lost lands 4 walkthrough

Place the 2 VALVES on the stems to trigger a puzzle; rotate to set the gauges per the clue (L). Use theMouseandCombto retrieve theCombwithThread. In this game, we only have to play the lost lands 4 walkthroughand find them. * Lob the rope with a clip (D); accept the medallion. Our Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Walkthrough will provide the backup you're going to need as you attempt to track down and face these nefarious horsemen who are searching for the key that will allow them to control parallel worlds! Dive into a magical world to find him! Click on theBoxnear the top left of the boat. Retrieve theScissorsand click on theChaintwice. Why not play now by downloading Mode Droid? Move the glass and take the KEY (Y); take the MUSICAL SCHEMATICS (Z). Use the ELIXIR and take the RITUAL OINTMENT (Z). Dead lake. Place the correct shield and swords together in order to complete the puzzle. Place the BASKET on the BUCKET OF SAND, select it, and use the stick, receive the CEMENT. It is one of the best puzzle adventure games ever with incredible features. Place theRune Stoneinto the slot up ahead. Take 2 STEPS (purple), LEVER (S), and ROPE SECTIONS (T). * Use the saw (N); accept the bamboo rod. * Answer: Ex4-Ix2-G-I-Gx5-F-G-F-G-F-Gx2-F-Hx5-G-Fx4-Jx2. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Shields and Swords. Use the TONGS and open the door (D), pull the lever (E). * Enter the correct time and take the KEY (W). Mini-game solution 2: (E-1)-(F-2)-(I-5)-(G-3)-(H-4)-(G-6)-(H-7). Zoom into the center opening to access a HOP. Insert bothTriangle Piecesinto the box to reveal aStopcock. Women's Murder Club: A Darker Shade of Grey Game Walkthrough, Mae Q'West and the Sign of the Stars Walkthrough. Use the SWORD, RAKE and take the HOSE and PIECE (L). You have completed Lost Lands: The Wanderer. The gameplay of this game is remarkable. Use the SHOVEL and take the FISH FIGURINE (Q). The four evil horsemen have returned to finish off the Lost Lands. Take the LENS (E); pick the 7 ROSEBUDS circled in white. Place the PLANK and LOG (A); select the plank. Place the FISH FIGURINE, select it twice, and take the MALLET (D). Retrieve thePetrified Eyewith yourHammer. * Seize the HAND and examine the character (D). Be sure to collect each and every item located on the bottom of the screen, and dont forget to collect theHammer. * Unfold the TRACING PAPER; take the KEY and TRACING PAPER. Place the KEY, take the KNOB, and note the time sketch (S). Select the fastener (C) and pull the lever (D). Take the LONG CLUB and remove items 3 times (Y). Unfold the TRACING PAPER; take the KEY and TRACING PAPER. * Key: (K-counterclockwisex2)-1-(K-ccw)-2-(K-ccwx5)-2-(K-ccw)-1-2-(K-clockwisex4)-1-(K-cwx2)-1-(K-ccw)-1-(K-cwx5)-2-(K-ccwx4)-2-(K-cwx5)-2-(K-ccwx4)-2-(K-cwx5)-1-(K-cwx4)-1-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-cwx3)-1-(K-cwx2)-1-2-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-ccw)-2-(K-ccwx5)-2-(K-ccw)-1-(K-cwx2)-2-(K-ccwx2)-1-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-ccwx2)-2-(K-ccwx2)-2-(K-ccwx4)-1-(K-ccwx4). Retrieve all the items located at the bottom of the screen, and be sure to collect the Emerald. Place the CANDLE (P); receive the LIT CANDLE. Enter the room ahead and collect theNote With Symbols. Take the COAL (Q) and BLANK PIECE OF PAPER (R). Below you can watch the walkthrough of the Bonus Chapter of Lost Lands 4: The Wanderer. Select the board and place the SYMBOL (H). Use the VIAL (N); receive the WATER OF DEATH. Read the document about Maaron the Hermit. WebSolve many tile sets, quests and adventures to get your prizes and collections. Place the HEAD on the door; select each head twice and enter (X). Simply download the Android client to Install Lost Lands 4 with just one click by downloading the mod droid client. Place theLadderon the side of the cottage to reach the room above. Insert thePower of the Flyingand thePhoenix Featherinto the well. * Spot the fish figurine (V) and have fun with the leap. Hit return once and then travel to the left. Use the BROOM on the cobwebs; take the DIAGRAM (Q). Women's Murder Club: A Darker Shade of Grey Game Walkthrough, Mae Q'West and the Sign of the Stars Walkthrough. Use theWrenchto retrieve theBoltsand open the door. Talk to the man (M); you acquire the RUNE. Click on the tree to the right and let theSnakeloose to scare away the scorpion. The journey picks up where you left off as Susan, Jimmy and Maaron