Answer C: The expansion of manufacturing in the South Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 1863 D: desegregation of the United States armed forces, Answer A: establishment of a constitutional basis for citizenship and voting rights. a. the political debates over economic development. Emerson's remarks in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following developments during the early nineteenth century? He himself was a Quaker, but did not intend on Pennsylvania to become a Quakers paradise. Answer A: The period from after the Seven Years' War through the 1760s Answer C: The secession of most Southern states The area rested in between Florida and the Carolina, and like we mentioned above, there was a constant struggle going on over the region. a. D Answer A: The entry into the Mexican-American War Now that weve got a pretty solid sense of the histories and themes that are important for the 13 colonies, lets take a look at the ways the College Board has looked at the topic in years past. how the federal government incentivized mass internal migration to California. The conflict described in the excerpt is most similar to conflict in what other period? The ideology that supported the trend depicted in the map is most similar to the ideology that supported which of the following? Answer B: The attempts by the federal government to foster economic opportunities for former slaves after the Civil War The policies advocated by Marshall had most in common with which of the following developments in other periods in United States history? The idea of Manifest Destiny included all of the following beliefs EXCEPT: A Commerce and industry would decline as the nation expanded its agricultural base. Based on the excerpt, Calhoun would also be most likely to support which of the following? Rubin presents his points of comparison as a bulleted list. Answer B: The question of the role of government in funding internal improvements The conditions that contributed most directly to the conflict described in the excerpt included all of the following except: High prices for the newly imported slaves . The answer is C. Remember that this was an age of mercantilism and profit. Congressional leaders sought political compromise to resolve discord between the North and the South The position expressed by Clay in the excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following? D: Debates about the role of religion in society and government, C Disagreements over whether to allow slavery in new territories, "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. D. The devastating impact of the spread of deadly diseases. . George Fitzhugh, Cannibals All! Massive plantations began to develop, with tobacco, indigo, and rice being main products. Originally called the Massachusetts Bay colony, this site was founded in the Plymouth area by the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1623. The image most directly reflects which of the following popular beliefs of the early twentieth century? A decreasing gap in wealth because land ownership increased among White citizens E: Individual states have the right to reject congressional decisions pertaining to slavery. . . a. the growing tendency among Southern slaveholders to justify slavery as a positive good. Which of the following was the most significant impact of the South's expansion described in the excerpt? 5. Unfortunately this almost led to their demise. Which of the following could best be used as evidence to support the argument in the excerpt that "ethnic conflict among whites rivaled sectional conflict as a major political issue" of the period? First, religion played a key role. A - Le sirve un caf a mis esposa, por favor. To improve its clarity and style, try rewriting it, varying the sentence structures. A c. Clay's manufacturing plan would benefit one section of the country more than others. S, se los traigo. a. the emergence of new forms of transportation. "Therefore, as the United States and Japan are becoming every day nearer and nearer to each other, the President desires to live in peace and friendship with your imperial majesty, but no friendship can long exist, unless Japan ceases to act toward Americans as if they were her enemies. Exiled preacher Roger Williams and Baptist leader Anne Hutchinson each laid claim to extensive plots of land in the area. With which of the following would supporters of this excerpt most likely agree? Increased fear of foreigners and immigrants, During the war, a government agency named the Committee of Public Information, headed by George Creel, was, the producer of a vast number of posters, pamphlets, and films, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, If a statement is $unambiguous$, it is___. Options: A The end of the Spanish-American War B Westward expansion C The booming internal slave trade D: Increased manufacturing Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 45 B Westward Expansion . Answer A: The rise in immigration to the United States Native Americans were a free people from whom much could be learned. This helped me so much! . . Answer C: New political alliances united northern and southern members of the Democratic Party to win control of both houses in Congress. Not all owned or ever would own slaves, but most accepted slavery as a mode of holding and creating wealth." . During Reconstruction, a major economic development in the South was the. Ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. The majority entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other nearby planters. (9) Some students talked. Answer B: The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act D (8) They didn't pay attention. The failure of the Compromise of 1850 to lessen sectional tensions, "The Vigilance Committee of Boston inform you that the MOCK TRIAL of the poor Fugitive Slave has been further postponed. Answer A: sought to prevent Japan from forming a naval alliance with the British empire This discussion will be a perfect segue for you to start studying the Revolutionary War (another obvious common topic for the AP US History exam!). From these two circle, draw more branches and circles in which you will include examples. The realization that without American aid, Hitler might conquer all of Europe. Native Americans had an admirable system of law. Answer 4: D The values expressed in the above excerpt most clearly reflect individualism, as they emphasize the rights and freedoms of the individual to worship, express their opinions, gather peacefully, and