Only Clearfield wheat varieties designated with a 2 or a Plus such as Doublestop CL Plus can tolerate the addition of the oil adjuvants. In addition to MSO or a non-ionic surfactant, it is recommended to also include a nitrogen-based fertilizer with the herbicide Beyond. Oklahoma State University released Duster in May 2006 after a 19-year selection and reselection process. Growers must sign a BASF Clearfield Wheat Stewardship Agreement that specifies the use of registered herbicides on Clearfield and Clearfield Plus Wheat, including Imazamox-containing herbicides along with purchasing certified Clearfield and Clearfield Plus varieties. *Always read and follow label directions. Dockage = 5% (Traditional) and 0.5% (Clearfield). Explore our innovative portfolio of cereal solutions, and see how you can achieve bigger yields and better quality with steps taken all season long. It has good stay green and shattering tolerance characteristics, with above average baking and milling characteristics. The 2020 season turned out to be pretty favorable for most winter wheat production in Washington. Acknowledgments: Funding for the WSU Extension Uniform Cereal Variety Testing Program is provided by the Washington Grain Commission. Deliver may be recommended for a dual-purpose system, a grain-only system or a hay-production system. Beef Exports Hit All-Time High, National Pork Producers Seek Disease Preparedness Funding in Farm Bill. This variety is best suited for growth in southwestern and central Oklahoma and areas extending north, east and possibly into south central Kansas. Webmade in 2004 to be used as a Clearfield wheat.
Growers now have the option of planting one- or two-gene Clearfield wheat varieties. 4. Stardust is the first hard white wheat variety released by OSU since OK Rising in 2008. Sold by the 50 pound bag, 2500 pound tote, or bulk pallet discount This Kansas Wheat Alliance variety is a single-gene Clearfield, hard red wheat with genetic resistance to You may never leave Magic is one of three 2-gene IMI soft white winter wheat varieties released by the University of Idaho. WebAll OGI Varieties are under PVP and the Clearfield Varieties also have a patent. All of these varieties have very good stripe resistance with the following exceptions: LCS Ghost (moderately resistant), Devote (intermediate), and Mela CL+ (moderate susceptible). Contact your retailer to get more information on these varieties.
Smiths Gold will work well anywhere Gallagher thrives and demonstrates exceptional baking and milling qualities.
See the label for details of staging determined by the tank-mix partner. Grown in almost every state in the U.S. across about 63 million acres, wheat is a vital crop that feeds millions and supports the livelihood of thousands of people and families. Gallagher is an early maturing variety with good grazing tolerance, and exhibits an approximate 15 percent increase in seed size over Duster. In the SWW trials, LCS Ghost, LCS Blackjack, LCS Shine, and Norwest Duet continue to stand out for yield in the high rainfall zones, nearly always landing in the Top 10 entries of the trial again in 2020. Stripe Rust is Moderately Resistant/Susceptible, Cephalosporium Stripe is Similar to Eltan, Strawbreaker Foot Rot is Similar to Eltan. Sockeye CL+ (WSU) was only tested in high rainfall and irrigated sites where it too landed right beside Piranha CL+ in the top yielding group.
Nutrien Ag Solutions and Design is a registered trademark of Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc. There is no better way to grow clean wheat on any field in any rotation. Web*PVP protected variety. WebCurrently, wheat varieties developed through Clearfield technology have become popular due to their ability to control troublesome weeds and benefits for crop rotation with legume No. These include Piranha CL+ (WA 8305 CL+), Sockeye CL+ (WA 8306
U.S. Plant Variety Protection status for this cultivar is pending.
Source: 2015-2017 Nutrien Ag Solutions Local Performance Checks 3-year summary; 18 locations, 174 replications A solid dual-purpose variety, Smiths Gold features excellent yield potential with strong greenbug and Hessian fly resistance as well as protection against stripe rust earlier in the spring and after flowering in the adult-plant stages. WebDescription Please call 620-398-2231 for pricing & availability. Its pedigree is a Pioneer breeding line, TAM 105, Siouxland and 2180. Results may vary by region. Data was not available for Bickleton in 2017 and 2019, and Harrington and Horse Heaven in 2019 for the analysis. Triumph 64 was developed by a private plant breeder, Mr. Joseph Danne, El Reno, Oklahoma, and released by him in 1948 or 1949 as Rust Resistant Triumph. WebThe other advantage of 2-gene Clearfield over 1-gene Clearfield wheat varieties is in the higher degree of crop safety from applications of Beyond.
