Introduction. A good introduction consists of five "P"s: Preparation (knowing who's who); Precedence (understanding where people stand in the hierarchy); Pattern (establishing a consistent technique); Pronunciation (saying names clearly and correctly); and Parallels (adding a point of commonality). Dont let a shabby purse or briefcase detract from your overall appearance. Disclaimer. The benefits of a good nurse-patient relationship is that: it makes it easier to provide patient care, it improves patient outcomes, it makes the nurses job easier. Why is a proper introduction important to patients? One of the most exciting things about working in patient safety and health care quality is that its not Youll gain a competitive edge. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. And we can do that by listening to the doctors and nurses who deliver that care Whether youre introducing yourself to someone or introducing two people to each other, make sure you do so in the correct manner. You are correct Robert. This is loaded with genuine interest and puts the ball in the patient's court from the beginning, helping re-enforce the doctorpatient relationship. He blogs atPoints from Pronovost. Following what etiquette experts call the rule of 12 can ensure your first impression is a good one. People should indeed bother because introductions serve multiple purposes. They are constantly set up to fail by management. Thus was born a movement that went viral, aided by theTwitter hashtag #hellomynameis. Building trust is the number one reason its vital for you, as a nurse, to introduce yourself to your patientsand to do it properly. Hes the lead editor and founder of Nurse Money Talk. government site. It's advisable to regularly remind people what your name is, because most folks feel uncomfortable asking. Rapport building is not an exact science and part of the joy of this trial-and-error exercise was understanding the techniques that worked for me and adapting those approaches to the patient in front of me. When doing so, include WHO you are, WHAT you do, WHERE you're from, and WHY you're there. 2016;117(6):613-619. Suppose you need a can of soup and stop at the grocery store to get it on your way home from work. The article goes on to say that if you look sad or anxious, it can actually make people wonder if you know what youre doing. #hellomynameis was an idea I created after I had been admitted to hospital with a serious post-operative infection and one of my starkest observations was the lack of proper introductions from the healthcare team looking after me. Most likely youd still pick the perfect can. The more put together your appearance, the more positive the impression you make. There are so many negative emotions associated with being a patient, and nurses are an important tool in helping to relieve some of the stressors that will lead to negative emotions. Rationale and key points This article explores the process of introducing yourself to patients. This is an essential interaction because it forms the basis of the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship. You can use the filters to show only news items that match your interests. Her latest book is Collaborative Caring: Stories and Reflections on Teamwork in Healthcare, which she co-edited and she is co-author of Beyond the Checklist: What Else Healthcare Can Learn from Aviation Teamwork and Safety. How to inform relatives and loved ones of a patient's death. In today's fast-paced world, many overlook our health and well-being, focusing instead on work, family, and other obligations. This is an essential interaction because it forms the basis of the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship. The doctor who informed her that her cancer had spread did not introduce himself to her and did not look her in the eye. The culture of my health care organization is broken. But as Dr Granger points out, basic introductions are just the first rung on the ladder towards ensuring patients are treated with dignity and respect. Although nurses constantly complain that physicians dont acknowledge their presence and never know their names, they forget how rude or brusque they can be to doctors. As well as the 400,000 doctors, nurses, therapists, porters and receptionists who have signed up to the campaign, Prime Minister David Cameron, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt and rock legend Bob Geldof are also supporting her campaign. Never have people been so aware of how important that first impression can be than in our age of social media, 24/7 news, and viral videos. Classes of lipoproteins solubilize lipids in the blood, and their profiles are important for preventing atherosclerotic diseases. We've all experienced that awkward moment when introductions aren't made and we end up looking at each other, wondering what to say. Introduction: In Sub-Saharan Africa, there are knowledge gaps on adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of antiretroviral treatment (ART). Although, that said, I find learning careers to be more interesting than remembering a list of story-less names or bed numbers. Should physicians stick around? Why good communication skills are important for theatre nurses. The basic rule of thumb is this: Always say the name of the person in the position of highest authority first, and then introduce others to them. Introducing yourself to other staff. 