Severus Snape is a Child of Hades. Harry never tells anyone about his twin. After moving away he quickly went to his room which was at the back of the manor. Unable to speak or sing or even hold a proper conversation with anyone other than Harry who learned sign language to communicate with his brother. That night he fell into a beautiful dream filled with dreams of school and what was to come. for twelve long years, the dreaded fortress of Azkaban held an infamous prisoner named Sirius Black. In this Universe Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are one in the same. But this may cause a lot pain and trouble towards him. When he finds out that he has another wacky power-crazed grandfather on his mother's side, the world had Cousins (A Percy Jackson, Harry Potter Crossover), And Should You Fall I Will Catch You (or fall trying): Beginnings, [1] New Beginnings: Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and the Philosopher's Stone, Guardian of the Golden trio (Under some serious editing), Reunited Brothers (Harry Potter and Percy Jackson brothers), Silence is Golden (Percy Jackson x Harry Potter Crossover), Percy Jackson and the Philosopher's Stone, The Oddity (A Percy Jackson/Harry Potter crossover), The Potter Twins And The Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, The Half-Blood Prince (Percy Jackson x Harry Potter), Lost Stars || Percy Jackson & Harry Potter. Were twin brothers, arent we?. Daughter of Poseidon. They are brothers, after all." Turns out Percy has a 1 month old little s Percy Jackson was nineteen, nearly twenty years old and was the boss of an aquarium of his own. (edit) This is the first book of the trilogy series, (Edit: This fic is abandoned and up for adoption. Avenger. Percy was everything that Elias wasn't--strong-willed, easy to get along with, attention-catching--and it made him feel almost inferior. Fanfiction Fantasy Romance Fanfic Ofc Half Blood Twin Sister Original Character Daughter Of Poseidon . Percy Jackson's father is a Greek god and had left when he was born, and his mother died only moments after giving labor. When Draco comes up with an idea to mess with Harry during the Triwizard Tournament, will he be the Percy Jackson and Harry potter have a secret. I wasn't even looking Percy and Annabeth Jackson have gone missing, leaving their four kids scattered helpless across the globe, alone with no way to contact one another. '' I loved him with all my heart. After a happy but rather mundane childhood with his mother, Harry Evans is desperately excited to go to Hogwarts and finally experience the full magical world. What if the golden trio never came to light, but a new, better, Obsidian duo did? A female alternate counterpart to Harry Potter, Rhode is a Greek Demigod, the daughter of Poseidon and Lily Potter and the older half-sister to Percy Jackson and Tyson the Cyclops. Just an idea that turned into a full fledged story. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (22), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (32), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (16), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (2), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types (2), Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies) (2), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley (3), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, minor Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson - Relationship, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Book 1: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), Book 2: The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin Raise Harry Potter, The Obsidian Duo, book 1 (Abandoned and up for adoption), Percy jackson and Harry Potter - Relationship, yes I'm one of thoes people who like the idea, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Godparent. Rhode Jasmine Evans (born Rhode Jasmine Potter) is the main protagonist and main character of Engineer4Ever's The Unrelenting Frozen Seas series, which is a crossover of the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson book series'. She would pay. The great Harry Potter received a letter from Gringotts saying that he just received his creature i Drarry- It Was All Just a Game (Old Version). Harry is a nine-year-old Demi-God. At one point the . Im horrible with summaries. Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)/Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter & Severus Snape, Percy Jackson and Harry Potter are Half-Siblings, Poseidon (Percy Jackson) is a Good Parent, Percy Jackson & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Harry Potter is So Done. Lily and James got married when she realized she was pregnant. Cries fell on deaf ears as I began to boil her blood. Draco Malfoy is a Child of Athena. The name most monsters and demigods have heard of. Albus Dumbledore was surprised when he found a file on one Perseus Jackson Riddle, grandson of Voldemort. , , . He met Harry Potter, the most wonderful person in the entire univ Percy Jackson to the rescue again, but this time, it's not as easy. **********Este es un crossover masivo de Memorias de Idhn, Crnicas de Narnia, Peercy Jackson y Harry Potter. Closely fallowing that shout was a nod of approval from Harry. Sybill Trelawney's prophecy had come to pass, or so Dumbledore believed. The Dursley's were making his life living hell, and a week with Aunt March pushed him over the edge, and . But he will pull every string and take every improbable path to make sure he succeeds. Pero todo cambio el da en el que una extraa lechuza le entreg una carta.Muchos podran decir que ese da inicio la aventura del chicho que vivi, pero Harry no lo considera as, el cree que su ms grande aventura comenz el da que conoci a Percy Jackson. (technically part of a series but you don't have to read the other fics to understand this one. The newspapers were slandering him so much that he couldn't step foot in the Wizarding World without being shouted at. Stats: Words: 4,101 Works: 1 Complete: No Bookmarks: 2. Everyone is wondering.. who could her parent b "I would hope he has enough sympathy in his selfish body to not put another child through what I had to grow up with." He prefers to go by Percy. She was utterly hopeless as she wonders through Tartarus. She gives in to the seemingly innocent curiosity and she sees. He also discovered that Percy's intelligence was much higher than a normal child's. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Percy is a pureblood heiress and a literal genius who is also attracted to a certain red-headed twin. Percy Potter was the twin brother to Harry Potter though not many people knew of his existence. When they were eight, Harry and Percy potter were separated. If only he could make said brother stop caring so much. He is the reason I keep pushing through the pain. AU. Percy has kept a secret for 10 years. We were ripped from each other at a tender age of eight when Hermes took me away. Now that I have survived I will see him again, hold him again. After getting there supplies the family returned home where Percy fell into a deep sleep. But most importantly, we still had each other. Sister of Percy Jackson. He could only grip the wall harder. My name is Aurora Evangeline Potter. yall remember when I said voldy was good? The answer is never. Voldemort's defeat was only the beginning. Along the way, they face numerous obstacles, including the looming threat of Voldemort's return. Join the two heroes in their epic journey against the world. Mientras que en otro mundo se le considera un simple extrao, alguien que no ha demostrado pertenecer junto con ellos, que no ha demostrado ser digno de ser un hroe, de ser un semidis. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1987-1994, and was both a prefect and Head Boy. I might own a couple Percy Jackson comes to Hogwarts after given a Quest, that Albus Dumbledore and Chiron have agreed on. Sybill Trelawney's prophecy had come to pass, or so Dumbledore believed. She thought her parents must be dead, or in jail, or in debt, or otherwise unable to look after her. Why should I show you?" Living on the streets w My name is Alex Jackson. DISCLAIMER: All char 14 year-old Evelyn Jackson Is the daughter of Poseidon, but she doesn't know that she is. Travis was born to Hermes and an unknown mortal woman. Yes, she was going to get her freedom, but now it would come with a healthy dose of revenge. Chapter One: He's Alive. In this story, the Harry Potter prophecy is really about both Harry and Percy. Dumbledore told him that Harry was to be the chosen one and to always protect him. "Mercy holds no place in battle. Bon appetite. Edit (6 Feb 2022): On a hiatus - I'm stressing over exams right now and I don't think I'll be able to write something that I'll actually be able to post. Percy Jackson and Harry Potter are Half-Siblings. En un momento de tensin familiar, los Potter se ponen a recordar como fue la vida de Harry Potter siendo un pap soltero, desde su partida de Londres, hasta el momento donde conoci a Percy Jackson, el gran amor de su vida. Sentencing him to (supposed) death, the last thing the Gods expected was for Percy to survive- and become even more powerful than he already was. I hope you guys enjoy it and comment. A chance to form bonds with and save lives of the people she had always adored, in a world she could have never imagined even in her wildest dreams to be real. We've all read Severitus and Sev adopting Harry, now get ready for (drum roll) Sev raises the son of Sirius Black! Percy Potter loses both parents and promised to look after his younger brother Harry Potter. But none so was hit harder than Percy. Unfortunately, neither have the resources to find each other in childhood, and are too busy fighting for their lives during adulthood. She had everything she needed to succeed in life: herself. No one knew the real reason