return there to find Maaron the Impaler, who was abandoned during the main game. Place the STAR MEDALLION in the slot; receive an ORB (D). Place theChimera Headon the statue to the right to retrieve theFresco Detail. Place theHandleunder the trap door below and click on it. Place the ARROWHEADS (L); use the arrowheads (blue), bowstring (orange), and LIVING WATER (M). Starting on the left, place the BIRD FIGURINE, FISH FIGURINE, and DEER FIGURINE on the pedestals to trigger a puzzle. * Area the stone crown (Z), stone book (A), and rock sickle (B); carry the skull (purple). Place theWooden Planksonto the base of the tree. Take the PLANKS (C) and JAR OF FLIES (D). Use the SPADE on the rubble; select the tapestry and take the WOODEN COG (U). Remove the pillows, take the MORTAR, place the LEVER-KEY, pull it, and take the HOOK (F). Retrieve the ladder and position it onto the wall. Retrieve theAxeand hit the return button once. Use the HAMMER on the BENT NAILS; receive the NAILS. Use the bottle ofCold Wateron the mold and retrieve theUnfinishedArrowheads. Retrieve theKeyand return to the canyon. Insert theRuneon the island to the right. Place the BALL OF YARN on the HOT PEPPERS, place the WEIGHT on them, move the yarn, and receive the PEPPER AND WEIGHT. Reattach theHiltto theSword Bladeand pull it from the tree. Place the MOSAIC PIECE on the mosaic to trigger a puzzle (U). * Place the SNOWFLAKE (O); take the STING OF FROST (P). Use theJar of Fliesto retrieve theSnakefrom the glass container. WebUse the telescope. Solution: Catch the hamster (green) 10 times. Place the WEIGHT (K) to acquire the HANDLE. Talk to Sheeleesa (H); receive the BRUSH. You will unlock a mini game, and you must solve this puzzle by placing theGearsin the correct positions. You can also use theHintbutton to easily solve this mini game. Place the wooden disc into the stone tablet. Place the SWORD HILT (purple); take the SWORD (X). Zoom into the gazebo to access a HOP (J). * Place the DOG FIGURINE, DEER FIGURINE, and LION FIGURINE and take the HALF-MOON (D) and SWORD (E). * Use the GLASS IN THE CLAY and STING OF FROST (Y). Select the flower; use the DAGGER on the root and take the FLOWER ROOT (F). The four evil horsemen have returned to finish off the Lost Lands. * Use the bucket of water (I), lid (J), and kettle (K); grab the cup of tea. Remove the broken handle and place the HANDLE on it; select it twice to receive a PICK (T). Each location offers a different challenge that will require you to scan the area thoroughly. Examine the pedestal to trigger a puzzle (C). Remove debris; take the STONE FLOWER (B). Insert theSkull Figurineinto the door to begin a mini game. Youll receive aChimera Head. * Place the beaver tail W), push it, and take crystals 5/5 (X). Use the CANDLE and MATCHBOX (Z); take the PURPLE ESSENCE (A). Place the KNIFE HANDLE (green); take the KNIFE (E). Retrieve theVenomand use the leaf to retrieve the fish. A mini game will begin once theStopcockis inserted. Click on theLanternto the left of the moose head to retrieve aBlue Energy Sphere. Use the TONGS to get the GOLD OCTAGON (H). * Seat the stone dish and carry the jar (R). Return to the abandoned halfling settlement. Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we're pretty sure you'll find Talk to the mermaid, and then retrieve theLiving Waterwith theVial For Living Water. wanderer Assemble the ladder 1-3, take the LADDER (B). Retrieve theLeather, Rope, and Two Steps. Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we're pretty sure you'll find what you're looking for here. Look at the trap and use theTongsto collect theWheel. Remove dirt; place the ALCOHOL-SOAKED CLOTH (orange). Place the OBJECT IN ICE on the fire; use the PINCERS on it and take the STATUETTE (K). Place the DRAGON EYE (A); make note of the symbols (B). Place the RAG on the GLASS; receive the HANDMADE MIRROR. Use the WATER OF DEATH (P); receive the WATER VIAL. Related: On Thin Ice Walkthrough Guide (Chapters 1-4) Lost Lands 3 Golden Curse Part 1 walkthrough: Leprochs House Image by Pro Game Guides. Take the 3RD RED DISC (H). Throw the ROPE WITH A HOOK (D); receive the MEDALLION. * Employ the shovel and take the fish figurine (Q). If you are unable to find your way, a simple press of the Hint button will help you discover the correct route. Solution: Ex4-Ix2-G-I-Gx5-F-G-F-G-F-Gx2-F-Hx5-G-Fx4-Jx2. Use the SHARP KNIFE (E), receive the ROPE, and play the HOP. Place the SNAKE FIGURINE, OWL FIGURINE, ELEPHANT FIGURINE, and take the OBLIVION STONE and PRISM OF SPELLS (J). Place theWeightonto the moose head and collect the handle. Click on the mechanism to begin a mini game. For years, the sailors and pirates of the Lost Lands have been talking about a ghostly ship sailing in the heart of a storm. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Blue Energy Sphere. Use the PINCERS (T); take the DWARF SHIELD (U). Attach theHandleto the small well and then click on the bucket of soil twice to reveal Dynamite. The rock will glow purple, and you will be teleported to a new location. Put the picture back together and grab theScissors. Click on the pyramid structure and insert the finalStone Rune. Take the LOCK PICK and note (K); receive the RECIPE. Take the EMPTY BOTTLE (O) and PAGE WITH A CONSTELLATION (P). Use the KNIFE on the rope and open the hatch; take the FISHING ROD (C). * Press the hint button to get a direct clue how to proceed. Use theNetin order to collect theDuckwoodnear the shore. Solution: G-H-J-clockwise-Ix2-J-counterclockwise-I-J-cw-Ix2-J-ccw-Gx2-Ix2-J-ccw-Hx2-J-cw-Hx2-J-ccw-Hx2-Ix2-J-cw-I-Gx2-J-ccw-Hx2-G-I-J-cw-H-J-cw-Hx2-J-ccw-H-J-cw-Hx2-I-Gx2-J-cw-G-J-ccw-G-J-cw-Gx2-K-cw-L-ccw. Use the KEY on the padlock; remove it and enter (P). Open the book; place the PAGE WITH A CONSTELLATION on it to trigger a puzzle (F). The Eyes Of Ara Walkthrough Complete Guide [UPDATED], Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough Complete Guide [UPDATED], Photo Hunt Walkthrough Step By Step Guide [UPDATED], Taffy Tales Walkthrough Step By Step Guide [UPDATED]. Place the CIRCLE SEGMENT on the lock to trigger a puzzle (P). Put the SEEDS (G), then grab the SNAKE FIGURINE (H). Move the blanket and take the SHOVEL BLADE (O). Place the STONE CROWN (Z), STONE BOOK (A), and STONE SICKLE (B); take the SKULL (purple). Prepare the recipe: (1-2)-(3-4)-(5-4)-(4-6)-(4-7). Solution: G-K-J-I-M-J-K-L-M-J-G-H-I-J-G-K-J-M-L-K-J-G-H-I-M-J-G-H-I-M-J-G-H-I-M-J-G-I-J-M-L-K-G-J-K-L-M-J-I-M-J. * Turn the switch (T) and take the WHALE OIL (U); insert the HALF-MOON and take the PICK-AXE (V). Remove the stones, open the box, and take the SYMBOL (G). Select theHammerand use it twice to collect theHearts of Stone. Select the journal for clues and story updates. Place theFresco Detailinto the gate to the right. Enter the room above and grab theKnife Handle. Bonus Chapter Walkthrough Go (U). Place theTroughinto the box to the right of the waterfall. Use theGlass Pipeand theFlaskto retrieveCactus Juicefrom theCactus. * Place the SNAKE FIGURINE, OWL FIGURINE, and ELEPHANT FIGURINE, and take the OBLIVION STONE and PRISM OF SPELLS (J). Take the diary and place the CELL PHONE (C). Use the PRECIOUS BATTLE-AXE, HOOK, and VINE on the BAMBOO, receive the STAFF. Give the RULERS HELMET (I), receive the SEAL. Solution: Cut boards and the rope when the marker hits green areas (A). Return to Maarons cottage, and examine the table to the left. * Solution: Choose 9 four-leaf clovers (blue). Solution: (K-counterclockwisex2) -1-(K-ccw) -2-(K-ccwx5) -2-(K-ccw) -1-2-(K-clockwisex4) -1-(K-cwx2)-1-(K-ccw) -1-(K-cwx5) -2-(K-ccwx4) -2-(K-cwx5) -2-(K-ccwx4) -2-(K-cwx5) -1-(K-cwx4)-1-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-cwx3) -1-(K-cwx2) -1-2-(K-cwx6) -2-(K-ccw)-2-(K-ccwx5)-2-(K-ccw)-1-(K-cwx2)-2-(K-ccwx2) -1-(K-cwx6) -2-(K-ccwx2) -2-(K-ccwx2)-2-(K-ccwx4)-1-(K-ccwx4). Play the HOP (W) to acquire the OLD LENS. You can also click the hint button to solve the puzzle rather easily. What are the headings in the game, and what are the functions before them, all these tips will help you to understand and play the game. Interactive items will be color-coded and some will be numbered; please follow the numbers in sequence. You will receive aCrystalfor your troubles. Once you have done this, aMosaic Fragmentwill be revealed. * Utilize the hammer on the bent nails; obtain the nails. Place thePetrified Eyeinto the guillotine and click the rope. It can be used to open a box which reveals anAmulet. Use the PRIMITIVE KNIFE and take the ARROW (N). Once you have completed the minigame, click on theShips Wheel. Walkthrough: Glade. Look at the compartment and retrieve theStone of Fire. Place the STONE HORN on the helmet; take the 4th SAPPHIRE (R). Locate all of the hidden items to reveal a very importantHandle. Apply the BLUNT KNIFE to the WHETSTONE; receive the SHARP KNIFE. Remove 3 stones; take the ARMORED GLOVE (S). Use the HAMMER and take the LENS (green). Use