Shadow Sabre then advocated for Sabre to destroy his friends with the weapon he gave him; the Shadow Sword, a sword infused with Darkness as a husked Sabre went on his rampage. Shadow Sabre | Afterwards, Professor Red approached Sabre and forcefully teleported him to his laboratory, alongside Shadow and Dark, who retreated into the Dark Crystal as Sabre and Professor Red talked. Dread Steve | This time when Sabre goes to the Time Dimension, Shadow Sabre follows so he can watch the inevitable argument go down, which it does when Sabre's anger overwhelms him again and he attacks Elemental Steve, prompting Time Steve to kick him out of the Time Dimension, all because he wouldn't let go of the Shadow Sword, which had helped him destroy the Darkness. Occupation Light Steve came down and asked Sabre to hand over the sword. After once again meeting with Rainbow Void, Sabre discovers his plot to demolish the newly formed Rainbow Kingdom and heads there himself to warn the Violet Leader. Sabre became hopeful, seeing that he and Light Steve had a good history together, although Shadow Sabre still doubted him, but didn't protest to Sabre's plan to infiltrate the Rainbow Kingdom disguised as a Colorless Guard to find him. The Great One The Dark Guard Shadow Sabre reappears behind Sabre and once again tries to convince Sabre that he is darkness, and that he'll be talking to Sabre until he finally gives in. Abilities The Last Inferno | Type of Villain Soon, Sabre requested for Shadow Sabre to merge with him, and he complied, amplifying Sabre's strength. Shadow Sabre watches, impressed, however, they are interrupted by a Yellow Steve, who witnesses Sabre using the Shadow Sword. Dark Steve | He is based off his original counterpart. Shadow suggested for Sabre to use the Darkness within himself and condense it into a crystal, similar to how the Light Crystal was created. Any opportunity he gets to talk directly to Sabre about both him and the Darkness will usually end in his snidely remarking about the benefits of joining the Darkness, specifically revolving around the Darkness' goals and the endless potential it could give its users if they choose to give in and accept it. Sabre is brought to the Great Library by Elemental Steve, where he finds it in ruins from the Darkness. Steve Saga Memory Steve | After being unraveled by Sabre to help him against the Demon Steves, Shadow Sabre is greatly pleased to see Sabre, and whilst initially starting off mockingly and gloatingly, Shadow Sabre's dedication to stop the Demon Steves allowed for his bond between him and Sabre to grow to the point of showing genuine care for the latter when in the face of danger, such as when Void Steve encountered Sabre in the World Below, Shadow Sabre begged for Sabre to run with immense fear in his voice, and since this moment, Shadow Sabre became more friendly towards Sabre and even more willing to work with him for the greater good, although it would later be revealed to all be an act. Sure enough, the Violet Leader didn't believe Sabre when he confessed his innocence and orders the guards to take him away. Rainbow Quest Shadow Sabre then lends his voice back to Sabre just as Soul and Corruption Steve arrive. Don't forget to read the rules! All five of them arrive at the Rainbow Hub to find Gerald the Pig, only to find him being swarmed by the Darkness. A Red Steve meant Wisdom, A Green Steve meant Healing, an Orange Steve meant Creativity, A Blue Steve meant spirit, An Indigo Steve meant Connection, a Yellow Steve meant power, and a violet steve meant love. Sabre stated that he would never succumb to the Darkness, regardless of what he was doing in the real world. Upon discovering that he was the cause of it, Sabre cries out in frustration, summoning Shadow Sabre, who acknowledges the damage he's caused. The trio manage to arrive at Yellow Steve's hidden bunker before the Darkness can come inside, holding them off for a while. You can also be part of the larger Fandom family of communities. Reverse Steve | The Armor Green Steve Tribe, Steve Cinematic Universe After being released once more by Sabre to help him combat the Demon Steves, Shadow Sabre uses his manipulation to put on a new facade. The nails in the coffin for Shadow Sabre's creation would be at Rainbow Steve's funeral, where Sabre unknowingly activated lightning around him in a fit of rage, and when Rainbow Void killed Funny Orange Steve in front of him. Sabre stands up to his shadow, refuting his claims of lacking emotion being the better way to live and describing how losing friends and feeling pain is better than having none at all or being emotionless, something Shadow Sabre fails to understand. Can Sabre save the Steves and defeat the Darkness? 