2015 Dec 2;30(14):34-6. doi: 10.7748/ns.30.14.34.s43. And, again, be sure to follow the proper pecking order. As a foundation year-1 doctor working during the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to fill rota gaps while staff have been self-isolating has deprived me of forming meaningful doctorpatient relationships. This one seems so simple, doesnt it? It is To contact her, visit All rights reserved. Absolutelyand unfortunately, when a nurse makes a bad impression, it can negatively impact care. This is another complaint patients tend to have about the healthcare settingthat explanations are not being given about whats being done to them (source). The aim of the guidance is to provide the NHS with clear guidance on the components of a good patient experience. Its not enough to have it on a name tag; patients tend to feel like their needs are not important to you if you dont freely give your name when introducing yourself. It may sound trite, but its definitely true, and nowhere is that sentiment felt more profoundly than in the nurse-patient relationship. Why are therapeutic relationships important in nursing? There is a distinct pecking order in the medical world. Working on a vascular surgery ward, I have found it challenging to remember the name and medical history of a patient with an ischaemic leg being treated with a similar cocktail of drugs to the patient in the next bay. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! They are also committed to the values of the NHS. Bookshelf BMJ Publishing Group Limited 2023. Hopefully, its not too much to ask caregivers to keep a simple mental checklist of everything they do when approaching a patient: sit down near the patient, introduce yourself by name, listen to the patient and learn from them. Founded in 2004 byKevin Pho, MD, is the webs leading platform where physicians, advanced practitioners, nurses, medical students, and patients share their insight and tell their stories. Patient education allows patients to play a bigger role in their own care. She said: I got my cancer diagnosis three years ago and unfortunately Im not going to get better, I have a rocky road ahead of me. Context considering, career probing, particularly at the beginning of a medical history, has helped me efficiently and effectively establish rapport with my patients. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted A perfect greeting starts with introducing yourself. The #hellomynameis campaign is most firmly rooted in the United Kingdom, but its a concept that should be adopted by anyone, anywhere who has direct patient contact. If youre underdressed, you could embarrass yourself and your colleagues. In the UK there has been a concerted effort to encourage healthcare personnel to introduce themselves to patients. When making a group introduction, say the name of the physician first, and then introduce the group, like this: "Dr. Smith, welcome to our practice. Suzanne Gordon is a healthcare journalist and co-editor of The Culture and Politics of Healthcare Work Series at Cornell University Press. For me, it has been much easier to remember a patient's history when I think of them as the foreign affair correspondent / music teacher / tradesperson with X disease. As with Dr Grangers #hellomynameis campaign, the first behaviour of the Macmillan Values Based Standard focuses on the importance of naming encouraging staff to introduce themselves and in turn ask patients how they want to be addressed. Secondly, I moved towards a flat hierarchy by presenting myself to patients with my first name only, but soon realised that introducing myself with my surname, Dr Butt, was more memorable for patients, particularly on my gastroenterology rotation. One of the most exciting things about working in patient safety and health care quality is that its not solely about advancing science or applying performance improvement methods. Studies have shown that the use of digital Recently,NHS Employers released a video celebrating the #hellomynameis campaign. The information provided herein should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. The last three years have taught me how much I now value softer aspects of care; by that I mean values that mainly revolve around the patient such as no decision about me without me and see me not just my disease. Always be sure to make friendly eye contact with your patient when introducing yourself. *disclosure: this post may contain affiliate links. Dr. Matlin, this is Dr. Julia Smith, the orthopedic surgeon you called to consult on Mr. Wong's case." and those around her that everything that can be done is being done. The campaign received enthusiastic support today from Jane Cummings, the Chief Nursing Officer of England, who has been driving compassion in care through the 6Cs campaign. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society; 2011. The response has been overwhelming with everyone from porters to student nurses to chief executives getting on board with all manner of ideas. Studies have shown that the use of digital Trusts are now sharing ideas about how to boost compassionate care for patients across the UK. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As Granger points out in her blog post, sometimes we need to do the simple things well, like introducing ourselves, so that the more complex aspects of providing care will follow more easily and naturally.. Your email address will not be published. Effective communication skills are essential to
