the regular session of the Legislature the various committees of each House shall hold hearings to consider all bills and resolutions and other matters then pending; and such emergency matters as may be submitted by the Governor. The indebtedness shall be a lien on the property assessed for the payment of the bonds. In Texas, if a sitting governor is unable to hold office due to impeachment and conviction, resignation, or death, who becomes governor? Yosemite National Park . The language of this provision is identical to the language of the official legislative measure that originally proposed the provision. Article 3, Section 47 of the Texas Constitution. (e) amended and two Subsecs. 44. logrolling. That must stop. A candidate must prepare to meet ballot access requirements well in advance of primaries, caucuses, and the general election. Here you can find more information about the 150 men and women who represent house districts across the great State of Texas, as well as how to contact your Representative and stay up to date on the important work they are conducting on Texans' behalf." Definition of "incompatibility" and general rule: Texas law prohibits one person from holding two public offices, regardless of whether one or both offices are paid, if one Sec. 140 days The assets of a system are held in trust for the benefit of members and may not be diverted. 24. 268, Sec. Sec. d) Calculate the numerical value of v, in m/s. (3) the purchaser is not the lender or assignee under the extension of credit. (2) A person may not receive benefits from more than one system for the same service, but the legislature may provide by law that a person with service covered by more than one system or program is entitled to a fractional benefit from each system or program based on service rendered under each system or program calculated as to amount upon the benefit formula used in that system or program. It establishes the framework of government, delegates the powers and duties of governmental bodies, and defines the relationship between the government and their citizens. Sec. A resolution is just another name for a bill. It is the committee that establishes the rules for floor debate in the House. special session (2) undisbursed funds under a reverse mortgage loan are considered equity in a borrower's home and not proceeds from a loan. 65. . _______ is the only Texas governor to be both impeached and convicted. Such notice and copy of bill shall also be given of the introduction of any bill amending a law creating or governing a particular conservation and reclamation district if such bill (1) adds additional land to the district, (2) alters the taxing authority of the district, (3) alters the authority of the district with respect to the issuance of bonds, or (4) alters the qualifications or terms of office of the members of the governing body of the district. a) Express the magnitude of the gravitational force F in terms of M, R, the gravitational constant G, and the mass m of the satellite. In the Texas legislature, all bills dealing with state revenue must, The requirements for holding office in the Texas legislature, One of the most notable effects of bicameralism in the Texas legislature is that it. ASSESSMENTS ON PRODUCT SALES BY ASSOCIATIONS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS. OFFICIAL OATH OF OFFICE. writing a letter of recommendation for a constituent. IX, Nov. 6, 2001. According to Texas Government Code 305.027, this material may be considered "legislative advertising.". In Texas, why is a governor's post-adjournment veto so powerful? "Dual office-holding" refers to a public official holding more than one elected or appointed position. Select the application with petition if you will be collecting signatures instead of paying a filing fee. Absence on business of the State, or of the United States, shall not forfeit a residence once obtained, so as to deprive any one of the right of suffrage, or of being elected or appointed to any office under the exceptions contained in this Constitution. Replacing the governor when he is out of the state/succeeding. All the indebtedness may be evidenced by bonds of the conservation and reclamation district, to be issued under regulations as may be prescribed by law. (3) Each statewide benefit system must have a board of trustees to administer the system and to invest the funds of the system in such securities as the board may consider prudent investments. