That Yoongi realized you werent good enough or that you were a burden to him. You were watching Seokjin on the little screen that hung on the wall in the dressing room. Dont shut me out. Taking a quick glance at the clock standing on the shelf, you quickly shot up from the chair and shuffeled towards the hall to greet your boyfriend with a smile but your smile fell once you saw the blonde man entering the house. The kid began to cry while Sniffles happily skipped over to him, dumping the bear infront of his feet. dropping all my friends? Jungkook suddenly grabbed your wrist and led you to the livingroom. Dont feel bad for feeling this way, emotions are here to let us know when we need to stop or go for it just like our bodies. You softly knocked on the door, opened it slighty and peeked in the room. You were casually sitting in the kitchen, sipping on some tea, flipping through the pages in the paper infront of you while waiting for Yoongi to come home. Once you were standing behind him, you glided your hands over his shoulders, down the papers on the desk to shove it away out of his sight. It wouldnt feel special if you get in thrown into your hands. The He said. Oh boy, you began to think you made a slight mistake after you uttered those wordscause before you could blink, Namjoon had you pinned under him, your legs around his waist as he grinded against your clothed core. taking the pen in his hand, he began to point out what you could change and what you could add, all the while doing this without letting go of your hand. He shuffeled to the little vase filled with the other yellow flowers and added the one in his hands with a big smile on his face. Before you could open your mouth to tell him he should get to the point he told you to just look at his watch and so you followed his advice, eyes falling on the metal on his wrist and it was right there you mouth fell open in shock. He swore you were beside him 10 seconds ago but right now you seemed to be invisible. BTS Reacts: Proposing To You On Stage (Hyungs When Jungkook lost control of his segway and . What the heck are you even doing!? You were tired but relieved, the crying you had done earlier felt somehow comforting, you could weep how loud you wanted, the libraby abandoned by everyone at night except you, giving you the chance to break down in peace without someone judging you or asking if something was wrong. It seems its nice since you do it a couple of times a day. Youre still lazy. A man chuckled, blocking the sunlight once he came closer. I have scars and bruises all over my body to prove it lmao. Oh Im rambling on. #bts #bangtan #bangtan boys #bts reactions #bts scenarios #bts imagines #bts smut #kpop reactions #kpop smut # . Why are you laughing? Seokjin asked you as you tried to keep the food inside your mouth as you giggled, quickly swallowing the bite of noodles. Something just lures them to you, forgetting the rest around them. I cant do anything right. Oh dear.. Honey.. You told him, pulling his hands away from your face so you could hold them. What if you get tired of it and get with him. With his other hand he gently pushed your face to the side his lips dangerously close to your ear as he whispered his reply. I should just get to work. but I guess its the fact that you feel to lowly for me which I dont understand. Well now I think about it. Had he heard you correctly? Jimin was enjoying some alone time in the garden, absorbing some sun when he heard some rustling. I love you.. I want to say I am sorry but I cant y/n.. because you know, youre not a burden to me. Wasnt the asingment due last month though? you asked her confused. You know what is like to work hard for what you want and it has to be that way. BTS Jealous Boyfriends (!!) He wasnt sure what to do or what to say afraid he would set you off in another rage however he couldnt let you continue like this. Cant believe you were thinking we were about to have se- you snickered, picking up the fork again when Seokjin cut you off. Yeah I know theyre important to get a job but trust me everyone in the workfield have experienced what youre feeling right now. Y/n thats not true and you know that. You love me? It burned. He was totally jealous! I could only think of you leaving me and began to cry. So it will be you as what they react to for example, BTS react to them Crush asking them out. Just please help me okay. You still confused why your brother laughed while patting Hoseoks back, stoop up and greeted your boyfriend with a peck on his cheeks. Ha-Happens all the TIME! He began soft but screamed the last word and you flinched. Just sit down he pushed you down on the chair where as Jungkook was now leaving the kitchen. You should go on date with me only if you want it yourself, I am not puppy Namjoon I dont need to be rewarded. you had told him. You ran towards Taehyung jumping when you were close, arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. Shhh its okay. I should just stop going. Dont even ask me why because I myself cant give you an answer. what was he saying? You scolded me y/n.. you scolded me like a mother would scold his child when he doesnt listen. I didnt know I needed this but Im glad you brought me here. What did I do? Walking away from the two of you he sat down in the grass, his fingers playing with the grass as he looked away. Smiling at beautiful spot youve choosen, you carefully sat down between the little yellow buttercups, not wanting to crush those precious flowers. Its okay. Trying to apologize again earlier,he had turned his back to you. You dont have to be insecure but you cant help it sometime, know that you can come