Thomas offers to teach him how to read and write. JaneThe only maid who kissed Lord Grantham was Jane in season 2. Thomas is playing in the yearly match when the police come to question him. He realises that he will be forced to return to Downton Abbey as a footman. Later on, she confronts Thomas, saying that she knows it wasn't his father who was ill but Thomas himself, and that he went to London to receive treatment and is now continuing it himself. Thomas returns to find Baxter having formed a bond with Joseph Molesley. She points out that it is not unusual for gay men to marry as a cover, and that Ellis is not to be blamed for it; Thomas agrees but remains upset and comments that he wants a different sort of life. After one of Thomas Barrows bullying actions towards her nephew Alfred Nugent, OBrien decides to get revenge. Loyalty. Grey Mary brings George into Thomas' room to cheer him up and both adults identify with each other and their similar previous bad attitudes and actions. Sarah O'Brien, the Countess of Grantham's Lady's maid, and Thomas Barrow, First Footman. Daisy has a crush on Thomas, and Mrs Patmore tries to tell her that Thomas isn't a ladies man, but naive Daisy does not understand why that isn't a good thing. Thomas and Richard after they prank called Mr Wilson. Thomas is still in love with Jimmy, despite everything that has occurred. Romantically attached to Guy Dexter complete answer on, View Robert didn't get rid of Jane (the housemaid Robert had an affair with). After going to Dr. Clarkson together when Thomas tried to cure his sexuality, Baxter commented that she thought he was very brave to put himself through all that pain just to get what he wants, and that he could achieve great things if he only set his mind to it. He claims to Carson that he has to go see his father who is ill, but instead uses his time off to go to London to receive what is later revealed to be electroconvulsive therapy in order to change his sexuality. 6' 1" (1.87 m) Thomas crying over the death of Lady Sybil. It is rare for him to be sympathetic towards others or let his own emotions shine through, as a method to survive in the bigoted environment. . OBrien is a staunch supporter of the Party, while Thomas is more critical of it. When Sybil dies in childbirth, Thomas is reduced to tears, and Anna comforts him outside. Thomas also appears to be quite talented at cricket, Lord Grantham noting that he had gotten most of the house team's runs in the 1919 match. When Carson tells her of the rumour, she later learnt from Molesley that Thomas told him she was leaving, she knows it wasn't a mistake. She tells Jimmy that he must insist that Thomas be made to leave without a reference, otherwise, he is to threaten to tell the police of what Thomas has done. When Lady Edith is left at the altar, Sarah says that she wouldn't be able to handle the shame. Thomas and Andy know each other during the preparations for Lady Rose's wedding, when Andy was hired as a temporary footman due to the sumptuousness of the event and the limited staff. Sarah sees this. While in York, Thomas and Richard prank call Mr. Wilson, persuading him to send all of the footmen back to London. He spends all night looking for her, getting muddied and frustrated; but it turns out that she was found and has been returned by a child from the village. God bless you. Lady Grantham has three daughters, Mary, Edith and Sybil, and her main focus has been their happiness and success. Season 1 or 2: Eager to socially move upwards, Thomas has made up a wonderful plan: charm one of his employer's youngest daughters, marry her and become Lord Grantham's son-in-law. She warns him that his job, as well as Baxter's, is now in question, especially now that Cora knows he has been using this knowledge for his own benefit. She is the only one who does not see Thomas as an unkind person, just that he acts unkindly sometimes (sometimes meaning nearly always). Thomas is very much surprised at Bates helping him. And yes, I'm still here, and busy as a bee." Who is the father of Daniel, Lord Granthams illegitimate son? He says that he likes the sun. However, when he goes out that evening to retrieve her, he finds that Isis is not in the shed. Downstairs, Thomas says farewell to the rest of the staff; Andy again apologising for his earlier treatment of him. As a result, he apparently has a natural affinity with clocks, saying that he grew up with them and "understands" them. Thomas remarks that she isn't very lady-like after all. Early life. George CrawleySybbie BransonJames KentAndrew ParkerPhyllis BaxterSybil BransonEdward CourtenaySarah O'Brien (formerly)Duke of Crowborough (formerly)Richard Ellis (formerly)Guy Dexter Thomas, along with the rest of the staff who remain at the house, prepares to welcome the film crew to Downton, although he comments that he would have preferred to visit France. When she died, it was evident that a part of Lord Grantham died with her. No reference after 10 years would make it almost impossible for him to find another job. Most likely, this is his way of dealing with his own unhappiness due to not being able to freely love and be himself. Unknown[1] In Downton Abbey 2019, Barrow, who suffered as a closeted gay man all of his life, which fueled his nastiness throughout the Downton Abbey TV series, met the King's Valet, Richard Ellis (Max Brown), who is also gay. At the same time, O'Brien encourages Jimmy to learn from Thomas, as he has Lord Grantham's ear, and can further his career, and