Her body is kept in a small chapel placed on a wooden pedestal. The body of Rosalia Lombardo is certainly not the first on which Alfredo Salaria put his hands, considered one of the best embalmers of the twentieth century, chosen by many noble families over the years to create bodies for their loved ones. Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. The catacombs are open nearly everyday and the entry fee is only 3 euros. It was still a mystery until the curator of Capuchin catacombs, Dario Piombino-Mascali, proved a new theory. Later it became part of the Roman and Arab Empires before unifying with the modern-day Kingdom of Italy in 1861. Biblio data only below the dashed line. Rosalia's father, Mario Lombardo, was grieving her death, asked Alfredo Salafia, an embalmer, to preserve her remains. Thanks to the technological tools we have today, the researchers noticed the presence of an empty bottle under the little girl's head. The changing direction of the light through the day makes Rosalias eyes seem to open and close many times. Home. One of the properties that makes Rosalia such a beautiful mummy is the embalming process that was used to preserve her. Rosalia's father, Mario Lombardo, was grieving her death, asked Alfredo Salafia, an embalmer, to preserve her remains. Agatha Christies Disappearance: Amnesia, Suicide, or Despair? Rosalia Lombardo. But, this supposed sister is strangely quiet and difficult to learn about. Not only was the eye blinking mystery solved by Piombino-Mascali, but he also managed to track down the embalming formula Alfredo Salafia used to preserve the body of Rosalia in such impeccable condition. Her name is Rosalia Lombardo who died on November 6th, 1920 with only two summers to her name and remains the youngest on show. La Pascualita: An Extremely Well-Preserved Corpse, or an Eerily Life-like Mannequin? Life is full of constant reminders that we will one day die. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Obviously it was expensive, for this reason these bodies almost all belong to people of high class. STSTW Media strives to deliver accurate information through careful research. Others passed this phenomenon off as changes of the light. Thanks to Salafia's embalming . Rosalia captures the hearts of thousands each year. [3] The Lombardo family was Italian, and despite the fact that the Spanish flu pandemic was coming to an end, the girl's pneumonia appeared to have been caused by this lethal illness. The story of Rosalia Lombardo got to Profesor Salafia, therefore he never charged the father for his services. But the girl, whose second birthday celebration would have been in just seven days, had lost her fight against pneumonia, and with it all, Mario had . A century has passed, but her corpse still looks like the little girl is just dozing under the glass case of the casket. Rosalia has indeed sparked much fascination in the world of science and commoners alike. Xolotl the Dog God of the Aztec mythology that guides the dead to the underworld, The Ebers Papyrus: Ancient Egyptian medical text reveals medico-magical beliefs and beneficial treatments. Her father, Mario Lombardo, was so grief stricken that he asked an embalmer to preserve Rosalia's remains. Glycerin keeping the body from becoming too dry But the magical element was the zinc salts which gave Rosalias body rigidity. Perhaps it is precisely for this reason that Rosalia's parents requested that the child's body be entrusted to Alfredo Salaria, one of the most famous embalmers of the twentieth century, with the hope in this way of being able to pay homage to the memory of the little girl, torn all too young to life, with the hope of being able to stop the passage of time. In fact, some say that Rosalia amplifies human nature in regards to the fascination of the unknown, specifically death and also with the immorality of an immortal body. It should be remembered that in 1925, five years after Rosalia's death, the Lombard couple had another baby girl, who was called with the same name as their little sister, in her eternal memory. This shifting of her body allowed Piombino-Mascali to see her eyelids from a new angle. Glycerin prevented her body from desiccating or drying out. Why is he still there now that it's been over 100 years since his death? A 2009 National Geographic photograph of Rosalia Lombardo shows the mummy is beginning to show signs of decomposition, most notably discoloration. Mario Lombardo Unfortunately, though Rosalia is just 98 years old (a fairly young mummy) the truth about her life before death and her family is speculated, but unconfirmed. The body of little Rosalia has closed eyelids as if she were sleeping. Many people believed that Lombardo had opened her eyes a fraction of an inch in a composite of many time-lapse photographs. King Abu Bakr IIs mysterious voyage: Was America discovered in the early 14th century? Available at: https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2014/06/mystery-of-blinking-child-mummy-solved.html. Mario, her father, approached Alfredo Salafia, embalmer and taxidermist, to preserve her. Father of Rosalia Lombardo and Rosalia Lombardo. They were famed for their Romanesque architecture, characterized by semi-circular arches. What happened to little Rosalia's body after she died. The results were staggering, showing that she was indeed truly a mummy and that even her organs were still in functional condition. The monks agreed and she was one of the last mummies placed in the catacombs. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'historyofyesterday_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historyofyesterday_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');However,Dario Piombino- Mascali, the curator of Capuchin Catacombs has assured us that all that people are seeing is, in fact, an optical illusion. The two are more and more in love, they lead a comfortable and peaceful life and their little girl grows up beautiful, healthy and strong. [4] Rosalia Lombardo's body is kept in a small chapel at the end of the catacomb's tour and is encased in a glass covered coffin, placed on a wooden pedestal. Within Palermo, the catacombs are a short walk from the city center, but public transportation is also available. It also appears that over the years, perhaps the 1960s or 1970s, the glass in the coffin broke. A Net Inceptions project. Avid Writer with invaluable knowledge of Humanity! Your email address will not be published. Thanks to Salafia, the body was well preserved. Some researchers, who had the opportunity to study the girl's body, later discovered that it was most likely bronchopneumonia, discarding the other theories instead. Their families would continue to fund the monks who cared for the deceased for example with new clothes. He also sought the embalmers elixir of preservation which has kept her form so perfect even until this day. The grid is of the coffin beneath the body (Source:National Geographic). Alfredo Salafia, a taxidermist, and a skillful embalmer, then mummified the dead body of Rosalia Lombardo with impressive skill, preserving her so well that even her internal organs were kept intact. Rosalia's father, Mario Lombardo, was grieving her death, asked Alfredo Salafia, an embalmer, to preserve her remains. Rosalia's daddy, Mario Lombardo, was grieving her death, asked Alfredo Salafia, an embalmer, to preserve her remains. These questions arise spontaneously. Rosalias preserved body came out looking like the most alive mummy in the world. The Lombardo family was from Italy and even if the Spanish flu pandemic was coming to an end, it seems that the girls pneumonia was caused by this deadly virus. Her mummified body, sometimes referred to as 'Sleeping Beauty', was one of the last corpses to be admitted to the Capuchin . What is certain, however, is that Alfredo Salaria was a great lover of chemistry as well as anatomy and over the years he had the opportunity to do many experiments, first on animal bodies, then starting from the early 1900s also on human corpses. Rosalia meant the world to her family, especially her father who sought to preserve her eternally. Her body was one of the last corpses to be admitted to the Capuchin catacombs of Palermo in Sicily. Ninety years ago, on December 6, 1920 Rosalia, daughter of Official Mario Lombardo, died of pneumonia at the age of two. Rosalia's father Mario Lombardo was devastated by her death and approached Alfredo Salafia, an embalmer, to preserve her. A 2009 National Geographic photograph of Rosalia Lombardo shows the mummy is beginning to show signs of decomposition, most notably discoloration. Her golden blonde hair is very neatly tied with a beautiful silk bow. Rosalias father, Official Mario Lombardo, was sorely grieved upon her death, so he approached Alfredo Salafia, a noted embalmer, to preserve her. This may just be one of the best-preserved mummies in the world, however, it is only 100 years old so it should not be the greatest wow factor. Why is there an Elephant Buried Beneath the Vatican. [7] The embalming formula is described as "one part glycerin, one part formalin saturated with zinc sulfate and zinc chloride, and one part of an alcohol solution saturated with salicylic acid", and was entered into the body through a single-point injection, most likely into the femoral artery via a gravity injector. | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | DMCA Notice, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We are talking about the body of Rosalia Lombardo, a 2-year-old girl, who has been in the Catacombs for over 100 years, masterfully embalmed, in perfect condition, who also seems to be about to open her eyes and come back to life. (The oldest is a friar from 1599 called Silvestro da Gubbio). Rosalia died of pneumonia on December 6, 1920. We have detected that you are using extensions to block ads. Alcohol dries the body Rosalia was born on December 13, 1918 and died on December 6, 1920 of pneumonia. Maria Cara Lombardo e Mario Lombardo, i genitori della piccola Rosalia (per gentile concessione della Famiglia Lombardo) . Her name is Rosalia Lombardo, and she died of pneumonia caused by the Spanish Flu just one week shy of her second birthday in 1920. Get notified of the best best booming posts weekly. Rosalia's body was one of the last to be admitted to the Capuchin catacombs of Palermo in Sicily. Accept Read More, https://www.youtube.com/embed/jrbbOCuDJCE, Post Mortem Photography Immortalizing the Dead, Padre Pio Stigmata, Miracle Worker or Fraud, https://www.amusingplanet.com/2017/01/rosalia-lombardo-mummy-that-blinks.html, https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2014/06/mystery-of-blinking-child-mummy-solved.html. It is possible that contact with the air before its replacement may have resulted in damage. : 02075400842, 2023 by Albaincoming Eurofirst Tours. The name of that girl is Rosalia Lombardo, who tragically died due to pneumonia in 1920, at the age of two. Her father, Mario Lambardo who was a General, was so struck with grief when Rosalia Lombardo died that he couldnt part with her and wanted her placed in the Capuchin Catacombs. The techniques used by Alfredo Salafia have marveled many. Mario Lombardo refused to bury her daughter, claiming that losing his son had left him distraught. Rosalia's father, official Mario Lombardo, was sorely grieved upon her death, so he approached Alfredo Salafia, a noted embalmer, to undertake the task of preserving her. There are those who believe that it is really her, little Rosalia, who blinks forever, almost a way to communicate with the world of the living. The catacombs of the Capuchins of Palermo. Mario Lombardo is an infantry officer who only on this day discovers what happiness is, true happiness. Alfredo Salafia was regarded as