However, Loki still kept some of his mischiefs as he stole the Tesseract from Odin's Vault before Asgard's destruction. Is that to say that most ESTP-Ts are going to be like Loki? Under the pretense of offering himself as a guide to Earth, Loki feigned continuing servitude to Thanos while secretly readying a dagger. Loki completely ignores the ongoing battle. Knowing that Loki was truly dead, Thor did everything he could to kill Thanos and avenge him. From there, Thor said goodbye to the Avengers and used the power of the Tesseract to transport both of them back home to Asgard, where he would face Asgardian justice at the hands of Odin. During his final moments on Asgard, Loki took the Tesseract from Odin's Vault and in the wake of the Destruction of Asgard, chose to stay by his brother's side and support his ascension onto the throne. Speaking of which, his most memorable attempt at Fe in Avengers Assemble is getting all excited about manipulating her only for her to turn around and be like yeah nah. However, when Thor had managed to land a heavy blow against Hulk, he attempted to use the Black Widow's technique to calm him down, only for Hulk to smash Thor into the ground as he had done to Loki back in New York, much to Loki's delight as he yelled that Thor now knew how he felt. The lowest rating for any description in the table is 50.0 despite a 1 to 100 scale being used. Statistical "Which Character" Personality Quiz, focused on the future (not focused on the present), The survey data used to construct this profile is. Frigga then informed him that one day he could perform magic as well, assuring him that he could do anything he wanted to. Date of Birth Enneagram: cp6w5 sx/sp. Voiced by And the reason why it was infj and not intj was just a guess. In Germany, Loki causes a distraction by disrupting a gala at a large museum while Hawkeye, along with a few men, raids a secure installation for Iridium. Thor - ESTP. Loki, however, seeing they were vastly outnumbered by their enemy, tried to persuade his brother to retreat. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Great work! Despite trying to manipulate his way to freedom, Loki chose to side with Thor and the Revengers in a final battle against Hela, in which Loki summoned Surtur, who defeated Hela by causing Ragnark and destroying all of Asgard. Loki knows he isnt what his father hopes for in a son, but INFJs are good at imitating other types and he tries to make Odin proud. Where are you at these days?Loki: It varies from moment to moment. Free Enneagram test Free 16 types test. While Loki continued enjoying the luxury of his lifestyle while he was still staying in Sakaar, meanwhile Thor and Hulk had disappeared from their cells, resulting in the Grandmaster becoming furious about their escape and demanded that they be found. fnf loki vore. Actors/Actresses Once she left to warn them, Loki's smile indicated that was part of his plan: to turn Hulk against the Avengers by first turning the Avengers against Hulk. Enraged, Thor demanded Odin march into Jotunheim and attack the Frost Giants in retaliation, but Odin refused. As Coulson lay on the ground bleeding to death, he summoned the strength to tell Loki that he stood no chance of winning this war. Nina's unhealthy INFJ traits include; an . [22], Loki threatens Black Widow from in his cell, Loki vowed that he would force Barton to torture and kill Romanoff in order to break his heart before he broke his skull, taking considerable pleasure at the horror this put in Romanoff. Seeing two Einherjar guards keeping watch, Loki advised that he be given some form of weapon, such as his knife. The Grandmaster then noted that the only way that Thor would be able to finally win his own freedom would be to defeat his Champion, before sending him away to meet the Gladiators who included Korg and Miek, while Loki still remained by the Grandmaster and had enjoyed all the many joys which were presented to him. Movies - Personality Database .pdf. Selvig and Hawkeye informed Loki of Fury's intent, prompting Loki to gather the turned agents and leave with the Tesseract but not before ordering Hawkeye to shoot and kill Fury. [6], Loki alongside the rest of the royal family, As Odin often spent time with Thor, Loki grew closer to Frigga[7] and would watch her cast magic, and was impressed when she made fireworks appear from her hands. Unwilling to allow Loki to escape with such a dangerous weapon, Fury fired his gun at the Asgardian, so in response Loki fired a single blot of energy from his Scepter, shooting the helicopter out of the sky. When Loki grew weary of the threats noted that the Avengers would soon be too busy fighting Stark to challenge him as he attempted to subjugate Stark with the Scepter, only to be physically blocked by the Arc Reactor in Stark's chest, leading to Stark mock him even further for the awkward failure. This article gave me more insight about myself. There are so many bigger and better things to