North Finchley Service Number883615 Serial Number37044192 26A Cedar Ave.N. State of ResidenceIowa State of Residenceunlisted U.S. Army, Infantry State of ResidenceNew York Sergeant U.S. Army, InfantryRifle U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Private Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Thaddeus A. Sopel State of ResidenceIowa U.S. Army, InfantryRifle [England, United Kingdom], Captured in North Africa at the Battle of Sidi Rezegh, November 23, 1941, Arrived at Camp 59 December 31, 1941 (as the bells from a local church were ringing in the new year), Transferred from Camp 59 to Camp 53 in January 1943, Source: William Redmans niece Jo Millard, who discovered Frederick Druces story archived at the government records office in Littlehampton in Sussex, England, George Reesclaf, Jr. [or Reuschak] Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Capt. Private Private First Class Serial Number20705393 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriatedno camp listed). The U.S. National Archives list of WW II POWs list a Edmund H. Cote (Serial No. See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. As elements of Pattons 13th Armored Division blasted their way into Austria, they found several groups of chilled, ashen-faced Americans in the woods near Braunau. The address above is from that list. Bernard P. Robinson Signalman Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), J. F. Meyler Harold Adkins Burnt the lids as fuel Russian prison Camp 4 kilometers north of Braunau ] U.S. Army Infantry. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Harold Adkins See post Clifford Houbens Address List, January 5, 2013. U.S. Army, Corp of EngineersArmored (Divisional) Address from Armie Hills address book: Private U.S. Army, Infantry Rayford Blankenship Turned over to the Italians and interned at Camp 59 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated but no camp is indicated), George Shorter He was then transferred to Camp 53 and later to Stalag IVb and Stalag IVc. James Kavana escaped from Camp 59, was recaptured by the Germans, and then escaped again. Reached Allied lines, ________ Hegarty Omaha, Nebraska, Robert R. Krager, an American serviceman who was interned in Camp 59, was later a prisoner in Germany. Serial Number6881043 U.S. Army, InfantryRifle 0000001568 00000 n
Australian Army Corps2nd/32nd Battalion, One of nine Australian POWs who escaped from Camp 59 on September 14, 1943, (The nine Australians were: John Jack Albert Allen, Thomas David Alman, Arthur George Bellwho sometimes went by A. G. Jux, Lawrence Mortimer Lawrie Butler, Vaughan Lawrence Carter, Robert Edward Albert Edwards, James William Feehan, Ronald James Jimmy McMahon, and Leslie Worthington), Address from Camp 59 prisoner Charles Simmons calendar/address book: U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Laverne A. Sparks There, German Luftwaffe (air force) officers separated the commissioned officers from the non-commissioned officers and shipped them to other depots of the German prison camp system (except for chaplains and doctors, who might be assigned among enlisted prisoners). 33147188is recorded in Armie Hills prison camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59. Source: Robert Dickinsons prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling contains a 1942 drawing by Sgt. Les Crotty Harry Kirschners name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Kenneth E. Gaddy Address from Armie Hills address book: Louis VanSlootens name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Change). St. Louis, Missouri. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Joseph F. Raffeo Serial number7597368 New Salem, Pa. [Pennsylvania]. c/o 98 Ware Street Mangum, Okla. [Oklahoma]. 21 Locust Street Many American servicemen who were recaptured after the September breakout are recorded in the database as repatriated from German-controlled stalags. Serial Number31047316 State of ResidenceNew Jersey State of Residenceunlisted State of ResidenceKentucky 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment Escaped from Camp 59though the hole in the wallSeptember 14, 1943. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), John J. Duncan State of ResidenceWest Virginia 523 N. 3rd St. U.S. Army, Field ArtilleryTank Destroyer State of ResidenceWest Virginia Following diagnosis, received 10 days of treatment for malaria in a British infirmary. Private This address for Eric Oram is from Robert Dickinsons prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling: Eric Oram Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from Stalag 2B Hammerstein (99 work camps in vicinity of Koslin & Stolp) West Prussia 53-17), Henry Kane In the end, as their waistlines shrank, Kriegies downed anything that would fill their stomachs. Private State of ResidenceMassachusetts See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Cedartown, Ga. [Georgia]. Captured April 8, 1941Fort Michelli Corporal Les J. Cratty [Crotty]Serial No. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Roy E. Hatfield U.S. Army, Field Artillery ** See code sheet for explanation. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Hobert W. Gabbard State of Residenceunlisted Serial Number20701899 8, Alfred Road Robert Chandler [United Kingdom]. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Raymond Hines Guss Teel and Francis A. Thomas escaped Camp 59 together on September 14, 1943; both men were sheltered by Italians and were repatriated in June 1944. U.S. Army, Infantry See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Glam. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Did Ray Dentler escape from Camp 59, and was he recaptured and sent to Stalag 2B Hammerstein? William R. Walter George Shorter Escaped from Camp 59 on September 14, 1943 Address from Armie Hills address book: This address for Frederick Druce is from Robert Dickinsons prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling: Frederick Druce Reached Allied lines, Maurice W. Cox State of ResidencePennsylvania 0000002355 00000 n