the finest because of his extensive knowledge in the preservation of corpses. To add further to the folklore surrounding the Sleeping Beauty, rumor had it that Rosalia would blink multiple times a day. The mystery was soon solved when he observed that a filtration of light from the windows was catching her eye-lens to cause the illusion of life. Source: Multidetector CT investigation of the mummy of Rosalia Lombardo (19181920): https://www.academia.edu/4992159/Multidetector_CT_investigation_of_ Geni requires JavaScript! But in doing so, she became something larger than life. This process does not offer any kind of respect for the facial features, but despite this there were many people who sought such treatment. It is a location rich in history between Europe and Africa on the banks of the Tyrrhenian Sea. In short, Rosalia is a 98 year old mummy. Husband of Assunta Mananizza Father of Eugenia Lombardo and Rosalinda Lombardo. In the 1970s, the notes describing Rosalias mummification were found. It is interesting how we have reached a technological point that allows us to analyze such mummies without the need of them being touched or at risk of deterioration. Source: Sibeaster / Public Domain. Rosalia Lombardos angel face pushed him to improve the preservation technique in order to preserve its natural beauty. Salicylic acid to stop the growth of fungi It is difficult to untangle the feelings aroused by Rosalia, innocent and young, yet frozen between worlds, un-allowed to decay least her family lose her spirit forever. Mario Lombardo, her father, wanted to uncover the specific cause of her death so he could blame someone. He then approached the monks who ran the Capuchin Catacombs and begged for his daughter to be placed there. Thanks to Salafia's embalming techniques, the body was well-preserved. Rosalia Lombardo (Born December 13, 1918 and Died December 6, 1920) was a Palmerian toddler who died one week before her second birthday from pneumonia caused by the Spanish flu. She now attracts thousands of visitors to the Capuchin Catacombs in Sicily where she lays forever encased in glass. Enjoyed this article? Her premature death at age two left her father grief-stricken. Your email address will not be published. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. The story was a tragedy by all accounts: Mario Lombardo, now a grieving father, couldn't bear the thought of a life without ever being able to see the face of his beloved child, Rosalia, again. The Lombardo family was from Italy and even if the Spanish flu pandemic was coming to an end, it seems that the girl's pneumonia was caused by this deadly virus. Piombino-Mascali made this amazing discovery in 2009 after some of the workers in the museum moved her coffin, which caused her body to shift a little bit. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Amazingly, 8000 skeletons (although a more accurate number is said to be closer to 2,000) and around 1250 mummies inhabit the catacombs. Rosalia's father, official Mario Lombardo, was sorely grieved upon her death, so he approached Alfredo Salafia, a noted embalmer, to undertake the task of preserving her. Maria Cara Lombardo e Mario Lombardo, i genitori della piccola Rosalia (per gentile concessione della . Her body was one of the last corpses to be admitted to the Capuchin catacombs of Palermo in Sicily. Where is the Body of the Legendary King Gorm of Denmark? Rosalia's face has very sweet features, with the plump cheeks of a two-year-old girl, delicately framed by fair hair. If you are a WordPress user with administrative privileges on this site, please enter your email address in the box below and click "Send". [3] Sometimes called "Sleeping Beauty", hers was one of the last corpses to be admitted to the Capuchin catacombs of Palermo in Sicily. Bipin Dimri is a writer from India with an educational background in Management Studies. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Impossible to answer these questions. Rosalia's father, Mario Lombardo, was distraught by her death and asked embalmer Alfredo Salafia to preserve her remains. The Lombardo family was . Her father, Mario Lombardo, was so grief stricken that he asked an embalmer to preserve Rosalias remains. Mario and Maria are not married at the time of Rosalia's birth, but they are very much in love. [9] In response to speculation about her moving eyelids, Piombino-Mascali stated that "It's an optical illusion produced by the light that filters through the side windows, which during the day is subject to change [her eyes] are not completely closed, and indeed they have never been". A strange phenomenon that scared all tourists visiting the catacombs was that the mummy was blinking. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. After washing with vinegar, they were filled with straw and then dressed. Rosalia Lombardo born on December 13, 1918, was a Sicilian kid that died of pneumonia on December 6, 1920 from the Spanish flu. Rosalia Lombardo (13 December 1918 6 December 1920)[1] was a Palermitan child who died of pneumonia, resulting from the Spanish flu,[2] one week before her second birthday. All the other bodies present were in fact emptied of their internal organs and then left to rest for about a year. He made a small puncture and injected a mixture of zinc salts, formalin, glycerin, and salicylic acid. The combination of these ingredients worked to preserve the body. Rosalia Lombardo, a two-year-old girl, died in 1920 from an intensified case of bronchopneumonia, a kind of pneumonia that involves inflammation in the alveoli. Recently, the mummification techniques used by Salafia were discovered in a handwritten memoir of Salafias. On the historical island of Sicily sits the Sicilian capital of Palermo, resting on the toe of Italys boot-based geographical shape. 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Sanderson, Tx Obituaries, Articles M