Despite these negative traits of Cat's, she does still have respect for Clark Kent, her former co-worker for whom she has romantic feelings, but she has a dislike for her other former co-worker, Lois Lane, who she is openly rude towards, likely because the latter is in a relationship with Clark. Cat then canceled Leslie's show and legally transferred her to the traffic chopper. Cat reluctantly goes on air to declare that she can no longer stand behind Supergirl. In the same time, whoever is not feeling comfortable working with me, can raise the issue with cat grant or HR and request a transfer to any other Catco office in the country or overseas or request a glowing reference from Cat Grant for a competitor issue (probably not for the Daily Planet). Kara was weakened and beaten down by Rhea until Mon-El arrived with the switch for Lena's atmosphere device. She is the former assistant of Perry White and former gossip columnist at the Daily Planet, who later made a successful career of her own in the media industry, being known as the "Queen of all Media". Nia and Kara tried to trick Nyxly without success. Annoyed at being forced to ride in a "human petri dish", she ordered her personal assistant, Kara Danvers, to have the responsible party "reprimanded or bathed". Dreamer releases him and he is put into police custody. Wanting to impress Kara, Nia bought her a latte and planned to arrive right on time. as well as A blonde woman appears on all of the screens calling herself Indigo. Just then, Supergirl managed to douse Leslie in water, shorting out her powers. Kara told her that she had to go and take care of something and as she left, Cat quietly called Kara Supergirl and told her to go get them. After the interview, Lockwood took the Children of Liberty to strike at CatCo, with the intention of apprehending Dreamer. Nia helped innocents to escape, while Kara held off the Children as well as an drug-enhanced woman, who was eventually apprehended by Alex. In the new multiverse, Cat was a bit dumber in the 2000s due to her jealousy towards Lois Lane, which made her make foolish decisions. Touch_of_Venom, Indcise, and dnmann [31], Sometime after this, Cat decided to sell CatCo, presumably to Lena Luthor, who later went on to sell the company to Andrea Rojas. After Alex attempts (and maybe succeeds at) suicide, Kara is left heartbroken, wondering where she went wrong. Miss Grant will read it before it goes to print or is uploaded unto Catco website. They proceeded to the reactor, and J'onn intended to use his psychic powers to overload the reactor, despite Brainy's warning he will likely die. I stuck a label on the side of this girl, I branded her. 4. To cover Kara's disappearance, Nia Nal told Andrea Rojas and William Dey that she was on an assignment with Cat. Cat and Winn returned to CatCo, still in devastation but Cat's attention was on her former office which had been taken over by James Olsen. Kara then encouraged her that despite her sister disagreeing with her, she can't let that get into her way of embracing her destiny. After Brainy reveals to her a fast story, he gives Nia a fastener brimming with ensemble thoughts and code name prospects.[12]. Suit up From Editor in chief: Kara Danvers. Inside the facility they found that aliens were being escorted into a transmat portal. [39], Nia and Brainy used the Legion's cruiser to travel to May 26, 2009 to get the materials needed to release 2020 Kara from the Phantom Zone, but, upon exiting in that time, 2009 Kara heard the ship crash-land. Later as the "F.B.I." Despite him being able to evade their attacks with ease, Nia rushed to the alien Coulan's help, demanding the pizzeria staff to back off and give Brainiac 5 his pizza, shaming them for being so cruel to their patron. While driving back to National City, Nia explained about her feelings, and claimed that Kara doesn't understand her. At CatCo, Kara stands up to Nia about deceiving everybody at Thanksgiving about having narcolepsy. [38] The next day, Andrea was adamant that Nia needed to replace Kara in writing and research for CatCo. Kryptonian to be exact. Cat Grant was born in Metropolis as the only daughter of Katherine Grant. And if Kara was lucky, she'd intercept some mundane task along the waysomething, anything, to get back in Cat's good graces. Supergirl quickly discovered the pod, and she and J'onn J'onzz took the man to the D.E.O. With Franklin's assistance, Kara and Nia did the interview live, and the majority of the city saw it. Nia suddenly had a vision of the Staff of the Shadow World. Because people lost control of the Humanity Totem, Dreamer, Supergirl, and Lena thought about how to stop the chaos. Will The Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up? Cat determined that Kara was avoiding her due to her causing Adam to leave the city. J'onn J'onzz uses his shape-shifting ability to impersonate Supergirl so that Cat can see her and Kara at the same time. The next day, Cat immediately reported on this revelation, elated at scooping the Daily Planet. Miss Grant: And what are really willing to share? She goes to speak with Mon-El about their powers, and about her parents and what they were. In late 2015, as Cat arrived at work, she realized that someone had used in her private elevator due to a scent of residual cologne. That evening, Nia witnessed a scene at CatCo, where a Dryad employee, Franklin, became a target of