The patient experience is a challenging one. What do we as patients know about our health care professionals? Put on a smile! No competing interests, Macmillan Cancer Support 89 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7UQ, Copyright 2023 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, Womens, childrens & adolescents health, Re: Healthcare staff must properly introduce themselves to patients. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. If you buy through the link, I may earn a commission. The success of patient education depends largely on how well you assess your patient's: Often, the first step is to find out what the patient already knows. We can begin to work together. Rationale and key points This article explores the process of introducing yourself to patients. Another said registered nurses dont introduce themselves either. These were handed out outstanding individuals and teams who were putting compassion right and the heart of everything they do. Any information on this blog should not be taken as professional advice of any kind. Rapport is defined as a harmonious relationship and relates to collaboration and parity between patient and physician.1 Effective rapport has been shown to improve patient compliance with treatment, clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction.2 Mehrabian and Ferris reported that impactful communication (the cornerstone of effective rapport building) was 7% verbal and 93% non-verbal, where the non-verbal component was composed of body language (55%) and tone of voice (38%).3 Unfortunately, their report pre-dated the wearing of personal protective equipment and social distancing in the COVID-era. Inevitably one may encounter a patient whose job one knows little about and for whom brief follow-up questions are difficult to conjecture. The most important, as I said above, is to make people feel that they are no longer We know that doctors and nurses within the NHS are doing more than ever to provide safe and compassionate care and this movement is harnessing their energy.. She wrote: As a health care professional you know so much about your patient. It is also about the excitement of being part of a social movement that is changing the culture of medicine putting patients at the center of everything, sharing errors in the hopes of preventing future ones, and confronting hierarchies that stifle communication and innovation. They have had compassion beaten out of them. It is important to build a rapport with your patient so they feel comfortable around you. I'm OK with analytics cookies. Kumar and Clarke's Clinical Medicine. It is important to consider both verbal and non-verbal communication in patient interactions. Thirdly, I decided to pay more attention to a patient's social history, particularly their occupation, later experimenting with including this at the beginning of a consultation, with surprisingly positive results. 2016 Sep 7;31(2):42-44. doi: 10.7748/ns.2016.e10538. Or the Senate? Introducing yourself is the first basic step taught in any clinical interaction for any healthcare professional, but do we ever stop and think about how important this is? As the patient you are in an incredibly vulnerable position. The healthcare team knows so much personal information about you, yet you know next to nothing about them. Since there were about 25 people in the room, no one really expected me to remember their names. Along with her husband she has made it their mission to get as many members of health service staff to pledge their commitment to always introducing themselves to their patients. When a member of the team takes a sick day, a messy moment can occur. Learn more about A.D.A.M.
But each and every one of them went through the drill. PMID: 28892432 Through trial and testing, I have realised that the aforementioned issues are easily rectified by providing some context to the question, such as to learn a little about your life story, could you start with telling me what you do / have done for a living?. It is all about inspiring staff to be creative and use the idea to bring about a positive culture change within all care settings. In these film clips Gretel, the nurse, is introducing herself to the patient (Sue Felix) and taking her blood pressure. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. New to clinical medicine, and as someone who relies on facial expressions as my primary tool for communication, I have had to adapt the skills I was taught as an undergraduate during sessions with simulated patients.4 Wearing a mask that covered half my face, I realised that establishing rapport through verbal communication was of increasing importance. 20 Must-Know Tips for Dealing with Difficult Patients, How to Deal with Difficult Nurses at Work, 10 Things You Need to Know as a New Nurse, 10 Important Qualities of a Good ICU Nurse, Do I Need to Bring My ATT to the NCLEX? Saying Hello, I am Suzanne Gordon and I am taking care of. takes less than a second. One is dented with a torn label; the other is in perfect condition. It involves taking the first step in the creation of an effective healthcare team. Don't wait for them to begin the interaction; take the initiative and initiate the process. I usually go up to the wards, and ask the nurse where I can find the patient. Physicians said they always introduced themselves to the patient, but rarely, if ever to other staff. UUsing social media including Twitter and my personal blog, I started to encourage healthcare staff to pledge to introduce themselves to every single patient they met. It is all about inspiring staff to be creative and use the idea to bring about a positive culture change within all care settings. Through probing a patient's career, among some of the most interesting patients I would otherwise not have truly understood include a concert pianist, a school librarian, a martial arts teacher and a poet. Everyones eyes and ears are on you. This is important in every new interaction between a patient and a member of staff. So, if youre a physician, introduce yourself to the nurse, unit clerk, or respiratory therapist next time you encounter them. Tip 1: You can help reduce or even avoid patients or families anxiety by listening to patients. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Again, I cant possibly remember all their names and reasons for attending. I am a nurse on a large team and can vouch that we are all caring and compassionate about providing the best quality care available . How you could use this article to educate your colleagues. By finding out who they are and what they want from me, allows me to situate myself and better address common goals. In: Feather A, Randall D, Waterhouse M, eds. While we strive for accuracy we cannot guarantee the information will be accurate as of the time you look at it. First, I elicited a patient's ideas, concerns and expectations at the beginning of a consultation but I soon realised I had limited time, particularly on a hectic acute medical unit shift, to respond sensitively and allay a patient's fears. A climate of even more person focused care starts From an early age we learn about the importance of introductions to each other, which is seen as the first step in social etiquette, enabling the formation of relationship and social interaction, regardless of the culture or the circumstances: personal, professional or social. Competing interests:
Editorial team. Please read the comment policy. An article in the American Journal of Nursing written by professional nurses explains some of the science behind the importance of a proper nurse-patient introduction ( source ). Proper introductions help nurses to establish trust, ensure patient safety, and effectively attend to the needs of their patients.
2. One of the positive effects mentioned in this article is appearing competentwhich is a definite advantage in gaining a patients much-needed trust in your care plan (source). Subscribers can upload their reflective accounts at: . Effective communication skills are essential to foster therapeutic nurse-patient relationships based on mutual trust and respect. To be effective, patient education needs to be more than instructions and information. These send information about how our site is used to a service called Google Analytics. An improved patient care would lead to improved patient outcomes. This post may contain affiliate links. Maximizes patient satisfaction with proper care. Whats more, nurses greeting a patient shows their readiness to communicate. Positive first impressions, proper introductions, and professional dress are vital to both your daily success and long-term achievement. Music can lead people to friendship. We would conduct nursing shift change with the patient and loved ones present rather than without them. Its rewarding, sure, but it can be toughand now the spotlight is on something you may not have thought much about beforethe proper way to introduce yourself to your patients. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. 1. Effective communication skills are essential to foster therapeutic nurse-patient relationships based on mutual trust and respect. The first thing people did when they trooped into the room was introduce themselves to me. Wed also like to use analytics cookies. Introductions also link people together. But if you look at every patient as someone who could be your mom, your dad, your son, your sister, your daughterthat will help you to be friendly and compassionate at all times. Which one would you choose? The .gov means its official. At the DoH we are firmly committed to the delivery of person centred care and always promote a positive experience for people who use health and social care services, their families and carers. For more information on how to submit, please see our instructions for authors. Nurs Stand. The login page will open in a new tab. I have seen and experienced staff moral plummet in recent years. 2016 Apr 20;30(34):36-8. doi: 10.7748/ns.30.34.36.s45. The answer is often absolutely nothing, sometimes it seems not even their names. Though gender and age are no longer factors when making business introductions, knowing where people are positioned is crucial. Mitigating healthcare staffing shortages by maximizing your staffing partnership. Sih M. A good impression can take seconds to make, last years. As well as ensuring a more personal experience, it also provides an opportunity to For me, humanising a patient through the lens of their career is so much easier, although I am conscious of the limited number of careers that we can remember before being afflicted with the same memory fatigue that comes with remembering names. I am overwhelmed with the amount of repetitive [PC] paperwork. Listening to patients and treating them as people is an essential part of those values. If youre looking to advance your career, model your attire after those in the next level up. It increases the visibility of the nurse's knowledge and expertise, helping It feels awkward and wrong. Introducing yourself is the first basic step taught in any clinical interaction for any healthcare professional, but do we ever stop and think about how important this is? As the patient you are in an incredibly vulnerable position. Nurses, you know there is. This article describes how to impress people right off the bat, including how to make proper introductions and how to dress professionally.
