Your lack of compassion for someone who is obviously driven to the end of her wits psychologically for reasons none of us is privy to is staggering. I like Cleo's comment about those contemplating suicide, taking time to get their affairs in order and as a ancillary benefit, truly sitting down to evaluate and think. At 6.30am that morning, at which time Melsadie was with her father Leroy Parris, Ms Redmond had checked her bank balance at a garage. "I have been late 3 times this month because someone thought to throw themselves in front of a train.". Furious motorist is fined 650 after council worker paints disabled bay around his parked car. Gleams Akihabara 703 Many would feel they are losing face by going to a counsellor, that that's a sign of weakness. "I am going to kill myself, and I am going to make all of you late for work, dates, whatever in the process.". Or do you think it's more 'compassionate' to just tut-tut and let the suicidal get on with it? Describing CCTV footage showing the mother and daughter, Assistant Coroner Ian Wade KC said: Sadly, what we can see is that she gathers Melsadie up in her arms and jumps carefully from the platform and is then struck by the train.. I doubt if she needs any now. Police say although there were no eyewitnesses to the incident, the events were captured by a station security camera. ( ) A. left B. arrived C. went D. returned. We should sop thinking so much about ourselves, ok we are late for work, but a fellow human has died, their shoudl be pity for the deceased and their family not bitterness and anger.Humanity needs a lot of improvement. Please report any comments that break our rules. How absurd and heartless to say, "legalize suicide". They see, but many if not most times do not register what occurred, they let things go much faster and do not let it get to them. Nevertheless, that doesn't excuse the fact that Japan is in dire need of social support services, anywhere from distress centers for abused women or victims of rape to trauma counselling and psychiatric treatment. 'When she was well, we never had confrontations, the only time we argued was when she didn't want to take her medication. All of you who said "she was selfish" knew her right? before typing odd corny comments. To request removal of your name from an arrest report, submit these required items to She ended her own life. There is SOME counselling, but it's still woefully inadequate and carries a certain stigma with it. ultimately used her flying corpse as a projectile with which to smash through a shop door with the sole intention of injuring and traumatizing four people inside the store. It is true that mental illness is still taboo in Japan and that is a lot of the problem. This was perhaps because, in the back of my mind, I always knew help and support were available. A smile or even some expressed concern, verbal or not, can go a long ways to helping ease someone's state of mind and break down barriers; at the very least, it will provide a brief reprieve for a troubled soul. I'm tired of having traffic backed up when they jump off of a bridge, delays when they go in front of a train, and bystanders being endangered when they want a cop to off them. Japan The inquest was told that between 2005 and 2015 while living in the UK, Zdenka had eight admissions to hospital, with half relating to being pregnant or having been pregnant. Northbound 5 trains are running local from Third Avenue-149th Street to 180th Street. When the temperature gets hotter,many people do strange things they would not have done in a normal situation. Somehow she didn't fit in to it. The identity of the woman is unknown at this time. She is at ease with mum, she is very patient, she follows mum and allows herself to be picked up.'. while tragic, her act delayed thousands of people. I understand it completely. Yoko Ono Is Leaving The UWS And The Dakota For An Upstate Farm, Multiple UWS Subway Stations Will Get Accessibility Upgrades: MTA, Warby Parker Will Open 2nd Upper West Side Location This Weekend, Book Talk: Hostile Homelands w/Azad Essa and Linah Alsaafin, Talk: The Industrialization of Sexual Exploitation OR Why 'Sex Work' is NOT 'Agency' But Degradation, David Burke Goes Down Under with Five-Course Penfolds Wine Dinner, An Evening with the Indiana University Singing Hoosiers, The Walther Christian Academy Choir Performs a Lunchtime Concert. A 35-year-old man allegedly died by suicide by jumping in front of a suburban train in Maharashtra's Thane district, a police official said on Thursday. alot of people do this to make other people suffer & have regret. I think most people sadly have had some kind of contact with mental illness and/or suicide by the time they reach "our age". Mumbai: Woman commits suicide by jumping in front of a train. A few reasons, I would imagine, although of course I'm also at a loss as to why people feel the need to off themselves. Japan has a major cultural flaw. Leighane Melsadie Redmond, 27, had been taken to court over unpaid bills before jumping onto the tracks atTaplow station in Buckinghamshire on February 18, 2019. I had a good friend kill themselves when I was young and a family member threaten to me to do so (while in the hospital, dying). She was seen wrapped in a poncho walking hand-in-hand with daughter Melsadie, who was wearing alittle furry parker jacket with a winter hat and gloves, at the station one hour and 12 minutes before their deaths. it has NOTHING to do with it. Four shoppers sustained minor injuries in the incident. According to investigators, the woman, believed to have been aged in her 40s or 50s, was standing on the third platform at Shin-Koiwa Station at around 10:00 a.m. She then moved to the edge of the platform as the Narita Express airport service approached, on schedule, at 10:04 a.m. and threw herself in front of the train, which was travelling at around 110 kph. to seek help? Cleo - would you agree that the definition of selfish could also be applied to the people here who are lacking in consideration for someone who was pushed to the ultimate extreme of taking her own life? 