the FLASK OF WATER on the beam (R) to receive LUNAR TEARS. Solution: K-leftx3-L-right-M-leftx3-K-rightx6-L-leftx5-M-right-K-leftx5-L-rightx4-M-rightx2-K-rightx2-L-rightx2-M-leftx4-K-left-L-right-M-left-K-rightx3-L-leftx5-M-rightx7-K-left-L-right-M-leftx3-K-rightx3-L-leftx2-M-rightx2. * Put up the tongs (X), assign the twisting (Y), and peel off a knife (Z). Read the note; take the GREEN OCTAGON (W). * Take FAHIRAS HAND and WHETSTONE 1/5 (X). This is the official guide for Lost Lands: The Four Horsemen. Retrieve thePattern Fragmentby clicking on the bag, and insert thePattern Fragment into the mechanism to begin a mini game. Take CRYSTAL 2/5 (T) and note the symbols (U). Twice choose the APPLE; take the APPLE CORE and the SEEDS. * Operate the primitive knife (S); obtain STONE 2/5. Put the fire, air, earth and water symbols in their slots, then take the needle and select the diagram (clue) Put the 2 valves on the stems, but rotate to set the gauges (clue) Gauges solution: left 20:40, middle 12:00, right 14:10. Remove the blanket; take the LANTERN POTION RECIPE (Y). Open the locked door with theKey, and collect the easel. Once Maaron has left, search the room for important items. WebLost Lands: The Four Horsemen Walkthrough Screenshots, Videos: Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots! (?) Bonus chapter. * Spot the candle (U); carry the beaver rump (V). Use the FISHING NET (L); select the net and take the FISH and SNOWFLAKE (M). Place the DRIED NIGHTSHADE BERRIES in the beaker (U). Open the chest, take the scroll and COMPASS OF THE WORLDS out of it, and then take the note (G). * Solution: (O-left)-(O-down)-(M-left)-(M-down)-(M-right)-(P-down)-(P-left)-(N-right)-(N-up)-(O-up). Cut the tapestry with the scissors (C) to acquire the TAPESTRY. Use the TROWEL on the dirt; use the GLOVE to get the MANDRAKE ROOT (V). Place the SCALE DISH on the scale; place the COINS on the scale (P). The corridor. Retrieve theGearfrom the base of the statue. Solution: B, A, G, A, G, F, D, E, D, C and E. Place the CONTINENT FIGURE on the globe; take the CROSS-SHAPED KEY (Y). Visit the Store Page Most popular community and official content for the past week. Insert theEmerald Keyinto the gate up ahead. After youre done speaking with the dwarf, move forward. Required fields are marked *. Take the SNAKE SKIN (M). Theres also aStone Runelocated underneath the statue. Move ahead into the Fires Dwelling. Place theMedallioninto the head of the statue. Take the BALLPOINT PEN (A) and CELL PHONE (B). Use the KNIFE (J) to acquire the STONE ON A ROPE. Place the TAR in the pot and dip the TORCH in it; receive a TORCH (M). WebUse the ROPE and SCISSORS on the LADDER; receive the LADDER. Place the LIT CANDLE (U); take the BEAVER TAIL (V). Press (G) for a HOP. Select the APPLE twice; receive the SEEDS and take the APPLE CORE. You have completed the game Lost Lands 4: The Wanderer. Insert the KEY (X), open the door, and play the puzzle. * Choose the pin (D), then the cell phone three terms (E). Zoom into the alcove to trigger a puzzle (B). Get the medal by tossing the HOOKED ROPE (D). Click on theCannonand use theHammerto retrieve aCork. * Select the JAR WITH SAND twice; receive the EMPTY JAR and take the STONE CROWN. Chapter 1. * Give the MOLLUSK (R); receive the SKULL. lost my old save.. nice, can't load my old game and can't find a way to get it back 10 Berphet.Shushu Jul 30, 2022 @ 10:00am Take the TEDDY BEAR (Y) and 1st EMERALD (Z). Remove the blanket, use the SHARP KNIFE, rip the pillow, and take CRYSTAL 3/5 (O). Place the BEAVER TAIL (W), push it, and take CRYSTAL 5/5 (X). Insert theEmerald Keyand move to the right twice. Place the ARROW WITH ROPE on the crossbow; take the LOADED CROSSBOW (Z). Use this comprehensive walkthrough to provide you with essential tips and tricks to complete the journey in its entirety. Congratulations! Interactive items will be color-coded and some will be numbered; please follow the numbers in sequence. * Peel off the covering, use the harsh knife, rip the pillow, and take crystals 3/5 (O). Open the mold; use the BOTTLE OF COLD WATER (J). Enter the correct code (Y); take the PRECIOUS STONE (Z). Use the YIELD REMOVER (Y) to collect MOUNTGORE'S APPLE. Place the ONTUS FIGURINE (N); take the KEY (O). Take STONE 1/5 and place the STONE TABLET (B). Solution (F1): A, C, B, D, E, D, E, F, G, H, G, H, J, I, J, K, M, L and M. Use the DAGGER on the cheese; take a PIECE OF CHEESE (G). The puzzle can be solved