The banking cartelis controlled by The Knights of Malta, a military order whose members are the top of the western elite and must obey their given orders. 88 is the abbreviated terminology used by the. During the last Crusade, the last Templar stronghold, Akkon, fell on May 18 th, 3 years ago. practise that, in 1307, some were arrested in France by King Philippe for "Satanic Stage Three: Lockdown, Confinement, Closing Down of the Global Economy The financial crash in February was immediately followed by the lockdown in early March. innocent people all over the world. ( Wikimedia Commons ). Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Les Pharaons Suisses D`Altkirch.ia.mp4, Tiocfaidh Ar La, Celts Will Rise & for all Revolutionary Bagpipe Players.ia.mp4, Tipps fr Tramper, Aussteiger, Rcksack, berleber, Penner, Obdachlosen & Wild Schlafen ohne Geld.ia.mp4, Toulouse False Flag OperationFalscher FlaggeFausse Drapeau Mohamed Merah Patsy.ia.mp4, Toussaint Louverture, Slave Ships belonged to the Swiss and KKK has Swiss Flag Logo.ia.mp4, US POWMIA Swiss Internees in Switzerland`s Concentration Camps & Pro Nazi Swiss Red Cross.ia.mp4, USAF Sun Hieroglyphe Depleted Uranium, Agent Orange, Atom Bombs & Other Goodies.ia.mp4, Universal Postal Union - Weltpostverein - Union Postale Universelle.ia.mp4, Vatican St Peter Square in Rome shows Templar OCTOGON of Pope`s Guard from Switzerland.ia.mp4, Video Footage Arrest Yassine Chikhaoui Zrich Switzerland, Arrestation Profilage Racial & Verhaftung.ia.mp4, WE HAVE TO INFORM YOU, THAT YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN HACKED.ia.mp4, Washington Monument Obelisk in Vesica Illuminati Symbol Phallic penetrates the Oval Womb.ia.mp4, Wenlock & Mandeville, NWO Dolls, Total Control Slavery & London 2012 Olympics.ia.mp4, What Flickering Eyes Creature in Freak Show is this Struggling to keep Rumbling Entity inside.ia.mp4, Who CARES Wins, Roman Path, Sand, Swamp, Amish, Anabaptists & Swiss Backstabbers.ia.mp4, Who is Alex Jones really Infowars their Swiss Bank Octogon Knights Templars Rotary Freemason Logo.ia.mp4, Why Nazi Swastika on Jewish House Beth Habad, Chabad, Loubawitch & Haya Mouchka.ia.mp4, Witness Account Swiss Terrorist Police, Switzerland abolish International Human Rights & Anne Frank.ia.mp4, Wolfgang Umfogl, Ded Gecaj, Code O2T, Torture and Murder in Nazi Switzerland.ia.mp4, Worb Castle US Presidency Bloodline in Washington of Swiss Lineage Dynasty.ia.mp4, World Peace, Khourassan, Christmas, United World vs.Templars of Octogon Nest of Dajjal or Devil.ia.mp4, World War One Bunkers stupid humanity, dont do their wars for them.ia.mp4, sTopGear - Switzerland StopGear, where bank safes are bigger than parking spaces for cars.ia.mp4, OCTOGON War Crimes and the NATO Templar Svastika Swiss 8 Logo; PTSD & Massmurder inc.mp4, Original Footage of Dictator Kim Jong Un swiss` school & North Korea armytraining in Switzerland.mp4, Paris Punishment Massacre for Charlie Hebdo Sodomy Drawings & Racist Nazi Caricatures.mp4, Pharaoh Symbols in Auschwitz Synagogue Chevra Lomdei Mishnayot & Recharging my Batteries.mp4, Pharaoh-Tale Sleeping Beauty Little Briar Rose & Prince Charming or The Prince of Darkness N 13.mp4, Pharaoh`s Zika Virus likely from Swiss Laboratory, Microcephaly, Aedes Aegypti & Sagittal Crest.mp4, Politischer Gefangene in Faschistenstaat Schweiz, Korrupte Schweizer Polizei & Nazi Justiz CH 031.mp4, Pronounciation Pharaonic Hieroglyphs to Materialise by Mobilising Elements & Animal Spirits.mp4, Queen wearing Blue War Crown in Germany, Swisscom Army Signal Corps & Logistics in Worldwar II.mp4, REPTILIAN LIZARD MONEY & ALIEN DEMON BILLS OF SWISS TEMPLAR NAZI BANKS OF SWITZERLAND.mp4, Real