'This is a gesture or activity which appears to have shown deliberation and forethought. Tel: +81 3 5829 5900 I always wonder if train jumpers are so frustrated w/ society, that this is their final, middle-finger salute. Shortly afterwards, the mother and daughter were seen to enter Taplow station from Approach Road, where they remained at the station for around 20 minutes. This is amazing!! The 27-year-old was seen with her daughter Melsadie Adella-Rae Parris at Taplow station in Buckinghamshire on February 18, 2019 for one hour and 12 minutes before their deaths. I would liek to see an awareness programme for people to understand mental illnes, depression and suicide better. DS Rees confirmed that such an arrangement had been agreed, before taking the hearing through the hours leading up to Ms Redmond's death. Compassion is free. Just two days after her eldest son's 10th birthday, the mother-of-two kissed her children goodbye as they went to school and she walked to Slough railway station, the coroner heard on Thursday. Some like yourself may contemplate and be abel to stop the urges and possibly get help For soemthey may get further and feel there is no help or they are so far gone into the darkness to be helped. Not one of you seem to consider that maybe this woman had fallen into depression due to the current situation caused by TEPCO or the Earthquake / Tsunami. Plus, in Japanese society, past and present, there is NO stigmata on suicide. Police said Wednesday that a woman jumped from a platform into the path of an express train in Tokyo's Katsushika Ward on Tuesday morning, killing herself and injuring four bystanders. maybe we should look at why it is getting worse and what we can do. If you must kill yourself, put your affairs in order first and choose a method that doesn't leave a gory mess. By 6pm, CCTV footage showed that Ms Redmond was with Melsadie and she tried to book an Uber toBeaconsfield and made a call to her mother. - 140 15 . The service is available 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. Northbound 3 trains are running on the 5 line from Nevins Street to 149th Street-Grand Concourse. I think you completely missed the point of my 'taking it out on others' comment - I'm not referring to her killing herself, I am referring to her doing it in public, needlessly traumatizing so many others. There are hundreds of ways you can kill yourself without involving the public. She was caring and a good mother. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. I applaud the sheer ingenuity of this theory! . She was taken to Mount Sinai West, where she was pronounced dead. Here is a bit of advice to those who seem to think this woman was selfish or a bad person. Northbound 1 and 3 trains are bypassing 72nd Street. The inquest heard that on New Year's Eve, Ghanaian husband Mr Yabani returned from working as a church Minister to find his two young sons alone in the flat. The victim was pronounced deceased at the scene. Princess Diana's nieces Lady Eliza and Amelia share 'Appalled and sickened but not surprised at all': Fury of Covid families as WhatsApps 'show Matt Hancock Head over heels for Kate! Kate Oh invites you to a Small Works Group Exhibition for the New York K-Art Festival! Use your Facebook account to login or register with JapanToday. I also very much doubt that she was in any kind of logical state of mind when she did this. She died at the scene. Mother cradled baby daughter and 'carefully jumped' in front of train, inquest hears. He has left 2 lovely little girls who will grow up not even remembering their Father. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. The court heard how the pair were tragically killed after being struck by a train having been on a platform that was closed to the publicfor around six minutes beforehand. Awareness of the effects of one's actions on others yet choosing in one's own favor is a requisite of selfishness, and this woman, in all likelyhood, wasn't. 'Her movements around the station, going from one side of the station to the other, going down to the station and back up, was an unusual pattern of behaviour. The woman, believed to be in her 20s, was seen lunging into the path of an oncoming No. Why, no, of course I'm not being sarcastic! Reply. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Terrible and selfish. The reason is that it was an express train -good chance of succeeding. Expect delays on 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 trains. The BTP officer said that the mother and daughter again spent time walking from platform to platform before climbing the footbridge, where Melsadie was seen looking 'distressed' and was picked up by Ms Redmond. Bihar News: - . DS Rees said: 'Leighane Redmond had several debts in several forms. As for counselling, this country's culture is built on saving face. Whatever the reason, it is clearly a very selfish act indeed. She was thinking of herself alone. We had a discussion about having another child, I told her we had two wonderful children and I did not feel it was necessary to have a third and I thought she agreed,' the heartbroken husband said. Just imagine buying bottled water in a train station, than suddenly get hit with blood and body parts. Reports suggested that the woman was accused in a case. MoriNoHogosha; very brave of you to come here and post how you feel.Suicide is seen by many as a dirty and nasty thing. A woman along with her four-year-old daughter allegedly jumped in front of a goods train following a dispute in the family near Meva Nawada railway station of Sahaspur, police said on Saturday. The coroner said: 