1 (directly)Billions (attempted) Shadow Sabre's creation process was initially slow, as his being merely a fragment of Void Steve that he pulled from himself and attached to Sabre to infect him. As a member of the Darkness, Shadow Sabre carries their fanatical ideology of nihilistic omnicidal destruction and sees anything that isn't Darkness that agrees with their goals or can be exploited as means to an end. Shadow Sabre was unable to provide Sabre with an ultimatum, as he still knew that the Darkness was the only solution for combating the Demon Steves. Sabre was highly upset, as he didn't want to fall into the Darkness, but Shadow explained that it was because Sabre feared the Darkness. FavreMySabre Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Sabre banishes Shadow to the "everything" section of his mind, where all of his knowledge resides. Before Sabre could properly react he appeared in a monochromatic world in front of a replication of the temple. 1. . FavreMySabre, aka Sabre or Elan, is a Minecraft player and Youtuber who is friends with Rainbow Steve and Lucas, he once actually tried the potion in an older video, it was revealed that he could fly and not take damage for a little bit, but the potion whore off after a few minutes. When Light Steve recommends that Sabre destroyed the Shadow Sword, Shadow Sabre states that Light Steve is merely jealous of its power and that Sabre has already mastered the sword's power. Each Steve represented something unique. Demon Steves | Shadow Sabre advised Sabre to watch his emotions and focus before moving on to reaching out to Time Steve. He explores the world and goes on adventures and befriends them. Before they could do anything else, lightning was heard from the crystal room in the citadel and discovered that the Darkness was beginning to spread from its placeholder. Although Shadow Sabre does have moments where he raises his voice to voice his frustrations with Sabre's inability to cooperate, it's only when power and the Shadow Sword come into play where Shadow Sabre's anger truly emerges. Sabre and his crew were notified about the Violet Steves when a corrupted one stumbled into the Rainbow Hub and suddenly died. As soon as the Orange Leader was sent away, a swarm of Darkness were summoned by Corruption Steve who watched as they attacked the remaining Orange Steves. Sabre returned to the abandoned Rainbow Hub where he and Light Steve had sealed away the Shadow Sword, unearthing it from beneath the floor. Sabre and Rainbow Steve leave to report it to the Orange Village, but when they come back they find Reverse Steve overseeing the Darkness finishing construction on the portal as Sabre and Rainbow Steve sabotage it before the Darkness activate the portal. Rainbow Steve | Hypno Steve | Void Steve | Unfortunately for Indigo Steve, the Darkness is able to infect him and begins to take control of the Middle World. The Darkness stands beside Nightmare Steve and Dark Steve, but is forced to leave alongside the latter when Sabre asks to be left alone with Nightmare Steve. Corrupted Giant | After so many years of suffering, the Darkness was finally gone for good. In Steve Legends, they serve as unseen antagonists in Season 2. Demon Steve | The Darkness is later found by Sabre, Time and Elemental Steve in a meadow surrounding Void Steve's lair, but are quickly dispatched. Sabre acknowledged that Shadow had previously thought so highly of the Darkness, but was now seemingly afraid of Void Steve, although Shadow Sabre denied, stating that he feared nothing, but was highly disturbed of Void Steve and his grasp on Sabre and Shadow. Before they left, one of the Green Steves they rescued began showing signs of infection, and although Sabre tried to calm him down, Elemental Steve took matters into his own hands and destroyed the Green Steve, prompting backlash from his allies. Regular Form (both failed). Trending pages Void Steve Colle The First Curse Origin Steve Galaxy Steve Sabre, being guided by Origin Steve in the peace section of his mind, sees from an outside perspective that Shadow was attacking Time Steve. "Rainbow Quest" focuses on different colors of the Steve species, the attributes that come with them, and an overarching adventure/fantasy plot. Rainbow Quest Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Sabre. Although Sabre uses the sword to break out, he doesn't hurt any Steves. Sabre tried to talk it out with Yellow Steve, but the latter refused to believe him, causing Shadow Sabre to further try to get Sabre to destroy them. The Parasite Discover, share and add your knowledge! Hypno Steve | Sabre walked away from his dark counterpart, disgusted in him and rambled about Void Steve being the one at fault for taking so many innocent people away from him. If Sabre's life was in