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISION for Sec. 2) 61. (a) All elected and appointed officers, before they enter upon the duties of their offices, shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: "I, _______________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of ___________________ of the State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this State, so help me God.". Greg Abbott on Monday issued another executive order cracking down on COVID-19 vaccine mandates this time banning any entity in Texas, including private businesses, from requiring . (e) The appropriate authority shall appoint the temporary acting officer to begin service on the date specified in writing by the officer being temporarily replaced as the date the officer will enter active military service. 1: See Appendix, Note 3.). (c-1) In addition and only as provided by this subsection, the Legislature may authorize conservation and reclamation districts to develop and finance with taxes those types and categories of parks and recreational facilities that were not authorized by this section to be developed and financed with taxes before September 13, 2003. No.2022-07 - NEW LAW: Changes to Early Voting by Personal Appearance - House Bill 2025, House Bill 3107, and Senate Bill 1. 61: See Appendix, Note 1.). For an office for which this constitution requires an election, the legislature may provide by general law for a person to take the office without an election if the person is the only candidate to qualify in an election to be held for that office. (a) amended and (b) and (c) added Nov. 2, 1982; Subsec. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. The comptroller investigates suspected illegal campaign contributions. Sec. Why is the comptroller of public accounts so important to the legislature? CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; DEVELOPMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES; CONSERVATION AND RECLAMATION DISTRICTS; INDEBTEDNESS AND TAXATION AUTHORIZED. Answers: Cast vote in the Senate when there is a tie 65A: See Appendix, Note 3.). Dual Office-Holding Restrictions. 5) 26. Amended Nov. 3, 1970, Nov. 6, 1973, Nov. 8, 1983, and Nov. 2, 1999. 2) Setting local telephone and electric rates is the responsibility of whom? The elective district, county, and precinct offices which have heretofore had terms of two years, shall hereafter have terms of four years; and the holders of such offices shall serve until their successors are qualified. DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY OF PUBLIC OFFICER FOR NEGLECT OF DUTY. Sec. (Feb. 15, 1876. a committee designed to make differing House and Senate versions of the same bill identical. In Texas, how is the plural executive is held accountable? In Texas, which officer in the plural executive is not elected by voters? The first would preempt significant portions of the. (g) If the legislature provides for a fire fighters' pension commissioner, the term of office for that position is four years. Sec. the Texas legislature What is the importance of the Supreme Court case Reynolds v. Sims? 27. That amount covers per diem for state lawmakers. resolutions are not something you can enforce but are statements of what should be done THE CONSTITUTION PROVIDES THAT: "(A) THE LOAN MUST BE VOLUNTARILY CREATED WITH THE CONSENT OF EACH OWNER OF YOUR HOME AND EACH OWNER'S SPOUSE; "(B) THE PRINCIPAL LOAN AMOUNT AT THE TIME THE LOAN IS MADE MUST NOT EXCEED AN AMOUNT THAT, WHEN ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL BALANCES OF ALL OTHER LIENS AGAINST YOUR HOME, IS MORE THAN 80 PERCENT OF THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF YOUR HOME; "(C) THE LOAN MUST BE WITHOUT RECOURSE FOR PERSONAL LIABILITY AGAINST YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE UNLESS YOU OR YOUR SPOUSE OBTAINED THIS EXTENSION OF CREDIT BY ACTUAL FRAUD; "(D) THE LIEN SECURING THE LOAN MAY BE FORECLOSED UPON ONLY WITH A COURT ORDER; "(E) FEES AND CHARGES TO MAKE THE LOAN MAY NOT EXCEED 2 PERCENT OF THE LOAN AMOUNT, EXCEPT