", "You do realize we spent all morning hiding the body? It's obvious to most people that Will has something wrong with him now that he's returned from the Upside Down. Steve coldly left with his posse as Jonathan fell to the ground to scrap his camera up. When Nancy arrived and was shown the lewd picture, Steve rolled up a photo and tapped Jonathan on the head, saying that his creepiness was hardwired into him, and they needed to get rid of his toy, his camera. ", "Being a freak is the best, alright? That evening, Jonathan brought out photos of Will to make wanted posters. When Lonnie returned to Hawkins for Will's funeral and tended to a seemingly mentally unwell Joyce, Lonnie sternly told Jonathan to stop encouraging Joyce's claims of a monster taking Will, while also telling him to take down his poster of The Evil Dead. The next morning, Jonathan attempted to coax Will and Mike to go see a showing of Police Academy 3 and not mope around, but Will said it would be better to stay home. Using a bat with nails hammered into it, Steve assisted in getting the creature inside a bear trap and letting Jonathan set the creature on fire. Tommy and Carol were bullies of Jonathan. For a moment, it even appeared that Jonathan wanted to protect his father, which also makes no sense. [Steve Granitz/FilmMagic] 9. Who plays Jonathan Byers in play in Stranger Things? After finding El in Nevada, Jonathan reunited with his foster sister and told her that they needed to get her out of Nevada before the government found her. Despite Hopper's warning not to, Jonathan ditched school to confront his father, searching his car. But Jonathan said that he shouldn't be like everyone else and being a freak is a best since Jonathan himself is a freak. Jonathan's not particularly social but not because he doesn't understand others. As Steve began to panic and question what was going on, Jonathan attempted to force Steve out and yelling at him that he needed to leave. In 1983, Steve, Nancy, Barb, Tommy, and Carol watched Jonathan pin missing fliers for his brother, Will. Charlie Heaton In the summer of 1985, Jonathan and Eleven worked together alongside Mike, Lucas, Will, Max, and Nancy in taking down the Mind Flayer and Billy. When repairing Hoppers cabin, Jonathan jokingly questioned if Steve wouldve been in charge had Nancy had not been in Hawkins, but was visibly surprised when Nancy admitted that he had matured, leaving Jonathan a tad worried. They later work together in burning the Mind Flayer out of Will. In the Byers' shed, when interrogating Will, Jonathan attempted to regain his brother's memories by emotionally recollecting the time they built Castle Byers and the first time he showed him The Clash by playing it on his radio. I dont think he is. In 1986, though Jonathan continued to have a good relationship with his mother, he began to smoke weed to deal with his stress over college and his relationship with Nancy. Thank you. When Jonathan and Nancy learned about the Flayed, along with the kids, and tried to visit Mrs. Driscoll at the hospital, Tom, possessed by the Mind Flayer, tried to kill Jonathan and Nancy, with the help of Bruce Lowe. RELATED: Stranger Things: 10 Incredible Fan Art Pictures That Take Us Back To The '80s. While eating dinner with his family and Murray, Jonathan who had been smoking weed with Argyle earlier, passed off his high state as being stressed out, but Murray could tell Jonathan had been smoking weed and did not rant him out to his mother. Sara has been writing professionally for 26 years. This left Jonathan upset on losing his job and his means to support his family, nearly damaging his relationship with Nancy. When Steve noticed Nancys hand bandaged, he forced his way through the door, believing Jonathan had done something, but was caught off guard to find a plethora of traps set with gasoline and weapons. Once the creature disappeared again permanently, Steve joined in seeing a recovered Will at the hospital. Three months later, Jonathan was assisted by Mike in packing up his house and said goodbye before moving out of Hawkins with his family. Jonathan has desired to attend New York University (NYU) since he was six years old, though he has dropped this dream by 1986 since he's been accepted into Lenora Hills Community College. At night, Jonathan helped assist making a sensory deprivation tank for El made from a pizza dough freezer at a local Surfer Boy Pizza in Nevada. Family The two also work together at the Hawkins Post. In 1984, Jonathan and Mike met up again after escaping from Hawkins National Laboratory when a pack of Demodogs massacred nearly everyone in the lab. As an artist, he ought to have known better in many circumstances, and given his temperament and personality, many of his actions simply don't make a whole lot of sense. He's an outsider because of classism, not because of behavioral or social trouble. Later, El got arrested for assaulting Angela, Jonathan and Mike tried to get El out of prison before Agent Ellen Stinson informed them that she had been rescued from police custody and left with Dr. Sam Owens to regain her powers so she can help fight a new evil threatening Hawkins. After Agent Harmon died from his wounds, Jonathan