to not say anything when Jimmy feels that Thomas is being overly familiar. Lady Edith Crawley is the second daughter to Lord and Lady Grantham, born in 1892. Lord Grantham, however, is so impressed by Thomas's effort to find his dog that he ends up giving Thomas a trial as his valet. Both places turn out to be unsuitable for Thomas. Speaking about Thomas's relationship to Sarah O'Brien, Rob James-Collier calls her Miss O.B. Familyinformation Thomas also lends a hand when Jimmy has difficulty lifting a heavy trunk. Butler of Downton Abbey (formerly) Butler to Sir Mark Stiles (formerly) Under-butler at Downton Abbey (formerly) Valet at Downton Abbey (formerly) First Footman at Downton Abbey (formerly) Army Lance Sergeant (formerly) After one of Thomas Barrows bullying actions against Alfred Nugent, Daniels father, OBrien retaliates. His father is the sixth Earl of Grantham and Violet Crawley, and his mother is Lady Rosamund Painswicks sister. However, he also has a kind, sensitive and caring side, although he rarely allows it to show. He is the son of the 6th Earl of Grantham and Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham, and the brother of Lady Rosamund Painswick. Her unfortunate death affected everyone in the house, but no one more so than Lord Grantham, as Isis was his most beloved companion. However, in between the two movies their relationship appears to have ended, as Thomas receives a letter saying that Richard will be getting married to a woman. bli certifierad tandblekare. Is Thomas Lord Grantham's illegitimate son? However, their relationship is not shown in great detail and it is not clear how committed they are to each other. He'll be . She also admits to Carson that Thomas is not the first homosexual she has come across. When talking to Jimmy Kent, he remarked that [they] both like to look so sure of [themselves], but that [theyre] not so sure underneath, projecting his own insecurities on Jimmy. Robert Crawley, 7th Earl of Grantham, is a patriarch and co-owner of Downton Abbey. July 1865) is the patriarch of the Crawley family and the co-owner of Downton Abbey (along with his eldest daughter). Inexplicably, he ignores their servants affairs and makes rude remarks about their service. Thomas feels an immediate attraction to him. The staff continued to treat him horribly mostly for actions he made over 10 years before, just out of his teen years. As Cora is at odds with Isobel, who is trying to run the place, O'Brien suggests that Thomas be made the manager of Downton, as he knows medicine, knows the house, and will automatically hold Cora in respect. She remarks to him that he should be grateful to be in her good graces. He worries that he will have to do all the work, as Robert will allow no new hires. Poor Edith gets jilted at the altar (just imagine if Lord . After O'Brien's sudden departure in the middle of the night, Thomas seemingly forms a new partnership with her replacement, former house maid Edna Braithwaite, as they frame Anna for a mistake of Edna's. The next day, before Richard is due to leave, he kisses Thomas however they are interrupted by Andrew Parker who informs them the King and Queen are leaving. Thomas and Jimmy talking in Thomas' bedroom. Jimmy is unsure about Thomas staying, but Robert tells him at the same time that he has been promoted to the job of the first footman. Alfred is a barely experienced footman, and Thomas sees it as an insult that he could just fall into the job in a matter of weeks. She essentially committed murder since her actions caused the baby to die, so that's the death penalty. She knows it will kill. While they are dancing, the club is raided, and Thomas and the other patrons are arrested. Before leaving he informs them that the boiler is broken. O'Brien advises Thomas to take something of his lordship and then find it and return it, to prove his trustworthiness. Thomas later makes an advance on Kemal Pamuk, a Turkish envoy, who threatens to tell Lord Grantham if Thomas does not tell him where Mary Crawley's room is. After gradually learning about the importance of caring for others, the Crawleys gradually teach Thomas to be kind and compassionate. Here's a quick recap of everyone you need to know. The revelation that Lord Granthams father is actually Patrick Crawley, which dramatically changes the dynamic of the series, is shown in this season of Downton Abbey. Cora never knew about it; as I recall she was lying in bed with Spanish flu. Little is known of Thomas's family, but he does tell Sarah O'Brien and later Jimmy Kent that his father was a clockmaker. Biographicalinformation Richard never did answer his first one. This is also the first mention of Thomas having a sister, thereby shedding some more light on his background. The character softened when he was slowly. Reading Between The Lines In The New Scooby-Doo Movie. Thomas Barrow/Richard Ellis week - a drabble per day. Under-butler Thomas Barrow, played by Rob James-Collier. Later on, Thomas talks to Anna and expresses a desire to be more likeable, and she expresses sympathy with him. Thomas just takes it and doesn't flinch, another sign that he may be used to physical abuse. Her Husband Almost Had An Affair Unknown To Her Cora was never shown to have found out about the almost-affair, though given how sharp she was, she might have had an inkling. Hair colour [2] He agreed to succeed Charles Carson on New Year's Eve, 1925, but resigns from his position in 1928 in order to move to California with film star Guy Dexter. Thomas Barrow is a servant at Downton Abbey. She asks Thomas to teach Alfred to be a valet to Matthew Crawley. He begins to behave very uncharacteristically. Also, Mr. Carson regrets not crediting Thomas with a heart. They discuss their respective careers, and Thomas reassures Guy that he will be successful in talkies. Thomas then sabotages Alfred's efforts to clean a spot off of Matthew's tailcoat, resulting in a hole being burned through it. Thomas convinces Lord Grantham that this is proof of Alfred's not being ready for the job. Later, whilst Jimmy is walking alone, two men attempt to rob him. Jimmy awakes and is very angry, reacting violently and indicating that he feels nothing for Thomas. Some time after the war, Thomas is decorated with the 1914 Star, British War Medal and the Victory Medal.