FOR A FEE OR CHARGE FOR AN APPRAISAL PERFORMED BY A THIRD PARTY APPRAISER, A PROPERTY SURVEY PERFORMED BY A STATE REGISTERED OR LICENSED SURVEYOR, A STATE BASE PREMIUM FOR A MORTGAGEE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE WITH ENDORSEMENTS, OR A TITLE EXAMINATION REPORT; "(F) THE LOAN MAY NOT BE AN OPEN-END ACCOUNT THAT MAY BE DEBITED FROM TIME TO TIME OR UNDER WHICH CREDIT MAY BE EXTENDED FROM TIME TO TIME UNLESS IT IS A HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT; "(G) YOU MAY PREPAY THE LOAN WITHOUT PENALTY OR CHARGE; "(H) NO ADDITIONAL COLLATERAL MAY BE SECURITY FOR THE LOAN; "(J) YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO REPAY THE LOAN EARLIER THAN AGREED SOLELY BECAUSE THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF YOUR HOME DECREASES OR BECAUSE YOU DEFAULT ON ANOTHER LOAN THAT IS NOT SECURED BY YOUR HOME; "(K) ONLY ONE LOAN DESCRIBED BY SECTION 50(a)(6), ARTICLE XVI, OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION MAY BE SECURED WITH YOUR HOME AT ANY GIVEN TIME; "(L) THE LOAN MUST BE SCHEDULED TO BE REPAID IN PAYMENTS THAT EQUAL OR EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF ACCRUED INTEREST FOR EACH PAYMENT PERIOD; "(M) THE LOAN MAY NOT CLOSE BEFORE 12 DAYS AFTER YOU SUBMIT A LOAN APPLICATION TO THE LENDER OR BEFORE 12 DAYS AFTER YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE, WHICHEVER DATE IS LATER; AND MAY NOT WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT CLOSE BEFORE ONE BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE ON WHICH YOU RECEIVE A COPY OF YOUR LOAN APPLICATION IF NOT PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED AND A FINAL ITEMIZED DISCLOSURE OF THE ACTUAL FEES, POINTS, INTEREST, COSTS, AND CHARGES THAT WILL BE CHARGED AT CLOSING; AND IF YOUR HOME WAS SECURITY FOR THE SAME TYPE OF LOAN WITHIN THE PAST YEAR, A NEW LOAN SECURED BY THE SAME PROPERTY MAY NOT CLOSE BEFORE ONE YEAR HAS PASSED FROM THE CLOSING DATE OF THE OTHER LOAN, UNLESS ON OATH YOU REQUEST AN EARLIER CLOSING DUE TO A DECLARED STATE OF EMERGENCY; "(N) THE LOAN MAY CLOSE ONLY AT THE OFFICE OF THE LENDER, TITLE COMPANY, OR AN ATTORNEY AT LAW; "(O) THE LENDER MAY CHARGE ANY FIXED OR VARIABLE RATE OF INTEREST AUTHORIZED BY STATUTE; "(P) ONLY A LAWFULLY AUTHORIZED LENDER MAY MAKE LOANS DESCRIBED BY SECTION 50(a)(6), ARTICLE XVI, OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION; "(Q) LOANS DESCRIBED BY SECTION 50(a)(6), ARTICLE XVI, OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION MUST: "(1) NOT REQUIRE YOU TO APPLY THE PROCEEDS TO ANOTHER DEBT EXCEPT A DEBT THAT IS SECURED BY YOUR HOME OR OWED TO ANOTHER LENDER; "(2) NOT REQUIRE THAT YOU ASSIGN WAGES AS SECURITY; "(3) NOT REQUIRE THAT YOU EXECUTE INSTRUMENTS WHICH HAVE BLANKS FOR SUBSTANTIVE TERMS OF AGREEMENT LEFT TO BE FILLED IN; "(4) NOT REQUIRE THAT YOU SIGN A CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT OR POWER OF ATTORNEY TO ANOTHER PERSON TO CONFESS JUDGMENT OR APPEAR IN A LEGAL PROCEEDING ON YOUR BEHALF; "(5) PROVIDE THAT YOU RECEIVE A COPY OF YOUR FINAL LOAN APPLICATION AND ALL EXECUTED DOCUMENTS YOU SIGN AT CLOSING; "(6) PROVIDE THAT THE SECURITY INSTRUMENTS CONTAIN A DISCLOSURE THAT THIS LOAN IS A LOAN DEFINED BY SECTION 50(a)(6), ARTICLE XVI, OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION; "(7) PROVIDE THAT WHEN THE LOAN IS PAID IN FULL, THE LENDER WILL SIGN AND GIVE YOU A RELEASE OF LIEN OR AN ASSIGNMENT OF THE LIEN, WHICHEVER IS APPROPRIATE; "(8) PROVIDE THAT YOU MAY, WITHIN 3 DAYS AFTER CLOSING, RESCIND THE LOAN WITHOUT PENALTY OR CHARGE; "(9) PROVIDE THAT YOU AND THE LENDER ACKNOWLEDGE THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF YOUR HOME ON THE DATE THE LOAN CLOSES; AND, "(10) PROVIDE THAT THE LENDER WILL FORFEIT ALL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST IF THE LENDER FAILS TO COMPLY WITH THE LENDER'S OBLIGATIONS UNLESS THE LENDER CURES THE FAILURE TO COMPLY AS PROVIDED BY SECTION 50(a)(6)(Q)(x), ARTICLE XVI, OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION; AND. Sec. Whoever is comptroller is also the Speaker of the House. Sec. clerk. When the House is in session, legislators can. giving a speech to a local civic group. 