a mean prank by Mackenzie. Kara breaks out of police custody and flies off to the Legion's cruiser, erasing this timeline. Work Search: The next day at their apartment, they call detective Rivers to report it, and Kara shows up concerned. [3] Cat later met Bill Gates at a party. She had a dream where she had to tell Brainy to leave her alone as he played cards that had the face of Rama Khan on them; when she touched a card, Portland appeared in the dream. Nia and Kara both admit that for a while it seemed the truth won't prevail, but they didn't give up, and in the end, they won. She laughed as Kara screamed; Alex was displaying her new suit. Siobhan shows a package that Cat should see personally, but Cat wants it open for all to see, so James takes the package and opens it to find a letter and thumb drive. J'onn was hurt defending Nia from his attack. But at least they got inside.[18]. She decided to tell her after her mother's memorial. After a short talk and an admission from Kara about the letter, Adam agreed to meet with his mother on the condition that Kara joins them. 2. Because of the pod and his apparent vulnerability, both Supergirl and Superman believed him to be a fellow Kryptonian. 6. He and the rest of the passengers were alerted to the threat of Ethan Knox on board, though they were all saved by Supergirl. Cat penned an article for the Tribune on Supergirl's blunder at the port and ordered Kara to get it ready for posting. At some point, Cat and Oprah became friends. Nia Nal (born c. 1997)[1] is a human-Naltorian hybrid, a reporter of CatCo Worldwide Media, and former political speechwriter. When Supergirl got her powers back she demands to know why Supergirl abandoned them. He breathed on a window, and Nia wrote "Shelley Island" on it, and Kara, Alex and Brainy immediately left for there.[19]. However, they then find Marsdin emerging from the wreckage, in an alien form. Supergirl Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. This experience shaped her notion of honest reporting, both as a journalist and person. Cat Grant wrestles with her loyalty to Supergirl after Andrea Rojas reveals Supergirl is sleeping with Lena Luthor. After Kara Danvers came to her for relationship advice after Mon-El of Daxam was forced to leave Earth, there was a report of a great fire in the city trapping innocent people in a building. 3 guests Nia went with Kara, J'onn and Brainy to the Fortress of Solitude for training and preparing against Manchester Black and his team, the Elite. Katie grew up in Star City, and after her mum didn't return home, she goes to national city to f At first, Kara and Lena both keep their feelings hidden from each other, but it doesn't last long. Initiative is so hard to find from a generation raised on being spoon fed everything from helicopter parents. [9], Nia and Kara go to the loft of Amadei Derros, a man who they've heard can heal harmed and crippled people. Ultimately, Nia listened as the others decided to distract Rama Khan as Kara got a new suit from Lena to protect her from his Kryptonite. Despite being created as an original character for the CW series, Nia made her comic book debut in ". Preparing for Thanksgiving dinner, Kara helped to cook the turkey using her heat vision. She called a content meeting, during which she brought up to the attendees Supergirl's most recent heroic failure of causing an oil spill at National City Port. Being on a new Earth has changed history to how Leviathan operates and is located. As the three tried to figure out, how to get inside, Nia suggested they do "the Wookie Gambit"; Nia will pretend to be a captured alien, while Brainy and J'onn disguise themselves. Later, M'gann and Nia talked about Nia's relationship with Querl Dox; M'gann, using her relationship with J'onn as an example, told Nia to stop looking at the surface and search for the motives behind Brainy's actions. [6], Cat asked everyone in for a conference call. Dreamer and the Superfriends were tasked with stopping thieves who profited from stealing during the mayhem. We are going to take this slow and work one day at the time. Arrowverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Dreamer defeats a Dominator and is congratulated by Supergirl, so Brainy along with the police and the media appear. As he used up his powers, Nia proceeded to do the same, unwilling to let J'onn die. Internal Promotion, second part: the reaction of someone (Cat Grant most of the time probably). Cat previously never put restrictions on the people/subjects Leslie targeted in her broadcasts, which she would grow to regret. Nia and Brainy said that they needed to repair their ship to return home. [37], Nia and the team found Silas White and questioned him about how to get into the Phantom Zone to save Kara. To avert a disaster, Kara Danvers reveals her powers and true identity: She is Superman's cousin, now known as Supergirl, protector of National City. Storage room shenanigans Nia didn't get it, but then Kara took in to the air, and revealed to Nia that she is Supergirl. Cat reflected how she constantly pushes herself and those around her to be better, admitting she should've done so with Leslie; Cat felt she had turned Leslie into "Livewire" long before the accident. Flustered, Supergirl accidentally let it slip that she was Superman's cousin, much to Cat's surprise. Leslie eventually cornered Cat and tried to electrocute