For herbicides, glyphosate is an important and cost-effective tool that will control volunteer Clearfield wheat. Washington, DC 20250-2000 Phone: 1-800-727-9540 Farmers and Ranchers living underneath our affiliate radio station signals, collectively, spend over $57 billion each year to raise a crop/herd. So, many early Clearfield varieties had similar areas of adaptation as TAM 110. OGI is a farmer nonprofit that distributes pedigreed seed to producers in Oklahoma and surrounding states. Foreign matter = 1% (Traditional) and 0.2% (Clearfield). For growers using the Clearfield Production System for sunflowers, Beyond herbicide provides simplicity by controlling broadleaf weeds, such as marshelder and cocklebur, and grasses such group 1 tolerant foxtail and wildoat. Doublestop CL Plus). AGT introduce Lawler the go-to lupin variety for the Eastern states. The next step in Clearfield wheat, 5605HR CL offers CWRS growers high yields, heavy bushel weights and weed resistance management with the Clearfield production system. An ideal variety where complex field conditions and crop rotation challenges exist. This Kansas Wheat Alliance variety is a single-gene Clearfield, red wheat with resistance to WSMV (WSM2 gene carrier). Click on highlighted links below for information on CSU-developed hard red winter, hard white winter, and Clearfield wheat varieties. Some of these documents are PlainsGold promotional brochures and others are reprints of the publications in Crop Science or the Journal of Plant Registrations. Spirit Rider captures the beneficial characteristics for which its parent, OK Bullet was known, but with higher yield potential. Choose fields that have been never used for wheat containing genetically modified (GM) or other regulated events. This allows for greater control of targeted weeds and lower foreign matter by using Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) as an adjuvant. Document Downloads. WebHigh yielding, Quick - Mid Spring, AH wheat with a long coleoptile. While yield, test weight, protein, and stripe rust resistance are only briefly mentioned in this article, other agronomic data, grain quality, falling number rating, and more are available on our website. Strengths of Doublestop CL Plus include excellent test weight with good protein content and quality; yield stability across a wide range of environments, including drought-stressed and high-yield systems; good acid soil tolerance, and good milling and baking characteristics. Australian Grain Technologies, Disclaimer It did have one of the highest test weights in the trial and is rated resistant to stripe rust. WebThis test is free for the 2023 growing season when you register your Clearfield wheat acres.
Released by Oklahoma State University, Iba features a broad area of adaption with proven yielding ability reflected in performance tests from Kansas to Texas. Privacy Policy, Australian Grain TechnologiesABN 65 100 269 930ACN 100 269 930, 20 Leitch RoadPO Box 341Roseworthy, SA 5371. RATING: S = susceptible, MS = moderately susceptible, I = intermediate, MR = moderately resistant, R = resistant.
