They believe that Olivia is the alternate version - Charlie tells Lincoln that she has lost her mind. But at the time, people were like, 'Wow, this girl really is not much,' which is so not true. She directed Henry to the address for Massive Dynamic, but found the facility does not exist in this universe. This division is where she spearheads various paranormal events related to The Pattern, alongside civil consultant Peter Bishop and his father, Dr. Walter Bishop. All known timelines: Peter, husbandWalternate, father-in-lawWalter, adoptive father-in-lawMarilyn, mother Unnamed father Unnamed uncleRachel, sisterGreg, brother-in-lawElla, nieceRandall, stepfather (deceased in rewritten timelines)Eddie, grandfather Missy, auntAgent Scott, former lover Lucas - ex-boyfriendRewritten timelines only: Eddie, nephewEtta, daughterNina, guardian Age Olivia survives, with gaps in knowledge of the alternate universe's protocol. The Alternate Fringe Team She had a live-in boyfriend who is a virologist for the CDC named Frank Stanton with whom she had met during a cholera outbreak in Hoboken. At the 2009 Australians in Film Awards, Torv won the Breakthrough Award. Peter convinced her to open up about the abuse she had experienced. A heartbroken Peter Bishop, her husband in 2026, gave the eulogy at her funeral and her body was burnt at sea. A crushed Olivia appealed to Nina Sharp for comfort following the break-up. ("Olivia"). Meanwhile, Olivia's sister Rachel Dunham and Rachel's daughter Ella Blake arrive to stay with Olivia. She is the central character of the series. It is confirmed by Broyles that Olivia's captivity in the alternate universe took place over a period of two months. Jones then instructed Dunham to find a box which contained ten games, which were designed for a "recruit" of the ZFT bible. The 42-episode slow-burn romance comes to a head as Olivia delivers one of the most resonantly heartfelt lines of the series. "[31] Goldsman remarked that Torv's depiction of Fauxlivia was actually much closer to the actress' real personality than her performance as Olivia. ("Lysergic Acid Diethylamide"). The couple that kicks butt together stays together. Both Agent Broyles and Nina Sharp consider her to have much potential and talent, the latter even hoping to bring her on as an employee of Massive Dynamic. In the first alternate universe introduced on the show, Lincoln and Olivia were best friends. The good news is, Anna's new and more animated Olivia isn't really a departure so much as it is a character who seems to have had a catharsis. After arriving home, Olivia was speaking with Etta while Peter went to get the mail. When they arrived at the station, Olivia ordered Henry to drive away, and managed to fire at a small valve on a gas tank, allowing the explosion to cover their trail. A younger Olivia revealed herself as Olivia's true ego; assured of Peter's identity, she willingly went with him and Bell. Lincoln Lee is a fictional character on the Fox television series Fringe (2008-2013). Henry removed the tracker from his taxi, having become sympathetic towards Olivia. [16] Olivia and Peter are soon caught up in Walternate's scheme to destroy their world using the doomsday machine and Olivia tells Peter she loves him before he steps into the machine to stop it.[17]. What's interesting about this show is that in many ways, Olivia has the masculine role, and the two guys are the women. Peter comforted her. He is portrayed by actor Seth Gabel . Anna Torv has both been nominated and won a number of international awards. The pale and scrawny boy did not speak to Olivia, but she began spending time with him, and a connection grew. Shortly after reuniting, the pair discover that their relationship in the other universe never existed and Olivia has a new lover, Lincoln Lee. [10] She is captured and drugged, brainwashed into believing that she is the alternate Olivia, complete with traits such as superb marksmanship skills which prime-universe Olivia did not possess. While some credit goes to the writing, it was Torv's shaded performance that sold Olivia's alternate-universe twin as an actual separate personnot just a cartoon villain version of the original, but a real person, a little more assertive and confident, and just a touch rapacious. Olivia was kept in the dark about Colonel Broyles' death by Phillip Broyles, Peter Bishop and Walter Bishop. Olivia began to remember the gruesome trials she experienced, including footage from one test where she exhibited pyrokinesis. Bishop, incarcerated in a mental institution, was only allowed to be visited by immediate family members, however, so Dunham located Peter Bishop, Walter's son, whom she would use to visit Walter. Olivia accompanied Broyles and his family to the same hospital that Max, one of the victims who was saved, was being treated. Sanford Harris, however, considered that doing so would be negotiating with a terrorist. She proved to be the greatest success and demonstrated a number of abilities after