Though differences in size are generally bigger between men and women than between different ethnicities. As a native Swede with a Finnish mother, Karl identifies as both Nordic and Scandinavian. The Scandinavian Personality Traits have been under investigation since the late 1800s. Filed Under: Psychological Articles and Infographics, 2023 - Privacy Policy, 14 Hysterectomy for Fibroids Pros and Cons, 12 Pros and Cons of the Da Vinci Robotic Surgery, 14 Pros and Cons of the Cataract Surgery Multifocal Lens, 11 Pros and Cons of Monovision Cataract Surgery. Symbolism Furthermore, it has been observed that northern Europeans in general also have a much higher frequency of a specific genetic trait that is linked to straight hair. Julku, Kysti. Scandinavian, Viking & Germanic Links Explained (With Maps). In fact, there isnt really a word for tattoo in Norse, which makes it even less likely to have been a common occurrence. Gods Lets keep digging and see exactly how different ancient Scandinavians were from us modern Scandis. Top Articles This indicates that Vikings intermingled with people they met on their explorations, both on-location but also bringing them home to Scandinavia in some cases. (accessed February 26, 2005). 6 Key Differences You Didnt Know Between Kratom Liquid And Capsules, Can Safety Bollards Protect Your Assets From Accident, Understanding Auto Transport Regulations and Laws, 4 Reasons Why People Are Shifting To Renewable Energy Sources. Popular Post Two eyes, one nose, a mouth. Probably a chin and ears. I think. (Complete Guide), Recent advancements in DNA analysis tech have led to extraordinary insight into how Vikings looked, from hair and eye color to size and ancestry. I never heard of a darker skin mixing and become as white as we are today. Get in to the Viking spirit at home with our premium museum-quality prints sent right to your doorstep with free shipping worldwide. (Sajantila), [10] Pale pink skin often with moles, blue eyes, thin to rounded lips, high not that sculptured cheekbones, a bit fat on cheeks(not visable chin/cheek m Read Article Now. Comparisons Again: love the site and the work behind with lots of information and I dont mean to complain. ), How the Dutch & Scandinavians Are Connected (Complete Guide), Norse vs. Norwegian vs. Nordic: Differences Explained, Average Height in the Nordics (Data & Graphs), In general, Vikings were genetically disposed to be tall on average and started training to become capable warriors from a very young age. The sagas often tell tales of exceptional strength, which is supported by several forms of archaeological evidence. They have a pronounced nose, high cheekbones, and slim lips. Fika The most common light eye colors in Sweden include: According to an article by WorldAtlas, up to 78% of Swedes have blue eyes [2]. Genetic testing has shown that the Finns and the Smi are phenotypically and genetically typical Europeans. Denmark Their eye color is correlated with their perceived attractiveness. Oslo This percentage is exceptionally high because light eyes generally are not dominant in most countries outside of Scandinavia. [17] Third, Scandinavians do tend to tan and get olive-skinned in the summer, which is due to a mix of genetic makeup, unusually high UV exposure levels, and a diet generally high in Vitamin D. Scandinavians do not have particularly large noses, as Northern Europeans tend to have more narrow noses than people in warmer climates, as an adaptation to the cooler climate. Data Second, early Scandinavian ancestors are thought to have been dark-skinned, but after mixing with other populations and adapting to the geographical area this trait eventually disappeared. The Valkyrie knot is the most commonly depicted hairstyle, as the Valkyries are the most commonly depicted Viking females. As mentioned earlier, there is often a lack of melanin in a Swedish persons iris, leading to light-colored eyes. While there are some that feature I then categorized the colors as either light or dark: In other words, 85% of my friends and family in southern Scandinavia have light hair (ranging from blonde to light brown), and 75% have light eyes (blue, green, hazel, or grey). WebAs such, in Western Norway, there is a higher percentage of people who have British and Irish ancestry, leading to traits such as darker hair. Where do Finns Come From?. Virtual Finland. Nordic vs. Scandinavian: Meaning & Usage Explained, Nordic vs. Germanic vs. Celtic: Differences & Links Explained (+ Maps), Im a Nordic native (a Swede with a Finnish mother to be precise) who likes to get nerdy and share first-hand experiences, data-driven resources, and useful guides to help people discover and understand the culture, people, life, sights, design, and history (Vikings anyone?) Movies Though the Smi do have some Asian genetic influence, at its highest rate it is only 20-30%, which is no higher than the European average. This means that the Smi could very well have been almost completely isolated for several thousands of years. Europeans. The Mankind Quarterly 63:2 (2002): 183-191. And each of them blows his nose and spits and washes his face and hair in this basin. It would really help me in my studies, thank you for reading! 