In addition, Gallagher is moderately resistant to tan spot and barley yellow dwarf. The Clearfield system is a non-genetically modified crop herbicide tolerance technology and not a genetically modified organism (GMO). Fall forage production by winter wheat varieties at Stillwater, OK during the 2013-2014 production year. It is a high tillering wheat with good straw strength. WebClearfield wheat varieties 3 to 6 leaf* Altitude FX 3 is applied post-emergence from the 3 leaf (after emergence of first tiller) to 6 leaf stage of the crop. The available Clearfield herbicide Altitude FX 3 allows growers to customize weed control for pressures specific to their crops while maintaining sustainability in resistance management plans. In the high rainfall sites, LCS Zoom, Scorpio, LCS Aymeric, LCS Evina, and AP Redeye were all in the top statistical grouping for yield; however, of these, only Scorpio will continue to be tested in 2021. When using the Clearfield Production System for rice, Beyond herbicide provides superior knockdown action on red rice, barnyardgrass, broadleaf signalgrass, fall panicum and other late season weeds. WB9879CLP exhibits acceptable milling and baking quality traits Beginning in the 2015 growing season, BASF has simplified the Clearfield Commitment process with a new evergreen Clearfield Commitment. An ideal variety where complex field conditions and crop rotation challenges exist. Its use in the panhandle should be limited to dryland conditions. Clearfield wheat delivers top yielding varieties along with the best weed control from Altitude FX 3 to provide you with the cleanest fields possible. An ideal variety where complex field conditions and crop rotation challenges exist. As the name implies, two-gene Clearfield View WSU Variety Curiosity CL+ in pdf format (pdf). WebContact Varieties Spring Wheat Winter Wheat Barley and Durum Forage and Grasses Peas and Legumes Canola All commercial certified seed production is done on a contractual WebThe Clearfield system is a non-genetically modified crop herbicide tolerance technology and not a genetically modified organism (GMO). The 2020-21 Wheat Variety Master List represents the continuation of WQAs work over the past seven seasons in reviewing varieties more than 10 years old. VI Voodoo CL+ is rated intermediate on stripe rust resistance, while VI Presto CL+ is rated with excellent resistance. All products listed are trademarks of their respective companies. There are many options available to control volunteer Clearfield wheat, including tillage and herbicides. Both yields and test weights were mostly up in the 12-16 inch zone as well with Lamont being the main exception. Consumer preference is fueling the high and increasing demand for hard white wheat. The next step in Clearfield wheat, 5605HR CL offers CWRS growers high yields, heavy bushel weights and weed resistance management with the Clearfield production system. Producers must be members of OGI in order to purchase foundation seed for OGI varieties. "You can plant this variety and spray with Beyond. Your email address will not be published. This has also resulted in several questions, some of which I will attempt to answer in this blog post. Razor CL Plus has Mace parentage, and offers the best overall package of yield, adaptation and disease resistance out of all of the currently available Clearfield wheat varieties.
Gartner is a seed stock grower, so once he harvests this field, he will distribute it to others interested in growing this new variety. Two-gene varieties have a higher degree of resistance to Beyond, and thus have an expanded window of application and can be used in combination with methylated seed oil for enhanced weed A great crop starts with great genetics. On the flip side, Dusty saw a 55 percent increase in yield. All rights reserved, BASF receives registration for Veltyma Fungicide with new active ingredient Revysol, BASF | Agricultural Solutions - Eastern Canada, 2023 InVigor Hybrid Canola Support Programs, BASF | Agricultural Solutions - Western Canada, 2022 InVigor Hybrid Canola Support Programs. There are very few Clearfield wheat varieties (compared to how many there are) and many farmers dont like to use them unless they absolutely have to in order to break a cycle. WebClearfield Plus Production System for Wheat The Clearfield Plus Production System combines high-performing WestBred wheat genetics with Beyond herbicide tolerance, a As part of the proven Clearfield Production System, Beyond herbicide adds simplicity and convenience.
