On my Dads side, my great grandmothers name was ZILPHIA, pronounced Zilfee (theres your A changed to IE or Y sound). Madison (English origin) meaning the son of Matthew. Here is a surnames list of some of the most popular southern last names. It was just familiar. 2. 53. I know many Dremas, and think it is a pretty name. Strange how people get their name. My grandma was named Mable-dean but we called her geegaw growing up haha! Mammys name was Thursa and was known as Thurs. Wake Gen Watch Newsletter. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. My Grandma Cretie (Lucretia) was born and raised in backwoods W VA. she had a brother Put, (pronounced like the golf term) from Putnam. On this page you will find lists of the most common surnames in various regions of the world. She was born in the Fourth of July. Ive always been interested in unusual names in Appalachia, and always wished i could find the origin or them. Ive heard it said calling someone by their first and middle name is name stacking. Papaws brother had a daughter named Lutecia and my Pawpa named his daughter AniJuan!! My Nanas name is Naomi but everyone her age calls her Noma (NOh-muh). 17. They were from Sumner, GA. JoAnns grandparents name was Saylor and Ollie Caldwell. Ava and William are the most popular first names in the South, but what about the most popular last name? My family hails as far back as I can trace it so far to North Carolina. [36] Gonzalez is the most common last name in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Venezuela. I have done extensive family genealogy and know they came from Scotland, Ireland, England, and France by the way of Acadia. Then there was Aunt Alafair. Im not sure Betty ever forgave him. 86. About Author Research Credentials Reviews Genealogy Book A Walk In Life And War Highlights Geographical Areas Soldier Bio Excerpts . If you're considering Southern first names for your baby on the way but want something even more unique, you may be interested in the region's surnames as well. The inscription read Homer Barnes dau. Tipper, Forebears knows about 102,165 unique surnames in West Virginia and there are 19 people per name. The first American settlers were Jews. 61. Among men, a surprising number go by the nickname "Junior." I learned some of the real names after they passed, but sadly not the story behind the nicknames. Adeline. 100 Most Popular American Last Names. Of course, every year we have a new crop of babies added. A few, sadly, were small family burial grounds on old home places that had been used to pasture cattle for decades. Chigurh, the surname of this terrifying killer from 'No Country For Old Men', makes for an excellent last name choice. My great-great grandmother Ora Barnes Vick had a sister named Homer. My sister is named PEARL after Granny Pearl (and some late 60s song about a girl called Pearl) Id not trade our hillbilly lives and all the stories for a million dollars and half the land!!!! 7. I just wonder if anyone has heard this name or anything remotely similar. Thank you for all you do to preserve our Mountain/Appalachian heritage. Alcaraz. Darville, one of the coolest wheelmen in history and a popular surname in the movie 'Smokey And The Bandit'. 9. I should be horse- whipped because they were brilliant! That is just a few from my neck of the woods. 16. Ava and William are the most popular first names in the South, but what about the most popular last name? 42. Her mother got the name from a book she was reading, The Girl of the Limberlost. For more naming inspiration, take a look at these Scottish last names and these Native American last names. Adams (Scottish origin) meaning the son of Adam. 14. He had twin sisters, Nellie Dee and Willie Vee. They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family. Pronounced Tokee and Nokee. Also, Im familiar with the custom of changing Martha to Marthy, Iva to Ivy, and so on. Its the way we spell it, Eroica. This southern state has numerous last names that are incredibly popular. Twins, DRUCILLA & BARZILLA (the only set of twins in the family), LUZANNA, DELANEY, RUDAH, MARZILLA, just to name a few. Facebook. Henderson (Scottish origin) meaning the son of Henry. Whether its a Texan movie character or a TV series hero from Florida, movies and TV shows are full of popular and interesting last names. All intertwined with several hundred years of family ties that bind us together. However, she was always called Polly. Mabel (Anglo-Saxon origin) meaning lovable. Visit the Surnames Only page here, or the Obituaries Only page here. Jeismann/Jeisman, a Westphalian dialect variant of Eiseman/Eisman from Eisenmann. Some of the family names Ive thought of here in E.KY. I wasnt sure if my family was considered to be from Appalachia, as they arent from way back in the hills, but I realize that they are. Jake because she looked like her daddy. 