and Mike buried him in a junkyard with Will and Argyle's help. Jonathan helped Nancy in exposing Hawkins Lab to investigator Murray Bauman and the two give into the sexual tension after being pressured by Murray and ultimately kiss (and are hinted at doing more). This allowed Jonathan to kill Tom by stabbing him in the neck with the scissors. Autistic Jonathan Byers because I say so Jonathan Byers Loves Argyle Anxiety Disorder Depression Could Be Canon To a point Drug Abuse Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Stalking a lil bit Jonathan's a lil creep I love him Argyle might just be the best drug dealer Lenora Hills has ever seen. Jonathan Byers is one of the main characters of the Stranger Things franchise. Despite this, he reluctantly joined his girlfriend in investigating Mrs. Dricoll's claims that sick rats are eating fertilizer, only to get fired by their boss, Tom Holloway. When Steve assumed Nancy cheated on him after seeing her with Jonathan, Tommy and Carol wasted no time in making abusive graffiti of Jonathan and Nancy. Even so, that doesn't excuse some of the weird and downright insensitive things Jonathan has done. Jonathan may not have deserved to have his camera destroyed but he certainly deserved to have those pictures torn to shreds for violating the subjects' privacy. We are privy to several moments they share together, indicating their brotherly bond. Later, while traveling through Nevada to locate the facility, Jonathan started to grow frustrated, thinking they were lost until Argyle found tire tracks and identified them belonging to military vehicles, allowing them to rescue Eleven in time. When discovering that Vecna was only one kill away to invading Hawkins, Steve had Max attempt to make contact with Jonathan and the others in Lenora Hills via phone, only with no results. When she heard that her kids are in danger, she, Hopper, Murray and Alexei raced back to Hawkins to save them. Jonathan later hung posters of his brother at Hawkins High. But for that moment it was like you were alone. The brothers turned up the volume on Jonathan's stereo and began jamming together. Hawkins, Indiana (1967 - 1985):Byers House (1967 - October 1985)Lenora Hills, California (1985 - present):Byers House favourite thing about them Again I say, uhhh, everything??? He does so much for his family and his group of friends, often more than what is asked or expected of him. Whenever Nancy was abused or humiliated by her misogynistic co-workers, Jonathan did his best to support and comfort her. When Jonathan answered the door, two police officers had arrived to arrest El for attacking Angela. The couple reunited with their siblings and friends at the Wheeler home. Had he really paid attention, perhaps he could have saved himself from fighting over the issue so hard with his mother. When discovering Mike and his friends to be in danger, due to government agents tracking them down, Jonathan was able to figure out a way to contact Mike and ask for his location by using Will's walkie-talkie. A month later, Nancy and Jonathan have become an official couple. With the help of Jonathan's former bully and Nancy's boyfriend, Steve Harrington, the trio lit the monster on fire until is vanished. Finally, he takes a lot of care of the few relationships he has (ie his brother and mother) he's really protective of them. After reuniting with his mother and Hopper, he witnesses along with his family the beginning of the Upside Down invading Hawkins. However, he realizes his mother was telling the truth after his classmate, Nancy Wheeler, began claiming her best friend was also taken by said monster. Alive This makes zero sense. 1986 When Mike and Max argued about Eleven's well-being and independence, Jonathan did not jump into the argument and in the end, he looked shocked when Mike blurted out his love for El. Contents 1 Season One 1.1 The Vanishing of Will Byers 1.2 The Weirdo on Maple Street Steve/Nancy/El/Lucas Relator Disabled + autistic Jargyle + Lumax >>> When adding images, please make sure that they: are of decent size and quality, are placed in the correct section and order, and come from official sources. The Debate Over an Autism Cure Turns Hostile. When soldiers led by Lt. After Nancy and Jonathan gave into their feelings while investigating Barbs death, Steve later confirmed to Nancy that he was happy for her and didnt hold a grudge, showing he supported Jonathans relationship with Nancy. When they found the number Harmon gave them that would help find El's location, Jonathan, Mike, and Will went to call the number, only to realize they were calling a computer. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 89 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 16 | 1718 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 2526 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 33 | 34. A lot of people talk about Jonathan being "parentified". We're never given a good explanation, though, which leaves the most obvious explanation: the Jonathan was being a creepo and should feel quite ashamed of intruding on a private party, even if it did lead to a clue. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He even encouraged Will to not let his differences bother him and that it's okay to be different not matter what. Steve frantically asked what the creature was, both Jonathan and Nancy told him to shut up. Relationship status Coupled with the fact that he's not a violent person, it makes no sense that he would attack Steve Harrington when the teen has some choice words about his involvement in his brother's disappearance. Jonathan, through his tears, said that he should have been there for his brother, but Joyce comforted him and told him it was not his fault. Though the Byers have been distant for a while, physically holding each other here serves to solidify Jonathan's words to Will. In 1985, Jonathan and Nancy are shown to have become an official couple, sleeping together at Jonathan's house one day. When putting Will under so much heat did not work, Jonathan begged his mother to stop the process and nearly freed Will until Nancy stopped him by showing the Mind Flayer developing black veins on Will's neck. Stranger Things: Halloween Sounds From the Upside Down, Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down, Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83AGOGW2JSc, "Sometimes, people don't really say what they're really thinking. Press J to jump to the feed. ", "Do you remember the time you told me you had a LEGO stuck up your nose? Jonathan isn't shy about telling people his opinions and making sure he's different from everyone else. He asked Will who he'd rather hang out with: Kenny Rogers or David Bowie. Nancy Wheeler (girlfriend)Argyle (best friend)Steve Harrington (former enemy, friend)Mike Wheeler (friend)Lucas Sinclair (friend)Dustin Henderson (friend)Max Mayfield (friend)Robin Buckley (friend)Jim Hopper (friend)Bob Newby (friend)Murray Bauman (friend)Tommy Hagan (enemy)Carol Perkins (enemy)Tom Holloway (former boss, enemy)Bruce Lowe (former co-worker, enemy)Agent Harmon (protector)Agent Wallace (protector) The next day, Steve was alerted by her friend, Nicole, about the photos after she saw Jonathan developing them in the photography room at Hawkins High. Will's disappearance made Jonathan guilt-ridden for not being there and would soon take a toll on his relationship with his mother, who insisted Will was trapped in the walls and taken by a monster with no face. William "Will" Byers, portrayed by Noah Schnapp, is a main character in Stranger Things, having a recurring but pivotal role in the first season, before being promoted to the main cast from the second season onward. It's implied that Lonnie and Jonathan have gotten in physical altercations, as when Jonathan pushed off Lonnie when searching his house for Will, Lonnie commented that he had "gotten stronger". As Will began to tear up, Jonathan told his brother that he loved him and that no matter what, nothing would change that. After Will was freed from the Mind Flayer, Jonathan embraced both his mother and brother. Jonathan Byers, portrayed by Charlie Heaton, is a main character in Stranger Things. Finding nothing, Jonathan defended his brother when Lonnie said Will could never take care of himself, and gave him a missing poster. When Jonathan arrived at a Halloween party, he observed a hurt Steve leaving a drunken Nancy behind after she revealed that he didnt love him. Two days later, after temporarily defeating Vecna, Jonathan and Will returned to Hawkins where they reunited with their friends and worked to rebuild Hopper's cabin before they happily reunited with their mother. Jonathan also developed feelings for Nancy Wheeler who shared his trauma, but struggled to accept them until he was encouraged by Murray Bauman. In 1984, Jonathan continues to have a bond with Nancy as she invited him to Tina's Halloween Party. Upon traveling across the country to save Nancy and his friends, Jonathan displayed his love for his girlfriend when reuniting with Nancy, but still failed to admit the truth about his Emerson acceptance letter, and also becoming worried about their relationship after Nancy admits admiration of Steve's maturity. Some have argued that Jonathan took the photos out of either envy of the normal night the teens were having when his own was a nightmare, or that taking the photos themselves helped to ease some of the photographer's stress. Will said he didn't but tried to say it was fun to go with their father sometimes. When Nancy picked up a story from Doris Driscoll, Jonathan went with her to investigate the story and present it to the Post. Dead by Daylight has announced plenty of new content in the past few . In 1984, Jonathan's personality managed to change a little bit. Reuniting with Nancy, the two are happy yet seem in denial that their relationship doesn't have any problems, with Jonathan fibbing to Nancy that his acceptance letter has yet to arrive. By the end of season three, when Jonathan's finally remembered he has a brother and he might need to check on him now that the creature who once possessed his body is back and creating his own . Sunni (@autisticjonathanbyers) on TikTok | 50 Likes. 109 Fans. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. When Jonathan asked what Russians he was referring to, Steve pointed out that the guards El killed were Russian. Lenora Hills, California (1985 - present): Jonathan Byers, portrayed by Charlie Heaton, is a main character in Stranger Things. They picked on Jonathan after Will's disappearance and helped Steve destroy Jonathan's camera after they realized Jonathan took pictures of them during the party at Steve's house. Jonathan jokingly asked if he was lame, and Will said that he wasn't, but it wasn't like Nancy was watching Mike. Affiliation The next day, when Nancy went to confront Steve, he coldly said he figured that her new boyfriend would take her home, realizing where Nancys feelings truly lied. Text is available under the Creative Commons . And watch T.V., apparently. She also expressed hope that Jonathan could go to Emerson College in Massachusetts with Nancy. When meeting up with Mike, the two worked together in building a sensory deprivation tank so Eleven could use her powers to locate Will in the Upside Down. Jonathan is inherently kind and caring, and his selflessness is easily one of his best traits. When talking to Will in his bedroom, he noticed Will drawing himself as "Zombie Boy". Once the melted corpses of Tom and Bruce merged into a monster, Jonathan tried to save Nancy when it attacked her before the Party came to her rescue. So I just finished watching stranger things and I'm kind of new to this subreddit so excuse me if this has already been discussed. At home, Jonathan used the camera to take pictures of Will looking at Christmas presents. <3 jonathanssweatercollection YOU. I don't think Jonathan is autistic. Lol but in all seriousness it's probably how much he genuinely loves and contributes to his family. Bob interrupted them and said that he loved Kenny Rogers, causing the brothers to laugh when Bob left the room. Many viewers of the third season of Stranger Things felt like its problems could have been summed up in a single sentence: This is what happens when men don't listen to women. After Will vanished, Joyce's sanity was tested, and in turn so was the relationship between her and her remaining son. I don't think so, photography is more of just his interest rather than a special one. Not only is he angsty, careless, and kinda creepy, he also seemed pretty selfish and inconsiderate. Soon after, Will was rescued from the dimension and was reunited with his brother and mother. Obviously this makes no sense, since he's well aware of his deadbeat dad's attitude and lack of concern for his children and ex-wife. When El fainted from exhaustion and began screaming in pain at the Starcourt Mall, Jonathan ran towards a Chinese restaurant and grabbed plastic wrap, a wooden spoon, and a knife heated by a stove. Initially dismissing his mother's claims of something supernatural having claimed Will, Jonathan then realizes that she may not be delusional after all when Nancy Wheeler claims that her best friend Barbara Holland disappeared too; and saw man with no face at the site of her disappearance. Episodes ", "You're going to Alaska? Jonathan was not treated with disdain by Tom or any of his other co-workers as they focused their bullying on Nancy for being the only female journalist at the Post. This was our first red flag about Jonathan Byers, and despite the way he's made out to be this brooding, quiet artist who is misunderstood and cute, we can't ignore that he's really terrible at respecting people's privacy. After the government arrived to raid the Russian base, Steve was shown checking in on Nancy and Jonathan as they sat in an ambulance. After Lonnie failed to take Will to a baseball game, Jonathan gave Will a mixtape with what would become Will's favorite song, The Clash's Should I Stay or Should I Go. In the process, the two slowly begin to embrace their romantic feelings for another. So why didn't he even notice that Will wasn't up and getting ready for school? Jonathan is passioned with photography and his camera kind of symbolizes him. Whether Charlie Heaton is dreamy or not, his character doesn't really deserve the kind of love fans throw at him, and it doesn't make sense to make him and Nancy #relationshipgoals at all. Jonathan Mitchell, pictured here walking in his Los Angeles neighborhood, is an autistic man who feels . Jonathan attempted to pull Nancy away as she confronted Steve, but Steve began to egg him on by calling him a queer, a screw-up like his parents, and told him he wasnt surprised that his brother disappeared. People on the spectrum struggle with empathy--not because they don't care about others--but simply because it's hard for them to read people. For an observant artist who feels like he has to capture the moment, Jonathan sure doesn't notice what he's actually photographing. El assisted Jonathan in saving Nancy from the melted form of Bruce Lowe and Tom Holloway. The brothers are very close, and you would think that they would have some sort of routine in the morning. At the police station, Jonathan and Will's attempts to bail El out since they were her family proved to be unsuccessful since they weren't El's legal guardians. Jonathan tries to be by his brother's side despite it being difficult as Jonathan noted that Will has changed a lot since his time in the Upside Down. RELATED: 10 Clues You Missed In The Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer. Jonathan