1. A study by the National Library of Medicine concluded that its more challenging for skin with more pigmentation (i.e., darker skin) to absorb vitamin D [4]. Go check it out if you havent made up your mind yet! So other than the color of the eyes, lets look at which other eye characteristics are unique or interesting in the Scandinavian region. Vikings were mostly blond (with Danes specifically being mostly red-haired) according to skeletal DNA studies, but identifying as Viking wasnt limited to people with Scandinavian ancestry (vikingr just means pirate after all). (accessed February 26, 2005). The lack of empathy may not win you popularity contests but it certainly is a valuable trait in a competitive career field. When you couple this with the opportunity to spend time on athletic endeavors and have access to a protein-rich and generally plentiful diet it is easier to see why some Nordic people tend to generally do well in muscle competitions. Pelvis width can be very useful in this respect., Your email address will not be published. Nordic Coffee Culture Explained: From Fika to Kask. Their eyes are light in many cases, including blue and green. They also tend to have medium-sized skulls and are very punctual. This is also illustrated in reality when we look at the eye color of Swedish governors after the 2022 election, with 18 out of 21 (~86%) having brightly colored eyes; 16 pairs of blue eyes (~76% of total), and 2 pairs of green (~10% of total). Whether the Scandinavian beauty myth is real or not is hard to say, but Nordic magazine The Local listed Beautiful Women and Handsome Men among the top 10 things US expats notice after theyve lived in Sweden for a while. The genetic origin of the Smi people is complex and difficult to trace. This may be the result of a period of isolation the group experienced in the course of their natural history. Curious how modern-day Scandinavians look compared to their Viking ancestors? The Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherers lived in the region between 8000 BCE and 2800 BCE, and have been found to have had mixed eye colors (ranging from blue to light-brown), mostly dark hair (with the odd blondes present), and intermediate skin color (somewhere in between dark and light) with the odd light-skinned individual also present. (Based on DNA & Archeology), Viking Music: What Instruments Did the Vikings Play? If youd like to try your hand at making your own valkyrie knot, heres a detailed video with instructions: Vikings were known to at least partially shave their heads in order to achieve specific hairstyles, such as the Norman cut with shaved back and long hair in the front, and a similar but differently angled high bowl cut found in the Oseberg cart. Ragnar & Uthred), it is of course possible that some Vikings styled their hair like that. Although it isnt exactly common with Epicanthic folds among the Swedish population, Swedes with Sami heritage (famous examples include Jens Byggmark, Anja Prson and Ingemar Stenmark), and from the northern parts in general, have higher rates of Epicanthic eye folds. Read more about how The Last Kingdom, Vikings, and Game of Thrones compare. Stockholm They have been affiliated with being people of great courage and also with being countries that invaded other countries. The Swedish and Danish samples were similar with regard to age distribution, sample size, dental conditions and radiographic procedures. This idea was revolutionary. The Smi, for first time, appear not to have always been the weaker minority. The size and strength of Vikings are discussed further in William Shorts Icelanders in the Viking Age where he writes the following: One significant way in which Viking-age Scandinavians differed from modern people is in their physical strength. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest Nordic resources, insights, tips, hidden gems, and much more. Studies show that most Scandinavian men are generally able to grow a full beard if they choose to do so, which of course not everyone does. The idea that geographical location and genetics plays a huge role in how personality develops. We often get an image of grizzled warriors when we see Vikings on TV, but analysis of skeletal remains shows that the Norse had more gender-neutral facial features than Scandinavians today, meaning males and females had more similar characteristics (Danish National Museum). Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest Nordic resources, insights, tips, hidden gems, and much more. Consequently, people wanted to hide their ethnic heritage and had traditionally inherited blue eyes. Of course, there are Swedes with darker hair (like dark brown and black), but its not as common as in other nations. Even the Vikings were known for bleaching their hair, although the main reason to do so may have been primarily to kill hair lice. And the eyes are also one of the most important factors of physical attraction. For more information on what we actually know about Viking hairstyles, Id recommend listening to Dr. Jackson Crawford who specializes in Old Norse (he teaches Scandinavian Studies at my Alma Mater UC Berkeley, on top of talking about Norse mythology on YouTube): We do not have as many archeological findings of different female hairstyles as we have for male cuts, but nonetheless here are some that are fairly historically accurate: The hairstyles come from artifacts, sculptures, engravings and similar left behind in Viking graves, so they are likely to have been at least somewhat popular during the Viking Age. They also were great innovators. The surgeons in Scandinavia can correct the issue and give you a more attractive and balanced face. How are Scandinavians (Swedes, Danes, Norwegians) so tall? Ive written an article for those who are thinking of watching the show but havent made up their minds yet, where I also compare the shows IMDb ratings in detail toGame of ThronesandThe Last Kingdom. DNA analysis of specimens from this period shows that people with this cultures distinctive facial features have dark hair, a mix of light and dark skin, and blue eyes. It should be noted that human length, in general, is determined by a mixture of nature (genes) and nurture (diet), and there are also regions of the world that are believed to have a taller or shorter average height due to primarily genetic reasonssuch as the short Pygmee people of central Africa, and the tall Dinka people of South Sudan. The average height of both males and females is high in Scandinavian countries when you look on a global scale, with the Nordic countries all ranking among the tallest 20 countries, and all with a male average height over 180 cm (5 ft 10 in). The highest cheekbones are another trait associated with Scandinavians. While not every Swedish person has delicate features, many do. They had a diet full of carbs (bread), protein and fat (fish, pork), which combined with constant physical activity from a young age likely produced stronger-than-average men and women. Ive writtenan article where I go into detail about Viking traits and looks, so if you want to find out more about Vikings looks go take a look. Streaming Tips Vikings were known to use strong soaps made of ashes and animal fats, which had a high lye content that bleached their hair. For several hundred years, there was a belief that the Smi and the Finns had a Mongoloid origin. Greek people features stereotypically include having olive-brown skin, brown eyes and dark brown hair. So what do the rest of the Nordics look like? Your email address will not be published. Editor's Choice Read More About Modern-Day Nordic Traits. It is thought that at one point in time that this group may have ranged as far as northern Germany up through Scandinavia. Especially since Vikings have been documented to take good care of their hair and appearance in general, and since there are some similar haircuts where the sides and back are shaved. What Do Modern-day Scandinavians Actually Look Like? All of our knowledge about pre-Viking Scandinavians comes from DNA analysis and theories, but for an idea of how modern-day Swedes, Danes, and Norwegians look like we can turn to some cold hard data and settle some standard questions right off the bat. Either way, we are dealing with theories in the end so all we can do is to look at the data we have available and make the best and most logical assumptions we can. Editor's Choice [16]. Top 5 Most Innovative and Futuristic Cars of 2023, Ways To Store Marijuana Correctly to Maintain Freshness, How Chemistry And Business Are Interrelated, A Beginners Guide To Coin Grades: How They Are Calculated, Six Marketing Methods Every Pest Control Company Should Try, 10 Best And Cheapest Sites To Buy Instagram Followers in 2023, Reasons Why a Real Estate Company Buys Houses for Cash. This is why they are so popular amongst men. Ill also cover the key takeaways below if youd rather keep going. In fact, Vikings were likely more dark-haired than Scandinavians are today. [1] But it has so many exciting places that deciding which area to visit can be challenging. Ive written articles aboutGermanic ties and ancestry in Vikings, as well as an article aboutthe origin of Vikings before they came to Scandinavia. Chinese people tend to have wider faces, while Japanese people usually have narrower faces. The average height of Swedes is slightly higher than the average height of Americans, both male and female. Genetic and linguistic data of 1995 seemed to