, and 3) who you want to be with as you encounter the creative, innovative, and unique ways of living that this year will have to offer. You will find Jupiter in Taurus helps you save or make a fortune, as Jupiter is a gas giant in astronomy and also to the Romans was Optimus Maximus so those Latin words survive today. Bitcoin made a new bear-market low. But its never been right. Help! So this is long-term for you. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. The psychic, who previously predicted the COVID pandemic and Meghan Markle's interview with Oprah, has made some pretty bold predictions for this upcoming year, so let's take a look at them. as I have felt quite unsettled & unsure, given the sacrifice made will it offer any progression in the future?! l know it is going to take some time but l am willing to put forth the effort. There is a natural connection between these two signs and the world of education, academia, publishing and the worldwide web. Pisces can so often end up everywhere, all the time, all over the place you know the feeling and it would be a shame not to tightly control the flow of money, or other resources, so that you make the most of it. There is a commitment, when Pluto is in conjunction with Juno on 24th January, about a week later. The slow build of the Gemini weather, which dominates from 2026. You all deserve it. Property prices dropped as populations fell. Your love and affectionate relationships as well as professional projects might come under pressure. Do you have any thoughts on possible advances to the current approaches/policies regarding environmental issues . In 2022, the new normal will be more new than it will be normal. Happy holidays from California! Good read as always! This sector is really about words, images and ideas and its been 12 years since Jupiter was here. Yes, Pluto going from Capricorn to Aquarius is good news for humanity. I dont see a chart here so can only comment on your Sun sign or solar chart, but it is a good basic weather forecast for human life. Finally you have an Aquarius stellium. This may be the point at which you feel you need to write a weighty tome. Happy New Year. Heres to 2023 Jessica! Saturn goes over 29 Aquarius and is gone. She is the Roman goddess of wisdom, represented by wise old owls, and turns up in a perfect conjunction with powerful Pluto, not once, but three times. Take care and keep up the good work! Dec. 31, 2021 3:15 AM PT. You have learned so much about friendship, real or fake, since 2008. Premium with Preview posts are exclusive member only content. You have one, maybe two, really strong projects or qualifications to export. So its a Covid year, 2022, but that makes you focus, successfully, on export. Beware of playing Lady Bountiful (a character in The Beaux Stratagem by George Farquhar) who patronisingly shows off her wealth by acts of generosity. The old days of corporations like Pfizer making money from injections will be replaced by new proof that the solution always was, always will be, disinfected interior air. After reading all the comments, Im wondering about this new world money cryptocurrency issue. Big Apple soothsayers gave the skinny on 2022 to The Post's Dean . This takes place soon after that rather stuck 2021 cycle disappears. But it is very important that you spend 2022 making good or settling up as much as you possibly can with that group of people. Through the group around you, or the group you feed you will find something special. Forget the trivia and sheer speed of the worldwide web; this is a year to turn to those who have deeper vaults of information to mine. Good point, Deborah, Mr. Morrison may emigrate to New Zealand. There are some terrific things about 2023 including Jupiter in Aries (a new way to look better; perhaps at-home cosmetic injectables or new products for the face) and Jupiter in Taurus (you will be given digital credits of cryptocurrency for your presence on social media). Location, location, location. Are you going up, or going down? I hope we will be better equipped moving forward. More good news. It wont be because of mass death where you live, thankfully, but it will be because of Covid. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. Sun Libra men are in the zone for many years of karma with/about partners. Michael Stipe, 4th January. This is a general message to you in the Aries, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius group. You have a highly unusual Minerva pattern in your chart. This has been a long time coming, but you have paid your karmic dues, as since May 6th 2020 you have been stuck in a loop with the North Node in Gemini, in your solar Fifth House of parenthood but also any role with younger people at all. as it would be so nice to move on from the past & have a brighter year to look forward to in that respect. Well, that Brazil chart worked. Sylvia Plath, October 27th This is something quite different and you can take it regionally or internationally. Aries partnerships are a story (sexual partnerships or professional partnerships) now, February, March then a break then again in June, July and ongoing to January 2025. Asian Horoscopes. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). Forever grateful for you teachings. Fishie. Great to know what I can expect with my Libra stellium. If you are in a duel, not a duet (the Seventh House can rule rivals or opponents, as well as husband and wife) then it may be that you both turn towards someone who is spiritually elevated or well-educated in matters of the soul. Its worth finding out your Sun Sign; you can do this if you have an accurate birth time. Why 2022 is the Year of the Odd Couple For those of you who had more numerology questions after my interview on Studio 10 (Channel, Welcome Back to 1938 I am writing this on Wednesday, January 19th, 2022, in Australia (still Tuesday the 18th of January in New York) watching, How a Chinese Astrology Chart From 1912 Shows the Future Ive looked at China a couple of times in recent years, using the chart set, Questions and Answers About 2022 Predictions I am circling back to this feature about 2022 in astrology and psychic prediction, as the video has now. Your career is not as important as you might think; these cycles arent long-term, so your focus may change later. Also love your one line predictions for each sign. Its about where you stand on that map. If your sign falls in that group then two or more of the other signs Ive mentioned on that list, will be involved with one crucial concept or point of view. You will make new friends from March 2023 who are quite powerful people. Im planning on emigrating to New Zealand this Spring, just wondering if you think this would be a good time, you have mentioned a few times before about things improving for Cancers from March 23. Have a look at the movement around that, worldwide. She has been through a period of really judging herself and autumn brings new beginnings. Thank you. There is every chance you will be learning and studying as well, Taurus. Pluto moves out of conservative Capricorn into an innovative sign advances in fusion energy and AI and hopefully some new thinking on the desperate plight of refugees around the world and Jupiter promising optimism and abundance moves into Taurus where Uranus is disrupting food supplies worldwide. She will talk about prosperity, weather, economy, earthquak. The North Node leaves your opposite sign of Gemini on January 19th 2022 and from that point forwards, your life begins again, either with the same person or someone new. Thank you. Happy New Year. 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