associate freely with others. The other options, such as economic equality and private property, are not directly addressed in the excerpt. But even this paled in comparison with the immigration of the late 1840s. During the decade 1846 to 1855, more than three million immigrants entered the United Statesequivalent to 15 percent of the 1845 population. Westward expansion Which of the following events best represents a continuity of the sentiments expressed by Senator Calhoun in the speech? (A) Debates about federalism and states' rights (B) Debates about access to voting rights . But they did share a number of similarities as well. Answer C: The emergence of political machines in the late 1800s, which provided economic and social services to urban residents When Lord Baltimore received this land, England was in religious turmoil. D Answer D: slaves lived better than northern factory workers . . D: the Mexican-American War, (map 2) (b) Is Franklin's message about friendship consistent? a. bland The belief that it was the Manifest Destiny of the United States to control territory across the continent, "[I am] commanded to explain to the Japanese that. (6) The screen was mounted on the wall. It can be a little daunting getting them all straight, especially since they each had their own identities, histories, places of origin, etc. The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for England's North American colonies? Stick with this ultimate AP US History guide to the 13 colonies and well get you that much closer to earning a 5 on your exam! b. the emergence of reform movements during the Second Great Awakening. B But similar to the other Middle colonies, cities like Philadelphia emerged as industrial hubs, where outside the cities, farming dominated, which led to a diversified economy. Equal in significance to the increase in the foreign-born population were changes in its composition." which of the following evidence did the American Temperance society in the excerpt use to support its argument about the need for the temperance movement? Just like the other Middle Colonies, New Jersey had a long history of population diversity, from the presence of the Dutch, to the French, and even the Swedes in the region. Just remember for the APUSH exam, that New Jersey and New York or almost exactly the same. David W. Blight, historian, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, 2001 The excerpt best supports the conclusion that in the 1850s, the United States government . the Japan seas will soon be covered with our vessels. First, we are going to categorize the 13 by region: the New England colonies, the Middle colonies, and the southern colonies. "[W]ith a railroad to the Pacific, and thence to China by steamers, can be performed in thirty days, being now a distance of nearly seventeen thousand miles. which other "righteous cause" would participants in the Seneca Falls Convention have been most likely to support? What they did would become a model for the other 13 colonies. The image most directly reflects which of the following during the Spanish colonial era? The point of view of this newspaper most clearly reflects. "I believe that each of us who has his place to make should go where men are wanted, and where employment is not bestowed as alms. It started off as a proprietary (these were colonies that the king of queen gave to allies and were ruled by people in place of the British crown) colony granted by the king of England in 1632 to George Calvert, Lord Baltimore. prevented neither the monarchy nor the explorers from returning with greater resolve. Arguments similar to those expressed in the excerpt were later employed to justify which of the following? (D) Inward grace came directly from God. that the plaintiff in error is not a citizen . . Dites combien co$\^u$te maison ou appartement. Expanded United States federal authority , , Transcendentalist Quote Identification Test. Which of the following was true of the 1873 Slaughterhouse Cases and the 1883 Civil Rights cases? Which of the following late-nineteenth-century federal actions most directly supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt? Which of the following most directly contributed to the conflict referred to in the excerpt? Come down, then, Sons of the Puritans: for even if the poor victim is to be carried off by the brute force of arms, and delivered over to Slavery, you should at least be present to witness the sacrifice, and you should follow him in sad procession with your tears and prayers, and then go home and take such action as your manhood and your patriotism may suggest. Answer C: extending citizenship to people already in the territories B: Tensions between isolationism and international engagement Isolationism prior to the Second World War, B If you think about all 13 I these terms, youll get an idea of how different each region was, but also how similar. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before usthat from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotionthat we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vainthat this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedomand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." B: The sale of land to settlers at low cost The excerpt reflects which of the following beliefs many Americans had at the time about the federal government? Just like New York, New Jersey was originally a territory of the Dutch. Advertisement Advertisement [the United States] population has rapidly spread through the country, until it has reached the shores of the Pacific Ocean; that we have now large cities, from which, with the aid of steam vessels, we can reach Japan in eighteen or twenty days; [and] that . who did not fit into the Puritan or Protestant models of living found safety here (for the most part). Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, letter to R. L. Sanderson, 1871 One key change immediately following the Civil War aimed at achieving the "racial justice" that Blight describes was the D: Abolitionist activism, "For a few years in the 1850s, ethnic conflict among whites rivaled sectional conflict as a major political issue. . A: Nationalism Answer B: Crop failures and revolutions in Europe James M. McPherson and James K. Hogue, historians, Ordeal By Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction, 2010 Bring Albert to your school and empower all teachers with the world's best question bank for: AP US History Course and Exam Description, Quickly review popular literary works like. C But even this paled in comparison with the immigration of the late 1840s. During the decade 1846 to 1855, more than three million immigrants entered the United Statesequivalent to 15 percent of the 1845 population. "We have conquered many of the neighboring tribes of Indians, but we have never thought of holding them in subjectionnever of incorporating them into our Union C: The supreme court decision in Plessy v Ferguson, "The question is simply this: can a negro whose ancestors were imported into this country and sold as slaves become a member of the political community formed and brought into existence by the Constitution of the United States, and as such become entitled to all the rights, and privileges, and immunities, guaranteed by that instrument to the citizen, one of which rights is the privilege of suing in a court of the United States in the cases specified in the Constitution? . (C) The people of the Philippines were unprepared and unfit to govern themselves. B The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? Youre welcome, Maxwell! They couldnt even vote in English elections, only their own. . C. Native Americans were crude and ungodly. the excerpt best reflects which of the following developments? B. War hawks in Congress who demanded American intervention when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. D: gain continued support for the war effort, D Unlike the other New England colonies, Rhode Island only had an elected president as a government representative. d. ravenous. South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification, 1832 So, remember these three central themes about the 13 colonies for your upcoming APUSH exam. This was the first successful British colony in North American and a topic you are simply going to have to know if you want to ace your APUSH exam. B The use of land for settled agriculture was preferable to its use for nomadic hunting. . c. additional restrictions were placed on enslaved and free African Americans. the author makes which of the following arguments in the excerpt about the perceptions Whites maintained regarding emancipated people in the North? And third, even though all the colonists were British, they were all starting to get real tired of the crown. which of the following groups would most likely have supported this proposed amendment? The sectional reunion after so horrible a civil war was a political triumph by the late nineteenth century, but it could not have been achieved without the resubjugation of many of those people whom the war had freed from centuries of bondage. Which of the following does this excerpt support as the primary cause of the U.S. declaration of war in April 1917? the Japan seas will soon be covered with our vessels. Answer A: Conflict over the future of slavery Answer A: Gilded Age financial policies encouraged economic growth in the North and the South. The population trend described in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following domestic developments in the nineteenth century? . Let's get the most obvious information out of the way first. represents to your honorable body, that he has devoted much time and attention to the subject of a railroad from Lake Michigan through the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, and that he finds such a route practicable, the results from which would be incalculablefar beyond the imagination of man to estimate. the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States spring the first half of the nineteenth century? But South Carolina had some of the wealthiest colonists in all the 13 colonies. Come down, then, Sons of the Puritans: for even if the poor victim is to be carried off by the brute force of arms, and delivered over to Slavery, you should at least be present to witness the sacrifice, and you should follow him in sad procession with your tears and prayers, and then go home and take such action as your manhood and your patriotism may suggest. A. Instead, Quakers and other persecuted believers fled Europe and heard that Penn himself was a tolerant man. . The statement most directly reflects the following economic principles and contradicts which other are John Maynard Keynes's government responsibility, Adam Smith's free enterprise . Which of the following late-nineteenth-century federal actions most directly supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt? 1. Which of the following conflicts raised the most similar concerns about the violation of civil rights as did World War I? a. the formation of new political parties. (1) The principal flipped a switch. The language in the excerpt was most likely interpreted as promoting which of the following? b. culinary Answer B: creation of new agencies to ensure racial integration in employment Answer B: Abolitionism The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? The most important thing to remember from this review of the New England colonies is that New Hampshire was evidence that the New England model was expanding its reach in North America. The excerpt above reflects the common argument in the antebellum South that And in several of the 13 colonies, the idea of religious tolerance was seen as an important asset. Answer A: States' rights A: The spreading of violence associated with the Kansas-Nebraska Act Answer B: the purchase of land from France and Spain c. alcohol consumption damaged people's physical and emotional well-being. But not to worry, weve created this APUSH review to get this info down for you just in time for the upcoming AP US History exam. Developing them as a producer of manufactured goods b. A. However, unlike the Chesapeake region, money was not the number one concern of those living in the area, religion was. 4. Petition for freedom to the Massachusetts Council and the House of Representatives for the State of Massachusetts, January 1777 Answer C: The claim that the United States should limit European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere This was Georgia for you. This would obviously become an important model for things to come. Proclamation addressed "To the Yeomanry of New England," Boston, 1854 Ultimately, what you want to remember about New York for your AP US exam is that it was truly a middle colony. To find out how the system of mercantilism operated, listen to historian John Fea's quick explanation. . Commodore Matthew C. Perry to the emperor of Japan, letter, 1853 Aiding them in developing trade with other European nations C. Integrating them into a coherent imperial structure based on mercantilism Equal in