5) (Feb. 15, 1876. (e) All Notaries Public, county surveyors and public weighers shall continue to be compensated on a fee basis. how the governor conducts himself in office, uses the position's formal power, and exercises political influence. (f) added Nov. 2, 1993; Subsec. (d) Bonds authorized under this section constitute a general obligation of the state. 53: See Appendix, Note 1. (h) A retirement system described by Subsection (a) and the political subdivision or subdivisions that finance benefits under the retirement system are exempt from the application of this section if: (1) the political subdivision or subdivisions hold an election on the date in May 2004 that political subdivisions may use for the election of their officers; (2) the majority of the voters of a political subdivision voting at the election favor exempting the political subdivision and the retirement system from the application of this section; and. (n) A reverse mortgage that is secured by a valid lien against homestead property may be made or acquired without regard to the following provisions of any other law of this state: (1) a limitation on the purpose and use of future advances or other mortgage proceeds; (2) a limitation on future advances to a term of years or a limitation on the term of open-end account advances; (3) a limitation on the term during which future advances take priority over intervening advances; (4) a requirement that a maximum loan amount be stated in the reverse mortgage loan documents; (6) a prohibition on compound interest and interest on interest; (7) a prohibition on contracting for, charging, or receiving any rate of interest authorized by any law of this state authorizing a lender to contract for a rate of interest; and. ACTION: Final rule; rescission. 2019-26 - Post Election Procedures and Qualifying for Office for the November 5, 2019 Uniform Election Date: No. On January 1, 2016, Nichols Corporation granted 10,000 options to key executives. In the Texas House of Representatives, who has the power to allow members to speak in floor debates? the Speaker of the house and the lieutenant governor. That all drawbacks and rebatement of insurance, freight, transportation, carriage, wharfage, storage, compressing, baling, repairing, or for any other kind of labor or service of, or to any cotton, grain, or any other produce or article of commerce in this State, paid or allowed or contracted for, to any common carrier, shipper, merchant, commission merchant, factor, agent, or middle man of any kind, not the true and absolute owner thereof, are forever prohibited, and it shall be the duty of the Legislature to pass effective laws punishing all persons in this State who pay, receive or contract for, or respecting the same. It can be overturned only by a 2/3 majority of both houses. Thank you to the Texas Legislature for getting these bills to my desk." . It limits executive power and disperses it through several elected officials. (11) that is secured by a lien that may be foreclosed upon only by a court order, if the foreclosure is for a ground other than a ground stated by Subdivision (6)(A) or (B) of this subsection. It is for bills that are uncontroversial or limited to a localized problem. 2019-23 - Electronic Voting System Procedures Advisory The Legislature may prohibit state agencies from accepting money under this subsection or may regulate the amount of money accepted, the way the acceptance and expenditure of the money is administered, and the purposes for which the state agencies may expend the money. (q) To the extent that any statutes of this state, including without limitation, Section 41.001 of the Texas Property Code, purport to limit encumbrances that may properly be fixed on homestead property in a manner that does not permit encumbrances for extensions of credit described in Subsection (a)(6) or (a)(7) of this section, the same shall be superseded to the extent that such encumbrances shall be permitted to be fixed upon homestead property in the manner provided for by this amendment. 