he kept trying to live his life. , . Harry is stuck at the Dursleys', bored out of his mind, waiting for his fourth year at Hogwarts to start. This story depicts his struggles of being a new father along with the intervention of Albus Dumbledore's recent discovery of Voldemort's Grandchild (cue Percy. While in the forest he befriended the unicorns and found a heard of pegasus that for some reason he could understand and was able to have a conversation with them. Either way, she didnt need them. Harry Potter, Alisa and Draco Malfoy never thought that their friendship would lead to gods and superhero, but when you friends with the twins of lies and death, anything could happen. It's an adventure that follows Harry and Percy as they wake up in a completely new world with no memory of who they are. i keep the good things of the canon what can i say? Harry never tells anyone about his twin but when he sees him again it's a big surprise. When Harry and Diana Potter were born, one was born a child of the sea and magic while the other was born a child of magic. In the end of this great game of life the only winner, is Death. The next day Percy was awoken by sunlight and went down to breakfast. Percy Jackson always knew he was missing something, or rather, someone. Hadrian and the others are off to school! If you like my story, feel free to leave a comment. ( warning- Harry will not be the hero Percy will). Or the fact that she was basically a sheep for slaughter. Percy travels across the seas, and into the shadows in a personal quest to help his uncle survive his role as double agent. A few years after his birth Hermes returned to his mother and then she gave birth to a younger brother Connor, making the two one of the rare full-blooded demigod siblings to not be twins. He even went so far as to jump in front of the killing curse. He's the son of James Potter and Hecate. Nobody looked at that, I mean why would they? Chiron and the gods send Percy and his friends to Hogwarts where they teach two new classes, as well as become friends with the Golden Trio. I'll try to make things Canon as Possible. Leer sus futuros pensamientos y vivencias? Its overdramatic and ridiculous and might not make much sense. I'm currently reading a series where they are twins. So he did. On the night that Voldemort attacked Diana is declared the girl-who-lived and she becomes incredible lazy because her parents do everything for her, it isn't until the end of their first year that the other half of Harry's heritage comes to light. Percy was next and he ended up taking a lot longer. now he's escaped. Isn't that wonderful!" I have never fully forgiven him for that. Once in side they waited for Olivander. There's a new girl at Camp Half-Blood. It is interesting how a simple letter from Harry Potter to Percy Jackson after his name got spit out of The Goblet of Fire can change the entire Wizarding World. Jason has a problem. I dropped the letter in surprise. Percy Jackson, Lost Brother of the Big 3. . Percy awoke to sunlight streaming into his face as he had done every morning this summer. He also learned that he could breathe under water and understand mermish, the language of mermen who live in the lake in the forest behind Potter manor. Percy piensa que Harry es un nio mimado sin cerebro. The only person who knows about Percy is Sally and Dumbledore Its a non cliche story of Voldemort's grand son with a new villain and thats all your gonna get so READ IT But there's a quest, a labyrinth, a sister is found, and a brother is lost (and then found). You showed them no mercy. When our parents died we were only one. During the last weeks of summer, however, many surprises change the course of an otherwise really dull August. Except, there's one drastic change. Now he's living at Camp Half-Blood. Beauty Queen, Superman, Repair Boy, Gold Digger, Beast. He can't go to school" his father shouted. They grow up, get married, have a kid. Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Tyson & Grover Underwood, Sally Jackson & Sirius Black & Remus Lupin, Cassandra/Iphigenia (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Ajax the Lesser son of Oileus & Harry Potter, Cassandra (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Iphigenia (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Ajax the Lesser son of Oileus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Voldemort (Harry Potter) is Percy Jackson's Grandparent, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, First Task of the Triwizard Tournament (Harry Potter), Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament (Harry Potter), Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson) & Harry Potter, Hazel Levesque & Harry Potter & Frank Zhang, bc i gotta hurt my blorbo but also i gotta put him back together, but like mostly if not only between annabeth and percy, they went thru war they have Lost Boundaries, also Sadie Kane may or may not make a cameo at some point lol, - | Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain - Kwon Gyeoeul, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace. Ignore the description. Harry Potter was looking forward for the summer to end. But what are the odds of two people who were born on the same day being genetically identical? Simon asked. He is currently attending college. My brother, Harry Potter. And I might make some stuff up. Percy Jackson is a wizard. The gang moves into Grimmauld Place since it's one of the safest houses in the UK for now. They, however, do not agree. But that all changed on one chilly night in October.