significance to the increase in the foreign-born population were changes in its composition." Answer B: The federal government removed troops from the South and eliminated aid for former slaves. which of the following best describes a major purpose of the proposed amendment? "On the whole I say, stay where you are; do as well as you can; and devote every spare hour to making yourself familiar with the conditions and dexterity required for the efficient conservation of out-door industry in a new country. Involvement in the Spanish-American War, The trend shown in the map led most directly to which of the following? Here we will highlight the ways that each colony held historical similarities similar to their region, but unique to the others. Sir Walter Raleigh was granted a charter to set up a colony on Roanoke Island in North Carolina and after some fits and starts it was colonized in 1587. B: The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there. But still nobody really wanted to live there, so the British army built a fort and Georgia became sort of a buffer between Spanish Florida and the British 13 colonies. Which of the following interpretations of progressivism would most likely support this excerpt? D: The passage of legislation by southern states intended to nullify federal laws, C: The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, "We, therefore, the people of the State of South Carolina, in convention assembled, do declare and ordain that the several acts and parts of acts of the Congress of the United States, purporting to be laws for the imposing of duties and imposts on the importation of foreign commoditiesare unauthorized by the Constitution of the United States, and violate the true meaning and intent thereof and are null, void, and no law, nor binding upon this State." . brought but four of the smaller ones, designing, should it become necessary, to return to Edo [Tokyo] in the ensuing spring with a much larger force." The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for England's North American colonies? . This colony was created in the Jamestown area with profit in mind. Also unlike those to the south, the colonists who settled here were willing to listen to the native peoples, who ended up helping to teach them the best ways to hunt, fish, and farm the area. Legislation passed during the Wilson presidency to legalize the organization of labor unions, 7. Just remember everything that we have covered in this APUSH review of the 13 colonies and youre sure to get questions like these down for your upcoming AP US History exam! 3. Please do one on the 50 states! Which of the following represents a policy that the authors of the excerpt would most likely support? Write the letter for the word that best completes each sentence. Who of the following would most strongly support the sentiments in these headlines? The developments described in the excerpt most directly reflect which of the following changes in the 1920s? The king and queen taxed their businesses, even though they received little in return. d. the use of federal government funding for internal improvements. Here is an example multiple-choice question taken from the AP US History Course and Exam Description put out by the College Board. In fact, the main reason for the colonies to have existed was to make profit. With Virginia being so successful to the south, leaders decided to turn towards the plantation system and the cultivation of tobacco in order to gain economic profits. During Reconstruction, which of following was a change that took place in the South? Answer C: Fewer social differences among White settlers Answer C: Removal of American Indians from the Southeast This attracted quite a few families who could afford to leave their homeland without falling into servitude. (3) The students looked around for the teacher. d. advocated of limiting federal powers to those specifically written into the Constitution. modelo: The area had originally been fought over between the French, Spanish, and British. This excerpt is taken from journalist John L. O'Sullivan's 1845 essay "Annexation," in which he Answer B: The decline of the international slave trade He owed the Penn family significant money and gave the land in the New World to William Penn in 1681 as repayment. Second, this was the age of mercantilism. The belief that it was the Manifest Destiny of the United States to control territory across the continent, The excerpt best supports the conclusion that in the 1850s, the United States government, was willing to intimidate Asian countries like Japan to secure economic opportunities. The advice in the excerpt most directly reflects the influence of which of the following prevailing American ideas? (4) The teacher was not there. Then the drills and sheetings of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, and other manufactures of the United States, may be transported to China in thirty days; and the teas and rich silks of China, in exchange, come back to New Orleans, to Charleston, to Washington, to Baltimore, to Philadelphia, New York, and to Boston, in thirty days more." 38. The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for England's North American colonies? the excerpt could best be used by historians studying which of the following in the early 1800s? Policies favoring immigration Citizens do not lose their freedom of speech during war. The intelligence and organizational skills of its leaders: 37: 9199044217: 39. b. the immorality of slavery had a widespread corrupting effect on southern culture. However, a set of Excerpted from Fall . Because of this industry boomed in the big cities and agriculture thrived in the more rural areas. So, even though the South increasingly relied on slavery, when the New England colonies did not, profit was still a central goal. Based on the excerpt, Calhoun would also be most likely to support which of the following? E: opposition to the draft, "We do not know whether free laborers ever sleep. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before usthat from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotionthat we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vainthat this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedomand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." The paragraph below consists entirely of simple sentences. Explain. With a partner, create a word web showing how the Church influenced political and cultural changes in medieval Europe. 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