NQ1HUrmy029+p/W7kssTNGHLqIxH8VYl64qkvl1fy/OjWUEukajf39vaWY1Ca1t7+4QTzWkNzQyR w/8AIxf64q79J6b/AMtcP/Ixf64q79J6b/y1w/8AIxf64qrQzwTKXhkWVQaFkIYV8KjFV+KuxV2K Shock-proof plan for hazardous areas. Pnvyr5O08X3mC/S0ickQRbvLKw6iONas3uaUHfFXjnkP/nIP8ubfzR5lkvZrmyt9c1GO6s7maGsa Should the circuit have a safety function that would be lost if the circuit were damaged, then the wiring method would become very important. CMYK Physical installation of the cable must be done in a manner to prevent tensile stress on these terminations (see figure 4 and photo 2). All rights reserved. HUol[Ws/vlv'N;^s4:IS4-! In hazardous locations previously defined, all potentially conductive equipment, raceways, and other enclosures connected by permanent wiring methodsregardless of voltagemust be bonded by one or more of the following methods according to NEC Article 250.92: Threaded couplings or threaded bosses with the wrench installed tightly, Threadless couplings and connectors installed tightly for metal raceways and metal-clad cables. 0.000000 All of these requirements for the EGC are for personnel safety and, in the case of hazardous areas, can prevent an arc or spark from reaching the hazardous atmosphere. Emerson is the global technology, software and engineering powerhouse driving innovation that makes the world healthier, safer, smarter and more sustainable. Rigid Type PVC and Type RTRC conduits may be permitted under certain conditions where placed underground and encased in concrete. or by grounded metal partitions or insulating barriers. 0.000000 Hazardous Locations: A Guide for the Design, Testing, Construction, and Installation of Equipment in Explosive Atmospheres. The bonding jumper may be eliminated if the flexible connection is less than 6 ft, fittings listed for grounding are used, the protective device feeding the circuit is less than 10 amps, and the load is not used for power utilizations. 3vnbzhe69cVSGQ+lY25NfStoyfTT578m/wAonFkGW/8AOPP5Z/4w84LfX8XPQtFKz3fIHjLNWsMP However, ideal situations do not always exist. NFPA, Quincy, Mass. 344, RMC). q+DWtOu7iOCxuoLtzVpRDIrlIwPtHiT+0VGKrtQ1WzsHgF1PFAkzMC8zrGKKpOxYgVrQUxVS/wAS 0.000000 Identification labels must be located to be readily visible and traceable for the entire length of the wiring, except for any underground portions, which are re-identified as they emerge from the earth. CMYK In some situations, wiring and/or equipment outside the classified space could provide ignition of a flammable atmosphere by releasing ignition-capable particles that could communicate to the classified spaces. H1JrJVkEduJFe1ljhZTy61TfCqff4J8mf9WDTv8ApEg/5owK7/BPkz/qwad/0iQf80YqustA0LTN Product Information Data Sheet 0.000000 Movement of these mechanical devices requires more flexibility than was required in the past, which often necessitates the use of more flexible cords and greater lengths of flexible cord to complete electrical installations. 25.000000 @media (max-width: 768px) { NpPQH0jIju8gB7hIyF9yDir5Ns1N3pF95mXzBqA8zaei3MszCQKGe5WFIhd+p6hmcMZR8NKA+BIU 25.000000 CMYK See the Killark Solutions. 25.000000 8.500000 UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE PROCESS
Index Exe Cable Glands, Couplers, Sealing Washers & Locknuts, Liquidtight Flexible Non-Metallic Fittings & Conduit. 100.000000
2mf9I0f9MVd/yqL8r/8AqVtM/wCkaP8Apirv+VRflf8A9Stpn/SNH/TFXf8AKovyv/6lbTP+kaP+ ck5FJ1Y/PFCY6cuh2/mzSbrR9G1WygiS6F9LNZX6oVeMCMH1FavxYqzv9OWX++7r/pDuv+qWBLv0 As mentioned above, personnel safety and proper operation of protective devices are two primary concerns with equipment grounding. padding-top:0px; padding-bottom: 0px; *..b,RQ_y==4h(fjxN^9T![bAOd3LHE=wCbrH8ZWCmn?$oR-c`MJF9RsZ+NC41v 0.000000 0.000000 Default Swatch Group 50.000000 0.000000 1vG0txO6xwxIKszueKqoHUkmmKX3f+UP5eweRfJdrpRVTqU3+karMKHlcOBVQw6rGPhX5V74sWa4 The concern here is the possibility of compromising the intrinsic safety of the circuit through inductive or capacitive coupling conditions related to close proximities of other wiring. MT/qZbH/ALhTf9lmKu/Q/wCYn/Uy2P8A3Cm/7LMVd+h/zE/6mWx/7hTf9lmKu/Q/5if9TLY/9wpv 0.000000 PROCESS PROCESS C=0 M=38 Y=75 K=0 CMYK hAs8B8vaxIFbqrx3Gnujow3VkYAqw3BxQyfyR5v1K28raTN5oLNBcW0LQa4qs8bVUDjdkcjFID1d This type of cable is permitted to be used in Class I locations when the termination fittings are listed for this location. 1GUQWNlE09xK3ZEFT8z4DucVfA35h+dtQ86ebb7X7yqiduFrATUQ26bRRj5Dc+LVPfFkGc/844/l WebChoose from our selection of conduit unions, including hazardous location conduit connectors, conduit adapters, and more. +yzFXfof8xP+plsf+4U3/ZZirv0P+Yn/AFMtj/3Cm/7LMVQWuQ/mJpei6hqQ8w2Epsbaa59L9Fsv By joining you are opting in to receive e-mail.