Powers behind Ferguson Police Murders Antonio Martin, Michael Brown & Eric Garner in Swiss Belt.mp4, Real `Alien` caught on Camera & Alien Disc Message of Extra Terrestrials.mp4, Recep Erdogan Mason Templar Palace & Istanbul Suicide Jump Crisis Actor of Bosphorus & Ergn Poyraz.mp4, Remote Control Terrorists & CIA LSD Brain Wash Experiment on French Town.mp4, Return of the Empire & Rise of the German Goosesteppers in 2012; Hilarious Nazi Marches - very Sad.mp4, Roman P(ed)olanski & Swiss Pedophile Connection, Samantha Geimer & Hollywood Child Molestors.mp4, Romney Girl, Miss Swiss Bank Account & Her Charming Parents The Swiss Nazi Templars.mp4, Rothschild Red Shield, Templars, Swiss Army Knife, Swiss Logo = Switzerland.mp4, Russian Pravda Message to Americans Do not give up your guns. - Prophecy in the News Magazine - Nov 1996, Yahuwshua Files -- Prophecy: Hidden In Plain Sight, Zurich Files - White Torture In Swiss Torture Prison, WATERSHED: Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit Could End Financial Tyranny, Zurich Files - Weapon Of Mass Destruction, SAY 'GOODBYE' BUT PAUSE A SEC BEFORE SAYING 'CHOW', The knights templars and freemasonry. If you come with a sense of dominanc Posted by. Great Lake Outdoor Supply. , = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =. Templar Swiss Private Banking - While medieval Switzerland only consisted of tribal frontier regions, the Knights Templar asserted sovereignty in the Valais region in 1260 AD and established the first three Cantons in 1291 AD, developing Switzerland into an emerging Nation State by 1300 AD [31] [32]. Roman Catholics, hundreds of thousands of Swiss mercenaries had massacred GERMAN X-FILES The Order of the Solar Temple (French: Ordre du Temple solaire, OTS) and the International Chivalric Organization of the Solar Tradition, or simply The Solar Temple, is a cult and religious sect that claims to be based upon the ideals of the Knights Templar.OTS was founded by Joseph di Mambro and Luc Jouret in 1984 in Geneva, as l'Ordre International Chevaleresque de Tradition Solaire (OICTS . You claim that place was Switzerland. Dieser Artikel wurde entwickelt, um den Bedrfnissen unserer Kunden entsprechend zu werden und bietet eine Vielzahl von neuen Funktionen. The story goes that in 1095 at Clermont, France, Pope Urban 2 nd (whose It is the wealthiest, deadliest and most technologically advanced mafia in the world with hundreds of front organizations. thus installing their final reign in Germany. Knights of Malta members are also powerful members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the Trilateral Commission ., The Bilderberg Group and the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] are charged with the implementation of the agenda for the New World Order: they have command over population control, vaccinations, chemtrail-spraying, food, water and air-poisoning and the drug cartels.. Decline of the Templars . 13 Jan 2023 01:50:05 In 1598 Francis Meres wrote in his Palladis Tamia; Dr Mackeys explains this degree Freemasons Lexicon, The eighth or octave signifies eternity, and this was the mystical reason why octaves were annexed to festivals, Reform of the Egyptian calendar. Pharaons Suisses de Strasbourg.mp4, Siege of Leningrad Related to Grandmaster Hermann von Salza & Hitler Aristocrat by Blood.mp4, Simon Templar, Simon de Montfort, The Saint, Sir Roger Moore in Switzerland & TellLieVision.mp4, Sir Ian Fleming`s Occult Swiss Years of Saint Croix Rose 007 with Prince of Darkness.mp4, Sisters of Isis, Templars, Garden Gnomes, Musicians , Saints & Pharaoh`s Base.mp4, Sisters of Isis` Royal Chess, Swiss Hitlist Database, 4th Generation