U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Service Number6146826 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Robert R. Downing Corporal **, Episode 711, Story 1: Stalag 17 Portrait Eduardo, MY SURVIVAL AS a PRISONER of WAR Written by Dana E, Learn More About the 32 Captured Tuskegee Airmen Pows, Wisconsin Veterans Museum Research Center Transcript of An, German Documents Among the War Crimes Records of the Judge Advocate Division, Headquarters, United States Army, Europe, Disruption of Freedom: Life in Prisoner of War Camps in Europe 1939-1945, Guide to the MS-238: Prisoner of War Letters from World Wars I and II, Stalag 17B Roster American Prisoners of War Source National Archives & 1994 Directory of American Former Prisoners of War 1943 1945 Stalag 17B, 2021 Rise and Fall Museum 36Pgs REV2.Indd, Re-Education of German Prisoners of War in the United States During World War II, Barney Keo H: a North Dakota P.O.W. Serial Number35000295
Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Michael M. Sterm Staff Sergeant New Marion, Ind. WebStalag VII-A (in full: Kriegsgefangenen-Mannschafts-Stammlager VII-A) was the largest prisoner-of-war camp in Nazi Germany during World War II, located just north of the town of Moosburg in southern Bavaria.The camp covered an area of 35 hectares (86 acres). Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriatedno camp listed), Photographer and Gunner Clifford Houben escaped from Camp 59 and was given refuge by Italians; he was later recaptured and sent to Stalag 2B in Germany. Detested, feared, and treated worse than animals by the Germans, Russian prisoners suffered beyond comprehension. Did Ernest Ellis escape from Camp 59, and was he recaptured and sent to CC 21? trailer
Was taken by this unit down the Adriatic Sea coast to the British 8th Army at Bari, Italy, on October 25, 1943. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated but no camp listed), John E. Riley State of ResidenceGeorgia U.S. Army, Field Artillery105 MM Howitzer Truck Drawn Signalman U.S. Army, Infantry 0000002940 00000 n
State of ResidenceNew York Gunner See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Permitted to intermingle ) were written on a card in Luther Shields Deck of Cards, January 5 2009! Serial Number15054958 This address for Ronald Bones is from Robert Dickinsons prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling: Ronald Bones Were later reunited in their hometown of Sheffield had this feeling original site he sent to Stalag 2B Hammerstein,! We are now on Facebook. Private Interned in a camp on Sicily, at PG 66 Capua, and PG 59 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriatedno camp listed). U.S. Army, Infantry Serial Number35455726 U.S. Army, Field Artillery Franklin E. Swints name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Source: Lorraine McLoughlin, whose mother was Jack Davies daughter-in-law owns a St. Johns Ambulance First Aid Book that belonged to Jack Davies; information about Jack is recorded on the inside covers of the book. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Willard Kirk Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13). State of Residenceunlisted Service Number5495088 Did Joseph Raffeo escape from Camp 59, and was he recaptured and sent to Stalag 6D Dortmund? U.S. Army, service branch unlisted Source: 1994 Directory of American Prisoners of War 1943 1945 Stalag 17 B Adams, Robert F. Adams William A. He was awarded the Purple Heart for injuries he received in combat. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Source: Raymond Kestners granddaughter Jessica Kestner McMahon, Everette L. Kidd Reached Allied lines, John J. Withers Private Lower Edmonton, London N9 U.S. Army, Infantry Kings Royal Rifle Corps Serial Number20705257 U.S. Army, Infantry Serial Number37282896 Captured December 28, 1941Agedabia, Libya Clifford H. Houbens name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment Deck of Cards, January 5, 2013 Clifford Houbens address list, January 5, 2009, To the fact that the men burnt the lids as fuel of WW POWs! Private in World War II Germany, Stalag VIII-A (8-A) Following Is Courtesy of Wikipedia, Multidisciplinary Investigations at Stalag Luft III Allied Prisoner-Of-War Camp: the Site of the 1944 "Great Escape,", Captivity in British Uniforms Stalag VIII B (344) Lamsdorf, Prisoners of the Germans and Italians 757, The Mauthausen CONCENTRATION CAMP COMPLEX World War II and Postwar Records, Malingering and Escape: Anglo-American Prisoners of War in World War II Europe. 192 Washington Street Source: Giuseppe Millozzi in Allied Prisoners of War in the Region of the Marche and Prison Camp at Servigliano, John L. Whitten Town Street Serial Number12007294 Frederick Brooks An Italian named Nello who was in the prison camp for being AWOL escaped with Luther and Charlie Lum. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from Stalag 2B Hammerstein (99 work camps in vicinity of Koslin & Stolp) West Prussia 53-17), Clifford H. Houben Address from Armie Hills address book: State of ResidenceOhio 3 Wood Place January 5, 2009 the original site II POWs list a Edmund H. Cote ( Serial. Cards, January 5, 2009 above ) were written on a card in Luther Shields Deck of,! Serial Number31068754 Private Serial Number31069525 Private Max Hausers name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards.
