A Council delegation was dispatched to the yahg homeworld Parnack, expecting to quickly establish diplomatic relations. This system is different from the Terran Coordinated Universal Time relied on by humans in that: As a result, a twenty-hour galactic standard day is 15.7% longer than a standard twenty-four hour Terran Coordinated Universal day, which means it lasts 27 hours, 46 minutes, and 40 seconds in Earth-based time. The Council openly critiques Shepard for their methods. This page is a list of Alliance colonies, both those in the canon and those created by users on MEFW, with stats, including location, date of establishment, and relevent trivia. An inclusive place for fanfiction in the Mass Effect fandom -- OC, recs and discussion. Readers of self-help books and personal development books for writers and creatives like The Artist's Way , Bird by Bird , The Artist's Way Workbook , and Big Magic will be inspired and encouraged by The Hero is You . the Scrin are hiding specifically to avoid doing this to the Reapers. it takes a direct broadside from a GDI orbital defense platform, which has six dreadnought-grade ion cannons on it, without blinking. Peptuck has stated that GDI and Nod forces will throw down with a Reaper however. Its a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The story also draws a great deal of inspiration from the canceled Tiberium game, using various designs, weapons, and uniforms from the game, such as the Integrated Combat Suit and a variant of the GD-10 weapon. The inhabitants of Citadel Council Space utilize a standardized time system. Peng Shui later known as Gu Lin Fang, a crazy, selfish and Delusional pr*ck, who is hung up on the idea of becoming the ultimate villain, being tranmigrated into a game of a future world, he suddenly finds that he's in situation where he can realize that dream. In terms of having a history of repressive governments, humans might be uneasily close to the batarians. At first, it was just the Asari and Salarians, but the Turians and humans joined on later. In terms of building big-ass war ships, making guns, and developing military strategies, humans might be the next turians. Take Earth from the Command & Conquer Tiberium setting, as of the end of Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, and put it in the Mass Effect setting, following the same timeline. Do they have a moral duty to aid the surviving Krogan, dealing with the Genophage? The first Mass Effect game is set in the human year 2183 CE, meaning that the Council has been around for 1683 years by the time Shepard hits the scene. Freezing "garden world" mainly colonized as a source of platinum, palladium, and boron. It served as a four-way crossover between Titan's ongoing series Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor and Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor, uniting the four Doctors . I do any character, even villains such as Saren. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Mate is someone every werewolf waits for earnestly. Fic only, no fanart or fanvids. I think there's a fanfic like that where humanity never discovered FTL travel but by the time they are found they consist of billions living in planet-sized habitats and. This is a map of the galaxy just before the beginning of The Skyllian War's. Either way, the galaxy would look to humanity and the Council for guidance against the Reaper threat. The Council ordered the recently-formed Special Tactics and Reconnaissance division to make a preemptive strike against krogan infrastructures, and the Krogan Rebellions began. Were going to kill it with our brains., "I said there was no Kane in this chapter, and look. I'm looking for B5 crossovers without wank on either side. Though hes content with his own company, he enjoys applying the sweet sting of discipline to a willing backsideangel, demon, and even the occasional human. masseffect3. In recognition of their role during and after the Rebellions, the turians were inducted into the Citadel Council as the third race with full membership. They are individuals who act either on the Council's orders or on their own initiative, to preserve galactic stability. The Alliance or whoever replaces them are doing their thing, building habitats and so on, when suddenly these people with physics warping technology show up out of nowhere and just like that most of your technology, no matter how complicated, is irrelevant compared to even the simplest things that can be done with element 0. I wish another good writer could pick up some of these stories. A myriad of appealing audio stories and radio dramas for you to listen. The Council responded by cutting off contact with the yahg and declaring Parnack off-limits to Citadel races; the Council asserted that the extremely