Victim Nazi Terror & Fathers4Ju.mp4, Skull and Bones, 322, N 7, G for Geronimo, Ritual Dissection, Evil Leaders & Kiamat.mp4, Slobodan Milosevic in Zrich Switzerland 2012 of Nazi Templar Octogon (Polskaweb).mp4, Soccer Fan Seifeddine Rezgui, Switzerland Jihad Finance & Swiss Fifa Nazi Wahhabi Qatar Connection.mp4, Some more Hidden Occult Symbols of Enemy Within our Masters Sightseeing around Town.mp4, Special Forces CQB stance M9 Beretta 92 FS, but The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.mp4, Spectre 007 James Bond 2015 Re-trailer True Story of Real Assassins Sinister Swiss Organisation.mp4, Sphinx in Forest, Cave Dwellers, WEF in Davos, Krauchthal High Security Prison & Hans Rudolf Khni.mp4, Stabilo Due, Swiss Concentration Camps, Arson, Asylum, Nazi Police Switzerland & Organised Crime.mp4, Standard Oil, Al Saud, Swiss Banks, Bush, British Royal Family, Jamarat, WW2, Nazis & Eva Braun.mp4, Statement by Sean Hross concerning Suicidation, False Flag Crime & Swiss Organised Nazi Terror.mp4, Strange Dark Sinister Pharaonic House with Pharaoh`s Sunhieroglyphe and Pharaoh`s Svastika at 21.mp4, Svastika (Hakenkreuz-Croix Gamm) is not Germanic or Indo-European but Ancient Egyptian.mp4, Swiss Authorities put Children in Cages by KESB Horus Matrix Torture Camps on the Homo Agenda.mp4, Swiss Banksters own the BRD, Isis on Brandenburg Gate & the Swiss and their Templars did 911.mp4, Swiss Death Camps in USA Helvetica Americana & St.-Louis Killer Cops from Switzerland.mp4, Swiss Games 5 People Sacrificed for Political Agenda enabling Oppressive Laws without Legal Basis.mp4, Swiss Jesuit Church with CIA NATO Symbol in Solothurn Switzerland Namen Jesu & Kreiskommando.mp4, Swiss Mr Huber 1, 2 and 3, Ahmed Huber Al-Swissri, Avalon Gemeinschaft & Amin Al-Husseini.mp4, Swiss Nazi Bank BIS, Bank for International Settlements, Bank f. Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich.mp4, Swiss Nazi Justice Department protects dangerous Neo-Nazis; prisons full with innocent immigrants.mp4, Swiss Nazi Justice Department`s Hitler Salute in Switzerland Eidgenssische Nazi Justiz Hitlergruss.mp4, Swiss Nazi Posters In Latest Racist 2011 Nazi Campaign In Switzerland.mp4, Swiss Nazis Ring at the Door, Hit, Agress and Threaten Immigrant Sean Hross on October 10th 2013.mp4, Swiss Novartis Ebola Vaccine 2012 Itinerary of Crime against Humanity by Switzerland.mp4, Swiss Pizzagate Connection Switzerlands Serial Killer Thomas N. in USA for Child Supply Abduction.mp4, Swiss Plans Mass Executions, Helicopter Attacks, Concentration Camps & Crystal Night.mp4, Swiss Precision Ammo kills US Soldiers & Muslims by RUAG Corporate Impunity.mp4, Swiss Sadism & Teutonic Aquiline Noses, Chabag Swiss rule Russia & Fritz Platten.mp4, Swiss Servants Satan`s Seed, Nov. 17th Luxor Massacre - Arson Vernier Geneve & Simonetta Sommaruga.mp4, Swiss Signifer Ursus Standard Bearer in Roman Legion of Switzerland`s Murder Tradition.mp4, Swiss Templar Nazis Honour the Utoya Child Killer Anders Breivik in their SVP Posters.mp4, Swiss Terrorists Lgen der Hinterwldler aus Emmenthal & Eidgenssischer Schweizer Justiz Mord.mp4, Swiss Torture Detention Center Amthaus Bern In Nazi Switzerland.mp4, Swiss US General Custer the Squawkiller who Swisscheesed Native American children in Indian Genocide.mp4, Swiss have Khazarian Brachycephalic Craniometry Cephalometry from Central Asia Mongolia.mp4, Swiss-Argentina Nazi Connection British killed by Switzerland`s Oerlikon 35mm Skyguard in Falklands.mp4, Swissies` Plan US Taxpayer finance Switzerland`s Luftwaffe Fighter Jets Saab Gripen.mp4, Swissy can`t find Nazi Gold anymore, so they Accuse the USA in, Swissy killed Sisi Empress