'At this stage, Melsadie is becoming rather frustrated and upset with her. Police say although there were no eyewitnesses to the incident, the events were captured by a station security camera. All trains should be like Namboku line - no stress there. The week a train derailment poisoned an entire town in Ohio, the transportation secretary, the man in charge of preventing train derailments, held a press conference attacking White construction . Do you know how much money her family is going to have to pay to the train company for this? However, they returned just 12 minutes later at 8.17pm. By 'She had to be admitted to hospital two weeks after we came home,' said the husband. Following a scan, the couple were overjoyed to find out their prayers had been answered and they were expecting a little girl. So yes, prevention starts in the early years. Tokyo 101-0031 But seriously here, counselling is available for those that look for it. Leighane Melsadie Redmond had been taken to court over unpaid bills, the inquest at Beaconsfield Coroners Court heard today (November 15). I saw this on the news this morning, and it was truly horrible. If you are dissatisfied with the response provided you can But she couldn't be part of that society, could she? Shortly afterwards, Ms Redmond and Melsadie were seen to enter Taplow stationand the pair remained at the station for around 20 minutes. Of course people who witness this are traumatised and i don't think anyone would deny this. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. As for the deceased person, as we do not know anything about her, it is a little early to judge her motives. Data returned from the Piano 'meterActive/meterExpired' callback event. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Commenting on the CCTV footage of Ms Redmond, DS Rees said: Her behaviour, as a police officer watching, was not normal. Steve@CPFC - 100% agree with all of your posts on this thread. We should be sad that a woman couldn't face anymore life and think of her family who have lost a loved one. As a result, you apparently cannot show compassion for this woman and want to judge her by logical measures. I personally think the whole 'ganbare' and 'I must not make a scene' are partially to blame. See, I bet this woman wished she could have been part of that society too, going to work, having a routine, getting on with an ordinary life, having someone to complain to, to vent, to get it out of her system. Remove the stigma and try to help society understand it is the same as any other illness, nothing to be ashamed of. It's simple ease of access. We should never condemn the mentally ill this way because it causes trouble to passengers etc. Describing the CCTV footage, DS Rees told the inquest: 'Her behaviour, as a police officer watching, was not normal. It's a shame that because of her actions others were hurt, and with the Japanese being as they are, I doubt as well that others were traumatized by this woman's actions as well. So please don't accuse me of not understanding, I understand it all far too well. Bad decision on her part. Plus, in Japanese society, past and present, there is NO stigmata (sic) on suicide. If you must kill yourself, put your affairs in order first and choose a method that doesn't leave a gory mess. I doubt she thought that she would harm anybody else in the process, and it's wrong to assume she wanted to. CHENNAI: A 36-year-old woman attempted suicide by jumping in front of an EMU train with her 4-year-old son near Urapakkam on Thursday. "It's a shame that because of her actions others were hurt, and with the Japanese being as they are, I doubt as well that others were traumatized by this woman's actions as well.". Female carer who bit off part of a pub landlady's ear during vicious bar brawl is jailed for 14 months. To those who have lost a loved one to suicide, me included, compassion is needed. This happens everyday, another happy day in Japan. There are organizations and individuals out there that are trying to deal with this societal problem, but I think it takes a very special type of person to be able to tackle this head-on. I'm sure she didn't mean to be knocked back onto the platform when she jumped. why?". 35.000 last year, which roughly means 100 per day, which turn to be one every 15 minutes more or less This article tells us where she died but not where she was from. The NYPD spokeswoman could not confirm the identity or age of the woman who was killed, but did say that criminality is not suspected in the death. Spend some time reading up about mental illness and especially depression.". 'We were aware that pregnancy was a difficult time for her in terms of her mental health. why? We can expect more people to commit suicide if they feel they can't survive in this country. She would have known this if she had been thinking about it previous to the act, but did it anyway. It is thinking like that that results in Japan having such a pathetic mental health system, and mental illness still having such a stigma here. You can reach out and feel 'connected' to the world and to people via the myriad social streams available, but that doesn't feel to me like real engagement. In . I have been late 3 times this month because someone thought to throw themselves in front of a train! British Summer Time begins in March but do you wind your watch forward Britain braces for brutal -9C Arctic snap: Met Office warns more snow and ice could lash the country next Could Northern Ireland become the UK's Silicon Valley? Regardless of her true mental state prior to jumping, I place blame for neither the damages nor the resulting trauma on that woman. But having witnessed that (note that nothing happened) I felt really sick. Our DIY expert, Beth Allen, founder of HIP Chicks (Home Improvement Project Chicks), knows which tools you need to take on big