Cedric. Well, read it and find out. r/HPfanfiction Harry slumped to the ground beside Voldemort's smoking carcass. Dobby is telling other House-elves that you is letting me be sharing magics without bond. Morning, he said. Even be sorted into Slytherin. And after last night, this is the final straw. Trust me, you've never seen a soul-bond fic like this, Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 23 | Words: 140,465 | Reviews: 1,143 | Favs: 1,400 | Follows: 1,883 | Updated: 5/12/2016 | Published: 11/3/2013 | id: 9818387 | Language: English | Genre: Romance/Humor | Characters: | Download: EPUB or MOBI. The Sorting Hat wanted to put me in Slytherin, but Id already met Malfoy, so I begged it not to!, A Slytherin, in Gryffindor, Astoria muttered. The taste seemed enhanced by the fact most everyone else was eating gruel. Plots of a Snake and Two Lions Detention, and fifty points from Gryffindor for interfering with the food!. "Shush," Hermione whispered, her face twitching as she tried to keep a straight face. He had not mentioned the badges this morning, partly because they were childish, and partly because he thought it might be character-building for Harry. as well as Because you is bullies, and some of you is stinky, he explained eagerly. Also a WIP, but is pretty regularly updated. We asked him to stay in animagus form for now in order to avoid anyone walking in and seeing something. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. On the breath of my forebears, on the dreams of my children yet to be, on the punishment of pain too much to bear, I swear that I have not led you false.. Next.. Harry Potter, he replied automatically. Hims always been great to Dobby, even when Dobby was bad House-elf.. 24. She shook her head in displeasure and walked to her dorm. (And All The Tags, too! Dobby nodded hard. Its okay, honest.. Harry is struck down by a nasty curse just after he becomes The Boy-Who-Won. Erm., I kinda allowed some House-elves to use my power last night, like Dobby., Harry shrugged. Hermione opened her mouth, and then closed it and shrugged. ), I found myself suddenly immersed in the world of Harry James Pottersometimes with very little of the boy himself. Harry and Hermione decide to make a soul bond, despite not really knowing what they are doing. Romilda fluffed her hair. Night, Hermione, Harry, she said, and walked in to her dorm room. He bit back his instinctive urge to swear at the elf. That should be my advice to you, Daphne said with a slight frown. Theres something with, that he wants. Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 73 | Words: 376,980 | Reviews: 5,552 | Favs: 10,468 | Follows: 11,226 | Updated: 5/28/2017 | Published: 2/22/2014 | id: 10136172 | Language: English | Genre: Adventure/Humor | Characters: Harry P. | Download: EPUB or MOBI. Ships: H/Hr. Yes, it is, Albus agreed. Ive had older men try to persuade me to blow them since I was ten, I dont even know the first time that Romi was targeted for bigotry. You, sir, are despicable. 15. Harry Potter sir is great and powerful.. Astoria rolled her eyes, and reached out, closing the book Harry was reading before assuming a professorial stance. Dobby peered in the pocket and then handed Harry a few hairs. You must be a She looked at Harry directly. I wouldnt want to make them mad at me, it's justhard to not be in the action. Seriously. He had also managed to finally remember to send off a note to his healer at St. Mungos informing him that they had figured out the source of magic located in his scar and gotten it taken care of, and that if the Healer wanted to know more about the magic he would have to contact the goblins first. Follow the life of the daughter of the forgotten about Black brother. Dobby sniggered, and snapped his fingers. Harry muttered something Romilda couldnt hear. "Anything to help the great wizard Harry Potter." They grinned at each other, but the moment of exhilariation faded away quickly. We were able to locate him, Remus said, gesturing to the dog by his side that Harry had briefly forgotten about. Of course I do, especially when you act like the ignorant cow you are, Romilda replied sweetly. Or I shall have you run off my land!, And I shall use my ancient Gypsy powers to curse you into marrying a smelly blonde ponce, and have exceptionally painful childbirths which will addle your brain to name every child something ridiculous!, Yes, and every night you shall have to sleep with his pure-blooded lack of bathing!, I give, I give, Astoria laughed, holding her hands up. If you don't mind incest its a soul bond between Harry/His Twin sister/Gabrielle. Carty?, The House-elf appeared. inside Somehow they muddle through the ordeal, and create "The Co-Ed Naked Dueling Club (TM)" along the way. Ill fix this, and then go find Harry, she continued to herself, before heading off in a different direction. Obviously you trust him completely, otherwise you would not have brought him inside near Harry. Yes, indeed. He paused. linkffn(The Queen Who Fell To Earth) and its trilogy. At Hogwarts, it has always been an animal for the first, and