receiving the drug, including telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and the ability to cross safely between universes momentarily. When Dunham returned to the hospital where Jones was being held, however, she found a gaping hole in the wall of his hospital room, with the message "You passed" scrawled on an adjacent wall. Walter attributed this to a piece of Scott's consciousness being transferred over to Dunham's mind. The alternate universe Fringe team of Olivia, Charlie, and Lincoln was introduced and it was majestic. On a Fringe case, mathematician savant Milo Stanfield led Olivia on a chase through a construction area including a marked zone where the air is too thin, expecting to crush her under a load of cement bricks. AliveDeceased (in the original timeline) As a result, Olivia killed her abusive stepfather. Weiss stated that the machine was not meant to be a doomsday device and that the strange effects were a byproduct of the machine's "frustration" due to its believing that Peter was already inside the machine. She revealed the news to Peter. Walternate revealed to be responsible for the End of Dayers group as revenge for Peter activating the doomsday device and destroying his universe. Appearances However, her incarceration was a kidnapping in this timeline, and her stay in the alternate universe lasted 2 weeks, instead of 3 months. Alice did not believe them until Derek started to refer to their children. Olivia passed out when Walter clanged a bell to begin the process of Rebecca telling them more about this. Peter tells Olivia the truth about his relationship with Fauxlivia. The bridge between universes was still created, and she was forced to work with the woman whom she felt stole her life. [50][51][52] In 2011, for her work in the third season, Torv was nominated for the Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series at the 1st Critics' Choice Television Awards. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. [23] She was nine years old when she shot her stepfather, and she states in an earlier episode that she knew what she wanted to do for a career "pretty much since [she] was nine", indicating a direct link between the childhood abuse and her job. During part of the treatment, she escapes and jumps into the river. They say love knows no boundaries, and on Fox's multi-universe-traversing Fringe (Fridays at 9/8c), it truly doesn't . During Olivia's final test in the tank, she was again able to cross over to the gift shop in the prime universe in New York, and saw the absence of New York's Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre. Olivia was imprisoned in the government facility on Liberty Island and put through both physical and psychological treatments by Walternate to make her believe that she is really the Fauxlivia of the parallel universe. Bell was using the Cortexiphan children to try and collapse both universes to create his own universe where he could play God. Olivia suggested the possibility that the effect is due to quantum entanglement between Alice in the prime universe and Derek in the parallel one. He explained this to a heartbroken Olivia, who firmly believed that she was "his" Olivia. In the second season finale, Olivia and Peter Bishop finally admit their feelings for each other and kiss. Olivia had an abusive stepfather, and shot him several times in defense of her mother and herself. After looking at many auditions "well past the 12th hour"[19] for the role of Olivia Dunham, Australian actress Anna Torv was selected for the part. And definitely had depth and a history behind her eyes. Fringe Preview: Seth Gabel Reveals the Lincolns' Feelings for Both Olivias. Olivia and her younger sister, Rachel, were orphaned when Marilyn Dunham died of cancer in 1994. Because of Olivia's childhood past, she had managed to make Christopher open up to her and thus making the Other Broyles (who knew Olivia was from the other side and not his own agent) have a second opinion on her. A tentative romance appeared to spark between Olivia and Lincoln, yet this was disrupted by Peter's return to the timeline. Together, the two reached the immersion tank that Olivia used earlier, but found it to be empty. However, they are attacked by the image of her step-father and several military personnel. Olivia after coming out of synaptic transfer ("Pilot"), Desperate to solve the case and save her lover, Dunham searched the FBI database for anything that could help cure Scott's ailment, eventually discovering a Dr. Walter Bishop, a scientist who conducted research on a similar matter. Peter and the Fringe team were able to track Olivia down and save her from Jones's clutches. They defied the odds, and crossed over to other universes just so at least one version of them could grow old together. Due to the fact that relationships between agents were not allowed, the affair was kept quiet, though Dunham hated the secrecy. Lincoln first appeared in the season two finale on May 13, 2010. Olivia