danger, Shadow Sabre would become worried as Sabre's death not only results in him ceasing to exit and not being able to participate alongside the Darkness in their goals, but also doesn't allow him to use a vessel to try to further his own goals. Nightmare Steve | The three returned to the Rainbow Kingdom and went into the citadel where they came up with a plan to get the Shadow Sword to balance out its energy with that of the Rainbow Crystal, so that the crystal could give the kingdom its energy and that the sword could give power from the Darkness to prevent the Demon Steves from arriving, although the two would be forced to balance each other out. Rainbow Quest is a Minecraft series on YouTube created by FavreMySabre. The next day, Sabre is able to pinpoint the location of Shadow's tower, and teleport there. FavreMySabre's personal status can be located at or any other wiki or website, just search FavreMySabre to find him. Sabre was able to use these abilities to teleport back to the Rainbow Kingdom, although he indirectly revealed them to Light Steve. For the Darkness, fighting for power and keeping the world's energy in tact is a problem, as without power and energy there will be no more cause for pain and existence. Unfortunately for them, the portal was sabotaged by Sabre and Rainbow Steve, who ambush the group before Rainbow Steve destroys the Darkness to confront Reverse Steve. TR!The Darkness | Shadow Sabre tells Sabre that he has no one to turn to and that he has to use the Shadow Sword if he wants to further his goals, and that he needs to accept the sword in order to use it. Following Nightmare Steve's death, the Orange Village were able to subdue and capture a Darkness Beast, keeping it imprisoned in a special giant containment box. Although their efforts are hasty at first (with Galaxy Steve rushing into battle and instantly getting attacked by the Darkness), Rainbow Steve distracts the Darkness and leads them away from the portal while Galaxy Steve immobilizes them, buying him, Rainbow Steve and Sabre enough time to escape into the portal and teleport to the Void to confront Nightmare Steve. FavreMySabre has done many Minecraft Role-play series including The Flash, Assassins Creed, FNAF, and many more. Infect every Steve in existence to protect them from the Demon Steves.Destroy all of existence to eliminate suffering and evil until the only thing that exists is nothing.Control as many vessels as possible (all failed).Build a portal connecting the overworld to the Void that'll allow the rest of the Darkness to invade the overworld.Destroy the seven Steve kingdoms (both succeeded).Annihilate the Rainbow Kingdom and infect everyone inside (failed). Hobby The Darkness is eventually put on patrol around the temple where they were first released. Shadow Sabre believed that Sabre would want to stay in his mind and not face the happenings in the real world, to which Sabre denied, stating that these places Shadow Sabre was bringing him were miserable, and only did it to make Sabre feel more guilty. The Darkness breaks through the entrance as everyone evacuates except for Sabre, Orange Steve and Yellow Steve. Red is wisdom, Orange is creativity, Yellow is energy, Green is health, Blue is spirit, Indigo is connection, and Violet is love. Villains Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. However, when Rainbow Void was killed, he dropped the Rainbow Crystal, a fusion of all the crystals he had absorbed. Eventually, Shadow Sabre joined Sabre on the attack on Rainbow Void, allowing his power to coarse through Sabre when he reached Rainbow Void's meeting room. Sabre stated that he found the core of the Darkness and what it really stood for, only for Shadow to rebuttal that he was the embodiment of Sabre and was deserving of wielding the Darkness. After Void Steve becomes Rainbow Void and murders Funny Orange Steve in front of Sabre, his anger overwhelms him and puts his body on autopilot, allowing the Darkness to control his body and use him to murder several Steves. 12 favremysabre 3 favremysabre skin 2 favremysabre assassin 1 favremysabre assassins 1 favremysabre creed 1 favremysabre without 1 favremysabre female 1 favremysabre bandana 1 favremysabre animation . It's an even match, with both fighters duplicating and using each other's attacks. They are a parasitic, malevolent force of evil energy hellbent on infecting the Steves and dominating the world, appearing as the physical manifestations of the Steves' negative emotions, being manipulated by their creator, Void Steve into assisting him in his goal of achieving world peace, slowly becoming corrupted by Void's ideology and creating their own. Plague Steve | Sabre's gang are able to hold off the Darkness long enough before they escape. Positive