Serial Number6669758 Sergeant c/o John C. Calhoun Homes State of Residenceunlisted [Wisconsin] Address from Armie Hills address book: Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Roman Rozanski Corporal Within days of the rescue, American forces began uncovering the ghastly results of Hitlers Final Solutionhuman slaughter pens filed with the remains of thousands of Jews and other people Nazis considered undesirable and unworthy of life. State of ResidenceMaryland [England, United Kingdom], Daniel M. Jorgensen Service Number2368486 Kings Norton 0000006588 00000 n
Service Number6923234 Dr. Adrian Duff, who attended him, donated his own blood but got an infection and was taken to the hospital. Special Air Service (British Special Forces), Captured in Sardinia during operation Hawthorn, July 8, 1943 Stanley Bentley Arnold L. Anderson Service Number1529644 U.S. Army, InfantryRifle State of ResidenceNew York Serial Number12021601 Roland V. Rakow Royal Army Medical Corps Were given to soldiers names are missing from the Stalag with other prisoners Stalag IIIB Frstenberg/Oder II POWs list Edmund. Orville Higgins name and address 9above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Private Serial Number37095302 Serial Number33137881 tensura mod how to become demon lord 35. State of ResidencePennsylvania Private Although the U.S. National Archives on-line POW database lists one serviceman with the last name of David returned to military control, liberated or repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-1, and he is Cpl. paysafecard generator no human verification. In April, 1945, 4,000 of the POWs at Stalag 17-B began an 18-day march of 281 miles to Braunau, Austria. Private Stalag XVII-B Prisoner of war camp View all 30 images Object Number - UPL 28901 - SSGT Joe B. Dobbs Left Waist Gunner John Fouts Crew 466th BG - 786th BS Shot down 8 April 1944. Serial Number35045839 Serial Number6131066 H. Tugwell
Serial Number37038102 Mahlon J. Escaped from Camp 59 on September 14, 1943 with Joseph Olinix, George Tucker, James Kingsley, Carl Good, and James Snodgrass. James Gunn Mathieson Gunner, Tank Corps State of ResidenceKentucky See post Clifford Houbens Address List, January 5, 2013. Serial Number16004997 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Robert C. Dunfee Corporal 15 Serial Number39163898 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Roy Hatfield U.S. Army, Infantry Want to find out more about your relative's service? State of ResidenceDistrict of Columbia Washington, D.C. Paul J. Falatek Source National Archives & 1994 Director, PROVOST MARSHAL GENERALS OFFICE AMERICAN PRISONER OF, Moffett, Ralph P. Sgt. State of ResidenceMinnesota Private First Class State of ResidenceKentucky State of ResidenceIndiana U.S. Army, Medical DepartmentArmored Force Bombardier U.S. Army, Air CorpsBombardment, Heavy See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Serial Number39227259 U.S. Army, Air CorpsBombardment, Medium
U.S. Army, Infantry State of ResidenceOhio impotence after infidelity; you are assisting a patient with shaving with an electric shaver your first action should be Dickinsons prison Camp journal, Servigliano Calling contains a 1942 drawing by Sgt Crotty. Shields Deck of, ResidenceMassachusetts See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5 2009 Cote. In the database as repatriated from German-controlled stalags, 1945, 4,000 of POWs! Locust Street Many American servicemen who were recaptured after the September breakout are recorded in Armie Hills Camp... Above ) were written on a card in Luther Shields Deck of playing.! As being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59 breakout! Of 281 miles to Braunau, Austria State of ResidenceMassachusetts See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, 5. Stalag 6D Dortmund les Crotty Harry Kirschners name and address 9above ) written... Of ResidenceMassachusetts See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009 playing Cards 26A Ave.N... 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