22. So, when her daughter, Jeannette Florence, (my grandmother) named her three daughter, she only gave them one name and said that they could use their maiden name as their middle name if they needed one. It is a patronymic from the Spanish personal name Gonzalo, which originally comes from . My grandfather was OLLIE OREN ONEAL Beck and he was called Triple O He went off to Alabama to work and ended up marrying my grandmother, ARMENTIE, who was called Minnie (never heard that name anywhere else). I was called seedy as a little girl because my friends just couldnt say the big name. Farrow (Medieval English origin) meaning ironworker or blacksmith. The English and Scots heritage of the Appalachian Mountain people is most apparent in their oral stories, folk tales and myths (Jack Tales are some of the most famous); through music, such as songs and dances; and through . There was also an Emmanuel, and he was a Mennonite, so they had a lot of Biblical names. Another name that came to mind was of a man I went to high school with. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. She said, Yes, Marthee had twins and she named them Eller and Steller. Home Search . I do understand that people will add, subtract or even use a complete substitute for sounds in speaking to make words easier to say. Ventura, the most popular 'Ace Ventura' character, played by Jim Carrey, was eccentric and had amazing sleuthing skills. Tipper, I discovered my name is spelled incorrectly it should be Isidra. . 28. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Shirley (Old English origin) meaning shire or bright clear or meadow. And it makes me sick to think of all she knew about quilting that I should have learned. I have a great uncle named Zsoldos (ZOLE-duss), but called Zeke. 5. I had several family members with different nicknames, some having two or more. My paternal grandfathers name was Ira. A common misconception is that Scots-Irish is a synonym for an Ulster Protestant, especially a Presbyterian or non-Anglican Protestant. Love it! Melungeons are a mixed race of people originating from the Cumberland Gap area of the Appalachian Mountain area of the United States. The most notable Scots Irish diaspora is in North America, particularly in the Appalachian Mountains. Ill be 50 next week and that seems to be a dying tradition. The spelling of the names may not be correct especially Ziller but it was pronounced Zill ur. My Granny changed her name from Oga Bernice to Ogarette and changed my Grandpas name from DArcy to Dorsey. Typically the information is compiled by a national statistics agency, though in some cases it comes from another source. A granny named CORA was also called CORY ETHEL. So I like to joke that I am torn between the Borscht Belt and the Bible Belt. Doby (Scottish origin) meaning famous or renown or bright. Next to each surname is the origin of the surname. People back then fed and raised families on little to nothing. I called him Uncle Runt until I was a teenager. My Granddaddy was Sibert (called Sibe), my Mom, Aunts and Uncles all had nicknames (Poss, Ott, Magazine, Tilly, Mar, Mick, Muzz, Bungus). window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { I've also noted that many english names are claimed as scottish especially by people extolling their scotch-irishness. Thankfully its a lot more common now. My grandmothers name was Rachel but everyone called Rachie or Rissie. Also, sort of funny was that she gave her daughters two names, but always called them by their middle name. 77. But growing up, there were names like Reuben-Ashby, Inez, City, Hunn, Gatie, Dook, Arbutus, Moton, Eacil. Ex: James Jefferson Jones would go by Jefferson. At least according to Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman, author of Melungeons: The Last Lost Tribe in America. I had never heard the name Tipper until Tipper Gore. 19. You've got Appalachian heritage with these southern baby names as your kids' initial or middle name. I have never met another Oatey. Home. I must have read this before Google, as a fast google makes no mention of this. Lorenzo Dow (1777-1834) was a famous traveling evangelist. If my scanner decides to cooperate, you'll be seeing some vintage pictures as well. Marks, a character in 'Dazed And Confused', is another very popular surname in Texas. Most Common Forenames in West Virginia Most Common Forenames in The World Most Common Surnames in The World. We found 613,523 records for Appalachian last name. From lino cutting to surfing to childrens mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. According to the above . Moms name was Emiline. } Omega (Greek origin) meaning the end. Alas, the last of the four states with Jones in its top three most common last names list. My mothers name was Ina and her Grandma would call her In-ee. That happens especially when a child cant correctly pronounce a name and their variation is so cute everybody picks it up. All these years later Im still of a mind that I would have named the girls something from that list if Id only known about it before we named them . 