One way Clearfield wheats are used is to get rid of Wild rye. Endurance will likely appeal to dual-purpose and grain-only producers alike. WebCLEARFIELD* winter wheat varieties to be released in the United States, Above (from Colorado State University) and AP502 CL (marketed by AgriPro Seeds) are tolerant to We have UI Magic, CL Plus UI Castle and UI Palouse all two gene Clearfield varieties and all will be available to producers in the Pacific Northwest in 2016.. This occurs most often where there is spray overlap (2x rates), when stress conditions prevail, or where wheat was Deliver is an awnless wheat released in 2004 by OAES and the USDA Agricultural Research Service. Every year brings its unique challenges and a cultivar must be able to adapt to each and every one of them, not just one or two. WebUse of this product on non-CoAXium wheat varieties without the AXigen trait will result in permanent crop damage to the non-tolerant wheat variety. WebThe introduction of two-gene Clearfield technology and the release of an Oklahoma-developed two-gene Clearfield wheat variety have resulted in increased interest in the Clearfield system in the southern Great Plains. . Of the previously mentioned HRW varieties, stripe rust ratings reflect the following: Resistant LCS Evina, LCS Zoom, WB4623CLP; Moderately Resistant AP Redeye; Intermediate LCS Rocket, LCS Aymeric, Keldin, Sequoia; Moderately Susceptible LCS Jet, Scorpio, WB4394; Susceptible WB4303. Settler CL was released primarily for its superior adaptation to rainfed wheat production systems in Nebraska, South Dakota, and eastern Wyoming. Its the first and only imazamox herbicide approved for use in both the Clearfield Production System and in conventional crops such as dry beans, peas, alfalfa, soybeans, and wheat. A hard red winter wheat, Bentley features excellent grain yielding ability under challenging climate conditions, including moderate, but chronic drought stress and late winter freezes. These include Piranha CL+ (WA 8305 CL+), Sockeye CL+ (WA 8306 CL+), VI Voodoo CL+ (UIL 17-6268 CL+), VI Presto CL+ (UIL 17-6451 CL+), and AP Exceed (11PN039#20). Beyond herbicide offers control of mustards and lambsquarters with suppression of kochia, Russian thistle, wild buckwheat, and Canada thistle. After applying Altitude FX 3, the following crops can all be safely seeded: Bentleys drought resistance is equal to or slightly better than Iba, which is currently our best adapted variety for drought, but it has much better leaf hygiene in the presence of leaf spotting diseases, particularly tan spot and physiological leaf spot. WB4623CLP.
WebThis Clearfield variety of spring wheat isn`t available to the general public yet. Compared to the single-gene, the two-gene technology provides significantly better tolerance to WebThe other advantage of 2-gene Clearfield over 1-gene Clearfield wheat varieties is in the higher degree of crop safety from applications of Beyond. Heading date is comparable to 2174 and Ok102 but a few days later than Ok101 and Jagger. However, this had more to do with the exceptionally high yields experienced at Lamont in 2019, rather than a low year in 2020. In both the low precipitation zones, LCS Sonic and Norwest Duet continued to yield well, while ARS-Crescent, LCS Hulk, Devote and Mela CL+ had a good year in the less than 12-inch zone. Curtis: The varieties that everybody is talking about now are the soft white winter wheat ClearField Plus varieties which we are releasing in collaboration with the University of Idaho. Deliver is not well adapted to critically low soil pH. It is moderately susceptible to tan spot and wheat streak mosaic virus. M-press had another good showing in the intermediate rainfall zones ranking fourth place in both cases. Deliver is resistant to leaf rust (in adult plants), stripe rust, and wheat soilborne mosaic and moderately resistant to septoria leaf and glume blotch. Labels & sds. Copyright 2023 Clearfield is a crop production system combining specific herbicides and seeds from crop varieties that have been traditionally bred for herbicide tolerance and high yields.
M-idas yielded well along the Highway 2 corridor, though we do not have any winter survival or snow mold ratings for this variety yet.
WebElmore CL Plus has been the most widely grown Clearfield wheat in NSW and Queensland but comes with a yield penalty and an AH quality classification. Doublestop CL+ is a medium late maturing variety. It has an intermediate disease package and is best adapted to south central Kansas and north central Oklahoma. Endurance is a moderately tall semidwarf averaging 34 inches. 6. WB4623 CLP continued to lead the trial in grain protein at nearly every site in 2020, though WB 4303 also had consistently high protein compared to the rest of the trial. It has intermediate or slightly below average test weight. WebThe Clearfield trait was initially introduced into hard red winter wheat through the variety TAM 110. Adaptation Maps CLEARFIELD wheat may only be planted two consecutive years on the same field. Required fields are marked *.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This variety is best adapted to high rainfall zones and has better stripe rust resistance than Piranha CL+. Of Duster parentage, the variety has outstanding test weight and average to above average resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, powdery mildew and soilborne mosaic virus. All registered or soon-to-be registered Clearfield wheat varieties were developed using traditional plant breeding methods. This product on non-CoAXium wheat varieties allows for greater control of targeted weeds and lower foreign matter using... Vi Voodoo CL+ is rated intermediate on stripe rust resistance than Piranha CL+ TAM 110 streak. Journal of plant Registrations more information on these varieties recommended to also a! Strawbreaker Foot Rot is Similar to Eltan, Strawbreaker Foot Rot is Similar to Eltan field in any rotation 3. 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