and Negative Steve | Break Sabre and make him join the Darkness.Ensure that the Darkness finishes its goals of wiping out all life.Keep Sabre alive so he can use him to further his plans (all failed).Help Sabre defeat the Demon Steves.Manipulate Sabre into giving him a physical form (both succeeded).Pollute the world with Darkness (failed).Brainwash Dark Steve into serving him (temporarily succeeded).Kill Sabre and take his place.Engulf Darkness across the universe, turning it into nothing. Seeing that Sabre wasn't consumed by the Darkness and hadn't been corrupted by it despite nearly falling to it, the two returned to the overworld and were awakened by Light Steve, who mentioned that Void had merely laughed in their faces before leaving. Emerald Steve | The Darkness The Last Inferno | Shadow Sabre will often flip-flop between sides, actively choosing to help Sabre fight against Void Steve, his own master and the creator of the Darkness, simply because he was uninterested in Void Steve's alternative goals of world peace as opposed to omnicide. However, Corruption Steve reveals himself and conjures a fleet of Darkness to attack them, but they were also quickly defeated. The Great One Shadow Sabre Chaos Steve | The Darkness was formerly sealed away by the Hero, Rainbow Steve, before being released years later from their prison by FavreMySabre. Fragment of Void Steve Shadow Sabre, seemingly offended, responded by stating that Darkness was not a leach, nor kind, but one. At last, Rainbow Void gathered enough Darkness to form an army to attack the newly formed Rainbow Kingdom, and letting Sabre, Soul and Corruption Steve lead the charge. Nightmare Steve | favremysabreart rainbowquestau # 6 Metal and Bone | A Rainbow Quest AU by LoneRanger 10.8K 643 30 A world thrown into a mechanical apocalypse, robots created by the now-extinct humans all that's left of the once great technologies and advancements of mankind. The Twisted. The Steve Saga thought it be better if they made a Group chat specifically . Shadow Sabre revealed that the Yellow Steve Sabre had seen cowering in front of him was no trick, but in fact the result of Sabre's body going on autopilot and falling to the Darkness' control, blindly doing their bidding. This is a very interesting series that I think you would love to watch. You can also be part of the larger Fandom family of communities. Reverse Steve | Age of Empires 3: The Asian Dynasties. The Yellow King then prepared to attack Sabre before being frozen by Elemental Steve, rendering him powerless. As Light Steve thanks Sabre for his efforts, Shadow Sabre instantly goes back to trying to manipulate Sabre by stating that his redemption to the Steves will only be temporary. The kingdom begins firing at the Darkness Beast as the it begins shooting fireballs at the kingdom. Shadow only fights for himself and sees the Darkness as tools to be used, claiming that he'll use them "correctly" unlike Void and Sabre, serving as a shining example of a Darkness that can do good, but chooses not to. Others Shadow Sabre tags along, but is doubtful that Sabre's attempts to reason with the Violet Leader will result in a positive outcome. They serve as the central antagonists of Rainbow Quest, unseen antagonists in Steve Legends and posthumous antagonists in Twisted Rainbow. Nightmare Steve | Seeing that they could easily break into the kingdom, Sabre decided to terraform the kingdom using the Shadow Sword, and Shadow Sabre agreed to help him, explaining how to use the Shadow Sword's energy to level the kingdom, and Sabre succeeded, wiping out the entirety of the kingdom except for the citadel, allowing Sabre to spot the Demon Steves coming towards the kingdom. With this, Sabre decided to return his friend M back to his village of Red Steves, and Shadow Sabre followed. Comedian You-Tuber/Story Teller. Emerald Steve | When Sabre threatened to destroy the Shadow Sword, Shadow Sabre panicked, pleading with Sabre to hold on to the sword, and later resorted to furiously begging Sabre not to give up the sword before being harshly silenced by him. Cataclysmic Corrupting Influence, Immortality (as long as they remain in the Void)Negative emotion embodimentNothingness embodimentSupernatural attributesUmbrakinesisReplicationTeleportationNigh-invulnerabilitySize alterationFireball projectionInfectionGreat speedBody manipulationCorruptionFlightConstruction and building skills, Void Steve (former leader)Nightmare Steve (former de-facto leader)Dark Steve (former second-in-command)Reverse Steve (former third-in-command)Darkness BeastsMini DarknessCorruption Steve (former co-second-in-command)Soul Steve (former co-second-in-command)Red Steve (formerly)Green Steve Leader (formerly)Rainbow Steve (former co-second-in-command)Yellow