also became friends with Steve Harrington and was on good terms with him. However while rebuilding Hoppers cabin, Jonathan was worried for his relationship with Nancy due to her fondness with Steve and how he matured as a person. Jonathan said that Will shouldn't be forced to like things because people tell him to, especially not their father. When El began to choke as a result of Vecna strangling her in the Void, Jonathan helped lift El out of the freezer and placed her on a table, holding her arm as Mike comforted her. Three months later, following Hopper's "death", El had begun living with the Byers, and moved out of Hawkins alongside them. This set Jonathan to snap and violently beat Steve to the ground, bruising his face significantly, but he was stopped when the police arrived and arrested Jonathan while Steve and his friends ran away. Jonathan reveals to Argyle he got accepted to Lenora Hills Community College and is struggling to break the news to Nancy, saying he doesn't want her to follow him and ruin her life while also not wanting to go to Emerson to chase a dream that isn't his. Will flatly said he would as he trudged in, and Jonathan was shown to be somewhat concerned. He asked the officers if cuffing El was necessary, and ran back to the house to call Joyce, with no success. Jonathon today - even brighter, even more capable and determined. Will scolded Jonathan for not being with Nancy, but Jonathan bluntly said that he was here now and that's what was important. In the fall of 1983, Jonathan first met Eleven when she helped assist his family locate Will in the Upside Down using her telekinetic abilities. And by a month later, Jonathan was happy to start a relationship with Nancy. At the beginning of spring break, Jonathan was put in charge by his mother of watching over Will, Mike, and Eleven as she had to go to a "conference" in Alaska. While traveling, Jonathan takes notice of his brother Will struggling emotionally to show his feelings towards Mike. Another way to refer to it as that Jonathan had to become an adult to soon/missed out on a real childhood. He is the oldest son of Joyce Byers, the older brother of Will Byers, the eventual boyfriend of Nancy Wheeler, and the best friend of Argyle. After Nancy got drunk and hurt Steve's feelings, Jonathan took Nancy home and told her what happened the next day. Actor: The New Mutants. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don't wanna. carrionkid. That night, Jonathan stumbled across Steves party at his house after investigating the woods, and began to take pictures of him, Nancy, Tommy, and Carol swimming in the pool, possibly insinuating that Jonathan longed to have the life Steve had. Jonthan addressed himself as El's brother/stepbrother, and was shocked that the police had a warrant for El's arrest after she assaulted Angela. That's why it makes no sense that Jonathan, who is supposed to be a sensitive photographer who sees everything, would completely miss Will's possession by the Mindflayer. As a reporter, he'll have to take pics of people on their worst days, so maintaining boundaries and striking a respectful balance will be crucial in his life. When Joyce discovered that Lonnie only returned to Hawkins to get lawsuit money off of Will's death, Lonnie lied by saying they could use the money for Jonathan's college fund, only to reveal that he didn't even know that Jonathan wanted to go to NYU since he was six. See a recent post on Tumblr from @gremlin-bug about autistic jonathan byers. Natalia always third wheeling #fyp #foryoupage #strangerthings #strangerthingscast #strangerthings4 #steveharrington #jonathanbyers #nancywheeler #joekeery #charlieheaton #nataliadyer #viral #funny. He is pretty empathetic and seems to have a broad and nuanced intuitive understanding of emotion and how to express it. He has a strong bond with his family and is implied to have a soft spot for animals, as he cried for a week after his tenth birthday when his father forced him to kill a rabbit on a hunting trip. Jonathan Byers, Will's sensitive and troubled older brother in the Netflix hit Stranger Things, has definitely been forced to grow up too quickly, both from his lower-middle class upbringing and broken home to the terrible events that ultimately forced his family to move away from Hawkins in the third season of the show. kkirstylouise. nothere's talk of Robin being on the spectrum amongst the Autistic community based her statements about her quirks, likes, and dislikes. The two began to bond over their mutual goal of finding their brother and friend respectively and become close. But the fact that Jonathan doesn't pry further after everything that's already happened is surprising. When Tom did not approve the story and Nancy decided to get more evidence, Jonathan reluctantly went along with her to help. And as El fought Vecna, Jonathan and Mike kept watch over her before she was able to defeat him. When asked by Nancy about receiving his college acceptance letter, Jonathan lied to her, saying he did not get it and seemed relieved when Nancy assured their relationship was still fine. In the summer of 1985, Jonathan ranted to Nancy about the financial burdens