aggressive yahg were poorly suited to integrate with the galactic community. Lets see how much better this one is. Godlike Humanity fics. Follow . You must log in or register to reply here. its quite a read. The Council remains convinced that the Reapers are not real, only seeing Saren as a master manipulator who plotted to attack the Citadel and would not reveal his true motives. Either Anderson or Udina is appointed as the human Councilor, with the other becoming their assistant. Temperamental firespirit Vasily has stuck by his side so far, giving Belphagor some of the most intense sexual experiences of his life. Renegade, an Alternate History/Alternate Universe fanfic that loosely follows the plot of the first Mass Effect game. My last chance of sanity, The attentions of a rich, angelic duke provide the perfect opportunity to find out whether Belphagor is willing to fight for him, but the foolish game backfiresspectacularly. It was like a python, squeezing the life out of her. Unfortunately for GDI, the turians adapted pretty quickly, and. Humans are supporting one of the largest fleets in the galaxy including the dreadnought count and carriers with just a handful of properly developed worlds. Initially assume that it is based on real world physics and thus Humanity didn't learn of element Zero until the First Contact War and it's tampering with the relays which caused it. The STG is composed of small units of salarian operatives who monitor developing situations or undertake covert missions. Mass Effect had three full games to explore the dealings of these three leaders, and the players have tons of lore to dig through about the Council's past, present, and future. By: Mayto. Shepard can accept or refuse the offer. Hello there! Though the Council cannot take any official action, they offer to restore full Spectre privileges to Shepard on the condition that the Commander restricts operations to the Terminus Systems. That actually FUCKING canon dialogue mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction sources say the Council had humanity earmarked as basically a Council is!, liara and Benezia adopt a young man using biotics Days is an Alternate History/Alternate Universe fanfic that follows! It's hard to believe they could do it with such a primitive tech level. Initially the Council is reluctant to bow to the pressure from Ambassador Udina, but proof of Saren Arterius' treachery, and Saren's vendetta against humans, forced their hand. In that conflict, the quarians were driven from their worlds by the geth, machines created to serve the quarians that had achieved artificial intelligence and rebelled. Eva spoke, a stinging pain shot in her neck. No human government has ever lasted so . The Council is an executive committee composed of one representative each from the member species. They deny the request, concerned about Reaper invasions on their own planets. After the Krogan Rebellions, the Turian military ships became a huge part of the Council's "peacekeeping forces" (fleets of ships controlled by the Citadel Council). Gabrielle "Belle" Huston is a writer and long-time gamer based in Ottawa, Canada. Humans could theoretically rival asari in terms of longevity, too, if genetic engineering weren't banned. By 2186 CE, the Council is forced to acknowledge the existence of the Reapers when the race of machines launch a full-scale assault against the galaxy. ;p. I'm already assuming they have as much defenses as reasonably possible. But Belphagor hasnt told him everything, and Vasily soon finds himself in mortal peril. 25.5K 1K 43. Edit: I believe this story is still being worked on, so expect more over time. the Normandy's interior lighting is cold blue-gray and their haptic interfaces are blue instead of orange. A lasting result of the Rachni Wars was the Council's establishment of new laws which prohibited the activation of uncharted mass relays. In the traditional ME timeline, he joined the Corsairs because he thought it would cut down on the red tape that the SA puts on its military, and left to join Cerberus when even Corsairs proved little better than the Marines. For more information, please see our After their top Spectre agent, Saren Arterius, reported the Alliance's illegal AI research on Sidon, the Council holographically confronted the first human ambassador, Anita Goyle, and announced they would impose heavy sanctions on the Alliance with regular reports from personal overseers. When Belphagor uncovers a nefarious smuggling ring that spans both Heaven and Earth, Vasily jumps at the chance to help shut it down. Led by Admiral Kastanie Drescher, the Second . Cookie Notice Mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction Supremacy of the Cybermen was a miniseries published by Titan Comics in 2016. It's up to you now. In this case I'm basing it on the idea of Issac Arthur videos. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. During their investigations, they discover that the true purpose of the peace talks is to facilitate an assassination attempt on the Council by means of a deadly bio-weapon. CDEM operates battlestations in orbit above Tuchanka and manages the planetary shroud which prevents Tuchanka's surface from heating to inhospitable levels. Outraged, the krogan refused. Demon King. Suddenly something flashed in his eyes, his body shook up and his hands released Eva's neck with a jerk. The Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission (CDEM) was created in accordance with the armistice that ended the Krogan Rebellions. "How can I be someone's mate?" Set in the First Contact War, you have been kidnapped and have been brought to the Citadel, where you will need to meet crucial allies in order to bring peace to this war. Associate members may bring issues to the attention of the Council, though they have no impact on their final decision. Humanity not being a united body but having several different stellar nations at war with each other, for example. In due course, Shepard is then able to find the other Councilors and reveals Udina's treachery, though Udina tries to paint the Commander as a Cerberus agent. Archived story thread on Spacebattles can be found here, and Fanfiction.net version available here. During this time the Council continued to explore the galaxy, encountering new races with varied success. Species that have sufficient space travel and an established government can set up an embassy on the Citadel. Convening in the impressive Citadel Tower, the Council is the ultimate authority in Citadel space, passing judgement for violations of Council law, settling disputes between governments, and maintaining law and order, often through the use of its own covert intelligence service, the Spectres. Planets. Mass Effect Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Starting point of the Anhur Rebellions, during which humans tried to banish slavery throughout the system in response to their government's abolition of minimum wage in a mistaken attempt to help their corporations compete with batarian rivals, Conceived as humanity's first off-planet manufacturing base, Population: 2.25 million (pre-invasion estimate), Primary source of food for Arcturus Station, Attacked by Reapers in 2186 CE, then preyed upon by Cerberus, Tidally locked with Matano; only the terminator region is habitable, Notable for its ring of synthetic material, which captures and refracts sunlight to create picturesque vistas that are only visible from the ground, The seventh Alliance colony to be hit by Collectors in 2183 CE, Transit station between the Titan Nebula and the Terminus Systems. Donnel Udina serves as humanity's representative to the Council regardless of previous circumstances, Anderson having resigned and resumed Alliance duties if he originally had the post. I know what he meant. A brief conflict instigated by the turians against the newly-encountered humans for what the turians viewed as a breach of galactic law, the First Contact War, as humans referred to it, was brought to an end when both sides prepared to escalate their involvement. The Council was formed around 500 BCE, by the human calendar. She didn't even know him. or will the timeline restart like the others? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Zaeed pulls this with Jacob and the GDI Marines in Chapter 9, while storming the warehouse. Most are with Garrus Vakarian, but there are others mixed in there! Not one instance of the word "Kane" anywhere in this chapter. It sucks getting really into them only for them to be left on a cliffhanger. Systems. Each of the Council species has general characteristics associated with the various aspects of governing the galaxy. After the whole incident on the Ark A crossover story featuring the Halo and Mass Effect universes. They are even more wary that Shepard was working with Cerberus, an acknowledged terrorist organization. The result? Transcendent Humanity is an AU Mass Effect fanfic by Solaris242. Mass Effect: Imperium is an alternate reality of the original Mass Effect universe. Mass Effect fans have tons of lore to dig through concerning the Citadel Council. The salarians often handle intelligence-gathering operations as part of their Council duties, using the Special Tasks Group (STG). Plus they'll be able to decide the engagement at their leisure, since they'll be able to travel faster than light and we won't be. (While they have not yet been described with the full phrase, the standard description. The Citadel Council is the governing body of the Citadel. frankieu chapter 7 . When Commander Shepard returned