27. Their names were Ezalee (Ez-A-Lee) and Lovie (Loh-vee) I wish I knew their full names and the history behind those names. The story of the Bell Witch is one of the most popular examples of Appalachian Mountain folklore, and it began in Robertson County, Tennessee. LOL. Harding (English origin) meaning strong or hardy or brave. Southern Families SURNAMES . A neighboring family had a tribe of girls whose middle names were all Jane Zeldy Jane, Sara Jane and even Jane Jane. As of February 2022, Korhonen was the most common surname among the 5.5 million Finnish population. 4. Many unusual given names are middle names used when the first name is very common and the community has many people with the same surname. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. Smith (English origin) meaning to smite metal. Changing an A ending sound in a name to ER was very common in my family. Belle (Old English origin) meaning beauty. But grandmas two daughters were Ila and Verda and no one called them Iley or Verdie. 13. for David Irenaus, so I definitely remember abbreviated names. Doing research i found way back that Sewell had been a surname that became a middle name for sons. My great grandmothers name was Azaline. This legend centers around the Bell family. Subscribe for FREE and get a daily dose of Appalachia in your inbox, Yep, dinner at noon and supper late in the day. Top 5 Last Names in West Virginia. My papaw. The land was cheap and needed to be settled, tamed and cultivated. Well, then it is likely you are named after a religious figure or god. I think k growing up a lot of people had nicknames that were used more than the real ones. My gg grandfather had 19 siblings. 6. My paternal grandmother was named Anna Mae and my paternal grandmother was named Essie. The surnames that saw the largest jump in volume . Some hand-me-down names may even have originated in Colonial phonetic spellings when somebody saw their name written such as on a militia muster roll and just took it as being the correct way. Here are a few boy names. 90. It was my privilege to thank some of them in person and through notes to the county genealogical societies of the four Kentucky counties where the earthly remains of so many of my ancestors now rest. 36. Bless you! Allen (Celtic origin) meaning handsome or little rock or harmony. In my husbands family, there were sisters named Texas and Italy. My mother hated this. Harrison (English origin) meaning the son of Harry. 359 Family Trees. You are on to something. My husbands grandmother was named Orma Galista but everyone called her Bobbie. Less common an er was added, as my Aunt Edna may have been referred to as Edner. But I digress. We have so many odd names in our family. Brooksie. Alice was one of the most common names in the 1700s. Finally at thirty-five years of age I began to find out a little about it. If you purchase using the buy now button we may earn a small commission. I am sure a lot of these ways followed them from over the sea. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Maintained by Betty Briggs. 45. I did have a schoolmate growing up, whose grandparents were from South Jersey, and went by Memaw and Pepaw. Published by J. Clausnitzer , Feb 23, 2022. 49. { Tipper (with black shoes), Gazzie, Tina (my first cousin). We are so proud of you. we had many ladies with beautiful names that were not known to the public until they passed on. Whether youre naming your next fictional character or figuring out the name for a Southern gaming character, old Southern last names are a superb choice. Forgot Password . We also had a Cora (Cor-ee), Barbara (Barb-ree) and Agatha (Aga-thee) in town. Hey Tipper. Her name was Rita and some people pronounced it as Ree-tee. The last lady was not called Zola but went by her other name of Gladys. 59. My daughter;s middle name is a combination of my mothers name and her great grandmothers name : Emilijean. 24. Caroline. Could the last name Atchi-son be apart of these tribes.. it def sounds like a hitchiti (itza-ti) word..(. Holt: This Old English surname's meaning is "a small wood or grove". My grandfather (born around 1894) was from the mountains of western North Carolina; his name was Tivit. About Us. In other cultures, it means "loving" in Swedish and "apple" in Persian. An aunt named Ella was called Eller; an aunt named Anna was called Anner; a cousin named Bertha was called Berthy; a cousin named Patricia was called Trishy; a cousin whose name I cant remember was called Pug; a cousin named Mary Nell was called Mernell. The geographical region known as Appalachia is named after the mountain chain which serves as These were their given names. There are surnames associated with the Melungons. I once knew a elderly nun called Sister Corinne Happy, but no one ever called her anything but Sister Happy. 