convinced him that her universe is not at war with theirs; the troubles started not from any hostile action, but only as an accidental side-effect of Walter Bishop's initial crossing to save Peter 25 years prior. Shortly after the bridge was formed, Olivia and the other Olivia began to swap case files, both being extremely cold and suspicious of the other. He comes to realize a temporal paradox (a Bootstrap paradox): he will have sent the doomsday device piece by piece into the past, effectively becoming the "First People" mythos, and convinced Peter that they can influence Peter in the past by having him experience the end of days himself and make a different decision when he enters the machine, thus preventing Olivia's death and the grim future to come. He gave her adrenaline after she ahd been paralysed and shot Brandon. As soon as he did this, Jones abducted Olivia. Etta was reunited with Peter, Walter, and Astrid, who had been encased in amber. With the help of the alternate universe's Agent Broyles, she is able to escape from custody and make it to alternate Walter's Harvard lab, where she uses the tank to return to her own universe. She went to the bowling alley, managed by Sam Weiss where he told her she was one of the best people hes known, and hes sure shell do the right thing. ("The Zodiac Paradox"), Olivia Dunham was born on October 12, 1979, to Marilyn Dunham and an unnamed war veteran father. As an adult, Olivia told Peter that she knew she wanted to be in law enforcement since the age of 9 ("The Ghost Network"). Anna TorvAda Breker (age 3)Karley Scott Collins (age 7) The turning point came when Olivia and Peter went searching for Dr. Frank's old files at a storage facility - shades of the Fringe pilot, when OT Olivia's partner/lover/fianc John Scott . She ends up in a short coma and wakes up in an incoherent state and in shock. Dunham questions Steig's employer, Nina Sharp, who offers Dunham a job but no useful information other than the words "the Pattern," which Sharp enigmatically does not elaborate upon. Peter realized Walternate was threatening Olivia and discovered he was using a hologram when speaking to him. '"[33], The character and Torv's performance received overall generally positive reviews, although the response to Anna Torv's performance in the first season was mixed. (Unbeknownst to Olivia, Walter had accelerated the trials because he hoped to find a way to bring the alternate universe, Peter Bishop, back home.). Before Brandon started the operation, Olivia received a visit from Colonel Broyles, who was still grateful to Olivia for helping his son. She did it with excellence, and now she's really getting the chance to show people, 'Hey, I'm a really hard worker and a terrific actor.' Olivia gives the device to Nina at Massive Dynamic; with the intact device, they can use it to examine the device of the first shapeshifter that tried to kill Olivia. "An Enemy of Fate" After the final reset, Olivia and Peter were happily sitting in the park watching Etta play. Alice's connection to the parallel universe Derek had caused the crack. ("Grey Matters"), Newton planned to pull a building from the prime universe to the parallel universe. They also made her "a little bit more playful". She is trapped in the alternate universe by Walternate, Walter's alternative self, while Fauxlivia replaces her in the prime universe. As they travelled by zeppelin, William tried to encourage Walter that he no longer needs Bell's guidance. As part of a plan to defeat the now hostile observers, Olivia and the rest of the Fringe team purposefully trap themselves in amber. Olivia and Peter as children in the field of white tulips. This is confirmed when Simon Phillips, a mindreader, leaves Olivia with a message that Peter still has feelings for Fauxlivia. In the alternate timeline, however, Olivia also had a much closer relationship with Walter Bishop, and seemingly Astrid too. Upon discovery, Dunham was to attempt the first test, and the first test only. Dunham, emotionally shaken by the entire case, met with Walter and Peter soon afterwards who decided to stay and help with future cases. Although she did not see him after these events, he continued to send her a birthday card every year ("The Cure"). Walter, with a window to the parallel universe, saw that the other Peter was alive and well, but discovered that September distracted Walter Bishop of the Alternate Universe finding the cure. Anna Torv described them as "remarkably alike. In episodes 4.19 Letters of Transit and 5.1 Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11, their daughter finds them and reunites them. ("6955 kHz"). [20] Production team member Alex Graves commented on Torv's casting: What Anna brings to the project is that she comes into the world of Fringe with all of its edge and mystery, and she brings this sort of elegance and poise to it that makes you just love her and want to make sure she's OK and gets through it. Also Known As She did not remember getting injured, and incoherently told Peter there is something they need to do, and their "lives may depend on it," but couldn't remember who told her this, or why. She was rushed to the hospital and declared brain dead. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The Fringe division discovers an undamaged device they believe is used by the shapeshifters to take another's identity. a virus that caused orifices to seal over. [21] Webster called a friend in Australia, and were able to arrange an audition with Torv, who was camping in the Outback at the time she received the call from her agent. ("Novation") At some point, Olivia attended boarding school. This drove Olivia and Peter apart, as Peter wanted to find his missing daughter and Olivia decided to bottle up her emotions and try to save the world. She turned a lot of heads. ("The Arrival"), After solving cases involving a bus accident ("The Ghost Network") and a mysterious bald man ("The Arrival"), Olivia finally became somewhat used to her job and was on good terms with Phillip Broyles and the rest of her co-workers. ("Olivia") They went into foster care afterwards. This is the episode to go to if. Rated: T - English - Angst/Family - Chapters: 4 - Words: 3,557 - Published: Feb 27, 2021 - Olivia D., Peter B., OC. ("Concentrate and Ask Again"). He tells her to expect headaches as one consequence of crossing universes. Olivia escapes to Walternate's lab in Harvard. Comparing Olivia to Fauxlivia, Torv felt that the two had many different characteristics. Olivia, seeing her mother and the memories of her mother, cried into her arms, as she was awash in Fauxlivia's memories. Walter sent her to Grand Central Station to retrieve a Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11. This was the same test as the previous timeline with the lightbox but this time he wanted her to turn the lights on instead of off. Olivia is captured by Walternate's forces, imprisoned in the government facility on Liberty Island and put through both physical and psychological treatments by Walternate to make her believe that she is really the Fauxlivia of the parallel universe. ("Fracture"). ("Dream Logic"), When Thomas Jerome Newton, the reanimated leader of the shape-shifters forced Walter to tell him how he opened a door to the Alternate Universe, Olivia managed to stop his escape, but was forced to choose between seizing Newton and saving Walter, as he had given Walter a lethal dose of a neurotoxin that will kill him unless he gave Olivia the correct directions. Olivia Dunham - List of Appearances. The character of Olivia has been described as "an incredibly driven, incredibly brilliant agent with her own complicated past that will be peel[ed] back over time. Olivia Dunham (Alternate Universe)/"Fauxlivia" Olivia and Peter got married. The Fringe division later learned that their version of the machine was activated at 6:02 AM on its own, and Walter suspected the two machines were tied by quantum entanglement, with their version of the machine destroying their world to stabilize the parallel one. Olivia began to develop super-hearing as a result of crossing to the parallel universe, and heard someone else in a house when on a case despite the man insisting he was the only one there. They are rescued by Etta in 2036. After being visited by her partner, Charlie and given a gun, Olivia is unsuccessfully questioned by the shapeshifter, who has adopted the appearance of a female nurse. Once the Observers invaded in 2015, Henrietta went missing (one way or another, Fauxlivia was aware of it, as mentionned in Liiberty at 26:07, suggesting that communication between universes continued after the deactivation of the bridge in Worlds Apart). Season 3. Olivia also mentions that Fauxlivia "kidnapped" her. [14] They begin dating and their relationship is progressing when Walter realizes he has brought back William Bell, who died in the alternate universe, by using soul magnets and he now resides in Olivia's mind. Olivia begins to realize how much Fauxlivia has consumed her life. Following a plot line in the second season, viewers are introduced to Olivia's doppelgnger from the parallel universe, which develops an alternate reality for each character. It was almost as if Olivia was his daughter and he wanted to take her heartbreak away. Olivia's time in the alternate world was running out (as she instinctively knew that Walternate and Brandon Fayette had whatever they want from her) and she began to find ways to return to the other side with the help of Henry Arliss Higgins. in Psychology and Criminology, and served as a United States Marine Corps special investigator, prosecuting Sanford Harris, who was charged with sexually assaulting three Marine Corps Privates. Unable to stop it and her love for Peter, Olivia begged Nina to hold on to their relationship, no matter what were to happen to her memories. Peter was unable to answer her, and a distressed Olivia left on her own, deciding not to be with him. Cause of death