projects by yourself. Ms Redmond was seen wrapped in a poncho, walking hand in hand with Melsadie, who was dressed in a little furry parker jacket and wearing a winter hat and gloves. Based on the collateral damage you think was somehow purposely premeditated? A tragedy and a waste of a life. Life had got too much for her and she did the only thing she could think of to put a stop to it. The following service changes were implemented, according to the MTA: If you or somebody you know are having suicidal thoughts call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or call 1-888-NYC-WELL (9355) to speak with a counselor. What if she was from Fukushima or near the area? tired of the traffic backed up from suicides? DS Rees agreed that Melsadie was 'behaving well' and did not 'appear to be demanding' until the mother and daughter were seen leaving the station. the guy then got stuck between the platform and the train and it was a huge mess, he said. TOKYO. Having been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the court heard how Zdenka was not 'terribly keen' on taking her medication and following her discharge from mental health services in March 2017, she kept her husband in the dark and stopped taking it, despite advice. Jeremy Clarkson is axed as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? I have no doubt some do it for the attention, and others are afraid if they did it somewhere privately they might not be found (right away, if not for a long time). (For more information on this and other neighborhood stories, subscribe to Patch to receive daily newsletters and breaking news alerts.). Obviously the woman had problems, but if she left a family behind not only will she have shocked them deeply by killing herself, but she might be making them lose a lot more than that as well. In a startling incident at the Dadar station Maharashtra's Mumbai, a woman jumped before a train. steve: "Here is a bit of advice to those who seem to think this woman was selfish or a bad person. I agree with steve@CPFC, there is no point trying to criticize this person. 1) Trains are of course very common, and very frequent, and in the case of express trains very fast. Chiyoda-ku 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Please show her and her family some respect. Because you have compassion for those who commit suicide doesn't mean you don't also have foranyone who has had to witness and deal with it. been late to work three times this week because of suicides? On Monday afternoon, a woman in her 20s, whose name has not yet been released, died when she was struck by Amtrak Train 93, according to rail officials. @BurakuminDes - I take your point, and I think anyone rational would agree with you, but I also think when you get to the point that you are thinking about diving in front of a train you are probably beyond rational thinking. The traditional way was to jump off a cliff. The much-in-love couple married and moved to Manchester in the UK in July 2005. In a moving tribute, her husband JudeYabani told an inquest: 'I will never regret having her in my life.'. Burakimin, come on man. A woman is clinging to life after she jumped in front of a Midtown Manhattan train during the morning rush Friday, cops said. By Jamie Phillips and Charlie Moloney For Mailonline, Published: 21:07 GMT, 15 November 2022 | Updated: 10:11 GMT, 30 November 2022. That's gotta be the first time that's ever happened. NDTV delivers reliable information across all platforms: TV, Internet and Mobile.Subscribe for more videos: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: the NDTV Apps: more videos: While this might sound callous, the Narita Express (airport-bound ones anyway) is the worst train to jump in front of as far as ruining other people's days- I wonder how many people missed their flights because of this? Don't you think that's part of the problem here guys? No - she simply didn't think of the effect her action would have on others. 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Girl, 2, looks star-struck as she presents Kate with a gift of Daffodils for St David's A bargain fit for a king: Grade II-listed manor house complete with barn and gatehouse is listed at auction Who said black and white pics were flattering! Once in a while they have a 'mental health awareness week' where they bring in a few more people to operate a hotline for people thinking about suicide but the bottom line is they need to do more. Her mom went crazy, started shoutingfortunately she stopped her, grabbed her hand and took her away. 'She in fact picks Melsadie up and literally hoists her over that locked gate and places her on the platform. At those speeds there's going to be a mess. Many here seem to think that suicide is a matter of choice as is the means to commit the act. I think I'd be sick to my stomach if I witnessed that. Obviously you've never dealt with that and I sincerely hope you will never have to, but you gotta try to imagine that there are worlds out there different from yours. papigiulio: "why do people consistently suicide by jumping in front of a train? She later made a number of phone calls, including one to her prospective employer and another fairly lengthy call with her landlord, Hightown Housing Association. This if she was pronounced dead: 'Her behaviour, as we do know! Leave a gory mess past and present, there is no point trying to criticize this person captured a! We are no longer accepting comments on this article their Father and forethought in Japanese society, and..., of course I 'm sure she did this Facebook account to login or register JapanToday! Early years express train -good chance of succeeding much-in-love couple married and moved to Manchester the. The station for around 20 minutes upset with her and choose a method that does leave! 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