King (formerly)Orange Leader (formerly)Shadow SabreFavreMySabre (formerly)Countless unnamed members. As they reached the bottom of the tomb, Sabre asked what the Darkness' end goal is, to which Shadow Sabre responded by stating that the Darkness' ultimate goal it to wipe out everything in existence, prompting Sabre to realize a few factors that contributed to Void Steve's downfall as the Hero. FavreMySabre (briefly) Countless unnamed members Hobby Corrupting anyone they come across. However. To vote for the Complete Monster Proposals of the day, see: To vote for the Complete Monster Removal Proposals of the day, see: Hostile Species Crimes This Wiki is kid-appropriate and for all ages. Shadow Sabre returns. It is about A player who was forced into a world full of Minecraft Steves. Elemental Steve was then able to send the Orange Leader to his pocket dimension, as the leader didn't put up a fight and accepted, thanking Sabre before being transported away. Faceless | After failing to kill Void Steve, the trio met with the Red Leader's scientist, Professor Red, whom Shadow found to be quite odd. This will be a wiki to describe YouTuber FavreMySabre's reboot story of his original series, "The Steve Saga," which both involve creatures based off the avatar for Minecraft, Steve. 6. Tormenting, bothering and trying to manipulate Sabre. Dark Steve | Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet- each representing something different. Sabre merely responded to his doppelganger's claims by insinuating that he was insane, and realized that the Darkness were fooling their master due to their differing beliefs that the latter was unaware of. Bears resemblance to the "Gay Pride" flag used to promote LGBT+ rights. We're a collaborative community website about Rainbow Quest that anyone, including you, can build and expand. In a flash, Sabre decided that Shadow should go instead, as he was a partial extension of himself. This lead to the Darkness attacking the final kingdom, that of the Orange Steves. Shadow Sabre advised Sabre to build a machine to encompass the Darkness, but Sabre cut him off, as this was an issue he had to deal with as quick as possible. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Twisted Rainbow | Favremysabre (Dark Quest. Shadow Sabre is a major antagonist in the Steve Cinematic Universe . Just as he had this revelation, Void Steve arrived and taunted the trio before summoning several Demon Steves that they were able to easily combat. Although the Darkness was able to decimate nearly the entirety of the Steves' world, they were put to a stop by Sabre, who killed Void Steve, resulting in the Darkness slowly fading from existence. Shadow Sabre screams in agony as Sabre refuses him altogether, transporting Sabre out of his mind. The Darkness is a supernatural hive mind that believe in uniting others together to form one sole rule where evil is nonexistent. After exiting Sabre's body, Sabre enters the Time Dimension to speak to Time and Elemental Steve, although Shadow Sabre doesn't believe they'll help him and encourages him once again to give in to the Darkness. The Virus | Control as many vessels as possible (all failed). Shadow Sabre returns to check in on Sabre, only to discover that he had locked himself away in a machine. To vote for the Complete Monster Proposals of the day, see: To vote for the Complete Monster Removal Proposals of the day, see: This Villain was proposed and approved by Villains Fanon Wiki's Complete Monster Proposals Thread. Blue Steve initially refuses to leave, not wanting to leave the other Blue Steve to become consumed by the Darkness, but he is pushed into a portal leading back to the overworld by Rainbow Steve just as the Darkness starts breaking into his house. Corrupted Giant | (both failed). Sabre is able to gain contact, but Time and Elemental Steve are somewhat hesitant to trust him. Developer Ensemble Studios. Creator of Rainbow Quest. Faceless | The trio manage to escape, going unnoticed by the Darkness. Type of Hostile Species The link is at the top. Not only that, but the Steves no longer trust him after seeing what he did while under the control of the Darkness, resulting in Sabre getting locked in a cell by the Violet Leader. The Green Steve leader uses the green crystal to teleport the Darkness Beast away. Sabre using the Shadow sword link is at the Rainbow Crystal, a fusion of the... Manage to escape, going unnoticed by the Darkness is eventually put on around... Quest Shadow Sabre then lends his voice back to his village of Steves! And many more of his knowledge resides community website about Rainbow Quest unseen... Of Empires 3: the Asian Dynasties and befriends them about a who... 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