[3]. His new job kept him bored, though, and Carson's. Thomas says he felt an attraction to Jimmy and thought Jimmy returned it, but he was wrong. July 1865) is the patriarch of the Crawley family and the co-owner of Downton Abbey (along with his eldest daughter). As time passes, however, Thomas starts looking more and more sickly, spurring several people, including the Dowager Countess, to remark on his ill looking appearance. To ingratiate himself with the Earl of Grantham, a scheming footman locked Isis in a woodshed, and he staged her disappearance in hopes of tricking her. However, it is increasingly obvious that Lord Grantham expects Bates to return to the job. What Is The Number 1 Tourist Attraction In The World? Does Mrs O'Brien know Thomas is her son? When Robert travels to America to help his brother-in-law who is involved in a scandal, he takes Thomas with him instead of Bates. After this, he is also more sympathetic and defends Baxter. He had an affair with the Duke of Crowborough, who then refused to hire him as his personal valet, telling him that one swallow does not make a summer. We first meet John Bates in the very first episode when he is shown coming on the train to Downton. Thomas starts to think that Jimmy has feelings for him. Following Tom Branson's wedding to Lucy Smith, the dowager countess reveals a surprise to the family. How Do I Change My Hinge Location To London? He also appears to be quite talented at cricket, Lord Grantham stating as much, noting he got most of the house team's runs in the 1919 match. The status of Thomas' mother is unknown, but some have interpreted a mention referring to her in past tense to Matthew in the trenches during World War I as an indication she is dead. Thomas, on the other hand, begins to exhibit signs of improvement as the show progresses. She asked if he could teach Alfred how to be a valet, and Thomas refused to. Thomas, however, who took a liking to Andy, puts Danker into trouble with the owner of the tavern, making the woman shell out the money in debt and also with the rest of the staff of Downton, who remain startled by a drunk Danker. Mr. Carson tells him that Mr. Bates will be taking over the next morning, as valet to Lord Grantham, and he says that Thomas will have to leave Downton, but that he will be given a good reference. He asks Carson if this is true, and Carson's manner suggests that it is true, and tells the staff that "it is not something for the here and now". Mr. Carson calls Thomas "foul" because of his attraction to men, but despite everything, Thomas sticks up for himself saying "I'm not the same as you, but I'm not foul". Isis was the senior goddess of ancient Egypt. . Thomas Barrow (Rob James-Collier) is perhaps one of Downton Abbey's most polarizing figures; originally a solid villain of the piece, over the course of six seasons, he gradually became one of the most beloved members of the Crawley family staff, eventually taking over Carson's position as a butler. Thomas also makes a comment about William's mother who has died, which results in a fight. O'Brien has Jimmy go to Thomas to show him how to wind the clocks. In 1920 Thomas develops an attraction to the handsome new footman Jimmy Kent. When Jimmy asks why he was doing this, Thomas says that Jimmy "knows why", implying that he still has feelings for Jimmy. Thomas had been close friends with O'Brien, "thick as thieves", as Lord Grantham calls them, who is surprised when he learns they have had a falling out. Due to Stowell's rudeness to Tom, Lady Mary asks Baxter to ask Thomas to get Stowell into trouble with Lord Sinderby. He bought high-end food stuffs that looked like quality goods. This is one of the first times Thomas is seen with a very kind and caring side. Throughout the first series, he is always at odds with Bates, trying to get him fired for theft so that he could become a valet. He learnt to be kinder to the staff long before he attempts suicide due to him feeling, for lack of a better phrase, "the odd one out". Mr Carson calls Thomas "foul" because of his homosexuality but despite everything, Thomas sticks up for himself saying "I'm not the same as you, but I'm not foul". Is The Girl In The Truvada Ad Transgender? They are all working hard to locate her and bring her home safely. Thomas goes into James's room when he is asleep and kisses him, thinking his feelings will be returned. Carson sees no option but to refuse a reference as otherwise, the intervention of the police would cause gossip and scandal. O'Brien calls him the house's clock expert. Sarah tells Thomas that Jimmy has a crush on him and that he won't stop gushing to Alfred about Thomas. 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