to me and tell me whenever you feel like that. BTS reaction to you being chubby and going on a diet . Seokjin had texted you if you wanted to come and of course you had replied with an excited yes with lots of smiley and kissy faces and jumped in your car heading to the venue. What did he expect? "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". There is a perfect guy standing right here! he waved his hand around his face and body, foot tapping unpatiently on the ground when the both of you turned around, your brother holding your arm behind your back while your hand was on his forehead, earlier pushing against it hoping he would let go of you. He felt bad about yesterday and so his mind kept digging for ideas to make you feel like you were home and after some pondering he came on an idea. Youre unbelievable really. The comforter ripped from his body, the cold not bothering him at all once his feet landed on the ground as he stumbled his way out of the room, his breathing quickened, his heart racing. He immediately straigtened on his chair, focusing on the sound his ears picked up and listened attentively as he stood u while following the sound and stopped at the door where it could be heard loud and clear, his heart shattering at the broken sobs leaving your mouth, your heart aching, needing to release the hurt it must be feeling. Dont worry sweetheart. You two were sitting on the couch in the dorm, quitely doing your own thing when suddenly he heard those words coming from your mouth combined with your hot breath. It was as if he read your mind. Thank you so much. Gosh, this boy worried you to no end. He had you trapped between his arms against the wall, his body pressed to yours, moaning your name as your hands were tre-passing dangerous waters. Shoo shoo we dont need you here. After what felt like minutes to you, the man broke the eye contact first, intimidated by your boyfriend, you could tell eventhough he faked as if he had something in his eye and left. Nothing wrong with feeling like this. he whispered in your hair when he laid down next you, arms wrapped around your form to craddle you into his warmth. Everyone is teasing me especially Taehyung. He whined. Hopefully tomorrow otherwise it will be the day after tomorrow. She wouldnt have done that if she doesnt love you. I never thought you would do this to me. he spat. Oh fuck off you swung an arm around his neck and yanked him towards you holding him in a necklock. The dark blue sky shared his space I was jealous, I was so jealous I wanted to punch him in the face. Youre making me even nervous Jimin said holding his shoulders in order to stop him from walking around the room. Actually you did not know why you were holding in your tears, Seokjin would not laugh at you. Not understanding why he was being like this. I talked to your brother and asked him if he could arrange this with your grandparents since you miss them so much and well they were so excited that they wanted to talk to you today so his hands squeezed your shoulders reassuring this was real. Damn.". Snatching the drink away from his hands, he downed it like a one shot, pushing the now empty glass back in his hands. I dont want to hear more. you hiccuped, not having the strenght to face him right now. You had stood up from the chair and sat down next to him earlier. So please if you ever think youre not good enough, please talk to me. and maybe this will soothe your stress abit :). I made lasagna, I can heat it up for you? Stop that y/n, you will only hurt yourself. Namjoons voice suddenly spoke worriedly, approaching you in quick steps. He hadnt answer your texts since last night or answered them with really short answers but you guessed he was just tired and so did not want to bother him anymore and let it be. The one who completed his heart. Ive been messing it for months but well it seems like it hates me. Hoseok ran when he heard your sigh of frustation, throwing the door open and lifted you in the air. I never have felt like this before. Jimin confessed on and on, hoping his words reached your soul. You were looking at him, knowing the wheels in his head were working on full force as he zoned out. Ms Jung already hates me,I wouldnt lose anything. you muttered to yourself, swallowing the lump in your throat and furiously wiping at your eyes not wanting to cry over this stupid work. I am sorry man. But as a familair sweet voice called out your name, you snapped your head towards the sound and what you saw had you standing next to the desk in a flash, walking towards the figure standing in the doorway. He immediately shut his mouth, the words that formed in his mouth faded away as tears sprung in his eyes. Youre the water and sunlight to my roots. shit. No more feeling bad baby! Nibbles turned his head in Yoongis direction, dropped the brown chestnut from his mouth and turned around leaving the rest well except for Yoongi in shock and amusement. Once he noticed he wasnthidden anymore, he looked up. I mean not all the time. Yes it was funny and sweet but where did she get those stuffed animals from? Yoongi would say, kissing your hand before pulling you up and guiding you to the bedroom. With one hand on the back of his head you buried his face against your chest and stroked his hair as you shushed him, telling him it was okay and to let it all out. Im just stating a fact. Jimin bit his lip when he led you to the kitchen. Okay more like scolded but it made me realise that I did not even try to push away the green monster. You were sitting on the ground, pen in your mouth, a paper in one hand and in the other hand a calculator switching your sight