either the forest or the lake for the second., Bugger, Harry sighed once more. No one here is going to get mad at you for speaking the truth.. It minimises risk., Yeah, but its so boring it sucks! Ron and Hermione started to follow, but stopped when Harry took a step and immediately swayed in place. What is going on, Dumbledore? Fudge demanded as he entered the office with Lucius Malfoy and his undersecretary. The creator was executed, after it was found that he had powered the charms with a blood sacrifice of five virgins, and that instead of charms there were in fact geases to ensure that those selected were forced to participate. Rated M.] Okay, so this isn't the film actor for James Potter. The I.C.W. It wasodd. Sirius, especially, cannot be seen until we have Scab-Pettigrew captured. Youre the second daughter, Greengrass, a worthless waste of flesh, but Ill tell you what, come over here on your knees, and if you do a good job, Ill take you as a mistress for a year or two, give you some real experience. Astoria shrugged. McGonagall said your house is supposed to be family. He snorted. Please consider turning it on! my Planning for Potions should not take this much 5. Well, if you can call thirty seconds of vigorous thrusting followed by ten minutes of crying sex!, Astoria and Hermione giggled, while Harry had a weird expression on his face. TYSM FOR 250K READS!!! Still, racebent charactersand even stories featuring the canon characters of colorare few and far between in the already-very-white fandom that features well over a million fanworks.) Avada Kedavra, he said. Love is not handed out freely. The Harry Potter characters have phones? Fanfic Forum Discord Recs, DerangedDeceiver's Favorite . Lets just do this. We plays on that.. He sighed, and picked up the bag, and headed out. There were more voices outside of the door now, all of a sudden, and a flurry of movement that he couldnt make out. Nevermind Harrys years at the Dursleys. But youve always been the smart one. For something written after Deathly Hallows was released, try Rebuilding, which involves Draco and Hermione (among others) returning to Hogwarts after the war for varying reasons. Forget it. You dont have to bind or anything, but I dont want you suffering!. he had finished looking into the map, but his friends had given him identical disbelieving looks and continued to drag him to the hospital wing, citing that if they let him wait he would never eat or get his potions cause he would get carried away with research, blimey mate, you act like we havent been friends with you for years. He supposed that they werent entirely A minute later, he left, and the noise picked up again. Minerva McGonagall was in a complete quandary. But Master Harry Potter, sir is having several very weak bonds." "What?" We can stun him and then cast the spell. She scribbled on the parchment for a few seconds, and then passed it to Hermione. A mysterious little boy named Harry moves in next door to Draco Malfoy, and he's determined to make him his friend and learn all of his secrets. It was then that he, followed almost simultaneously by Ron and Hermione, had spotted the dot titled Sirius Black making its way across Hogwarts grounds. Sign up for our Book Deals newsletter and get up to 80% off books you actually want to read. Which would you like to start with? He didnt feel nearly as volatile as before, though the thoughts and emotions were still swirling in the back of his mind, waiting to pounce again. Harry learns a lot about Hermione when he's asked to make a selection from her collection of videotapes and DVDs. Book Riot no longer promotes J.K. Rowling in light of statements she has made against the trans community. And what, exactly, is the plan from here? Her modesty, too, no doubt, Romilda teased. No bashing. Hermione looked at him sharply; she hadnt expected him to say anything. Sorry this chapter took so long to get out, I had a super busy week and then was under the weather. Nsfw 18+ 'Me to lad, me to' Harry? Hermione asked. Here, theres art; there are canon-based stories and stories that feature queer and neurodiverse characters. Acromantula, Cerberus, knowing the Wizarding world, probably a Nundu or something equally as ridiculous., Hermione sighed deeply. Sure enough, after a moment of searching, he spotted the name Peter Pettigrew amongst those milling around in the common room. Whats better than an Epilogue-compliant story that goes awry? He hadnt even thought that his lack of action had meant that he was condoning bullying. He looked up at them, his eyebrows raised above his glasses. Great. I got so caught up in the idea of emancipating slaves, that I didnt bother to actually find out what it would do to them. She paused, or think of such an obvious way around it. She had a proud look on her face that made Harry blush slightly. Something that must have made the Dursleysbe like that. She rolled her eyes. Who knew that a train r Harry, now back for his 8th year, discovers something new. After a bit of hopping through fanfiction for the Marvel Cinematic Universe and James Bond (00Q 4 Lyfe! You dont, you dont think hes?, Remus opened and closed his mouth a few times. You alright there, Harry? H/G SoulBond!RealisticDevelopment!EndOfCOS!GoodDumbledore! Hermione? Harry asked, looking at the bushy-haired witch. Before he had even fully consciously processed all the implications, he had started sprinting to Remuss office. Harry and Hermione looked confused, and then up the table. In which academic student Charlie falls in love with a boy she saved from a dodgeball. or Wizards and Demigods react. Do I have enough magic? Harry asked tiredly. This was worse, even, then when he had lost it at Aunt Marge. Ive already been embarrassed today by idiots saying stuff that isnt true, so Id actually appreciate some truth about now., Harry Potter sir is great and powerful wizard, but, Dobby cringed, he is smothering hims magics!, Stopping yours magics, Harry Potter sir, you is holding it really tights and squeezing its and its not growing!, Harry, Hermione said suddenly, her tone sharp. As they both fascinated me, I wanted to write about them. Hi!, We dont believe Harry entered himself, Romilda announced, and as the rest of the school seems to have contracted a simultaneous case of hopefully terminal stupidity, we thought wed come and help Harry., Oh, thats good. Hermione looked at Harry, and sighed. I was only going to say that we could put a doozy of a curse on him, for betrayal!, Yes, Astoria muttered, which is why I stopped you. Though he is initially trying to stop Harry from returning to Hogwarts, it soon becomes clear that Dobby cares deeply for Harry and is such a sweetheart. Unfortunately, not everything goes as planned. If that sounds like your thing, have at it. #1 in ronweasley Romilda wasnt quite sure what the smile meant. How can it be sweet when one of the main characters is a bigoted asshole? To the minute?, Romilda nodded. and I can speak to snakes and-and it's just, its what makes the most sense, doesn't it? In which Harry learns theres a murderer after h A couple of side characters do get together, but Harry doesn't. There's a big event at Hogwarts this year. Everything was Not Fine (But he couldnt say it) I dont know how those wards work, she admitted in a small voice. Neither of them touched him, nor got too close, both well aware of how jumpy he could be. So, of course Harry, Romilda said, drawing on all her empathy. This is Aaron Taylor-Johnson from Nowhere Boy. Wait what? Dobby x Master Potter smut . He looked around, had a brief, but quiet, confrontation with the smelliest Weasley, before hurrying up to his room. The number of hands that slowly went up broke his heart. She watched him trudge away, her heart feeling like it was breaking for him. He didnt do it, the Slytherin girl said quietly, as they headed away. Old House-elf McFooie knows! a House-elf shouted. Hed never be able to teach again, but that was a blessing more than a curse. I cant pick one thing so here, have all of the stories in Archive Of Our Own that are tagged Black Hermione Granger. JANUS-A Harry PotterJames Bond Crossover Adventure by BT Concepcion reviews. That is, Ron, if you think youre up for it?, Good. believes that to be rather illegal. A bond is formed. Started before the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, this story jumpsmore thantwenty years after Hogwarts, to a future in which Draco Malfoy and Hermione Weasley (though he refuses to call her anything but Granger) work for the Ministry of Magic. Discussing Depressing Discoveries . Any further squabbling was stopped as Harry chuckled. If youre actually a powerful wizard, Hermione interrupted dryly. Where is he usually, Mr. Weasley?, Normally hes in my dorm. Such as the Minister of Magic, the Head of the DMLE, and the Head Healer (a person who ran the committee that set Healing Standards in Wizarding Britain). And youre right., What about the Slytherins being upset with you for helping him?, Astoria shrugged. Its actually good to know where I stand with you lot, Harry said in to the stunned silence. Unfortunately, that revelation's come too late for him to be a reformer. I can curse Pettigrew to reveal himself in public, that will show that hes alive, and get Sirius a trial, where he can finally prove his innocence, and then I can use the blood to move the wards, and live with him! Harrys eyes started to flash, and then I can have friends around, and visit them, and everything, he continued with enthusiasm. Why else would all this happen? Show more. Harry and Hermione shared another amused look. Which one was cry he started. So thank you, but I am quite happy to be houseless at Hogwarts.. Now is being for party!, Romilda rolled out of her burrow in the covers, and grabbed the mirror she always kept in bed with her. She was joined a few moments later by Hermione. Remus opened and closed his mouth a few seconds, and headed out knowing what they doing! A she looked at Harry directly Riot no longer promotes J.K. Rowling in light statements. Astoria shrugged the life of the forgotten about being upset with you,... 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