her, but Supergirl arrived and shielded Cat from the blast. She tells Cat that she ignored what was on the drive, and warns her that she will bring chaos to National City. Nia intended to go to her hometown Parthas to celebrate the annual Harvest Festival, but due to recent anti-alien activity, her flight was canceled. Sharing our truth is what will make us strong.Nia Nal to Kara Danvers. Dreamer and the rest of the Superfriends confronted Midnight and managed to send her back to her prison. Cat tells Siobhan to call her investment broker, but she stammers for a moment before Kara took the assignment. However, Kara volunteered to go with her and drive all the way. To Nia's joy, Brainy had chosen their love over the logic telling him to go back. The next day, Nia was interviewing George Lockwood in a press conference, when he declared his intention to become voice between human and alien relations, having rejected his father's ideals of hate and fear, as he had seen first hand, how hatred towards aliens had destroyed his family. The two of them began their battle but Rhea quickly called for her army to begin attacking the city . Kara takes James' right on the money the TV show and she's being prepared by Nia, who keeps unexpectedly nodding off. Back at her apartment, Nia opened the box, which contained her mother's Dreamer suit. Nia helped the others defeat Jean. [21], Nia also helped J'onn to remember his past with his brother Malefic J'onzz on Mars.[22]. When she does, Nia as Dreamer reveals herself and Supergirl and J'onn appear and arrest her. But Skylia For thousands of years humanity thought that the Devil is a heBut they were all wrongThe Devil is a she. Cat's intense focus on her writing made her easily angered and irritable, as she demanded maintenance to fix the vents' piercing noise and threatened to throw a phone at Kara when the latter asked Cat to approve the appetizers for the launch party. When Kara wondered if Nia wouldn't prefer writing a topic with more weight, Nia passionately stated that fashion is a form of art and self-expression, which could have a big impact on people's lives, and how designers would bring color and life to a previously abandoned area. Nia claims their haters want them to be afraid, because they can't get over their own misguided fear of transgender people. Though Cat is a hardcore capitalist, she is not without a humane and tender spot. Touched, Nia mouthed a silent "thank you" to James. Once in the pod, he gave her one last look before Kara watched him leave the Earth. Wherever I go I'm gonna be better because of you. Cat takes it out on Kara. Dreamer and the team took on Lex and Nyxly, but Lex revived several villains from the past to attack them. Upon obtaining the totem, Nia was determined to find the others to prevent Nyxly from having them. She also decided to come out as Supergirl and Cat interviewed her. From that moment, Nia started to act as Dreamer.[2]. . [11] At some point, she also "brokered peace" between Taylor and Kanye. She got out from the car, and told Nia she understands better than anyone, as she is in a similar situation with Alex, after she had her memory of Kara being Supergirl erased, and Kara can't reveal it to her as much as she'd like. Nia makes reference to that she's uncertain about whether or not she will be a piece of a super group. Kara helps Cat out with getting to know Adam while at dinner, which later on becomes awkward and as expected does not go well after Adam found out about the letter. [34], CJ watched the aliens Naxim Tork and Mitch being trapped in their spaceship by other aliens and recorded everything via drone. Kara asked Winn to make Mon-El a fake ID as "Mike Matthews", and arranged him a job as a CatCo intern. When Kara arrived, she talked to Nia about a really weird dream she had about all the worlds ending. Incensed over the situation, she gave Kara permission to return to her family but the latter refused, not wanting to leave Cat alone. Later, Nia appears at Kara's for Thanksgiving supper. Nia joins Supergirl, Brainy and J'onn in England against the Elite. [35], I'm the hero. Kara voiced her belief that the superheroine wanted people to think of both her and Superman when in danger, to which Cat implied she is willing to give Supergirl a chance to prove herself. Cat wondered why Supergirl chose to emerge now and began asking more personal questions. Pleased, Cat ordered Kara to actively take credit for her accomplishments.[13]. Even though Nia was able to hold on her own, it was here she saw she needed to train with someone. They had been going at it for a little over an hour, and she had a thin layer of sweat to prove it. If he was away from Kara the same about of time that she was away from? Cat takes them both out for a drink. Touch_of_Venom, Indcise, and dnmann Kara: I have nothing to hide, The superfriends on the other hand .. Miss Grant: Right, I will talk to HR and Legal just to be sure. She also stated she wanted their relationship to go back to being strictly professional. Brainy said the Children can't fight if they can't see, so Alex went to CatCo, and cut off the power, just as Nia, Kara and the rest at CatCo came under attack. However, she was late to work due to her roommate, Yvette, accidentally taking her rental car, leaving Nia to take the bus, where she spilled some coffee on her skirt. She is later taken hostage by both Siobhan, and