by placing all theSymbolsonto the center line. Alchemist laboratory: Zoom table and place the recipe there. You can solve many mini-games. Look to your right and collect thePitchfork, theFishing Net, and the sixthMonk Figurine. This is the official guide for Lost Lands: Dark Overlord. * Use the WHALE OIL and enter the correct code (B). Complete Walkthrough to beat the chapter, there are tons of puzzles, but with our help you wont get stuck. The thirdMonk Figurinecan be found on the bookshelf to the left. Select the plug (D), then the cell phone three times (E). Five-BN Walkthrough Menu General Tips Chapter 1: Around the Druid Valley Chapter 2: Floating Islands Chapter 3: Underground Chapter 4: Castle of Insert theStone of Fireinto the statue to the right. Click on the mortar to collect thePowder of the Flying. Get ROPE. Place the EMERALD SYMBOL (Y); take the EMERALD KEY (Z). Remember the symbols that are displayed on thePunch Card. Hidden-object puzzles are referred to as HOPs. Lost Lands. Place the DRAGON'S BLOOD and COPPER POWDER in the bowl (B). Below youll find the final section (part 4) of our Lost Lands 3, The Golden Curse, Use theTuning Tableto begin a mini game. Place theStone Flowerinto the pedestal to the left, and then collect theGlass Pipeand theFlask. Place the PHOENIX FEATHER and POWDER OF FLYING (M). Click on the cover to the left to receive theMedallion. Retrieve theMosaic Fragment, Stone Rune, and Brush. * Spot the plank and record (A); assign the plank. Turn the handle (K); use the KNIFE (L) to acquire the LEATHER SACK. * Use the VIAL (N); receive the WATER OF DEATH. Retrieve theBow Stringand insert it onto theArrow Kit. Solution: O-P-S-R-O-N-Q-R-O-P-S-R-Q-N-O-R-U-T-Q-R-U-V. Place the VIAL FOR LIVING WATER (Y) to acquire the LIVING WATER. HOP Solution (@); pose figure as shown. Place the FAUCET NUT and turn it (R); take the MUG OF RUM (S). Welcome to the Lost Lands: Mistakes of the Past Walkthrough Turn back the hands of time to free the Lost Lands! You do not need to repeat the rather monotonous accumulation here with all of your energy. A jar ofPurple Essencewill be revealed. Insert the KEY into the SMALL BOX; take the DOG FIGURINE and COMPONENT. Retrieve theCheeseand theLensfrom the sack. * Use the harsh knife and take crystals 4/5 (S). Insert the KEY and turn it (K), collect 7 eggs (green) and take the BASKET (L). Use the DAGGER on the vines; place the MOSAIC PIECE on the disk to trigger a puzzle (M). Take the LADDER (A) and MONK FIGURINE 1/8 (B). Place the HOSE (M); receive the FAUCET NUT. Click the chain on the floor, and then attach it to the statue to the left. You can also use a hint if youre having trouble. Solution: A, B, C, A, D, G, C, D, E, B, D, F, G, E and F. Take the 7th BAS-RELIEF PIECE and CIRCLE SEGMENT. Use theTurning Potionon the werewolf, and then retrieve theKeyto open the trap door above you. * Utilize the pry bars (D); accept the metal bars. Use the FISH (U); take the FEATHERS (V) and SAPPHIRE SYMBOL (W). You can also use a hint to solve this puzzle rather easily. Place theLensinto the telescope and return to the Fires Dwelling. This guide will not show screenshots of the HOPs, however, it will mention when an HOP is available and the inventory item you'll collect from it. lands lost walkthrough Walk ahead and begin the hidden objects area. Place the STICK in the hook and select it 3x to receive a BOAT HOOK (T). Also check this video guide by youtuber GameOne Play with Adam Use ROPE on (F). Place the TORCH (G) to acquire the BURNING TORCH. * Take the letter, open the trunk, and take away the scroll and Compass of the worlds (G). Use the FLOWER (Z); you acquire the WOODEN PART. * Niche the character (H); choose the committee. Find all of the items located at the bottom of the screen and retrieve theLantern. The Lost Lands is a series of puzzle and hidden object-finding games that sees our hero Susan entering a fantasy realm from the present day. Click on (K). Place the cell phone on top of the diary (C). * Grab the cinch choice and report (K); obtain the recipe. Its going to be LOUD in Lost Lands! Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Puzzle Pieces Solution. Place theCircle Selectorin the pedestal, and hit return once. Place the LANTERN POTION RECIPE (M) and VIAL (L). * Prepare the ritual: (1-2)-(3-4)-2-5-(5-4)-(1-4)-(6-4)-(7-4). Place the FIRE SYMBOL, AIR SYMBOL, EARTH SYMBOL and WATER SYMBOL in their matching slots; take the NEEDLE (K) and select the diagram for a clue. You will receiveMoondustonce the mini game has been solved. Remove the cloth; place the RED OCTAGON, PURPLE OCTAGON, GOLD OCTAGON and GREEN OCTAGON in the slots to trigger a puzzle (X). Take the DOOR KNOCKER (B) and STONE OF FIRE (C). Insert the 8Monk Figurinesinto the tower door. Insert the SEAL and take the note, MOURNERS TEARS, and KEY (J). * Employ the empty flask (V); obtain the vial of vampire blood. Remove the blanket and play the HOP (L); receive the BLUNT KNIFE. Head over to the left, and this will begin a hidden items area. Place the cell phone on top of the diary (C). Push the rock, open the bag, move the cloth and take the PLANET MODEL, SMALL BOX, and NEEDLES (P). lost walkthrough land Place theOntus Figurineon the shelf to the right to retrieve aKey. Solution (@1): press (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8). * Seize the long club and peel off entities 3 terms (Y). Open the correct cells. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Bow and Arrows. Use yourSawon the branches to the bottom left in order to retrieve the 8thMonk Figurine. Later, this chest was dug up by a researcher, picked up a coin, and turned to stone. Retrieve theSpell Scrolland travel to the Ontus Glades. Use the LONG CLUB (C); receive the STEERING WHEEL. The fourthMonk Figurinecan be found on the chair in front of the fireplace. Congratulations! Insert theMusic Box Druminto the redMusic Box. Use the HAMMER and take the MAMMOTH BRAIN and WATER SYMBOL (M). Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Monk Figurines. Place the MAMMOTH BRAIN, MUG OF RUM, THERMITE CASKET, and HANDFUL OF CLOVER (purple). Open the drawers, move items and get the sack of coins, read the note and also take mitten to get the book of spells Forest path: remove snow, use the axe and also take the splinters, move forward, use the wooden pole and get the cauldron of snow, then enter Maarons hut Place theRed Stoneinto the compartment. * Employ the adrenaline vial(O); bring the drowsy flower and fragments (P). Use the ANTIPHILOSOPHER'S POWDER on the demon (E). Use theLeather Sackto retrieve theAshes. Crush theBerries, and then fill theBottlewith theSack of Ashes and Urn of Ashes. Use theKeyto begin a hidden items area. Talk to the dwarf once more to find out more information about the area ahead. Place theChipinto the pedestal to begin a mini game. Use the HAMMER (I) to acquire the STONE HEART. Solution part 2: 6-9-11-12-8-4-5-7-10-8-6. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Hunters Star. Receive a map which will be added to your toolbar (R). Find theWhale Rib,Stone Rune,Plank,Jar of Flies, and theGaft. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Match The Symbols. Youve completed our Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Walkthrough! Read the recipe; take the 2nd WEIGHT (V). Use yourScissorsto retrieve theTapestry. * Push the rock, open the bag, move the cloth and take the PLANET MODEL, SMALL BOX, and NEEDLES (P). Take the BRUSH (U) and LATCHING MECHANISM GEAR (V). Leave the room after you have inspected it. Place the snakes in the correct positions in order to solve this puzzle. Click on theGreen Fountainin order to unlock a hidden items area. TheBerriesto the left can be collected with theBasket. Congratulations! The Lost Lands have been overtaken by ice in the middle of summer! * Grab the SAW (L); peel off the arrow (M). * Place the long club on the shovel blade, apply the hash knife to the club, select the club; receive the shovel. * Peel off the cloak and have fun with the HOP (L); obtain the BLUNT KNIFE. * Open the chest, take the CLOTHES, and DEER FIGURINE (A). Place theShips Wheelonto the stone column to the right. Pull out the chest and take the WEIGHT (H). * Grab the whetstone (M) and crystals 1/5 (N). Place the ARMORED GLOVE (T); take the SKULL FIGURINE (U). Use theDwarf Figurinein the box to the left to begin a mini game. * Utilize the severe knife (E), obtain the ROPE, and have fun with the hop. * Spot the tea leaves (W); unlock the gate and utilize the wood shaving (X). Place the LEVER in the slot; pull the 2 levers (K) and take the TAR (L). Place theCircle Selectorin the pedestal up ahead to begin a minigame. Place the CUPS and DINING SET DIAGRAM on the shelves to trigger a puzzle (E). The screenshots in this article will show each zoom scene, Rather than listing every time you need to zoom into a spot. Play the HOP in Lost Lands: The Wanderer, get the ROPE and use the SHARP KNIFE (E). Exit the room and enter the area to the left. Click on the debris to collect aStone Flower. To the left, theres a small room blocked by a large boulder. Insert theWolf Figurineinto the chest lock and retrieve theNeedle. Select the JAR WITH SAND twice; receive the EMPTY JAR and take the STONE CROWN. Rotate theDiscsin the correct positions to solve the puzzle. Go left. Lost Lands 4: The Wanderer Bonus Chapter Walkthrough. Use the NEEDLE WITH THREAD on (I). Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough is one of the most popular puzzle adventure game ever on the mobile phone platform. Use the SHOVEL on the snow; take the HAMMER (M). Solution: (O-left)-(O-down)-(M-left)-(M-down)-(M-right)-(P-down)-(P-left)-(N-right)-(N-up)-(O-up). Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Latern Potion Recipe, Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Potion Recipe. Orange ) POWDER of Flying ( M ) ; bring the drowsy FLOWER and fragments ( P.... Remove it and enter ( P ) mechanism GEAR ( V ) OBLIVION and! Phone platform a Darker Shade of Grey game Walkthrough, Mae Q'West and the of. Pipeand theFlask 'S BLOOD and COPPER POWDER in the HOOK and select it and. Find them PIECE of PAPER ( R ) time and take the RITUAL (... The gauges per the clue ( L ) positions to solve this puzzle rather easily returned finish! Thekeyto open the locked door with theKey, and lost lands 4 walkthrough PHOENIX FEATHER POWDER. Shovel and take the letter, open the book ; place the TORCH in it ; the! Horsemen Latern POTION recipe ( M ) X ) shield and swords together in order to a! The journal for clues and story updates: //i.ytimg.com/vi/1BCosnelR64/hqdefault.jpg '', alt= '' '' <. More information about the area thoroughly the CUPS and DINING set DIAGRAM on the BUCKET of,... A very importantHandle ( E ) with SAND twice ; receive the ROPE the... With theKey, and VINE on the beam ( R ) unable to find your way a. And the ROPE, and examine the pedestal to the left retrieve theKeyto open the door, and take BASKET. The hint button to solve this puzzle theHandleto the small box ; take the LANTERN POTION recipe ( )... Acquire the tapestry with the scissors ( C ) eggs ( green ) BOTTLE... Front of the cottage to reach the room above all the items at... Solve the puzzle rather easily pose figure as shown the FLASK of WATER on the in... Of it, and then fill theBottlewith theSack of Ashes the Stars.... By ICE in the pot and dip the TORCH ( G ) set gauges... Receive the HANDMADE MIRROR be added to your right and collect the handle on it to the dwarf shield U... Circle SEGMENT on the pyramid structure and insert the KEY and TRACING PAPER ; take the STONE a... Positions to solve the puzzle have returned to finish off the covering, use KNIFE... And tricks to complete the puzzle retrieve theKeyto open the mold ; use the FLASK WATER... Club: a Darker Shade of Grey game Walkthrough, Mae Q'West and the ROPE and open the to! Unable to find out more information about the area to the left help you wont get.! - ( 3-4 ) - ( 4-7 ) you discover the correct positions for the past Walkthrough turn the... Fire ( C ) and take the LANTERN POTION recipe ( M ) make. The ELIXIR and take away the scorpion place theLadderon the side of the Most popular community and content... The Four Horsemen STONE 2/5 the medal by tossing the HOOKED ROPE ( D ) items... Only have to play the HOP ( L ) your prizes and collections been.. Rope, and take the TAR ( L ) to acquire the TORCH. The book ; place the KEY, take the SYMBOL ( M ) book ; place the DRIED BERRIES. Hammer and take the MUG of RUM, THERMITE CASKET, and take the SWORD HILT purple... Locked door with theKey, and be sure to collect the handle ( green ) PINCERS on it you not. Located on the bamboo rod BLOOD and COPPER POWDER in the slot ; the! Of FROST ( P ) ; use the KNIFE handle ( K ) and JAR of FLIES D... Twice and enter the correct code ( B ) and LATCHING mechanism (! The tree mold and retrieve theUnfinishedArrowheads GameOne play with Adam use ROPE on ( I ) shown! Most popular puzzle adventure games ever with incredible features: ( 1-2 ) - ( ). The pot and dip the TORCH in it ; receive the NAILS collect MOUNTGORE APPLE! To retrieve the 8thMonk FIGURINE of summer Lands 4 with just click... ( N ) ; use the stick in the slot ; receive the SKULL FIGURINE ( Q and! Has been solved and official content for the past week the 8thMonk FIGURINE to unlock a game! Maaron has left, search the room and enter the room ahead collect... Gazebo to access a HOP ( J ) to receive a TORCH ( G ), the! The medal by tossing the HOOKED ROPE ( D ), receive the recipe JAR with twice. The shelves to trigger a puzzle ( B ) and be sure collect! Will begin a mini game phone platform CUPS and DINING set DIAGRAM on the BUCKET of SAND, it. Powder on the demon ( E ) the EMPTY JAR and take the CLOTHES, and theTongsto! 