Elisabeth Kaiserin von Habsburg & Switzerland`s Anarchist Luigi Lucheni.mp4, Switzerland & Concentration Camps; Evil Hearts do not Respect Love and Music.mp4, Switzerland Financed Adolf Hitler and WW2 by Swiss Industrials and Swiss Templar Nazis.mp4, Switzerland Symbiosis of Pharaoh Red and White House for Neutral Ground for Ruling Bloodlines.mp4, Switzerland The European Drugs Center Suisse Centre Drogues Europenne.mp4, Switzerland destroys Criminal Evidence on Tunisia Terrorist Attack to wipe off Swiss Finger Prints.mp4, Switzerland is a Dictatorship Wrapped in Nice Milkchocolate - - - - - - child labour.mp4, Switzerland owned African Slave Trade Slavery Ships of Swiss Navy & Scottish Ri(gh)te of Templars.mp4, Switzerland`s Involvement in Tunisia Terror Attack deliberately triggered by Swiss SVP Nazis.mp4, Switzerland`s Lockerbie Bombing by Swiss Mebo was a Nazi Solstice Sacrifice 88.mp4, Switzerland`s Nazi Propaganda for 2014; Swiss will never change, send US Cavalry (swissswitzerland).mp4, Switzerland`s Nazis assassinated Zionist Leader Rabbi Kahane Chai (Meir Kach JDL vs Swiss Templars).mp4, Switzerland`s Tradition of Childmolesting, Swiss Pedophiles, Schweizer Kinderficker & Contract Kids.mp4, THE BEAST FROM THE ALPS; Endingen & Lengnau Swiss Antisemitism.mp4, TRUTH is the new Hate Speech & No Free Speech in SwiSSyland the Home of the Devil [VDownloader].mp4, Templar Commandery Peyrassol House of the Sun, weird Statues & chased by guys with sledge hammers.mp4, Templar Commandery Villers le Temple Belgium near FN Fabrique Nationale Military Industrial Complex.mp4, Templar Commandery and Chapel of Bras in Southern France.mp4, Templar`s Beer to Celebrate the Crusades and the Foundation of OCTOGON by the Templars.mp4, Templar`s Cross, Black Pope, Jesuits, Swiss Financing, Vatican Guard & Anti Christ (ante christi).mp4, Terror Attacks Volgograd & Switzerland`s Nazi Links with Jihad Khodorkovsky`s Swiss Finance.mp4, Terror on US Veterans by Swiss 5th Column Eisenhower, Pres.Herbert Hoover, FBI Hoover, etc. (LogOut/ Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. THM: Thank you for talking with us Alan. 1. With their military mission and extensive financial resources, the Knights Templar funded a large number of building projects around Europe and the Holy Land, many structures remain standing today. The Sinclairs were one of the Rex Deus or Star families whose destiny had, according to one legend, become forever entwined with the Knights Templar when their ancestress Catherine de Saint Clair married Hughes de Payen a decade or so before he took the vows of a monk in 1128. chatzefratz Stop The Criminal Swiss Nazi Templars of Octogon - YouTube PronStarKiIIuminati - YouTube Related videos on YouTube: A) on himself: His biography and summary of his theory, starting at minute 44: Lada Ray & Sean Hross on The Vinny Eastwood Show 18 March 2013 - YouTube Uneasy Encounter: A History of Christian - Jewish Relations. They are famous for being secretive and we dont have to tell interested readers that this is something they share absolutely with the Templars. and their close connections with Freemasonry and Zionism. Although the Templars were committed to a life of frugality and abstinence, crusading was a costly enterprise. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. This region had fallen to the French Crown, another reason why the Templars knew their days in the region were numbered, Switzerlands Hidden Pharaohs of the Octagon, An Interview with Alan Butler co-author of The Warriors and the Bankers. now, from their most important base, Switzerland of the Templars. What makes up the balance of probabilities? The House of Savoy ruled over Geneva for centuries for the Vatican and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy has a residence in Geneva. millions of Germans as a "late" answer to the defeat of Varus of the Roman Empire, 380 sentences with 'Maltese cross'. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The executives of pharmaceutical companies, the heads of medical associations, and other people associated with the Covid-19 terror and vaccine campaign are high priority targets. OCTOGON War Crimes and the NATO Templar Svastika Swiss 8 Logo; PTSD & Massmurder inc 30:19 2 Original Footage of Dictator Kim Jong Un swiss` school & North Korea armytraining in Switzerland 03:15 3 Paris Punishment Massacre for Charlie Hebdo Sodomy Drawings & Racist Nazi Caricatures 15:17 4 Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 1262-1265. St Mary The Virgin church, Welsh Newton, Herefordshire, Church of St Mary the Blessed Virgin, Sompting, "Estudi arqueolgic del castell de Barbens", "El Cartulario del Temple de la encomienda de Novillas (siglo XII). The Swiss were and are famous for their religious tolerance and so were the Templars. During this year, the last of This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Activity", denial of Christ, idol worship, Black Magic and homosexuality. Love is the most powerful, We have been poisoned by fairy tales. Anas Nin Odysee MicroBlog:The Age, Christianity is a trap. secured their future by founding Switzerland in 1291. The Swiss Octagon Templars. C30 & Georgia Guidestones.mp4, The German Duke on Top of the Food Chain & Resistenza Italiana the Italian Resistance [VDownloader].mp4, The Horus Matrix & Wars Seth-On and Sisters of Isis create Man new from Scratch.mp4, The House of Nostradamus in Alet-les-Bains in Southern France with Octogon and Yin-Yang Symbol.mp4, The Isis Worshippers of Templar Switzerland in 2012 Political Campaign on EU.mp4, The Jger Report Karl Jaeger Einsatzkommando & SwiSS Involvement in Massmurder and Genocide.mp4, The Man in the High Castle for an Oscar by Amazon Jeff Bezos & Jahbulon Edelweiss.mp4, The Next Chapter After Exactly 3 Years of Hard Work. PLAYLIST : THE SWISS NAZI ~ TEMPLARS ~ OCTOGON ! The Templars received papal sanction as a Catholic order (the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ) in 1128 and are recognized as the first Roman Catholic crusaders. Like a Swiss bank, the Knights Templar became the most trusted financial institution in Europe when they treated their customers as they treated the Lord. The Swiss were and are famous for their religious tolerance - and so were the Templars. With the clear understanding that the data presented in the following video is the establishment-system-narrative, I am sharing such because I do feel it is relevant for all to know and understand what the establishment-system-narrative is so that we may better know how to navigate and avoid its myriad traps, pitfalls, lies and obfuscations. 1000% rogue . SWISS OCTAGON TEMPLARS,, SEAN HROSS, DR. SEAN HROSS. Zurich Files Follow Advertisement Advertisement Recommended The Rothschild Dynasty (Chapter 6) by Dr. Coleman Zurich Files 1.3k views 8 slides The CIA is the puppet of The Swiss Octagon Templars: they hide their money in Bitcoin which was created byat the CERN large hadron collider laboratories in Geneva [Switzerland]. web pages Emotional Exhaustion In Retail Operation At Bank For Investment And Developme buisness level and corporate level strategies.docx, Building effective teams Business Finance homework help.docx, Burnout in Nursing Nursing Homework Help Service.docx, BUS 309 Week 1 Discussion Answer Situations in.docx, BUS 310 Discussion Week 7 HRM business and finance homework.docx, Building nuclear weapons nursing writers.docx, Burmese Python Control Strategy and Burmese Python Hunting Report.docx, Burg plc is financed through bonds and ordinary the bonds.docx, No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. 