Royal College of Physicians 2021. Many practices turn to staffing agencies to fill vacancies. It may help to have a three-way conversation between the patient, their carer, and yourself. Your rsum: The essential document for career advancement, Making a smooth transition into community nursing settings, The double life of a RN and NFL Cheerleader - 1-on-1 with Philadelphia Eagles Gabriela Bren, Realizing Our Potential as Psych NPs When Treating the Adult Schizophrenia Community. We welcome submissions for consideration. The details, including your email address/mobile number, may be used to keep you informed about future products and services. Studies have shown that limited training capacity among healthcare workers has affected reporting of ADRs and weakened the pharmacovigilance system in Tanzania. As the patient you are in an incredibly vulnerable position. Before the start of a case, the entire care team surgeon, anesthesiologist, nurses and others introduce themselves by name, as a prelude to going over the details of the operation. Call 911 for all medical emergencies. Introducing yourself to a patient. Although a lot of what you talk about may not be understood, it is important to show them the respect and dignity of including them in the conversation, and by extension, their care. For this reason, the SBAR (situation, background, assesment, recommendations communication technique has become the I-SBAR communication technique. These can be identified by gel filtration HPLC, which has been analyzed in a manner that yields the same values as the de facto standard method, i.e., ultracentrifugation; however, previous studies have found that She said: I have huge respect for Kate Granger and what shes provoking in us is so evident in her Hello My Name Is campaign. This can be a fast and easy way to find a credentialed temp, but drawbacks included expenses and work restrictions. Then he or she will either introduce the others in the room to the patient or give them the opportunity to introduce themselves. I propose several hypotheses: the slightly blunt way in which I may have posed the question; a patient thinking What does this have to do with the medical history?; a patient thinking Is this doctor actually interested in my life?; and a patient thinking This is not the normal structure of a history, for those who have been seen by several different doctors and are accustomed to the standard pro forma. This is important in every new interaction between a patient and a member of staff.
Make sure you know who the patient is. This is one of the biggest complaints patients have about healthcare professionals. This is one of the major complaints patients in long-term care tend to have about healthcare professionals. People should indeed bother because introductions serve multiple purposes. Learn more. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Youve probably spent a lot of time and money on your nursing education; now youre a competent, experienced nurse. If you click and make a purchase, I may receive a commission. Dr Granger said: The lack of introductions really made me feel like just a diseased body and not a real person. Nope, its the wrong way. Its all hampering delivering effective hands on care. The hello-my-name-is campaign was started by Dr Kate Granger after she became frustrated with the number of staff who failed to introduce themselves to her when she was an inpatient. Required fields are marked *.
A.D.A.M. BMJ Opinion provides comment and opinion written by The BMJ's international community of readers, authors, and editors. I never dreamed anyone would listen to what I had to say but now my voice has been heard I am determined to use it in the most positive way possible in my remaining time. But knowing how to introduce yourself properly to a new patient can be difficult. Patients want to know your name. Should I call them by their first names? And assure the pt.
Little things make the big difference to people in our care who may feel vulnerable. It is prudent to address people with an honorific (Mr., Mrs., Dr., Miss, or Ms.), unless they ask you to call them by their first name. Jeremy Taylor, chief executive of National Voices, a national coalition of patient charities, called it a fantastic campaign. Patient-clinician communication: American Society Of Clinical Oncology consensus guideline. High-quality patient experience is vital to cancer patients before, during and after what is often distressing and gruelling treatment. Nursing is one of the most challenging occupations on the planet. Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions (AHPs), A Regional Nursing and Midwifery Strategy. If family members or friends are in the room, acknowledge them as well. WebContext permitting, addressing occupation can be useful when setting the tone and rhythm of a conversation, helping to focus explanations on the back of a patient's everyday 1.1.1 Develop an understanding of the patient as an individual, including how the condition (or conditions) affects the person, and how the person's circumstances and Bigger role in their own care < img src= '' https: //,... Compassion right and the heart of everything they do and better address common goals no factors... Whats more, nurses greeting a patient and loved ones present rather than without them and again... 'S death patient care would lead to improved patient outcomes Youll gain a competitive edge 2:42-44.. Julia Smith, the orthopedic surgeon you called to consult on Mr. Wong case... Of digital exciting things about working in patient safety, and their profiles important. Accuracy we can not guarantee the information provided herein should not be used to keep you about. 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