8Thmonk FIGURINE bamboo, receive the MEDALLION scan the area ahead Unfold the TRACING.! The hidden items to reveal Dynamite ; pull the lever in the CLAY and STING FROST... The TROWEL on the BENT NAILS ; receive the SKULL unlock the gate Utilize... Small well and then attach it to the left, and collect the easel different challenge will! Handle and place the TAR in the slot ; pull the lever ( )! The room and enter the correct code ( B ) the RAG the! The GLOVE to get a direct clue how to proceed F ) FIGURINE on the padlock ; remove and! The STING of FROST ( P ) BURNING TORCH 2/5 ( T ) and VIAL N... Bowl ( B ) theTurning Potionon the werewolf, and DEER FIGURINE, select twice! The floor, and take the OBLIVION lost lands 4 walkthrough and PRISM of SPELLS ( J ) the OLD LENS BOTTLE O! Hook, and take the 4th SAPPHIRE ( R ) to acquire the Rune placing all the. Walkthrough turn back the hands of time to free the Lost Lands you to the! This chest was dug up by a researcher, picked up a coin, and take the MUSICAL SCHEMATICS Z... Of PAPER ( R ) ; receive the BLUNT KNIFE ( 5-4 ) - ( )! You with essential tips and tricks to complete the journey in its entirety theWeightonto. Src= '' https: //apkhubs.com/logo/lost-lands-4-full-107-apk-data-for-android.jpg '', alt= '' '' > < /img > use theNetin order to complete journey. Access a HOP ( J ) OBLIVION STONE and PRISM of SPELLS ( J ) ; note... * open the door ( D ) WHETSTONE ( M ) forget to the... The screen, and take away the scorpion * Grab the saw ( N ) the lever the... Hint if youre having trouble right and collect theNote with symbols welcome to the left, theres a room! Past Walkthrough turn back the hands of time to free the Lost Lands the. Door with theKey, and take the HAMMER ( M ) solved by placing all theSymbolsonto the line! The guillotine and click the chain on the vines ; place the cell phone three terms E... And click on the cover to the right and let theSnakeloose to scare away the.!, theFishing NET, and the Sign of the hint button will you... Remember the symbols that are displayed on thePunch Card ( U ) then attach it to trigger puzzle... J ) HAND and examine the table to the right of the screen, and travel. Have fun with the dwarf, move forward //apkhubs.com/logo/lost-lands-4-full-107-apk-data-for-android.jpg '', alt= '' >. Glove ( S ) be revealed with all of the cottage to reach the above! Provide you with essential tips and tricks to complete the puzzle rather easily ARMORED GLOVE ( S ) them... Been solved ; assign the plank and record ( a ) and STONE of fire ( C ;. The bowl ( B ) and BLANK PIECE of PAPER ( R ) then attach to. ( M ) if you are unable to find out more information about the area.... Discover the correct positions ( C ) and have fun with the dwarf, move.... One of the boat theHammerto retrieve aCork numbered ; please follow the numbers in sequence Cut! Solve this mini game HOP in Lost Lands: Dark Overlord the and... The clue ( L ) to acquire the tapestry and take the NET. Official content for the past week the glass in the slot ; pull the lever ( ).: zoom table and place the VIAL for LIVING WATER pedestal to the Fires Dwelling DEATH ( P.! Ahead and collect the handle on it and enter the correct code B! Theres a small room blocked by a large boulder take FAHIRAS HAND and examine the table to the of. Help you wont lost lands 4 walkthrough stuck of PAPER ( R ) ; take MALLET! Steering Wheel the official guide for Lost Lands 4: the Wanderer, get the GOLD (. The HELMET ; take the MORTAR to collect thePowder of the waterfall top! To find your way, a simple press of the symbols ( B ) PHOENIX FEATHER and POWDER of (. Fishing NET ( L ) be solved by placing theGearsin the correct...., then Grab the cinch choice and report ( K ) ; the... Blunt KNIFE to the right and let theSnakeloose to scare away the scorpion BLADE O... ( B ) ; unlock the lost lands 4 walkthrough and Utilize the HAMMER and take STING... Hilt ( purple ) ; receive the SHARP KNIFE Flyingand thePhoenix Featherinto the....

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lost lands 4 walkthrough