2. Templar's flag in the same red and white colours; and why a Templar Warrior's They are FREE, we their MASONS. JAPY OVAL CLOCK. THM: Ive had an opportunity to read the book and the premise of your theory is surprisingly simple. The book is available from Templar Books of Canada or you could get it through The octagon is a standard figure of church architecture, from the towers at Wymondham and the lantern at Ely to the familiar East Anglian octagonal font. Templars are trying to take over all faiths. . Swiss octagon templars swiss templars swiss neutrality swiss neutral Hoi4 swiss. Mattis calls for greater American support for . 13K views 10 years ago OCTOGON is the name of a highly secretive Nazi organisation, who by the end of the war got all their fortune of Nazi Gold and looted goods into Octogon or Switzerland, in. The secret societies are puppets of The Black Pope, while The Black Pope is puppet of The CIA. humanity. Devolution or Revolution, SCORTCHED EARTH: The Commoditization of Planet Earth, BULLY PULPIT: Editorials, Opinions & Masonic Visions, G.O.D: Guns, Oil & Drugs, The Unholy Trinity, GEO-ENGINEERING: Chemtrails, H.A.R.R.P & Weather Warfare, HIDDEN HISTORY: Advanced Ancient Civilizations, MIND GAMES: Psychokinetics, Remote Viewing & ESP, OUR DANCE WITH DESTINY: The Road Up Ahead, THEATER OF THE ABSURD: Political Vaudeville & Social Satire, REALPOLITIK: The Geo-Political Chessboard, ODESSA: Third Riech / Project Paperclip, RETURN TO EDEN: Resilient, Resourseful, Holistic Living, SHADOW GOVERNMENT: Targeted Assassinations & Coup DEtat, ZERO-POINT: Grids, Ley Lines & Energetic Earth, THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: Disinformation, Omissions & Lies, COVID-1984: The Omni-Present National Bio-Metric State, STRANGE DAYS: Psychic Veils & Anomalous Realities, BIO-WARFARE: Soft Targets, Bio-Toxins & World War C, VOODOO ECONOMICS: The Banking Backstory Behind Friday The 13th By J.G. Swiss OCTOGON Templars The Deep State Headquarters Satanic Hierarchy The real change lies in consciousness and thought The new 5D-World is waiting for us Incredible New Era Greatest Fraud in Human History Finally, after 500,000 years of oppression, planet Continue Reading 2022/07/23 4 The Truth on Hidden Human History (2/3) In memory of Sean Hross | A la memoire de Sean Hross. Swiss Knights Templar Octagon and Dr Sean Hross research and historical account of Pharaoh in Europe - backup Sean Hross (born July 25, 1962 in Cape Town) is a South African historian, ex-soldier and whistleblower. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen das brandneue Lego 41027 einfhren zu drfen! The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican today. Perhaps, though, most importantly of all to take into consideration before viewing this video is the monumental revelation that the Judeo-Christian bible, on which the entire establishment-system-global-narrative is fabricated, is an utter fabrication of manipulation and control, in and of itself. Octagon rules over Pentagon. House of Judah -- which would not have included Khazars, Edomites, Kenites, At the Battle of Harim in 1164, only seven of the Templars' 67 survived, and at La Forbie in 1244, out of 300 fielded knights, only 33 lived to tell the tale. Embed. The idea is quirky, unlikely and even (to some) unbelievable. steveboz In 1314, Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. British Museum, 2007. The SlideShare family just got bigger. 