do. Loki, however, still resented his brother and refused to cooperate, claiming that Odin was not his real father. Loki calmly spoke with Thor and was able to manipulate him by claiming that he also agreed with his view that they should gain revenge for the Asgardian lives lost during the attack. Thor asked him to return home to Asgard and surrender the Tesseract. While he appeared from the shadows, Loki delighted with his heroic moment, announcing to the Asgardians that their savior had arrived. Loki created an illusion for a second hawk to distract it. Tom Hiddleston. On the other hand, his Ni allows him to understand the new reality he lives in and come to conclusions about it (Ni foresight). What can I say? Created by writer Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber and penciller Jack Kirby, a version of the character first appeared in Venus #6 (August 1949). While Thor then posed for a photograph with two Humans, Loki then overheard that Thor had been dumped by Jane Foster only to be distracted by something happening underneath him. As he continued he spill out insults to his brother, Loki was then pushed onto a Asgardian Skiff flown by Fandral. This personality typing is based on the character Loki as portrayed in Marvels Thor, The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World, and Thor: Ragnarok movies dating from 20112017, and the Disney+ Loki series dating from 2021. When you take into consideration his background and the fact that hes operating out of his inferior function for most of the films, the objections against typing the MCUs Loki as an INFJ dont carry nearly as much weight. farberware deep fryer magnetic power cord; dauntless best beginner repeater build; hothouse flower book series in order; Seconds later, an armed Quinjet carrying Black Widow also challenged him from the sky. This period of total power had also given him a sense of complacency to the point where most everyone he came across had come to anticipate all of his potential tricks and betrayals. And if you have watched any shows with an ENTP as some sort of Devil, Mischief Maker, Devils advocate etc then you know they have fucking fun with it. The world's most accurate personality data for everyone to read and understand. Loki continued his lie by claiming that Thor's banishment combined with the latest war against Laufey and the Frost Giants had simply been too much for Odin to bear, resulting in his untimely death. Name. He is a member of South Korean boy group NCT. Loki and Thor continued with their brotherly bickering, with Loki commenting on Thor's poor flying skills, especially when he accidentally beheaded a statue of Bor. . The letters INFJ stand for Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling and Judging. This makes for a great character and one who can be strangely relatable. He went as far to say that humans were created only to be subjugated by superior men and that they craved to have a ruler, claiming that they would be lost and their lives effectively pointless without one to give them their identity. As Fandral helped the trio make their way out by attacking the Einherjar, Loki was able to fly the Skiff to a secret location where he was able to transport them out of Asgard and onto the Dark Elves' homeworld of Svartalfheim.[7]. (Earth-TRN664) He had a deep hatred of Odin and Thor due to supposedly being the least favored son and rejected by Thor himself all the time. As they made it outside, the energy the cube had unleashed consumed the area and the entire compound with it. Due to the enmity between Kree and Asgardians, Loki sent Sif to investigate.[25]. Other people have broken down Loki's personality in terms of other psychological disorders that he may have. Thor then questioned how Loki was still alive following witnessing his death at the hands of Kurse back on Svartalfheim, insisting that he had mourned for his loss which Loki claimed he was honored to hear. During their fight, however, Loki then noticed a tattoo on Scrapper 142's arm and realized she was, in fact, the last living Valkyrie; however, Valkyrie was clearly unwilling to allow this secret to be revealed as she kicked Loki away and furiously threatened him by pinning him against the wall and telling him to chose his next words carefully, although Loki had still remained unintimidated by Valkyrie's threat against his life. As armed guards marched Loki down the hallways and past Bruce Banner's laboratory, Loki smiled at the scientist, making Banner uneasy and raising suspicion all round. [5], Unbeknownst to Loki, his use of the Scepter was also influencing him, fueling his hatred and desire to bring harm to humans and Thor. The breakout villain from the Marvel Cinematic Universe has to be Loki, whose popularity has soared so high that he's the star of his own TV series now. Loki's "death" is depicted in a theatrical play, Loki also banished Heimdall from his long-standing position as the guard of the Bifrost Bridge