show that the Finns arrived in Smi territory a mere 2,000 to 4,000 years ago, while at the same time adopting the Smi way of speaking. Get in to the Scandinavian spirit at home with our premium museum-quality prints and original apparel sent right to your doorstep with free shipping worldwide. Pale pink skin often with moles, blue eyes, thin to rounded lips, high not that sculptured cheekbones, a bit fat on cheeks(not visable chin/cheek m The European Origin of the Finns and their Relation to the Indo-. Niskanen, Markku. Over 70% of male Scandinavians have some form of body hair (androgenic hair), which is among the highest rates in the world (along with Mediterranean men). For example, many female skeletons from Viking graves generally had stronger jawlines than modern Scandinavian women, while many men generally had slimmer faces that the Scandinavian men of today. Hello, I am interested in this claim here: It is believed that Vikings had more gender-neutral facial features than Scandinavians today, meaning males and females had more similar characteristics. The average linear dimensions were greater in males than in females, although both groups had slightly higher cheekbones. The Scandinavians are a distinct group. Get some Scandi spirit in your home with our premium museum-quality prints sent right to your doorstep with free shipping worldwide. The First Scandinavians Where Dark-skinned and Blue-eyed. Movies Nordic Traits According to Swedish scientific magazine Illustrerad Vetenskap, this type of microevolution developed as a response to the cold and snowy climate in the Arctic region, as the fatty fold isolates against freezing temperatures and shields the bright reflection of the snow somewhat. Thats a high amount, considering that only around 2% of the worlds population has blonde hair [7]. The study of Y chromosomal polymorphisms also seems to support the theory of the Smis long isolation; however, it seems that they were not always living completely alone. However, people living close to the arctic circle are also exposed to extremely high UV exposure levels during the warmer half of the year (on par with Australia which is notorious for high levels of skin cancer) due to the ozone layer being thinner around the poles. Sweden This wave of primarily herders eventually fused with the current habitants (I see a pattern here) to produce the so-called Battle Axe culture group in Scandinavia, establishing themselves and flourishing in modern-day Denmark, Sweden and Norway. It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification. Swedish people are known to tower over others due to their long legs, so its no surprise theyre considered a tall nation. Did Vikings Wear Eyeliner and Other Makeup? It merely appears this way due to the many generations that the Europeans have been farming, an activity that has caused physical features, such as high cheekbones that allow for bigger masseter muscles to chew tougher food, to reduce in size. The Nordic people as a whole really like the Swedes and Norwegians. While it doesnt necessarily have to be blonde, it can also be different shades of light brown. People in Europe have many contrasting facial features that can create them stand out from one another. After the divergence of the Finns from the Smi, the Smi tended to have offspring within their own group; however, the influence from the Baltic and Germanic people caused the Finns to intermix with other Indo-Europeans, making them more genetically similar to the Europeans than the Smi are. The consensus among historians and nerds alike is that tattoos were likely not common at all in the Norse world, since the sagas are fairly descriptive about the heroes and characters as a whole, and not one of them mentions tattoos on anyone. Vikings were often described and depicted with well-groomed and sometimes elaborate facial hair, ranging from full and long beards to more practical Viking-style Shopping Their beginnings are closely linked with the origin of the Finns. Are Scandinavians seen as unusually attractive? Data [1] For many years, there was a common belief that the Smi may have migrated from the east and have an Asian genetic background rather than a European one. Beards and mustaches were very common in Vikings according to archeological findings and written records. published in The American Journal Of Human Genetics. Identifying the races of Europe and applying specific personality traits to the different regions is certainly not a new idea. Old Norse mythology is filled with fascinating symbolism, and the runic alphabets of Germanic Europe have told numerous tales of heroic deeds and tragic deaths over the years. (Niskanen 148), [17] In the US Seattle has been voted one of the most unwelcoming cities. There has been a discovery of a Smi motif, which is a group of three specific mutations found in 1/3 of the Smi people. What is interesting here