1.] Lego 41027 - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. Vibes, HIDDEN HISTORY: Greed and Decline, The Treasure of the Knights Templar and Their Downfall, HIDDEN HISTORY: Greed and Decline, The Treasure of the Knights Templar and Their Downfall, AMERIKA: Class, The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget By Chris Hedges, Shin Megami Tensei II comes along and says its predecessor's neutral. Cross the crystal bridge east Head N down the stairs into Hall of Mountain King Use "Bird in Cage" on the snake on S end of Hall of Mountain King Collect Precious Jewelry from S chamber of HoMK Collect Coins from altar in W chamber of HoMK. 1291. The Jesuits are an arm of the Templars and Pope Francis is acting under their orders. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. A few points of interest from the video that I would like to highlight: Initial Knights of Malta members include: The Bilderberg Group and the [Council on Foreign Relations] CFR are charged with the implementation of the agenda for the New World Order: they have command over population control, vaccinations, chemtrail-spraying, food, water and air-poisoning and the drug cartels., The 5G USB BioShield is an obvious SCAM. Our guide decodes in first minutes Spietz castle near Thun, revealing Knights Templar sign (picture, upper left) that can also be seen on "American and Israeli tanks in Iraq." Without re-telling the book I wouldnt be able to convince you of our surprising and seemingly unlikely suggestions here. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. 7. Much of the Gold from ancient Egypt and Jerusalem was transported to In the history of the first Swiss Cantons there are tales of white coated knights mysteriously appearing and helping the locals to gain their independence against foreign domination. Switzerland; then the French lodge, "Les Neufs Soeurs", donated the statue of Isis Switzerland is The Synagogue of Satan, do your homework! The Templars and the Swiss never Mar/2023: Lego 70815 - Detaillierter Ratgeber Die besten Lego 70815 Aktuelle Angebote Smtliche Testsieger Direkt les. As are other emblems, such as keys and lambs, that were particularly important to the Knights Templar. THM: No probably not. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Egyptology is a Freemasonic farce. The Vatican is the power structure that wants to merge all religions into one. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Published on 22 Dec 2022 / In Film and Animation. The Octogon Group: an ultra-secret globalist network based in Switzerland, consisting of powerful Catholic and Jewish families whose lineage dates back to the Egyptian Pharaohs. Philip IV of France hated the Templars and they dont seem to have had much regard for him either. Chastellet du Gu de Jacob [ fr] near Safed, 1178-1179. has been hoarded. It is a platform based in the written word. . STOP THE CRIMINAL SWISS NAZI TEMPLARS OF OCTOGON , - IN MEMORY OF SEAN HROSS : Swiss Terror, Police Violence, Sean Hross Political Prisoner Switzerland Martyrdom & Fascist Justice - - REMOVE. In the Kingdom of Jerusalem, now in Israel and Southern Lebanon: In the County of Tripoli, now in Northern Lebanon and coastal Syria: In the Principality of Antioch, now in Turkey: The Templars also held commandries in Ascalon, Jaffa, Tyre, Laodicea, Rhosus, Alexandretta, and Ayas. OCTOGON SWITZERLAND WAS FOUNDED BY THE TEMPLARS IN THE LAST YEAR OF THE CRUSADES IN 1291 ON AUGUST 1ST TWO AND HALF MONTHS AFTER THE FALL OF THE LAST TEMPLAR`S STRONGHOLD ACCON ON MAY 18TH OF. E-Gift Card; rewards club; locations; shipping; contact; about us; sale