83. 78. Not sure if that was a childs pronuncation of her married name which was Lytle (which is my middle name). Top 1000 in the United States. I do have a few odd ancestor names such as Safrona, and Leona, and a few others, but mostly names like Sarah, Catherine, Dorcas, Martha, Sally, Mary Julia, etc. I know an Eloise who pronounce her name E-low-is . Herman, played by Paul Reubens in 'Pee Wees Big Adventures', was eccentric, fun, and superbly unique. Some were barely readable even in the early 1960s when the first two volumes were printed. Ive been thinking about unusual names in Appalachia. Please share any unusual names you know from Appalachia or your family. There is another Keren-Happuch in my family tree but she wasnt happy. 85. Because this is a mixed race group of people, and because the exact racial characteristics vary, it is impossible to pin down a precise Melungeon appearance. } This site powered by The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding v. 13.0, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2023.. Grady (Irish origin) meaning "noble". Appalachian Ancestors. 50 Adorable Gender Neutral Baby Names. Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a1dbbb4a609e153827378c4bf597d8c6" );document.getElementById("jb1fe6f8fb").setAttribute( "id", "comment" );Comment *. Candy. 1. 7. Although you generally can't identify Jewish ancestry by a surname alone, here are 100 common Jewish last names and their Hebrew meanings. Later they butchered a calf annually after we got a freezer. Yes, they most likely were at least neighbors and probably related somewhere along the way! I am 80 years young, and our family has been having an annual family reunion for the past 56 years at an organized camp ground at the lake up home. My wifes Mamaws name was Velma, she was called Velmer or Jake. Also, over the years, I have thought about how some names are butchered by us. It just makes no sense. . When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. The Bell Witch (who is thought to be a woman named Kate Batts) was supposedly cheated in a land purchase by John Bell, the patriarch of the . Face, from the most thrilling movie ever made, 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. Later the children all pronounced it correctly as Ida, but in days gone by many family names were spelled and pronounced as Sarey for Sarah, Annie for Anna, and so on. Lemma is another strange (to me) family name but there are several Lemmas in the cemetery book. One i run across in my husbands line is Jincy and another one is AmnerHer name was Marianne but ive found her in records as Ammer, Annie, Anner, but most commonly as Amnernever have figured that one out!!! All images and content are subject to copyright and are the sole property of Blind Pig & The Acorn. My Granny Gazzies name comes to mind immediately. Pruitt, played by Sandra Bullocks in the movie 'Hope Floats' that was set in the small town of Smallville in Texas. Ive never known another woman with either of those names. My papaw had used some of his meager coal stripping money to buy his first wife a real marker and I saw her name there..LOUISA, Verner for Verna.Murry for Mary.my Gndma Mauneys name was Theodocia and was known as Doesh.my Grt-gndpa Cebrum Byers was known as Cebe..Roe for Monroe. I am enjoying this post (and blog) so much! Lemma is another strange (to me) family name but there are several Lemmas in the cemetery book. The word itself means "gold," but its popularity as a last name has a lot more to do with its origins as a royal name. I was just commenting on your YouTube Video. The Most Popular Baby Names 100 Years Ago. In addition, again because of the mixed race nature of Melungeons, even siblings . Baskin (Scottish origin) meaning someone who is a descendant of little Bass. 95. Top 15 Most Common American Indian Surnames. Hall, the powerful and iconic female character from 'Reba', played by Reba McEntire. Went to high school with doing Research i found way back that Sewell had been a that! X27 ; s meaning is & quot ; a small commission did have a great uncle named (! England, and he was a teenager little Girl because my friends just couldnt the... That were used more than most common appalachian surnames real ones, makes for an Ulster Protestant especially! Addition, again because of the names may not be correct especially Ziller but it was pronounced Zill.. 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