41. Unlike a bill, a resolution, if passed, lacks the force of a public law. Sec. (k), (p), and (r) amended Nov. 2, 1999; Subsec. Sec. attempting to influence decisions of government agencies. Any person who shall, directly or indirectly, offer, give, or promise, any money or thing of value, testimonial, privilege or personal advantage, to any executive or judicial officer or member of the legislature to influence him in the performance of any of his public or official duties, shall be guilty of bribery, and be punished in such manner as shall be provided by law. (ii) actual costs and reserves required by the lender to refinance the debt; (C) the refinance of the extension of credit is of a principal amount that when added to the aggregate total of the outstanding principal balances of all other indebtedness secured by valid encumbrances of record against the homestead does not exceed 80 percent of the fair market value of the homestead on the date the refinance of the extension of credit is made; and. Amended Nov. 6, 2001.) The director shall report his or her findings to the legislature not later than December 1 of each year. (Feb. 15, 1876. It extended its regular session by two months. (b) amended Nov. 8, 2011.) A regular statement, under oath, and an account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published annually, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. Sec. (Added Nov. 2, 1954; amended Nov. 4, 1958, and Nov. 2, 1999; Subsec. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. Which is a true statements special sessions of the Texas legislature? (f) The political subdivision or subdivisions and the retirement system that finance benefits under the retirement system are jointly responsible for ensuring that benefits under this section are not reduced or otherwise impaired. "BEFORE YOU REFINANCE YOUR EXISTING HOME EQUITY LOAN TO MAKE IT A NON-HOME EQUITY LOAN, YOU SHOULD MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE WAIVING IMPORTANT PROTECTIONS THAT HOME EQUITY LOANS PROVIDE UNDER THE LAW AND SHOULD CONSIDER CONSULTING WITH AN ATTORNEY OF YOUR CHOOSING REGARDING THESE PROTECTIONS. VI, Sec. (c) added Nov. 6, 1984; Subsecs. Contributions required and benefits payable are to be as provided by law. Do you ever think about the costs of milk when you visit Starbucks. Sec. 65: See Appendix, Note 1. "IF YOU HAVE APPLIED TO REFINANCE YOUR EXISTING HOME EQUITY LOAN AS A NON-HOME EQUITY LOAN, YOU WILL LOSE CERTAIN CONSUMER PROTECTIONS. AUTOMATIC RESIGNATION ON BECOMING CANDIDATE FOR ANOTHER OFFICE. All stationery, printing, fuel used in the legislature and departments of the government other than the judicial department, printing and binding of the laws, journals, and department reports, and all other printing and binding and the repairing and furnishing of the halls and rooms used during meetings of the legislature and in committees, except proclamations and such products and services as may be done by handicapped individuals employed in nonprofit rehabilitation facilities providing sheltered employment to the handicapped in Texas, shall be performed under contract, to be given to the lowest responsible bidder, below such maximum price and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by law. 5) (j) Subsection (a)(6) and Subsections (e)-(i) of this section are not severable, and none of those provisions would have been enacted without the others. Sec. (p) The advances made on a reverse mortgage loan under which more than one advance is made must be made according to the terms established by the loan documents by one or more of the following methods: (1) an initial advance at any time and future advances at regular intervals; (2) an initial advance at any time and future advances at regular intervals in which the amounts advanced may be reduced, for one or more advances, at the request of the borrower; (3) an initial advance at any time and future advances at times and in amounts requested by the borrower until the credit limit established by the loan documents is reached; (4) an initial advance at any time, future advances at times and in amounts requested by the borrower until the credit limit established by the loan documents is reached, and subsequent advances at times and in amounts requested by the borrower according to the terms established by the loan documents to the extent that the outstanding balance is repaid; or. , uses the position 's formal power, and ( r ) amended Nov. 3, 47... 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