is that this particular hairstyle was so associated with the Vikings/Normans that this English man felt shame that his brothers would wear his hair like that. But again, this isnt exclusive to every Swede, so its still possible for some to have more angular faces. However, its not uncommon for Swedish people to have dark brown (or sometimes even black) hair. History The DNA study of 442 Viking skeletons (published in Nature) reveals that while Viking bands were mostly sourced from Scandinavia, they could also be comprised of Picts and Britons, as well as people with Southern European and even Asian ancestry (sometimes mixed with Scandinavian). The Swedish have a blue eye and are taller than their Nordic neighbors. Having worked with graphic design for most of my life, Im a huge fan of typography and symbolism, and also a huge history nerd. (accessed February 26, 2005). Quiz (Complete Guide), The Scandinavian physical stereotypes are as cliche as they are well-known the stereotypical Scandis are expected to be a bunch of tall, blonde-haired, and blue-eyed Vikings in most peoples minds but can those stereotypes actually be true in modern-day Scandinavia? There is a common consensus that the Smi inhabited the region first; however, the genetic origin of the groups, their natural history and the diversion of the language are issues that are heavily debated. The Swedish also tend to be very athletic. Your email address will not be published. The high cheekbones are not unique to the Scandinavian culture. The Smi People. The Smi. Thank you for visiting Scandinavia Facts. Science Nordic fall/winter), but also get a darker tan under high UV conditions (i.e. The Arab chronicler Ibn Fadlan reaffirms this, being quite impressed with the size of a group of Norse merchants (specifically Rus, likely with Swedish origins) he encountered on his travels near the Volga river. The further north you live, the less sunlight you get during the colder part of the year. Carpelan, Christian. However, if someone has never been there before or doesnt know much about it, they might wonder what Swedish people look like. Chernoff faces. Language There is argument as to whether the Finns and the Smi arrived in their present day locations either as a still undifferentiated ethnolinguistic group or as linguistically and ethnically separate people. March 1998. Other things we can read about in the sagas and see on artifacts left behind for us to marvel at. Scandinavians and other Europeans are tall on average primarily due to a vastly improved diet from the mid-1800s and onwards according to Lars Werdelin, a professor in paleozoology at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Eyes are typically lighter when there is a lack of melanin in the iris [1]. Sweden's Saami Policy 1550 Present: Racist? The darker the brown, the more attractive the person. It may be a result of northern Sweden and Norway being the domain of Finno-Ugric Smi reindeer herders, a group that was out of the cultural grasp of the Indo-Europeans that seem to have succeeded in imposing their language only on areas with some level of agriculture. So Ive spent a lot of time reading about and trying to understand the Viking symbols left behind on runestones, jewelry, weapons, armor, and other items from the Viking Age. So the clich blue-eyed and blonde Nordic stereotype seems to hold true then, but where do these physical traits come from and why do they still seem to have a strong presence in the Nordics? Scientists are now able to create eerily realistic facial reconstructions, getting us closer than ever to find out who they were and what the Vikings looked like. There is a general belief among Norse historians that Vikings and Germanic people in general assigned special powers to long hair and beards, with the Suebi knot and Merovingian kings being two good Germanic examples where longer hair presented in a certain way was believed to have an effect on strength and power. Food (Sajantila), [16] March 22, 1996. Thor in Norse Mythology: The Strong God of Thunder & Farmers, Believe it or not, the Thor from Norse mythology is not quite the handsome, chiseled, blond, and time-traveling hunk youve seen in the MCU movies. Females had stronger jawlines in general, while men had slimmer faces.. Shopping Photo International Features. (Gene Expression), [14] The cheeks tend to be rounder, and there is generally less definition around the face. To elaborate on this, facial hair is included under the term androgenic hair, so based on data from the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, we see that over 70% of Nordic men (along with Mediterranean men) can grow a beard or mustache (which is well above the global average). He describes them this way: I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Volga. I plowed through numerous books and historical texts to map out exactly how the Germanic people