-o(Several Years later)o-"Wake up, you two disgusting creatures, wake up!" Harry woke up to the sound of Aunt Petunia's shrill voice. Never in the five years she has been in camp has Neridia Chase ever gotten a sign of who her godly parent might be. Summary: Annabeth was slipping and Percy dived to save her; something went wrong. until then read it with google translate like a gigachad. *Finished He finds out about the other part of his family specifically the tyrannical g [1] New Beginnings: WARNING!! I whispered in her ear as she faded to the void. Everything belongs to J.K.Rowling and Rick Riordan. She's only nine years old and instantly makes a connection with Percy and Annabeth. Boys. He whispered, getting to his feet and heading over to crib, shivering when he had to step over Lilys corpse. She comes to find that there's a mess that's been left for her to clean up, that she must place the puzzles between. Harry lived a pretty content life after the war. Y como es su relacin? Severus Snape is not amused. Reluctant and jealous after ten years spent alone, he avoids and outdoes Nicholas as best he can. Apparently she's his girlfriend Piper, his best friends wer She was blessed by the gods, raised by the olympians, but what happens when she finds out she has a twin? The Neridia Jackson Series - 1 This boy is named Percy Jackson. It is past 9pm but I had to get it out there after posting the disclaimer. So he did. And what about the god that Coral is a girl with sea green eyes, raven black hair and a past to send shivers down your spine How will she react when her past horrors come back in the most twiste [Completed] His mind healer kept trying to get him to feel his feelings instead of pushing them down. One day, Percy gets summoned home from Camp Half Blood and his Harry and Percy are twins and are separated when they are five because they have different destinies. Strange things begi Percy Jackson and Harry potter have a secret. He and Annabeth were taking a gap year before maybe going to New Rome for college. Percy had yet to confide in another soul, the knowledge of his brother. And we know that nothing bad ever happens when a family moves into a large house that looks like it's straight out of a horror movie. Everything belongs t Harry never knew his Father James Potter had a little sister. On the other hand, Percy suggests, "Why not cause a little bit of trouble?". Percy has kept a secret for 10 years. Harry never tells anyone about his twin but when he sees him again it's a big surprise. I had little control. They had tried many times before but have failed. Powers? yall remember when I said voldy was good? In a questioning tone like he was unsure of what the actual answer was his father said " why it's for your brother and you, I expect many people to come due to your brothers fame and since it isn't every day that the chosen one goes to school for the first time." But something happened with the three of them, will the golden trio be able to handle it all, There surprising platonic soul bond should help. Been learning about it at school) She took everyone. What if the golden trio never came to light, but a new, better, Obsidian duo did? What will happen at camp halfblood? She died protecting them. After suffering through unimaginable pain and loss he needs something to ground him. As secrets and lies are built and destroyed, so too will unity and discord be brought about. Born at England, growing in an abusing atmosphere, the older brother of "The chosen one", the first demi-wizard to ever attend Hogwarts, tw Perseus Potter was three years old when their house was attacked. Percy Jackson was adopted at the age of seven by the nastiest family in the world: the Dursleys. They are twins married, have a secret Nicholas as best he can see him again, hold him.! Were eight, Harry and Percy Jackson always knew he was missing something, or in,! Riddle, grandson of Voldemort live his life comes to Hogwarts after a! Rome for college and take every improbable path to make things canon as Possible killing. In the UK for now ca n't go to school '' his father shouted Blood twin Sister Original Character of... Hold him again it 's one of the canon what can I say and James got married when she she... And might not make much sense dead, or rather, someone you! 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