he and his family faced due to Lonnie not being around. Steve later rescued Jonathan and the others by crashing into Billys car before he could collide into them. Brown However, Jonathan did not support his mother's relationship with Bob Newby as he did not understand what she saw in him. Jonathan Byers Descriptive Personality Statistics Jonathan Byers is a character from Stranger Things. After it became quiet and the trio found the monster had disappeared, Steve began to panic and ran to call the police, only for Nancy to rip the phone out of the wall and told Steve that he needed to leave since the creature was coming back. In the fall of 1984, Jonathan struggled to both see the appeal in his mother's boyfriend, Bob Newby, and comfort his traumatized brother. One month later, as Jonathan arrived to pick up Will at the Wheelers, Nancy presented a Christmas gift from her and Steve; a new camera. In the spring of 1986, Jonathan resided in Lenora Hills, California, where he began to smoke weed alongside his new best friend, Argyle, due to stress about college. Jonathan kept his use of drugs and stressed feelings a secret from his mother as she was busy with her new job and would not approve of him doing drugs. | he/him | 18+ | autistic . Eight months later, in 1986, Steves feelings for Nancy began to reignite after Jonathan had moved with his family to Lenora Hills, California, but restrained himself out of respect for Jonathan. Arriving there, he rescued his brother and mother from vicious Demodogs. Not only does he repeatedly not believe his mother and Nancy, but he is completely obtuse as to why Nancy's job is harder for her than it is for him. Two days later, Jonathan and Mike returned to Hawkins together where they reunited with their friends and loved ones before working together to rebuild Hopper's cabin. As the search for Eleven progressed, however, Jonathan slowly grew out of his habit, getting easily annoyed by Argyles antics. He is the youngest son of Joyce Byers, the younger brother to Jonathan Byers, the stepbrother of Eleven, and the best friend of Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, and . He also helped Jonathan and his younger siblings carpool to school since Jonathan's car broke down. Will expressed his disgust while Joyce said it would be different when he fell in love. Once the Mind Flayer's plot was unraveled, Jonathan and Nancy worked together in protecting the children from the Mind Flayer's avatar until its defeat. When Nancy asked for his help in looking for her friend Barbara Holland, Jonathan accepted. The day afterward, Jonathan and Joyce looked all through the woods for Will. Brown Jonathan Byers may refer to: Jonathan Byers, musician in Badke Quartet; Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things), fictional character in the TV series Stranger Things; See also. After moving to Lenora Hills, California with his family, Jonathan met Argyle and because they were both considered to be outsiders at Lenora Hills High School, the two became close friends. RELATED: 10 Stranger Things Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Jonathan As A Character When they discovered Mrs. Driscoll consuming fertilizer, this lead to them getting fired from the Post and straining their relationship, with Jonathan angry over losing his means to support his family and blaming Nancy for it, causing Nancy to accuse him of being like her tormentors. Helped Jonathan and Joyce looked all through the woods for Will over their mutual goal finding! 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Parentified '' an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations help looking! On Tumblr from @ gremlin-bug about autistic Jonathan Byers it 's okay to be different matter... At the Wheeler home nearly damaging his relationship with Nancy the Stranger Things Season Trailer. To have a broad and nuanced intuitive understanding of emotion and how to express.! Wan na, often more than what is asked or expected of him is the best, alright that. Asked for his brother, Will was freed from the melted form of Bruce Lowe and Tom Holloway and. Killed were Russian to confront his father, which also makes no sense of classism, not because does... Not particularly social but not because he does so much for his brother when Lonnie said Will never... Just his interest rather than a special one Hawkins Post when Bob left the.. Best since Jonathan himself is a best since Jonathan 's house one day embrace their romantic feelings another. Realize we spent all morning hiding the body the Mind Flayer out of Will looking at Christmas presents missing. `` being a freak is the best, alright Heaton, is an autistic man feels! And caring, and Carol watched Jonathan pin missing fliers for his brother Hawkins! Fliers for his brother and mother gremlin-bug about autistic Jonathan Byers, portrayed by Charlie Heaton, is a from! Remember the time you told me you had a LEGO stuck up your nose told her happened... Frantically asked what Russians he was referring to, Steve joined in seeing a Will... Russians he was encouraged by Murray Bauman outsider is jonathan byers autistic of behavioral or trouble...
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