are connected to the Norse people and modern-day Scandinavians. (Julku 191), [13] The theory is that this has had a long-term effect on the genetical makeup that determines skin color and tanning ability in the Scandinavian region. Soft features mean the face is less angular and has fewer harsh lines (like sharp jaw bones and chin definition). I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blonde and ruddy; they wear neither tunics nor caftans, but the men wear a garment which covers one side of the body and leaves a hand free. How Nordics and Scandinavians see each other, an article where I go into detail about Viking traits and looks, which languages each Nordic nationality actually uses when communicating with fellow Nordics, how Vikings actually looked (how big they were, how they wore their hair, where they came from, their hair and eye color, etc. They built powerful cultures and countries. WebLatvian face features are light hair and gray, bluish, or greenish eyes, some of them are of darker complexion, generally with brownish hair and eyes. Enjoy your visit! Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Yes the origins and visual characteristics of the first Scandinavians were discussed in the SVT article (, but more specifically this theory comes from research by Mattias Johansson, professor of genetics at Uppsala University. Scandinavia before the bronze age had the most genetically diverse population in Europe, with the original darker skinned people being present much longer in Scandinavia compared to the rest of Europe (where the light-skinned farmers pushed away the dark-skinned hunters almost entirely). I wrote an article describinghow Nordic people actually look, with all the data you need to get a good picture of exactly how blond, blue-eyed, tall and strong Scandinavians are on average today. Up to 78% of the Swedish population has some kind of blonde or light brown shade of hair [6]. Design (accessed February 26, 2005). Ive noticed that surgeons in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark all offer surgery to counteract this condition in case it disrupts your eyesight, or as an elective procedure for cosmetic reasons, and this procedure isnt as commonly seen in other areas of the world. Scientifically speaking, there are a couple of factors that could play in the Scandinavians favor as far as sexual selection and attractiveness go: I want to point out that beauty is entirely objective, and what is considered attractive for some may not be for others. With the help of modern DNA analysis of ancient Viking remains, we can also establish factors such as what hair color was most common among the Norse people, if they had a lot of body hair, and how likely it was that they had a beard (or at least could grow one). WebThey have a pronounced nose, high cheekbones, and slim lips. Life Food As briefly mentioned earlier, light eyes are a common trait among Swedes. Finally, there are some written accounts as well that describe hairstyles in more or less detailed ways. WebTwo Scandinavian studies of craniofacial morphology (Ingerslev & Solow 1975, Sarns & Solow 1980) provided an opportunity to compare the facial profile in young adult Swedes and Danes. It was also due to the Finns and Smis tendency to have a phenotypic resemblance to the Mongoloids. On the other hand, many Swedes had contact with people residing in present-day Russia or in the Baltics. Culture in order to trick the giants to give back his lost hammer. Volkswanderung. Human Race Archives. Scandinavian people do not have a very high prevalence of the EDAR gene, thought to be connected with thicker hair (among other traits). Vikings were likely quite tall even by modern standards, with adult Norse males in Sweden, Norway, and England found to average around 176 cm (5 ft 9 in) in height, compared to 175.3 cm (5 ft 8 in) in modern-day USA and England. Results: The faces of sleep deprived individuals were perceived as having more hanging eyelids, redder eyes, more swollen eyes, darker circles under the eyes, paler skin, more wrinkles/fine lines, and more droopy corners of the mouth (effects ranging from b = +3 1 to b = +15 1 mm on 100-mm visual analog scales, P < 0.01). Symbolism So what did the Vikings actually look like? [ 14 ] the cheeks tend to be tall on average and started training to become capable from... 26, 2005 ) Finnish mother, Karl identifies as both Nordic and.. A darker tan under high UV conditions ( i.e see on artifacts left behind us! It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a.. There are some written accounts as well that describe hairstyles in more or less ways! Europe and applying specific personality Traits have been under investigation since the late 1800s exclusive every! This respect., your email address will not be published often a lack of melanin in the Baltics 7... 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