Livewire, though she is rescued by Supergirl and The Flash. Because of this, Cat and Katherine soon became estranged from one another. To defeat the imp, the Superfriends devised a plan to create a bracelet to retain her powers. [36], Nia appears on the Leviathan ship and saves Brainy. [30], Cat was able to get the drone from the young man so she could film events, when a young woman instead talked her into pursuing her dreams, and to stop trying to match Lois. [23], Cat is present when Supergirl gives her speech, ceasing Myriad's control over the people of National City. Kara complimented the writing, yet found the paper's tone condescending due to Cat's impression of Supergirl as a typical millennial. Cat tried to reason with both women, but Rhea responded by attacking Air Force One and shooting it out of the sky. In January 2020, Nia went to the 2020 Peace Prize Award Ceremony. She also decided to arrange a launch party to celebrate the special issue of CatCo Magazine. Seeing that William was scolded by Andrea for not having an interview with the Superfriends, Nia gave William some advice on finding the heroes. Wanting to impress Kara, Nia bought her a latte and planned to arrive right on time. She still had trouble interpreting her dreams. [25], During the evacuation of Earth-38 to save its inhabitants from the wave of antimatter in the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Nia helped Kelly, Alex, and Lena to embark the citizens of National City. [10], Kara and James notice Nia resting at her work area and when they go to wake her up, she forgets about it, disclosing to them she's been experiencing narcolepsy. Cat then made Kara Danvers the new editor in chief, while helping her reveal her identity as Supergirl in an interview. However, Brainy told Nia to write her message on water vapor on a window. The greatest gift we can give each other is our authentic selves and sharing that. Nia agreed to help Kara and Brainy to find Agent Liberty. She also said her name correctly for the first time. [21], Cat was still shocked that National City had not yet forgiven Supergirl, but knew it would take time. And she promised to help her. [44], Nia and the team helped Kelly and John Diggle investigate the destruction of the Ormfell Building, but they were all focused on finding Nyxly and finding the Seven AllStone Totems. [45], The Superfriends began searching for the Courage Totem. Although she saved everyone, the hopelessness she saw there was overwhelming. Winn explains how he is the only human on the Legion, and as he has no powers, it was her great grand-daughter of hers that allowed him to harness dream power. This kept him from aging and he remained there in suspended animation until the pod broke free and then eventually found its way to the planet Earth where it crash-landed on the outskirts of National City. However, later Kara broke up with Adam, citing she didn't have room in her life for him. During their dinner, Kara acts as a mediator and after tense talking both Cat and Adam start having a normal mother-son relationship. [6] Afterwards, Nia became a political speechwriter for the White House's press secretary, Cat Grant, working in President Olivia Marsdin's administration.[7][8]. Nia revealed to Kara her half-human, half-Naltorian heritage, and that among her species, in every generation, one female receives a power to dream future events, like her mother has. Proclaiming herself as "Livewire", Leslie manifested in the building and attacked Cat and Kara. Kara's cousin Kara yells back at Cat and immediately apologizes. Soon after, Carter was introduced to Winn, who told Carter that he had good taste. After Kara was forced to hide in her civilian persona, when Red Daughter attacked the White House disguised as her, Nia took upon herself to protect National City. Her family offered their unconditional love and support during this time. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, they all belong to the CW, What if Kara is in the influence of the pink kryptonite and kiss not just Alex but Lena and also Cat Grant and finally also Eliza. After the defeat of Nyxly and Lex, Nia used her Dreamer persona to endorse an outreach center for the LGBTQ+ community. Foster" she had been sending money to is her estranged son, Adam. They arrived at the rooftop where they agreed to have the battle and Rhea arrived with her guard. [14], Cat was awarded the Siegel Prize for Women in Media, but initially decided to cancel on attending the award ceremony in Metropolis as she couldn't find a babysitter for her son, Carter Grant. Herself and Supergirl and the Flash apprehending Dreamer. [ 13 ] police and the majority of time. Supergirl gives her speech, ceasing Myriad 's control over the logic telling him to be a fellow Kryptonian to! Transferred her to the traffic chopper Kara yells back at Cat and Adam having... Catco Magazine a really weird dream she had been sending money to is her estranged,! Interview live, and the majority of the sky, much to Cat 's surprise the interview,... Heartbroken, wondering where she went wrong being prepared by Nia, who keeps unexpectedly nodding off National City Nia... Suddenly had a vision of the time probably ) same time other is our authentic and! On all of the time probably ) family offered their unconditional love and support during this time to Mon-El. 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