Wiring Methods for Hazardous Locations. of cover and converted to threaded metal 600 mm (24 in.) 0.000000 nc1P0eAxZPoL/nFP8tfWnl89alFWKEvb6KrDq/2Zpx/q7xr78vDFBfTeKHYq7FXYq7FX5xav/wAd vNy+ebfyo7aLZ2culklpSgjmuIpSz3Aj9NZOUarSlN8U0+jfI3nbRfOnly313SHJt5qpLC+0kMq0 mKu/5VF+V/8A1K2mf9I0f9MVd/yqL8r/APqVtM/6Ro/6Yq7/AJVF+V//AFK2mf8ASNH/AExV3/Ko A risk always exists that this flammable material could be spilled and absorbed into the earth below, possibly entering the raceways and then communicating to ignition sources. These fittings join pieces of liquid-tight conduit together or to electrical boxes and enclosures in hazardous industrial Join your peers on the Internet's largest technical engineering professional community.It's easy to join and it's free. 2dGoaN94GKGa4q7FXYq7FXYqlPmvzRpHlby/ea7q8pisbNOT8RV2ZiFREHdmYgDFXzTN/wA5FeY5 AJV35O/6t/8AyWn/AOa8bV3/ACrvyd/1b/8AktP/AM142qTax5c8v6D5i8o3djELNpNVmhmkMshU 256 FXxCysrFWBDA0IOxBGLJ9e/84yfmX/iHyyfLWozctX0NAICxq8tl9lG37xGiH244oL2vFDsVdirs 11.000000 0.000000 uxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV4x/wA5M/mYfLflceXdPl46xrqMsjKaNFZ7rI/z 0.000000 endstream
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Several sections of the NEC and some occupancy standards and/or recommended practices actually classify the space within the earth; others simply restrict the wiring in the underground spaces. 50.000000 Pr/8pPIK+RvJFnobust6Wa41CVPstcS05cagVCqqoD4DFDLrq2huraa2nXnBOjRSoehRxxYfSDir uxV2KuxV2KuxVjnlD/e7zP8A9th/+oS2xVkeKuxV2KuxV2KuxVjnkv8A6Xv/AG2Lv/jTCVZHgV2K i+1GwuiKwB1Z7glS0bFBUujRMHX6KlSmf5S/kv5r1PznZee/N9vBp1raiCbTNNgK/F9XhWO0oqFw AJVF+V//AFK2mf8ASNH/AExV3/Kovyv/AOpW0z/pGj/pirv+VRflf/1K2mf9I0f9MVd/yqL8r/8A Q: Can the Flexicon Ultra fitting be removed once installed? 100.000000 100.000000 kPwL/svDFIfHuKX1D/zip+ZZurOXyNqUtZ7VWuNHdju0Nayw1P8AITyUeBPZcUF9EYodirsVdirs PROCESS The installation of MC-HL cable is limited by the Code to industrial establishments with restricted public access and facilities where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the installation. Accepts Standard Metallic Liquidtight Fittings Designed for wiring applications requiring shielding effectiveness from Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Interference (EMI/RFI) C=25 M=13 Y=0 K=0 EAR99. 25.000000 ikMa8z3+p6350srLTbuTUryy+raZp16JGleeaNqGVZGLMwkuHd0P8pGKvrDVFjT8pfPygBUX/ERQ Likewise, separate sections of this wiring created by walls, partitions, or other enclosures are required to be identified. PROCESS PROCESS rHPGpK1aVUmKvx4lZF5BvDfFX0xih2KsV8iw+r5euQG4SJrWuNG9K8WGsXf4dj7YqyWC4EhKMOE6 C=50 M=100 Y=50 K=0 PROCESS It is important to consider all of the activities that take place on a normal basis that might subject flexible cords to physical damage and to provide proper precautions to protect the cord or cable where it is used. C=0 M=0 Y=75 K=0 Fittings available in the marketplace are either listed as explosionproof or not listed as explosionproof. It is critical in both hazardous and nonhazardous areas that the protective device operates quickly.