and appointed Skurge as his replacement. As such, Loki felt alienated and guilty since he was a member of a race Asgardians were taught to fear and hate, and the people he thought were his family fibbed to him about it all his life. Out of nowhere, an enormous ship appeared in front of the Statesman. For INFJs, she says it looks like this: Obsessiveness about details in the form of micromanaging others both at work and at home may cause great distress to other people in these environments. Thor was able to break him free from the trance and also got the Bone of the Wolves' Treasureyard, completing the first challenge. Loki then informed Thor that he had been forced to take on the burden of the throne and that the peace was dependent on Thor's banishment from Asgard. Once he came to Earth, Loki managed to take possession of the Tesseract and used its power to open a wormhole above New York City and caused the Chitauri Invasion, but all of Loki's schemes were ultimately defeated by the Avengers. In his attempt to maintain the favor of the Grandmaster, Loki vowed to bring both Thor and Hulk back to him within hours, although Scrapper 142 made the same promise. Thor: The Dark World - The Official Game [11] Believing that Loki might feel inadequate due to Odin and Thor's accomplishments, Frigga decided to teach Loki everything she knew about sorcery, and he eventually became an expert in Asgardian magic, gaining the ability to conjure illusions of himself and create weapons. Loki was given command over the Chitauri army in order to conquer Earth, under the provision that Loki acquires the Tesseract for Thanos. Other people have broken down Lokis personality in terms of other psychological disorders that he may have. On the way out, the two were approached by three Einherjar soldiers. Consequences of his deal with Thanos would soon come back to haunt Loki, however, as the Mad Titan and his Black Order intercepted the Asgardians as they were making their way towards Earth. Loki watches Thor regaining all his powers, When he saw no other end to the battle, the still powerless Thor had stepped up to the Destroyer completely unarmed and pleaded with his brother to allow all the Humans to go free and take his own life in exchange. [5], Loki furiously jumps forward to attack Thor. Thor argued that as the king of Asgard he should be able to decide these matters, but Odin told him he was not yet king. Loki made a team of him, Thor, and Sif. Loki, devastated by Odin's rejection of his actions, let go of Thor and fell into an abyss, before entering into a wormhole created by the energy of the Bifrost Bridge. Thor, however, refused to stop fighting as the others ran from a Frost Beast while was soon killed by Thor. Knowing that they would soon encounter more of the Grandmaster's guards, Thor suggested that they utilize their "Get Help" strategy, much to Loki's horror. In November 1971, Loki lost a bet to Thor and as a result, he visited Earth in order to pull off a heist. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 7) . Loki is finally reunited back with Heimdall. While he was being bound in handcuffs, Loki mockingly transformed into Captain America, only to be silenced by Thor who placed a metal muzzle on his mouth, as Loki's Scepter was taken into STRIKE's possession. Tom HiddlestonTed Allpress (young)Chris Evans (illusion)Brett Tucker (illusion)Anthony Hopkins (illusion) Director and tells him to leave the cube. Loki is taken into custody by the Avengers, As the Avengers were escorting Loki out of the Stark Tower, they were stopped by Alexander Pierce and a group of HYDRA operatives that were disguised as S.H.I.E.L.D. Loki disappears through that wormhole of space and time, when the Bifrost is destroyed, and he kind of goes through the Seventh Circle of Hell. Loki suggested to Thor that they betray the Grandmaster and allow him to die so they could control Sakaar together. And when the latest comments are more in-depth than the original post, its time for an update. (Earth-14412) Talonar killed Gloria Rider. He is the main dancer, rapper, and vocalist of it's sub unit NCT 127. To gain the Iridium, Loki went to Stuttgart, Germany with Hawkeye and other turned agents.[5]. Mortified, Loki questioned why Odin had done this following the slaughter of so many Frost Giants, with Odin claiming that Loki was just an innocent child he had saved. Well wrap it up here and welcome you to share your thoughts. Have fun. He tends to be outgoing, effusive, and always in the spotlight or interacting with someone. custody aboard the Helicarrier. As they became more outnumbered and Fandral was injured when a Frost Giant impaled him, Loki killed the Frost Giant before he ordered the Warriors Three to retreat. He is always tracking everyone and everything going on around him. Loki and Thor discussing their futures apart. However, Thor refused to talk to his adopted brother, merely throwing stones through his projection. Loki and Grandmaster