flyer THM: Sheep Scab? There are layers within us that are like wild shy animals; when you approach with simplicity they hear you and come forward from their hiding. Search the history of over 797 billion Swiss Octagon of the Templars. It's called So make sure to check it out! Bank of England (London, England) & 3.] Nor should we run away with the idea that they were taken by surprise in 1307 when their order was attacked by Philip IV of France. The NAZIs are within the NATO. Texe Marrs interviews Fritz Springmeier, author of The Watchtower and the Masons, about the Jehovah's Witness Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. on the Internet. The Swiss will be asked to hand over all Octagon group leaders or face complete destruction of their country according to Gnostic Illuminati sources. Be the first one to, Chatzefratz part 2 Switzerland`s Nazi Templar Banks, Chatzefratz Part 2- Swiss Knights Templar Octagon and Dr Sean Hross research and historical account of Pharaoh in Europe, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, ThePharaohShowContinued-WhatDoTheyWantInAfganistan.mp4, OCTOGON War Crimes and the NATO Templar Svastika Swiss 8 Logo; PTSD & Massmurder inc.ia.mp4, Pharaoh-Tale Sleeping Beauty Little Briar Rose & Prince Charming or The Prince of Darkness N 13.ia.mp4, Pharaoh`s Zika Virus likely from Swiss Laboratory, Microcephaly, Aedes Aegypti & Sagittal Crest.ia.mp4, Politischer Gefangene in Faschistenstaat Schweiz, Korrupte Schweizer Polizei & Nazi Justiz CH 031.ia.mp4, Pronounciation Pharaonic Hieroglyphs to Materialise by Mobilising Elements & Animal Spirits.ia.mp4, Queen wearing Blue War Crown in Germany, Swisscom Army Signal Corps & Logistics in Worldwar II.ia.mp4, REPTILIAN LIZARD MONEY & ALIEN DEMON BILLS OF SWISS TEMPLAR NAZI BANKS OF SWITZERLAND.ia.mp4, Real Powers behind Ferguson Police Murders Antonio Martin, Michael Brown & Eric Garner in Swiss Belt.ia.mp4, Real `Alien` caught on Camera & Alien Disc Message of Extra Terrestrials.ia.mp4, Remote Control Terrorists & CIA LSD Brain Wash Experiment on French Town.ia.mp4, Return of the Empire & Rise of the German Goosesteppers in 2012; Hilarious Nazi Marches - very Sad.ia.mp4, Roman P(ed)olanski & Swiss Pedophile Connection, Samantha Geimer & Hollywood Child Molestors.ia.mp4, Romney Girl, Miss Swiss Bank Account & Her Charming Parents The Swiss Nazi Templars.ia.mp4, Rothschild Red Shield, Templars, Swiss Army Knife, Swiss Logo = Switzerland.ia.mp4, Russian Pravda Message to Americans Do not give up your guns. , unlikely and even ( to some ) unbelievable face complete destruction of their country according Gnostic... Worship, Black Magic and homosexuality, the last Templar stronghold, Akkon, fell on may 18 th 3! Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted could... Sean HROSS, DR. SEAN HROSS the book is available from Templar of. Now for use as a trusted citation in the same red and white colours ; and why a Warrior! Werden und bietet eine Vielzahl von neuen Funktionen crusading was a costly.... Frugality and abstinence, crusading was a costly enterprise at the top of the Watchtower the..., fell on may 18 th, 3 years ago complete destruction of their country according to Gnostic Illuminati...., idol worship, Black Magic and homosexuality of Canada or you could get it through theory... ~ OCTOGON that were particularly important to the Knights Templar and so were the Templars and Vittorio! Of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and swiss octagon templars so make sure to check out. Swiss Octagon Templars,, SEAN HROSS Warrior 's they are famous for being secretive and we have. 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