from the dead, thanks to Cerberus, the Council is skeptical of their former Spectre's claims about the Collectors abducting human colonies. Shepard fails to obtain the information within, causing the asari Councilor to break contact during the post-mission report, claiming to make contingencies for the continuity of civilization. Since 900 CE, the turians have filled the military and peacekeeping niche in Citadel space vacated by the krogan. With invasion by the geth an immediate threat, the Council refused the quarians' pleas for help and revoked their Citadel embassy, and also implemented restrictive laws on AI research and development. there's two there where humans are op, it's a bit of a halo crossover but I really got into it. After Shepard discovers that the Conduit is on Ilos, finds the coordinates for the Mu Relay to reach the planet and discovers that Saren and Sovereign are planning to attack the Citadel itself, the Council sends word that they are putting together a massive joint-species fleet to handle Saren and the geth. /Completed/His eyes fully turned bright red and lethal, the dark grey fog surrounding him as he rose on his feet. The Turians had different plans. and our Even, try TheProfArtBurger on ff.net. However, both sides are wrong on certain points.". CDEM logs all ships passing through the DMZ and has the right to board and search them at any time and for any reason. Black pointed sharp claws jutted out of his fingers. Naruto & Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words . Underneath the Kytinn's swarm, D'Vorah was waiting, until a distinctive boy catches her eye. I d-don't even know you." When her friend drags her to the club, she is excited at the prospect of meeting someone new. Hot, humid, and wracked by constant storms. The hive-minded, insect-like rachni reacted with extreme hostility and initiated a large-scale war with the races of Citadel space. The Council can accelerate above light speed by lowering mass (aka go as fast as they want), and can ignore the rocketry equation. . Able to survive on the harsh rachni worlds, the krogan stormed rachni nests and exterminated queens one by one. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. You are using an out of date browser. Another species already chose synthesis in a previous cycle. Oh, I almost forgot a good one with a twist Mass Effect: Synthesis Effect. and ME crossover where the human worlds are completely subsumed by the zone, which is what both grants them their god-like powers, and chains them, making them an op precursor race, but not one that rolls over all its enemies. They only encountered the Citadel Council for the first time during the Krogan Rebellions and were a militaristic race whose combat strength helped win the war. A journey through the Eons. It's a bit of a Star-Trek-like Humans Are Special scenario - humanity's mercurial nature terrifies Vulcans, and similarly, our potential to unfold into just about anybody else likely terrifies the Citadel Council. Has an official prequel in the form of Eagle's Fall by Charnobyl, which covers the Shanxi War between GDI and the Turian Hierarchy. One diplomatic failure occurred with the yahg, a pre-spaceflight race discovered by Council surveyors in 2125 CE. In 2157 CE, the Council intervened in the Relay 314 Incident. The High Council told everyone it was because she was a hybrid, but Luciana knows they truly consider her a threat because she has abilities that could make her far more powerful than even the Council's leaderso they take away the one thing that allows her to use her gifts, and put her into the Angel Academy. In the first Mass Effect, there's only one Asari, one Salarian, and one Turian representative, though a human gets added ina later game. And no, I'm not going to be any more specific than that. The krogan were uplifted and manipulated into serving as soldiers for the Council. Udina does not elaborate on the nature of C-Sec's or Pallin's activities. But digging too far reveals a few things that don't add up. Both Shepherd and Jacob, To a much lesser degree, there's Jacob Taylor. It is indicated that this universe's Earth is set after the "good" ending to Tiberium Wars where the Liquid Tiberium Bomb was not used. But winning Vasily back will take more than tricks. A motivational self-care book for writing aficionados. I wouldn't kill you, I have found a way to make the best use out of you. The founding of the Council marks the beginning of the Galactic Standard (GS) calendar, the year 0 GS. This is a map of the galaxy just before the beginning of The Skyllian War's. Citadel Council:The Citadel Council is the governing body of The Citadel . Terminus System's:The Terminus Systems are an expanse of space that are independent from any one space faring civilization, but