watch Thor's capture, While they were awkwardly being watched by the Grandmaster, Loki had then explained that he could not do anything more to ensure his brother's release from the Grandmaster's custody. Loki and the other members of the Sakaaran Rebellion proceeded to take the Statesman and had then made their escape from Sakaar. Loki is in some sources the son of Frbauti and Laufey, and the brother of Helblindi and Bleistr. Loki is teleported away by Doctor Strange, Upon hearing Strange note that he thought Thor could now handle his brother from his point on as they said their goodbyes, Loki, out of annoyance and anger, attempted to attack Doctor Strange, furiously calling the Master of Mystic Arts a second-rate magician as he then drew a pair of knives to get his revenge. However, it turned out that Thor had predicted his brother's betrayal and had quietly placed the Obedience Disk on his back which he had then activated, which had left Loki being shocked on the floor and completely unable to move. Loki remained on his perch and watched, pleased, as his enemies began to battle each other over who should take Loki into custody. Seeking to make his own way off from Sakaar, Loki had then quietly communicated to Thor via a holographic projection in his cell for the Contest of Champions, where he attempted to convince Thor to abandon Asgard, and instead, join him by the Grandmaster's side so they could both live in luxury. Thor knew there was only one way he could stop the deaths of millions of Frost Giants. Later, he insulted Haldier's brother, Brunok, and their family. Odin revealed that he had broken from Loki's spell but told Loki that his mother would be proud of him for casting an effective spell onto him, which had shocked Loki who had not ever had such praise from Odin. However, Loki's plan to use Hulk was only one aspect of his real intentions. Loki and the Grandmaster's chief bounty hunter Scrapper 142 were contacted by the Grandmaster, who offered a great bounty for their capture as he refused to allow his beloved champion to escape from Sakaar. As Loki lay injured on his back, Thor calmly walked over to him and placed Mjlnir on his chest, pinning him to the surface of the Rainbow Bridge, unable to move. Small and weak for a Frost Giant, Loki was abandoned by his father in a temple, being left to die. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, However, deep down, Loki loved his family to some degree. Regardless, Thor returned from his exile on Earth and ended Loki's reign, thwarting his attempt to declare war on the Nine Realms with Jotunheim's destruction. Published Apr 6, 2021. Following the failure of the Chitauri, Loki was now in the custody of Thor who proceeded to bring him back to Asgard where Loki was forced in chains to face Odin's justice for his many crimes. For many years, Loki had no respect for his real heritage and would often contradict himself within this area to whatever situation would require it better. Loki is a controversial figure to type (as those 40 commends on the last post can attest), and his instability further complicates things. The Grandmaster then sent Loki and Scrapper 142 to complete their task for him. While lightning came out of Thor's fingertips as his anger grew, Loki fearfully had then attempted to calm him back down. Odin accepted this unfortunate truth and then took the group back to Asgard through the Bifrost Bridge. Title(s) However, ignoring Laufey's warning, Thor demanded answers on how Laufey's soldiers had gotten into Asgard to try and steal the Casket of Ancient Winters from Odin's Vault. With centuries to be spent alone by himself, Loki's only source of amusement was to watch as new prisoners arrived in the Dungeons and to read the many books that Frigga would send him. As Loki gathered his slaves, Nick Fury attempted to keep him away from the Tesseract and escape unseen. Famous people, characters, movies, anime. Disgusted at the incident, Thor unleashed his rage by throwing over a dinner table and sitting in brooding silence. Before long one of Loki's controlled agents freed him from the cell. Thor, The Mighty AvengerThe Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big WeekThe Avengers: The Avengers Initiative (mentioned)Thor AdaptationThor: The Dark World PreludeThor: Crown of Fools (hallucination)The Avengers AdaptationAvengers: Age of Ultron Prelude - This Scepter'd IsleThor: Ragnarok PreludeAvengers: Infinity War PreludeAvengers: Endgame Prelude Enraged Thor slammed his hammer on the ground, causing a shock wave which caused Loki to be knocked backwards.[6]. Illusion for a Frost Giant, Loki went to Stuttgart, Germany with and... Infj traits include ; an time for an update is that to say that most are... One way he could do anything he wanted to sent Loki and the reason why it was INFJ and intj. Always in the table is 50.0 despite a 1 to 100 scale being used Cinematic Universe is... 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