between the two. Dont forget that Bangtan loves you, so please do love them back kindly . I love you too and thank you for loving my blog ^^. Seriously y/n? I can assure you, they have not. Seokjin:He quickly entered the house. I am a moron Namjoon. I was loss for words and to make it up to you and to make you feel like youre home I bought the ingredients from your favourite dish. Unfortanutaly Seokjin wouldnt be home until late this afternoon or so you thought. Just what you said in the bathroom. You just stared at the open book infront of you. I ve been insecure too you know he fumbled with his fingers kind of scared himself too about his doubts in this relationship. You knew what it said, you knew what it read, it just wouldnt stuck and after one more hour studying without making any progress, you gave up. Struggling means youre getting better time by time. The boys did a great job at distracting you. Taehyung: Now I have to punish you!. Thats rich coming from you y/n. Staring at the cursor appearing and dissapearing over and over again. Army wants to see you healthy and happy and if they know youre siting here, pulling your hair out at 3 a.m. Oh boy they wouldnt happy at all.. Well people who do bad need to be punished dont they?, Originally posted by wanna-be-korean-unicorn. Im not only there for you in the sunny days. No employer would want to hire someone with low grades. Taehyung is in hysterics. A/N: Gosh that sounds so cute though hahaha. I have never felt like this before. Tell me whats going on. Why would he still be with you if he had so many beautiful women standing in line for him? You just couldnt understand plus you began to feel selfish by staying with him. Hmm you know I love you everyday more and more he whispered in your ear and you giggled. Even with loud sobs, with tears dropping down to the ground, he just wouldnt listen. Go away! Just wait for a bit you rambled on, needing to get away, feeling the front you put on already began to crack and made your way to the fridge, grabbing the plate you had put away for him, placed it in the microwave and turned it on. He wouldnt have trouble seducing you. You had joined Seokjin to one of his shows since he asked you to come with him. Gosh sometimes I dont even know how you can be this clumsy. Its heartbreaking really. Wha- What I am doing here? he began but stopped, fingers rubbing his temple in circling motions before he continued, his voice getting higher with every syllable he got out. He went out to look for you.. Your eyes and nose began to sting, tears dangerously close to spilling so you quickly took a deep breath, looked at the ceiling with wide eyes trying to hold of the tears. stupid, stupid, stupid. pulling away from you, he started to hit himself in the face, repeatedly everytime he mentioned how selfish he has been. You were always one to think positively however the words you read on social media didnt really help. His voice is muffled against your neck. The desk, your bed, your bookcase and surely your textbooks and notebooks had to endure your wrath the most. Tears began to prick behind your eyes when you heard him sigh, mumbling out a fine meaning he had dropped it for now. I love your clumsy side. We hope you guys like it <3 also this hits too close to home because I'm literally the worst chef ever; i literally just tried to make cauliflower rice and idk how but it turned out AWFUL! Im stuck and I swear it is laughing at me. Is he? you gasped. Totally forgot to put that in my bio. Anyways I am rambling on. Babe.. Y/n.. he was speechless, the shock which at first had slowly vanished, came barging in again when those hateful words left your mouth and your heart. Just next time talk to me so we can prevent all the heartache. you giggled, looking down at him, his beautiful smile brightening up your world. Hmmm is that so? You felt disgusted, wanting to put him down where he belonged but focused your attention at the man beside you. Hoseok stood up immediately and took you in his arms. You just hummed, smiling how his voice sounded so soothing. Seokjin bit his lip, his heart feeling the blow when you turned away from him. But the food is getting cold!. His glinstening eyes focused on yours, the sight melting your heart. inspiration came to the poets and writers at night; the scenery, the stillness, the rare feeling So. Take today for example. And they say school is the most fun and easy part of life you wailed out as you slumbed down on the table, your face tucked away in your arms. Yes? you asked yourself more than you answered your friend. He actually would find it funny you being so clumsy eventhough he says he doesnt. The thought that he didnt want you to hear him crying was so immense hurtful that tears sprung in your own eyes. Where did they come from? Thanks for reading! Ill be right back. he whispered while covering your body with the comforter and ran back to the bathroom, to turn of the still running shower and snatched the towel from the rack on his way back. Im sorry. you apologized Its just, remember last week when I went to get an Ice cream? this time your smirked, you had leaned forward again, elbows planted on the table while wiggling your eyebrows. You werent like that, you liked having some freedom in a relationship but the way you behaved this week had got him thinking and after the fight you just had about the issue of you wanting to know where he was every minute you had screamed it out. Mouth, the rare feeling so I swear it is laughing at.. His neck and yanked him towards you holding him in the sunny days will only yourself... 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