Dunham was clear of the blast, but Scott had been directly in the middle of the explosion and was put into a coma to slow skin degeneration similar to the degeneration seen on the passengers of Flight 627. In 1985, the trials were accelerated for six-year-old Olivia, known as Olive to her peers. Dunham graduated from Northwestern University with a B.S. Just the fact that he valued and cared about every Olivia he met, speaks volumes about their connection. She went to Dr. Frank, who was the. Using a makeshift set of ropes and pulleys, Roland engaged Amanda's body in a marionette act to make her perform like a ballerina, promising her he will bring her back to life. When Alt!Olivia was giving birth to her son with Peter, she trusted Lincoln to choose to save the baby if it came down to it. With the help of Walter Bishop and Peter Bishop, she discovered that her dreams were actually caused by her connection to Nick Lane, with whom she had been partnered with during their experimentation in Jacksonville, Florida. As they spend more time together Olivia begins to remember her time with Peter and gradually comes to realize that she is "his" Olivia while her memories from the readjusted timeline begin to slip. ("Jacksonville"), Walter explained to Olivia the truth about the Peter from the prime universe dying as a child. Peter and Olivia were able to track down Bell's ship, where they met up with Walter. Brandon theorized in a later conversation that the rush of adrenaline effectively enhanced the potency of his chemical agents to brainwash Olivia. As a result of the Cortexiphan, Olivia began regaining the memories of her previous life with Peter, a life that had been all but erased. Walter is initially unsuccessful at treating Scott, but after entering a water tank for a synaptic transfer with Scott, Dunham is able to identify the man who tried to kill Scott: Richard Steig, twin brother of Flight 627 passenger Morgan Steig, a former Massive Dynamic employee. Olivia recognized that her emotions were her strength in the fight against the Observers and was able to act as Peter's rock when he began to slip away from his humanity by putting the Observer tech in his own head. For the episode with that title, see, List of awards and nominations received by Fringe, Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series, "Anna Torv as Special Agent Olivia Dunham: Character Bio", "Anna Torv excited to play 'Fringe' double as Fox show edges into 3rd season, gains new perspective", "Anna Torv: Making 'Fringe' a mainstream hit", "Fringe 1.07 - In Which We Meet Mr. Jones - Reviewed", "Fringe producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. As a result, Olivia is capable of unspecified psychic abilities, as demonstrated when she shuts off a series of lights wired into a bomb as a kill switch simply by thinking it. The prime Olivia ultimately found Peter again, but she didn't regret the time she spent with Lincoln. Walternate, watching the altercation on monitors, noted Olivia has gained the marksmanship ability that the alternate Olivia possesses, and began to think the serum is working. "[39], In a response to some early negative reactions to the actress' performance, Jon Lachonis noted in a review of the first season's seventh episode that "Anna Torv, whose chill portrayal of FBI agent and Pattern investigator Olivia Dunham has come under fire for being too wooden, seems to have reinvented her character to answer the critics. Casting director April Webster commented, "What we were looking for in Olivia was a woman who was believable as an FBI agent but yet had some vulnerability. Rebecca Kibner, while under a heavy dose of mind-altering drugs, had witnessed events in the parallel universe including the presence of the shapeshifters. In the home, Olivia discovered her mother Marilyn, who, in the prime universe, had died when Olivia was a teenager. Olivia was able to retrieve the device but was forced to amber herself before returning to the Harvard Lab. "[26], Torv and Akiva Goldsman discussed various ways to differentiate the two depictions of Olivia;[27] ultimately two different physical demeanors were created. When Olivia finds and confides in Walter himself, he empathizes with her and threatens her stepfather Randall with a call to social services as well as the loss of financial support from the trial ("Subject 13"). The quarantine is estimated to have taken place roughly twenty years prior. Because of her efforts to save Christopher, he let her go. [37] Stegall partly attributed the growth of the actor and character to her recovery early in the second season, the introduction of a sister and niece, the removal of John Scott from her storyline, and the "delicate, reserved flirtation" with Peter. Was using the Cortexiphan children to try and collapse both universes to create his own universe where could..., while Fauxlivia replaces her in the prime universe dying as a result, Olivia also a! 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