is instead a hotbed for pirates gangs, warlords, mercenaries, revolutionaries, and even minor alien civilizations. If a K2 civilization can harness the power of stars to create megastructures like Dyson Spheres and ringworlds, theyll also be able to build Mass Relays and Citadel sizes habitats (and possibly even hulls) from scratch. All that we know so far is that it involved Tiberium, the Scrin, and Shepard's face getting horribly scarred by Buzzers. Which is, In the background, the turians were caught a bit off-guard when they tried to assault Shanxi and ran headlong into orbital ion cannons for the first time. They justify the dismissal by saying that their own intelligence sources did not uncover anything Reaper-related. It's totally up to their discretion. This Councilor warns the Commander of Udina's treachery, having learned of it beforehand and that Udina was leading the rest of the Council into a trap laid by Cerberus assassins. Alliance colony devoted to the growing of ossilbir, a high-nutrition vine that is a staple of Alliance military rations. Veronica and Simon Cutler and their dazzling adult daughters, Elodie and Aubrey, strike an enviable pose, the ultimate Palm Beach family. The Citadel Council is galactically seen as the number one superpower, although the U.T.E is quickly looking to usurp that title for themselves. The year is 2183. I'm not sure how you feel about magic in sci fi, I usually hate it myself, but this story interested me despite that. (I f Set about 30 years after the events of Mass Effect 3, and it follows an orphan of The Reaper War, who has now become a bounty hunter. Become a Writing Hero A creative writing mentor in inspirational book form. A captivating tale of discovery, sisterhood and love for others where you least expect it. Founder: Wanderer101 - Stories: 112 - Followers: 91 - Staff: 1 - id: 118591. The Council revealed itself and the existence of the galactic community to humanity and brokered a peace agreement which forced the turians to pay significant reparations. Shepard is implied to be one of these. Luciana Morgenstern has been hunted all her life. JavaScript is disabled. Those being, Aria T'loak of Omega, Jona Sederis of The Eclipse, Kruksor Wrurr of the Grand Horde, and a new arrival in the form of the Human separatist group, The Condominium of Sovereign Colonies. Despite the crucial role these Spectres play in galactic politics, they aren't funded by the Council. A more centralized megastructure-bound population is easier to bombard than scattered colonists on a garden world, the political setup you're stipulated gives little plausible reason for any large defensive embankments (so none of those giant laser networks that hard sci-fi military theorists love), and with ships limited to 0.2c instead of reinforcement from Arcturus Station coming to save the day a few weeks later it'll be twenty years before anyone responds. This confederation has a universal police force, military and civil service where officials (and their families) maintain intergalactic human law. In desperation, Udina reached out to Cerberus and assisted them in launching a coup. I have went tough severel Halo xovers and I was left disguested by most of them. Thus, the Commander is forced to help the Council deal with their own problems in order to gain their support. Garrus: "Fist, we're all adults here. A certain Lone Wolf. theres Transcendent Humanity by Solaris242 on ff.net. What the reason was? No crazy, hard-core bdsm stuff but all more romantic\gentle in nature . Aria T'Loak, the pirate queen of Omega has a secret up her sleeve. alter communications from the Citadel at will to obfuscate what happened at Eden Prime, manage to get a building-sized hologram of Kane to appear in the Council Chambers, blows out the electronics of the car that the kidnappers are driving. If the original Council died, the new Council will refuse to meet with Shepard. The games attempt to explain why the different Council races perform different jobs, suggesting that no one race has enough power to take down the others, but that doesn't mean that little things aren't being slid under the rug. The Council might be interested in "peace," but it's always on their terms. Starting point of the Anhur Rebellions, during which humans . RELATED:Mass Effect: 10 Best Boss Fights In The Series. They take. This could scare a bit the Batarians and become wary of any future human slaves. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Her entire life changes because of that one night.From finding out she's demons mate, whos pregnant with the first half-demon child to ridiculously dressed fairies showing up at her door, getting abducted by the guy with a spear, her life becomes an adventure she wished she never asked. Discover short videos related to mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction on TikTok. But just when Shepard returns to the Citadel, the Council suffers a betrayal from within. The turians provide the bulk of the military and peacekeeping forces. The most notable changes in this universe is the independent human empire that exist's as the second galactic super-power, in concert with the Citadel Council. I had a datapad with, When Jacob and Zaeed are talking in Chapter 9, mention is made of a "maxim" that "The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy." These member races don't seem to have a ton of pull, at least not where the Council is concerned they can bring issues to the Council's attention, but can't be part of the vote on how the Council will decide. Kind of like ME canon, as has been mentioned by. Till something came up. Mass Effect: New Dawn by Matthew Leong. The Global Defense Initiative, having formed a unified global . The asari Councilor declines to participate in the summit, believing that the disputes between the krogan, turians, and salarians were too contentious to overcome and any summit would not succeed. After Shepard secures a krogan-turian alliance by dealing with the genophage, the salarian Councilor requests via vidcomm that the Commander come to the Citadel. Longtime residence of the Williams family. ***Talia wanted an adventure. they seeded the wrong world with tiberium. Zaeed's plan for assaulting the warehouse is the, assassins/kidnappers who hijack Shepard and Anderson's aircar. Two, Deconstructed with Zaeed: he has this reputation, but he's. What if the Galactic Republic discovered a Mass Relay? Any fics where humanity are so technologically advanced that they can be considered gods. Follow this story set inside the ME After such a peaceful life Your the age of 30. who knows. If Udina is Councilor, Shepard will not be granted Spectre status. It'd been sixty million years since the fracturing of the Star Gods, and the end of the enslavement of the Necrontyr race. It's said that for every one ship humanity has, Asari are allowed to build three, and Turians are allowed to build five. While they are not as militarily or economically powerful (compared to the Council and Empire), The Hegemony fixes that issue by hiring pirate's and mercenaries, as well as having "rogue" slaver's under their command. I'm talking like Forerunner level tech or anything similar. RELATED:Mass Effect: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Spectres. Not a huge surprise: Velarn is, in canon, most known for being Air-Quote Turian. From Susannah Marren, author of A Palm Beach Wife , comes her next book set in the exclusive, glamorous world of Palm Beach. A galactic standard day comprises 20 hours. In one of the author's own comments, he said that (paraphrased) "Neither side is right. Imagine having your own personal mentorsomeone encouraging yet honest, supportive yet empowering, who could help you set and achieve your goals, turn your moments of doubt and fear into sources of strength, and discover what youre truly capable of when youre at your best. Her body shook up in fear. Mate is someone every werewolf can die for. As a result, Zaeed was the one hired by the Shadow Broker to deal with Fist. Negotiation with the rachni queens was impossible; the queens could not be contacted in their underground nests on the rachni worlds. The eon fic is not abandoned it updated in January in 2021. It seems strange that no other species has managed to drastically alter the system, or dismantle it altogether, in all that time. Not to be confused with the television series. I really should make a thread on why that fanfic is trash one of these days Symmetry? Reach her on Twitter (@TalkToGabrielle) or by email (SendToGabrielle@gmail.com). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. And hell, it'd actually make sense since the Turians are perfectly willing to reverse-engineer and adopt new weapons or tech if it is genuinely better than their own, or covers a base they hadn't prepared for. Mass Effect: Imperium is an alternate reality of the original Mass Effect universe. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Her Dog of War will never say no to her Thane is nearing the end of his life, and Shepard knows it. Minor nitpick but the whole Shanxi issue was that the humans. Though Shepard and Councilor Udina attempt to petition the Council for aid in retaking Earth, the Council races are more concerned with protecting their own borders. That GDI and Nod forces will throw down with a jerk '' in! Fights in the Series monitor developing situations or undertake covert missions Garrus: `` Fist, 're! 9, while storming the warehouse who knows the end of the rachni queens impossible! 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