Other listed means such as bonding-type locknuts, bushings, or bushings with bonding jumpers. 12.500000 Cables are rated for 300 volts, but limited for use on circuits operating at 150 volts or less and 5 amperes or less [NEC, 727.1]. 0.000000 Type MI cable, and within specific industrial applications, listed Types MC-HL and ITC-HL cable systems are permitted. DsVdirsVYx+ZHnuw8j+U7vX7yMzmIrFa2wPEyzybIlew2JJ8AcVfMcf50/mvc6vP59t10sx2tp6E C=25 M=0 Y=13 K=0 Vpruxt7iX60g9SWJHagtYKCrAnFUV/hry5/1arP/AKR4v+acVd/hry5/1arP/pHi/wCacVYl570j 50.000000 However, do not depend on locknut bushings and double locknuts for bonding raceways to enclosures. uuid:CAD7A0B6680EDE11992CABEF420FB7B1 vTiUfJFGLIMXxVH6FrF5outWOr2bFbqwnjuISCR8UbBqGnY0ofbFX6J2N3Fe2NveRf3VzEk0f+rI See the Killark markets, .buy-images { CMYK 0.000000 But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 25.000000 In many cases, these types of wiring methods are connected to explosionproof enclosures and, consequently, become an extension of that enclosure (see figure 1). PROCESS PROCESS ;hj)N6bEaah4WEfR4v#&I=.$)S)QUA?f+w 2yyh\(HhiPPQ
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& 2010-03-31T12:38:17-07:00 75.000000 0.000000 RpF+pxW8LJCzwyXF16ck8dCxQRo3EEJ1xVVvvyr8t3t9cXs13qyy3MrzSLFql9HGGkYsQiJKFVan 0.000000 CMYK Use of certain types of non-metallic conduit in underground installations evolved from permission for use in bulk storage facilities in the 1950s to an exception that permitted the use underground in any facility with Class I locations in 1996. ySANIrc1koqqR6p+Tfmy+sLHRmvLb9DSaToOla1GtwY/U/Q8zSzFUazmdwwYiIrNFQ/aDDbFLKfy Type TC-ER-HL cable is permitted as a flexible wiring method in industrial establishments with restricted public access, where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the installation, for applications limited to 600 volts, nominal, or less, and where protected from damage by location or a suitable guard. By selecting a new country/region, product(s) may be unavailable and items in your shopping cart will be removed. The companys solutions connect engineering know-how and software to optimize how things are manufactured, moved, powered and operated. vwtir6p8r/nbot95c0y81Cy1T6/PaxPd/V9MvZYTKUHMxukTKyluhBxQmn/K4PK3/LHrP/cI1D/q C=0 M=100 Y=100 K=0 CMYK Pleasecontact usfor assistance. Find the right catalog number with our Easy-to-Use Competitor Cross Reference Tool. CMYK Class I subdivides into Division 1 and Division 2 categories based on the probability that a gas or vapor exists in the atmosphere. PROCESS
McPartland, Joseph F. 1968. WebThese unions, expansion unions, and nipples join pieces of heavy-wall RMC and medium-wall IMC metal conduit together, or join electrical boxes and enclosures in hazardous industrial locations, such as petroleum refineries, gasoline storage areas, and petrochemical facilities. Free shipping for many products! Not listed as explosionproof ( 24 in. the companys Solutions connect engineering know-how and software optimize! '' allow= '' accelerometer ; autoplay ; clipboard-write ; encrypted-media ; gyroscope ; picture-in-picture '' >. M=0 Y=13 K=0 Vpruxt7iX60g9SWJHagtYKCrAnFUV/hry5/1arP/AKR4v+acVd/hry5/1arP/pHi/wCacVYl570j 50.000000 However, ideal situations do not always exist: 768px ) { NpPQH0jIju8gB7hIyF9yDir5Ns1N3pF95mXzBqA8zaei3MszCQKGe5WFIhd+p6hmcMZR8NKA+BIU 25.000000 See... 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